Grandparents Met with Casey 14 Aug

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OneLostGrl, yes I would want to.

Even so, Cindy (& George too) has to learn to pick when respond and when to ignore the horde of media. Responding while they're both clearly upset just keeps the media on their doorstep. What purpose does it serve to argue with the media who are covering the story? A simple statement "I don't agree with that" or "No comment" would suffice when they are so upset.
Truthfully I think they do it to people no matter how they are.
Its the nature of modern media..they go too far.
Its not as if the questions shed any light on the case.
They can predict the outcome..if anything it makes those who may crack shut up for good.

Yes, they go too far.....

because there are people who CAN'T resist falling for their tactics. People like Cindy & Britney Spears.... who like to antagonize the media.

Either a person needs to be able to limit themselves to how they'll respond to unwanted questions OR they must learn to say "no comment" OR they should have someone else deal with the media for them.

Out of all of them, Lee seems to be the only one who has any self control and any real awareness that the only way public opinion about Casey will ever change is AFTER we finally hear that alleged reason she couldn't tell LE the truth about Caylee.
While I was mowing the lawn this afternoon (LOL), I got to thinking...

Whenever someone suggests that Caylee is dead, or some great harm has come to her, THAT'S when George, Cindy AND Casey, start to get upset?! George and Cindy at today's visitation, and when one of the earlier jailhouse audiotapes was released, between Casey and Christina (her BFF at the time), stated "if anything has happened to my baby, I'll just die..." and Casey was like "whoa!" "What a waste to call you guys..."

Connection?! The truth is hard to swallow. I think Caylee's death is a raw nerve. And when someone hits that nerve, we see it in their reaction/statements.

I agree completely- they have to use anger as a defense mechanism to survive. Otherwise they have a lot to face in one fell swoop, i.e. Not only is she dead but by the hands of their daughter..

I also think that Casey was trying to hurt/punish her parents by killing Caylee..she does not like her parents showing all this affection for Caylee.
She has had a life of focusing attention on herself by acting out, screaming etc.

If she just did not want this child her parents would have taken her and it would not have appeared to the world as a "bad" thing because it seems they always had her anyhow.

This girl is evil and put an end to her parents choosing Caylee over Casey by destroying whom they loved. I thing Caylee upstaged her everywhere and that was festering inside her for some time. I think its possible that Tony actually loved having Caylee in the picture and that would be a big threat to casey who wants to be the only focus of a mans attention.

I dont think this was a murder based on wanting the child out of the way; she could have done that and in fact already pretty much left her anywhere with anyone. This is a murder to get rid of a rival and hurt/punish those who preferred her.
EXACTLY. Do you know how many girls with Casey's character get nice guys? Everybody around them ''see'' it but not the guys. And not because they are stupid....because the girls are totally different with them. Casey was all sweet and cooking and everything. Does anyone think she lift a finger back at home? Don't think so. Or do you think she was fu___- this and fu-- that with Tony? Nop just her mother.

I don't think there is anything strange regarding the account of Casey being a good mother. Of course she was. She was on her absolute best behavior when she was around him.
There are some guys who pick up on things like that but often enough some don't. One guy I know used to run his prospective gf's by his younger sister for that reason. When he didn't bother to listen to her he got burned. As you say the gf's were all sweetness until they dropped the facade. With Cindy doing Casey's laundry and talking about how she (Cindy) took care of Caylee I find it dubious that Casey did laundry (or cleaning up) unless she wanted something specific to wear in a hurry.
With her set of friends the f bomb is a normal (to them) manner of speech so I could see her using it around Tony in conversation but not aimed at him like she did with her mother.
There are some guys who pick up on things like that but often enough some don't. One guy I know used to run his prospective gf's by his younger sister for that reason. When he didn't bother to listen to her he got burned. As you say the gf's were all sweetness until they dropped the facade. With Cindy doing Casey's laundry and talking about how she (Cindy) took care of Caylee I find it dubious that Casey did laundry (or cleaning up) unless she wanted something specific to wear in a hurry.
With her set of friends the f bomb is a normal (to them) manner of speech so I could see her using it around Tony in conversation but not aimed at him like she did with her mother.

I would be questioning what kind of Mother who has no trouble leaving her child to be cared for by grandparents everynight for nearly a month.
I mean wouldnt a normal person think it kind of sad that the mother of a child would not care to be with her overnight for a month or more?
Sorry, but for C's sake, the web of deceit this family has spun is mind boggling & they do not have my sympathy. They talk out of both sides of their *advertiser censored**. "Get off your *advertiser censored**es & find Caylee for us, uh, wait a minute, we know who has her, uh wait another minute they are watching us!" blah blah blah, but absolutely no substance has come out of that conniving, sick monster of a girl sitting in jail! How could you even muster up a smirk when you are in the midst of all this & not knowing where your grandchild is? Of course Casey already knows where SHE put her. I wonder how she feels her little plan went now that Tony wants nothing to do with her? She's a real genius! :furious:
Do you honestly think these people had time to plan how they were going to react to media attention?!

You don't need time to plan....

Their first reactions & public defense of Casey WERE understandable.

And you would hope common sense would kick in & you'd stop digging a deeper hole for yourself when it becomes apparent you're not coming across in a positive light.

After a while it should have become apparent to even the Anthonys that repeating NONSENSICAL things:

like the 'animal' that Casey hit with her car & suddenly a 'dead rotting pizza' ended up in the trunk.....

& the really absurd statements about what a "good mother" Casey is.... is ONLY hurting the search for Caylee plus will end up hurting Casey because people don't want to hear LIES.

You have 2 choices.... you change your tactics OR you believe your tactics are beneficial & you don't change a thing.
Casey's relationship with Tony, whom she's known for a very short time period was reported as being unstable. Tony may have enjoyed Caylee's presence, but that doesn't mean he was looking to get hitched to Casey, whether she had a child or not. Casey basically inserted herself into his life with his friends after meeting him on facebook.

That doesn't sound like a relationship that was going to be anything long lasting. I'm interested in why it was called unstable. Perhaps she was suffering from a case of overweening jealousy or clingyness?
SNIP Of course Casey already knows where SHE put her. I wonder how she feels her little plan went now that Tony wants nothing to do with her? She's a real genius! :furious:
She sure was hot to talk to him when she got arrested that day. Although, that was probably all she lived for each day, to constantly talk to him via phone or text.

It should be more than obvious to her that he and his set of friends want nothing to do with her now. Even those who thought they were her friends are confused as to what's going on with her and are sickened by the thought that she could would keep silent in the face of her own child being missing.
That doesn't sound like a relationship that was going to be anything long lasting. I'm interested in why it was called unstable. Perhaps she was suffering from a case of overweening jealousy or clingyness?

Like practically living with him after knowing him for 6 days!? I totally agree
Casey's relationship with Tony, whom she's known for a very short time period was reported as being unstable. Tony may have enjoyed Caylee's presence, but that doesn't mean he was looking to get hitched to Casey, whether she had a child or not. Casey basically inserted herself into his life with his friends after meeting him on facebook.

That doesn't sound like a relationship that was going to be anything long lasting. I'm interested in why it was called unstable. Perhaps she was suffering from a case of overweening jealousy or clingyness?

Maybe Tony wasn't so impressed with a 22 year old mother who had no job, lived off her parents, wasn't the kind of girl you'd bring home to meet your mother & moved in with a man she just met??

She was probably good for a roll in the hay but nothing long term.
I would be questioning what kind of Mother who has no trouble leaving her child to be cared for by grandparents everynight for nearly a month.
I mean wouldnt a normal person think it kind of sad that the mother of a child would not care to be with her overnight for a month or more?
Unfortunately there are a lot of women/girls who do that and for even longer periods of time, for whatever reason they give. And some don't leave them with family but park them with whoever they can con to take them. Yes, it is sad.
Maybe Tony wasn't so impressed with a 22 year old mother who had no job, lived off her parents, wasn't the kind of girl you'd bring home to meet your mother & moved in with a man she just met??

She was probably good for a roll in the hay but nothing long term.
Especially after he and his roomie or other friends compared notes on some of her lies. There may have been some competition for his attention too from girls he's known much longer.
Casey's relationship with Tony, whom she's known for a very short time period was reported as being unstable. Tony may have enjoyed Caylee's presence, but that doesn't mean he was looking to get hitched to Casey, whether she had a child or not. Casey basically inserted herself into his life with his friends after meeting him on facebook.

That doesn't sound like a relationship that was going to be anything long lasting. I'm interested in why it was called unstable. Perhaps she was suffering from a case of overweening jealousy or clingyness?

Wondering who described the relationship as unstable....
Clint House felt it was a solid relationship...One merit of "wife"

IMO The fact that Casey was suddenly contacting ex's shows it was not stable and she was resorting to games.

Still, while she is doing all this...Where is Caylee?
Not at grandparents home, not at Tony's........
I think it might have been a case of her moving too fast and assuming too much.

it seems that Casey was waaay more into him than he was to her. I mean she stayed over EVERY night for weeks. She really inserted herself into his life and lifestyle. :rolleyes: Young, single self-assured women usually let the guy pant after them at least a little bit. And guys the age of TonE enjoy their freedom.

I could add some other things, but they are not appropriate.:rolleyes:
I find something interesting. Both times that George has lost it, Cindy has run to him and jumped in front of if she is aware that he will actually hit someone. People do get mad, and I understand it but her actions show me that he is afraid he will actually attack one of the reporters
EXACTLY. Do you know how many girls with Casey's character get nice guys? Everybody around them ''see'' it but not the guys. And not because they are stupid....because the girls are totally different with them. Casey was all sweet and cooking and everything. Does anyone think she lift a finger back at home? Don't think so. Or do you think she was fu___- this and fu-- that with Tony? Nop just her mother.

I don't think there is anything strange regarding the account of Casey being a good mother. Of course she was. She was on her absolute best behavior when she was around him.

Good points.
I agree completely- they have to use anger as a defense mechanism to survive. Otherwise they have a lot to face in one fell swoop, i.e. Not only is she dead but by the hands of their daughter..

I also think that Casey was trying to hurt/punish her parents by killing Caylee..she does not like her parents showing all this affection for Caylee.
She has had a life of focusing attention on herself by acting out, screaming etc.

If she just did not want this child her parents would have taken her and it would not have appeared to the world as a "bad" thing because it seems they always had her anyhow.

This girl is evil and put an end to her parents choosing Caylee over Casey by destroying whom they loved. I thing Caylee upstaged her everywhere and that was festering inside her for some time. I think its possible that Tony actually loved having Caylee in the picture and that would be a big threat to casey who wants to be the only focus of a mans attention.

I dont think this was a murder based on wanting the child out of the way; she could have done that and in fact already pretty much left her anywhere with anyone. This is a murder to get rid of a rival and hurt/punish those who preferred her.

I'm currently in this camp as well. Tony probably thought Caylee was a positive thing when it came to thinking about Casey - and his roommate's comments on TV yesterday support this as well.
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