Global Warming

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Temperatures were even warmer in the 1850's .... look at the success of the North West Passage explorers of that era ... talk about melting polar ice !!

A few years later we had earth cooling into the 1970's ... it was called a mini ice age .

Then things warmed up again until about 1998 when warming plateaued .... and now earth appears to be cooling again in the past 15 years.

The so-called global warming trend has ended .... why else do you think they switched disguises and now call it "climate change" ... Don't get suckered

It's amazing there are still some people believing the warming propaganda . Most of them have gone running to the hills from embarrassment
A leaked report to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seen by the Mail on Sunday, has led some scientists to claim that the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century.

Despite the original forecasts, major climate research centres now accept that there has been a “pause” in global warming since 1997.

The changing predictions have led to the UN's climate change's body holding a crisis meeting, and the the IPCC is due to report on the situation in October. A pre-summit meeting will be held later this month.

US climate expert Professor Judith Curry has questioned how this can be true as that rather than increasing in confidence, “uncertainty is getting bigger” within the academic community.

Long-term cycles in ocean temperature, she said, suggest the world may be approaching a period similar to that from 1965 to 1975, when there was a clear cooling trend.

At the time some scientists forecast an imminent ice age.

Professor Anastasios Tsonis, of the University of Wisconsin, said: "We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped.”
A leaked report to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) seen by the Mail on Sunday, has led some scientists to claim that the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century.

Despite the original forecasts, major climate research centres now accept that there has been a “pause” in global warming since 1997.

The changing predictions have led to the UN's climate change's body holding a crisis meeting, and the the IPCC is due to report on the situation in October. A pre-summit meeting will be held later this month.

US climate expert Professor Judith Curry has questioned how this can be true as that rather than increasing in confidence, “uncertainty is getting bigger” within the academic community.

Long-term cycles in ocean temperature, she said, suggest the world may be approaching a period similar to that from 1965 to 1975, when there was a clear cooling trend.

At the time some scientists forecast an imminent ice age.

Professor Anastasios Tsonis, of the University of Wisconsin, said: "We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped.”
There is no doubt that weather patterns are changing, and growing more extreme. But is it humanity's fault? I'm not so sure.

Let's talk about the 'Maunder Minimum'. That started in 1645 and continued to about 1715, give or take a few years there. What happened was a shut down of's the Wiki link:
Maunder Minimum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What followed the sunspot "shortage" was what's termed the 'Mini Ice Age'...where even the Thames froze. It is thought that the sunspot cessation either was totally responsible for this, or at the very least, had a huge impact on the weather.

What is interesting is that we are NOW in the middle of a solar maximum cycle. We should be having a ton of sunspots, CMEs, and so forth. But...we're not. The sun did it's thing last cycle, with a very low minimum, but doesn't seem to have recovered well enough to produce a maximum that is, well, a maximum.

I'm not well versed in all the science, but....I'm thinking that between all the earthquakes/volcanos, the solar maximum that isn't, and some independent reporting of the potential mini ice age...I think that we're in for something very unusual; perhaps another Maunder Minimum.

Dunno...but this stuff is totally fascinating.

Herding Cats
There is no doubt that weather patterns are changing, and growing more extreme. But is it humanity's fault? I'm not so sure.

Let's talk about the 'Maunder Minimum'. That started in 1645 and continued to about 1715, give or take a few years there. What happened was a shut down of's the Wiki link:
Maunder Minimum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What followed the sunspot "shortage" was what's termed the 'Mini Ice Age'...where even the Thames froze. It is thought that the sunspot cessation either was totally responsible for this, or at the very least, had a huge impact on the weather.

What is interesting is that we are NOW in the middle of a solar maximum cycle. We should be having a ton of sunspots, CMEs, and so forth. But...we're not. The sun did it's thing last cycle, with a very low minimum, but doesn't seem to have recovered well enough to produce a maximum that is, well, a maximum.

I'm not well versed in all the science, but....I'm thinking that between all the earthquakes/volcanos, the solar maximum that isn't, and some independent reporting of the potential mini ice age...I think that we're in for something very unusual; perhaps another Maunder Minimum.

Dunno...but this stuff is totally fascinating.

Herding Cats

I totally agree with this info, and the info above, from TrackerSam. For years I've believed we are headed for a cold snap. IMO global warming is a money-making scam.
Arctic sea ice delusions strike the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph

Both UK periodicals focus on short-term noise and ignore the rapid long-term Arctic sea ice death spiral

When it comes to climate science reporting, the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph are only reliable in the sense that you can rely on them to usually get the science wrong. This weekend's Arctic sea ice articles from David Rose of the Mail and Hayley Dixon at the Telegraph unfortunately fit that pattern.......

As University of Reading climate scientist Ed Hawkins noted last year,
"Around 80% of the ~100 scientists at the Bjerknes [Arctic climate science] conference thought that there would be MORE Arctic sea-ice in 2013, compared to 2012.".........

The Arctic has lost 75 percent of its summer sea ice volume over the past three decades primarily due to human-caused global warming, but in any given year the weather can act to either preserve more or melt more sea ice. Last year the weather helped melt more ice, while this year the weather helped preserve more ice.

Last year I created an animated graphic called the 'Arctic Escalator' that predicted the behavior we're now seeing from the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph. Every year when the weather acts to preserve more ice than the previous year, we can rely on climate contrarians to claim that Arctic sea ice is "rebounding" or "recovering" and there's nothing to worry about. ........


Both articles also claimed that "some scientists" are predicting that we're headed into a period of global cooling. Both named just one scientist making this claim – Professor Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin, whose research shows that slowed global surface warming is only temporary........

These two articles at the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph continue the unfortunate trend of shoddy climate reporting in the two periodicals, particularly from David Rose. They suffer from cherry picking short-term data while ignoring the long-term human-caused trends, misrepresenting climate research, repeating long-debunked myths, and inventing IPCC meetings despite being told by climate scientists that these claims are pure fiction.

More at link......
Climate change deniers

..........Despite the international scientific community's consensus on climate change, a small number of critics continue to deny that climate change exists or that humans are causing it. Widely known as climate change "skeptics" or "deniers", these individuals are generally not climate scientists and do not debate the science with the climate scientists directly—for example, by publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or participating in international conferences on climate science. Instead, they focus their attention on the media, the general public and policy-makers with the goal of delaying action on climate change.

Not surprisingly, the deniers have received significant funding from coal and oil companies, including ExxonMobil. They also have well-documented connections with public relations firms that have set up industry-funded lobby groups to, in the words of one leaked memo, "reposition global warming as theory (not fact)." ..........

David Suzuki

What Exxon doesn't want you to know

The secret's out. Climate sceptics being funded by ExxonMobil can no longer hide behind the name of a front group. A new website - - exposes the links between ExxonMobil money and the think tanks, associations and individuals denying global warming.

With names like "The Cato Institute", "The Heritage Foundation", "Frontiers of Freedom Institute" and "Tech Central Station" you might think these groups are independent organisations. You would imagine their opinions are unbiased and impartial. You might assume they are balanced and neutral.

But if you did, you'd be wrong. These and many other think tanks, which have names designed to hide their real agenda, are putting forward opinions denying or debasing the science behind global warming. And they are getting funding from the fossil fuel industry which is causing the problem.........
Despite decades of effort, the environmental movement has largely failed to persuade the American public to accept the draconian restrictions that stopping climate change would entail, and linking hurricanes to climate change may be their best chance to change all that.

A look at the science, however, tells a somewhat different story. While the overall number of recorded hurricanes has increased since 1878 (when existing records begin), this is at least partly due to an improved ability to observe storms rather than an increase in the number of storms.

Unsurprisingly, then, a leaked draft of the Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (due to be released later this month) downgraded the likelihood of a connection between past temperature rises and extreme weather events. According to the report, there is "low confidence" in any association between climate change and hurricane frequency or intensity.

The U.N. panel could, of course, be wrong. Congress recently held hearings examining the science behind climate change claims, and should continue to do so. In this case, however, the attempts to slander climate change skeptics by linking them to today's storms is scientifically flawed to say the least.

Whenever a climate change conference is greeted by a record snowfall or cold snap, environmentalists are quick to point out that weather is not the same as climate. Yet when it comes to storms, many have been willing to fall into exactly the same trap.
Meteorological Images of August and July 2013

Hit Next under the photo to see and read more. I thought it was a really interesting article.

Thanks for this link! I am such a weather buff - we noticed this summer that summer storm patterns were moving east to west or even northeast to southwest (like hurricane patterns), so not typical for the Midwest/StL area! Last year we had 21 days > 100 degrees, this year just one (so far).

Climates are changing & I think it has more to do with Mother Earth & Father Sky than anything us pi$$-ant humans can do (or cow farts). We know by history the Earth is constantly changing; we (the most endangered species on the Planet) are the ones who need to adapt, not the Planet 'cause it never will.

I have a feeling she/Mother Earth will be shaking us off soon enough
OOPS .... global warming propaganda continues to fall apart at the seams ..... even the UN finally realizes their scam is failing .... now they are trying to sneak out of their predicament ....
A leaked draft of a UN climate change report to be released later this month shows the planet isn't warming as quickly as previously believed, reports say.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts carbon emission-caused global warming would increase average temperatures by between 1.5-4.5 C, rather than the 2007 report claim of 2-4.5 C, according to a summary obtained by the National Post.
U.N. climate change report points blame at humans

(CNN) -- The world's getting hotter, the sea's rising and there's increasing evidence neither are naturally occurring phenomena.......


Scientists surer than ever humans play major role in climate change, report says

Global warming already affecting extreme weather, and it could get worse, report says

U.N.'s IPCC convenes every six years to put together report; it's considered benchmark on topic

Even if emissions ended today, effects of climate change could linger for centuries
Polar freeze: It’s weather, not climate

Tuesday’s polar vortex has set off a new round in one of the world’s most predictable disputes: Does Extreme Weather Event X prove or disprove climate change?

In short: No.

The crazy weather that plunged almost all of the U.S. into a deep freeze represents a millisecond in long-term planetary climate trends — a rounding error in the calculation of mean global temperature.......

Snark aside, individual weather events are local and transient, while trends in the Earth’s climate play out over decades and centuries. “Global warming isn’t expected to abolish winters in the U.S. anytime soon,” The Washington Post’s Wonkblog noted this week, while pointing out that the globe consists of more than just the United States.

And most climate researchers say the great weight of the long-term trends points to the reality that big changes are afoot: For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says that according to global temperature data going back to 1880, all 10 of the warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. In May, NOAA announced that carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere had reached a threshold that hasn’t been prevalent on the planet for millions of years.......

Even many climate scientists are not convinced that the weather patterns in the Arctic are triggering extreme weather in other parts of the globe, and they say no definitive mechanism linking the two has been proven yet, Climate Central reported.

Michael Mann, the Penn State climatologist who has often been at the center of the fights over global warming, accused climate skeptics of using “discredited talking points” in hopes of “hijacking the serious conversation we need to have about how we are going to deal with the very real risks of climate change.”

Mann told POLITICO that much of the news media’s weather coverage has put the chill in the proper context — showing that record heat incidents are outpacing record cold temperatures by a 3-to-1 margin, and that this past November was the warmest on record for that month.......

Two-thirds of Americans believe that climate change is occurring, according to recent surveys. But less than half believe the evidence definitively shows humans are responsible.

Carbon dioxide levels now 61% higher than 1990

Global carbon dioxide emissions are likely to hit 36 billion tonnes in 2013, according to new research from the University of East Anglia in the UK. This is a small rise – an estimated 2.1% – on 2012, but it will be 61% above the levels in 1990, which is the baseline year for the Kyoto Protocol. .......

Coal remains the biggest source of carbon dioxide at 43%; oil 33%, gas 18% and cement 6.3%. Since 1870, humans have released 2,105 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – 70% from fossil fuels and 30% by chopping down forests and changing the patterns of land use. ......more......
Carbon dioxide’s effect on global warming ‘understimated’

See more at:

......The addition says many climate models typically look at short term, rapid factors when calculating the Earth’s climate sensitivity, which is defined as the average global temperature increase brought about by a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Scientists agree that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 levels could result in temperature increases of between 1.5 and 4.5°C, caused by rapid changes such as snow and ice melt, and the behaviour of clouds and water vapour.......

Dr Colin Summerhayes, who led the statement’s working group, says: “The climate sensitivity suggested by modern climate models may be fine for the short term, but does not encompass the full range of change expected in the long term…” But he cautions that there are really two “sensitivities” involved: “Climate sensitivity is what happens in the short term in response to a doubling of CO2. But the Earth system sensitivity is what happens in the longer time frame as ice sheets slowly melt, and as sea level slowly rises. ......

Atmospheric carbon levels are currently just below 400 parts per million (ppm) – a figure last seen between 5.3 and 2.6 million years ago. Global temperatures were then 2-3°C higher than today, and sea levels were several metres higher, due to partial melting of the Antarctic ice sheet.

If the current rate of increase (2 ppm per year) continues, CO2 levels could reach 600 ppm by the end of this century; levels which, says Summerhayes, “have not been seen for 24 million years”.......

Dr Summerhayes said: “We now have even more confidence from the geological record that the only plausible explanation for current warming is the unprecedented exponential rise in CO2 and other greenhouse gases. “Recent compilations of past climate data, along with astronomical calculations, show that changes in the Earth’s orbit and axis cooled the world over the past 10,000 years. This cooling would normally be expected to continue for at least another 1,000 years. “And yet Arctic palaeoclimate records show that the period 1950-2000 was the warmest 50 year interval for 2,000 years. We should be cool, but we're not."........more........
MIT Professor Richard Lindzen is a leading international expert on climate change.
“The changes that have occurred due to global warning are too small to account for,” he told WBZ-TV. “It has nothing to do with global warming, it has to do with where we live.”
Lindzen endorses sensible preparedness and environmental protection, but sees what he terms “catastrophism” in the climate change horror stories.
“Global warming, climate change, all these things are just a dream come true for politicians. The opportunities for taxation, for policies, for control, for crony capitalism are just immense, you can see their eyes bulge,” he says.
“Even many of the people who are supportive of sounding the global warning alarm, back off from catastrophism,” Lindzen said. “It’s the politicians and the green movement that like to portray catastrophe.”
December 2013: Earth's 3rd warmest December on Record
By: Dr. Jeff Masters, 8:36 PM GMT on January 25, 2014

December 2013 was the globe's 3rd warmest December since records began in 1880, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), and 4th warmest, according to NASA. December 2013 was the eighth consecutive month (since May 2013) with a global monthly temperature ranking among the top 10 highest for its respective month, and the year 2013 was the 4th warmest year on record. December 2013 global land temperatures were the 5th warmest on record, and global ocean temperatures were the 7th warmest on record. Global satellite-measured temperatures in December 2013 for the lowest 8 km of the atmosphere were 11th or 2nd warmest in the 35-year record, according to Remote Sensing Systems and the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH), respectively. Wunderground's weather historian, Christopher C. Burt, has a comprehensive post on the notable weather events of December 2013 in his December 2013 Global Weather Extremes Summary.

Much more at link....with graphics....
No, Global Warming Isn't Suddenly a Myth Because It's Really Cold Out
The 'polar vortex' and severe cold weather don't mean climate change isn't happening

Not only has this winter’s seemingly epic cold weather been matched nearly point-for-point by unusually warm weather in other places, but there is an even more important point to keep in mind: climatically speaking, all weather should be considered short-term noise superimposed over longer-term climate.

Lately, that means superimposed over the unmistakable decades-long warming trend described by the Panel on Climate Change. Even if it is a global event, a cold season or cold year alone does not give us a cooling climate. Similarly, the evidence for a warming climate is not based upon a single warm season or year. Take Arctic sea ice, for example. As can be seen clearly in data available from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, in recent summers sea ice has covered about half to two-thirds the area of the Arctic Ocean as it did in summers of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The downward trend is astonishing when one views the data over decades. Last year saw the 6th smallest ice extent ever recorded – better news than the record low reached in 2012, but by no means the “global cooling” touted by climate skeptics.

More at link.....
Climate Change Worse Than We Thought, Likely To Be 'Catastrophic Rather Than Simply Dangerous'

Climate change may be far worse than scientists thought, causing global temperatures to rise by at least 4 degrees Celsius by 2100, or about 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a new study.

The study, published in the journal Nature, takes a fresh look at clouds' effect on the planet, according to a report by The Guardian. The research found that as the planet heats, fewer sunlight-reflecting clouds form, causing temperatures to rise further in an upward spiral.

That number is double what many governments agree is the threshold for dangerous warming. Aside from dramatic environmental shifts like melting sea ice, many of the ills of the modern world -- starvation, poverty, war and disease -- are likely to get worse as the planet warms.

More at link......
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort

A Drexel University study finds that a large slice of donations to organizations that deny global warming are funneled through third-party pass-through organizations that conceal the original funder

The study, by Drexel University environmental sociologist Robert Brulle, is the first academic effort to probe the organizational underpinnings and funding behind the climate denial movement.

It found that the amount of money flowing through third-party, pass-through foundations like DonorsTrust and Donors Capital, whose funding cannot be traced, has risen dramatically over the past five years.

In all, 140 foundations funneled $558 million to almost 100 climate denial organizations from 2003 to 2010.

More at link.....

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