Grandma Hollars speaks

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You have brought up a very interesting possibility - that another, unknown person (gun buyer) may have been involved. This could be the reason why the transaction was done in the middle of the night. It would also set up a confrontation when it turned up that no gun was there. It still seems strange that nobody would have checked to make sure the gun was really there, but that could be just Misty.

What if the gun was there and the "gun buyer" took it (& any drugs that were in the house) and then didn't pay? What if the buyer was a higher up drug dealer and everyone is afraid of him? What if the buyer brandished a knife and took Haleigh? (same as the Joe story but instead the "gun buyer".) Well, these possibilites are getting crazier and they all raise the question of why they didn't immediately call the police after the "gun buyer" left with Haleigh...

What if we combine this story with Misty giving Haleigh some drug to make her sleep - so she wouldn't witness the gun/drug deal and tell Ron? Suppose the gun/drug deal occurred at about 1:30 am & the buyer left. Then they discovered a deceased Haleigh at 2 am and Misty screams. They then stage the kidnapping scene and decide to blame it on the buyer. At 2:30 - 3, Tommy and Joe remove Haleigh and take her to the boat dock. At 3:30, Ron comes home and Misty tells him that someone came and took Haleigh, his gun, and his drugs. Ron tells Misty to call 911. This would explain why we heard cabinet doors slam, as Ron checks where the drugs were stashed. I don't know if this particular gun was legal or not. This would also explain why Ron said that someone "stole" his child. They would have omitted mentioning the drugs and missing gun to LE. Wonder who the "gun buyer" might be...

I think that there are a lot more possibility to consider now than there was 8 months ago. I never dreamed that a gun might be involved, the more people talk the clearer the story gets, I believe justice will come soon.
What does not make sense about it is that Tommy was over there around 5:30 to 6:00 pm, smoking a joint with his little sister. Seems to me they would have had a prime opportunity to look then for the gun. Instead they all get together in the middle of the night to plan this out ? Not buying it myself but these are some strange people.

I do wonder though if Tommy didn't find a buyer and later brought said buyer by and the deal went bad, possible scenario with this somewhat challenging story line. I just don't see how Joe thought he would get any money out of this deal unless the transaction was planned for that night.

You make two excellent points. They were together earlier, and the gun that caused the death of this little girl was never so much as seen by anyone. Yet, they all go separate ways, and then decide to steal it, sell it and split the money. Ronald will be home in a very few hours, and perhaps miss his gun. So, when was it to be sold? Joe is leaving town, and doesn't stand to make a dime off this. I haven't spent so much as 5 minutes speculating on this theory, since it makes absolutely no sense. Look at who Misty hasn't implicated, and I think that is where the truth is hiding.
Joe's MS page was filled with pictures of him and his buds messing with guns. If I'd ever seen a picture of a child of mine posing with guns like any case, I cannot drag in a gun buy as part of the scenario. No one of this group would get rid of a gun if they could instead act like a bigger billy badazz. If/When Joe stole Ron's gun, it was for himself. When Ron/Misty found the gun again (pick your story you wanna believe there), it was cleaned, according to Ron. According to him also, he keeps his guns in a gun safe. Well, I'd sure like to know how someone got it, if that's the case.
You have brought up a very interesting possibility - that another, unknown person (gun buyer) may have been involved. This could be the reason why the transaction was done in the middle of the night. It would also set up a confrontation when it turned up that no gun was there. It still seems strange that nobody would have checked to make sure the gun was really there, but that could be just Misty.

What if the gun was there and the "gun buyer" took it (& any drugs that were in the house) and then didn't pay? What if the buyer was a higher up drug dealer and everyone is afraid of him? What if the buyer brandished a knife and took Haleigh? (same as the Joe story but instead the "gun buyer".) Well, these possibilites are getting crazier and they all raise the question of why they didn't immediately call the police after the "gun buyer" left with Haleigh...

What if we combine this story with Misty giving Haleigh some drug to make her sleep - so she wouldn't witness the gun/drug deal and tell Ron? Suppose the gun/drug deal occurred at about 1:30 am & the buyer left. Then they discovered a deceased Haleigh at 2 am and Misty screams. They then stage the kidnapping scene and decide to blame it on the buyer. At 2:30 - 3, Tommy and Joe remove Haleigh and take her to the boat dock. At 3:30, Ron comes home and Misty tells him that someone came and took Haleigh, his gun, and his drugs. Ron tells Misty to call 911. This would explain why we heard cabinet doors slam, as Ron checks where the drugs were stashed. I don't know if this particular gun was legal or not. This would also explain why Ron said that someone "stole" his child. They would have omitted mentioning the drugs and missing gun to LE. Wonder who the "gun buyer" might be...

Bolded by me :)

Question, How many men did MC say she saw while in a dream state? 3? I can't remember what she said about that...she's saying JO was there and ToC was there (she told Gma Hollars, I don't doubt she did---but IIRC earlier during one the LDT's or the VST she said something about waking up and seeing a number of men in the trailer).

Just trying to see if this square peg will fit into a round hole. Or about fit LOL :)
Bolded by me :)

Question, How many men did MC say she saw while in a dream state? 3? I can't remember what she said about that...she's saying JO was there and ToC was there (she told Gma Hollars, I don't doubt she did---but IIRC earlier during one the LDT's or the VST she said something about waking up and seeing a number of men in the trailer).

Just trying to see if this square peg will fit into a round hole. Or about fit LOL :)

IIRC, she said three or four. When this is all said & done, it will be interesting to look back and find all the little nuggets of truth that were hidden in between all of Misty's lies. :rolleyes:
IIRC, she said three or four. When this is all said & done, it will be interesting to look back and find all the little nuggets of truth that were hidden in between all of Misty's lies. :rolleyes:

In lies, the truth is usually the things that are mentioned frequently. With Misty, she talks about guns and blankets. That is why I believe Haleigh's death had something to do with a gun and she was wrapped in a blanket.

The "other" stories all involve the cover up story which is why I think she cannot get her story straight. I just don't think she was trusted with the true cover up story so ends up like Gma Flo, just saying everything she has ever heard.
In lies, the truth is usually the things that are mentioned frequently. With Misty, she talks about guns and blankets. That is why I believe Haleigh's death had something to do with a gun and she was wrapped in a blanket.

The "other" stories all involve the cover up story which is why I think she cannot get her story straight. I just don't think she was trusted with the true cover up story so ends up like Gma Flo, just saying everything she has ever heard.
maybe the 4th man was the black man or man in black that Jr. alluded to. Or if this group had already been fronted drugs for the gun, (it happens), & they were already used up, that would explain the panic & anger. Also, I think maybe Ron had gotten wind of their plan to steal the gun, & moved it. They would've felt double crossed.
It doesn't make sense that Misty would want this information relayed to Ron's family. It also does not make sense that Ron's family doesn't have a bad word to say about Misty, even after she went with LE to the dock. They should be furious. If Misty and/or Tommy were the only ones involved, why would Misty want GGM Sykes called with the dock information ?

If Ron was involved in Haleigh's disappearance, and TN and GGMS both know what happened to Haleigh and that RC was involved, it makes lots of sense. Misty might have been letting them know the location of the search so they could scour the area before LE and get rid of any possible evidence left behind. Of course, this is MOO.
Even if somehow people end up being charged and convicted in this crime, I doubt we will ever know all of the bits and pieces...I am beginning to doubt that the players even know exactly everything that happened that night...they might all recall parts of it or were there for parts of it, but not others...Misty may know how Haleigh died but not where she is now, etc...I don't think the intent was to kidnap Haleigh, as who was to pay the ransom to get her back? Nobody seems to have much money.
I could see a gun going off accidently at some point but then there should be a crime scene, the kind these clowns could not clean up entirely, no one can.
I think Haleigh was killed quietly...or to be quiet, maybe. What is she was the scream someone claimed to hear and she was muffled with a pillow at that point? And Misty had to send the boys off to take Haleigh away as Ron was due home soon?
But then that would take away RC from equation and I am not ready to do I don't know.
Somehow, I think this is just one more of Misty's tall tales. :D

Exactly! The truth is so easy to tell, even if there are missing pieces. LE can fit it all together if everyone tells the truth and their recollections.

It makes you wonder, given they are all still working on a 'story' and fleshing out the kinks after over a year ..... what the truth is. It must be bad or implicate them badly. It obviously needs to cover everyone directly involved else one of them will throw the other further under the same bus. Backfire.

They are looking for a mutual "Get Out of Jail Free" card.
Somehow, I think this is just one more of Misty's tall tales. :D

I do too Raisin. I just don't see Misty offering up this information and implicating herself....which would be admitting betrayal to her beloved Ron. The only way I can see that happening is if Ron, somehow, was in on the deal. I mean, it was his gun. What if Ron told the Croslins that if they found a buyer for his gun that he would split the money with them? Could that be the reason Ron wanted to distance himself between the fight over the gun and cousin JO?
There are other reasons to kidnap children besides ransom money.
Exactly! The truth is so easy to tell, even if there are missing pieces. LE can fit it all together if everyone tells the truth and their recollections.

It makes you wonder, given they are all still working on a 'story' and fleshing out the kinks after over a year ..... what the truth is. It must be bad or implicate them badly. It obviously needs to cover everyone directly involved else one of them will throw the other further under the same bus. Backfire.

They are looking for a mutual "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

Absolutely and I would venture to bet since Misty spins the most, she is the most likely to be directly involved, either alone ,or with someone else. As Sheriff Hardy said - "She knows she is in trrouble".
What does not make sense about it is that Tommy was over there around 5:30 to 6:00 pm, smoking a joint with his little sister. Seems to me they would have had a prime opportunity to look then for the gun. Instead they all get together in the middle of the night to plan this out ? Not buying it myself but these are some strange people.

I do wonder though if Tommy didn't find a buyer and later brought said buyer by and the deal went bad, possible scenario with this somewhat challenging story line. I just don't see how Joe thought he would get any money out of this deal unless the transaction was planned for that night.

The pot smoking could have been planning time, maybe? But for this whole gun thing to make sense (in the broadest way :crazy:) if we believe Shoemaker, Ron usually worked until midnight, but worked OT this night. So if Ron usually got home at 12:30 and Misty's phone was shut off from 8:30 or so on, she'd have no way to know he was working late UNLESS he called Tommy to tell him at 9:30....hmmm and the theft would have had to be done by 12ish. Just thinking out loud and wondering about all the pieces. Much is garbage I fear. I think the magnolia house plays into this some way.:banghead:
The pot smoking could have been planning time, maybe? But for this whole gun thing to make sense (in the broadest way :crazy:) if we believe Shoemaker, Ron usually worked until midnight, but worked OT this night. So if Ron usually got home at 12:30 and Misty's phone was shut off from 8:30 or so on, she'd have no way to know he was working late UNLESS he called Tommy to tell him at 9:30....hmmm and the theft would have had to be done by 12ish. Just thinking out loud and wondering about all the pieces. Much is garbage I fear. I think the magnolia house plays into this some way.:banghead:

The pot smoking could have been planning time, maybe?

You would think they would have checked on the gun then.

The pot smoking could have been planning time, maybe?

You would think they would have checked on the gun then.

That's kind of what I mean, Doc. I am not buying this gun theft just yet. It is just too convenient or something...I just can't put my finger on it. :banghead:
What if we combine this story with Misty giving Haleigh some drug to make her sleep - so she wouldn't witness the gun/drug deal and tell Ron?
^^ respectfully snipped

This makes sense to me. It is said that Haleigh idolised Misty and she'd been gone all weekend. Haleigh probably wanted to sit up chatting to Misty, having not had her to herself since Wednesday or early Thursday. She probably couldn't get her to go to sleep.

I think the gun might have been on it's way out of Satsuma, destined for a market that wasn't local. If it was the AK-47, especially, or another gun like this - I'm not sure what the licencing is for holding this but it might be an unusual gun to have. The local community is small and the drug/criminal element is a subset of that. Stories get around, guns get shown off and it wouldn't be long before it got back to Ron that somone had his gun.

Now that we've heard that Misty was involved in this alleged drug deal, I'm thinking that there was a lie in place to tell Ron and that's what he heard when he got back to the trailer. With the story of what happened to Haleigh moulded to fit. It's looking likely to me that he didn't know anything had happened to Haleigh until he got home. This fits with his reactions on the 911 call. IMO, he did not come across as guilty as Misty did during that call. Whatever story was concocted implied his guilt though. If Misty was going behind his back to sell the gun, then she had a cover story in place for herself and that's the story she told to Ron. Either that or they have something really big to hold over him, that if revealed, would land him in boiling water.
what if the gun wasn't "hidden" when they got to the trailor. What if it was there but no one knew it was loaded?
If Ron was involved in Haleigh's disappearance, and TN and GGMS both know what happened to Haleigh and that RC was involved, it makes lots of sense. Misty might have been letting them know the location of the search so they could scour the area before LE and get rid of any possible evidence left behind. Of course, this is MOO.

I have a problem with Misty giving this information about the search to GMFlo. How did Misty find out about the search? LE told her? They told Misty they were going to search the dock before they had it under surveillance? Why would they do that? I don't think they would unless maybe they DID have it under surveillance. I'm just confused as to how Misty came by this information prior to the search. :waitasec: Something isn't right about this.

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