Ground Searches & communication from LE: UPDATES

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IMO For the family to request LE to waste that amount of money and resources just to clear their name is a bit beyond my understanding. Another DEAD END and WASTE of time and resources! IMO it would of been better spent digging up the abductors property or searching for HaLeigh in the abductors home or even searching through the abductors vehicle or a pond or body of water on the abductors property.
How can this be justified just to clear there name?
Why would this family care about anything else other than finding HaLeigh?
IMO this does not add up.

When it's useful to put Crystal's family down, it's THEY who requested the search, and when one wants to make Crystal's family look bad, it's a "tip" from someone who knows something. If this dual thinking wasn't so ridiculous and disrespectful to Haleigh, it would be almost funny. Almost.

My opinion only
The thought to clear my name would not be on my list of concerns if I where innocent and my child was missing.
Well part of the confusion was the various scenarios the media reported. Some articles stated it was based on a tip, other stated that the Sheffield family requested the search recently, other stated that Crystal, KP, and Marie met with LE TWO months ago and requested the search, but had no clue when the search was going to happen.

Logically it does not make sense that LE would use money and resources, just because a family request it to kill rumors and speculation. It does make sense that LE is doing what they need to do and the Sheffields consented and were ok with LE searching the property.

When it's useful to put Crystal's family down, it's THEY who requested the search, and when one wants to make Crystal's family look bad, it's a "tip" from someone who knows something. If this dual thinking wasn't so ridiculous and disrespectful to Haleigh, it would be almost funny. Almost.

My opinion only
IMO LE definitely had a plan of action and needed resources to act on the opportunity presented to them, and I hope the impression was that there was something to gain from this extensive and expensive search..
The question of why now and not then is understandable. Why would LE even admit that it was not properly searched in the first place to rule out this side of the family from any suspicion, from the beginning? Is this family under the impression that LE suspects them (or is it just the public suspicion and Internet generated opinions) that compelled them to request their property be searched?
If LE's suspicions are the compelling force behind the search (IMO it is about time) and the door was open with an invitation instead of a warrant. IMO It could not be to clear the family per request at this point, but to follow the leads that are left. And IMO were carelessly overlooked by the good ol' boys in an attempt to fit the pieces of the staged puzzle to the last person to see HaLeigh.
It wasn't too long ago that there was such a vociferous outcry that there had been no searches in Baker County.

The place had been searched before within the first week. The only reason there was an outcry, if there really was one since I didn't see it, was because KLP went on TV and said they had never searched the place when in fact there was a search.
I still don't believe they spent tens of thousands of dollars to re-search that place because of what Kim said and a few internet posters believing it.
When it's useful to put Crystal's family down, it's THEY who requested the search, and when one wants to make Crystal's family look bad, it's a "tip" from someone who knows something. If this dual thinking wasn't so ridiculous and disrespectful to Haleigh, it would be almost funny. Almost.

My opinion only

Guess you can blame the newspapers/tv stations then. One of the first articles out that morning cited someone from LE saying they had gotten a tip. Then hours later there was no tip per LE. I wonder which LE we are to believe?
Mabey they weren't looking for Haleigh, mabey looking for evidence to match up with evidence they already have. Mabey there is something to more to the horse and animal thing.. Mabey dna or hair samples were needed. Just a guess though ....
The place had been searched before within the first week. The only reason there was an outcry, if there really was one since I didn't see it, was because KLP went on TV and said they had never searched the place when in fact there was a search.
I still don't believe they spent tens of thousands of dollars to re-search that place because of what Kim said and a few internet posters believing it.

cajun...I really do not care why they searched it. Just that they did and have already from the outset of this case. The outcry was loud and I know you remember, that LE was not looking in Baker County. They have. I look forward to the day they find HaLeigh.
can anyone tell me what LE is saying about this case and the searches now? We never hear from LE and I would really like to know what the status is from the officials. And WHY on God's green earth, are the families not begging the media to keep HaLeigh's story alive? I would be seen daily banging on someone's door trying to find MY child. I wouldn't be sitting patiently at home, hoping someone is going to come and tell me something.
can anyone tell me what LE is saying about this case and the searches now? We never hear from LE and I would really like to know what the status is from the officials. And WHY on God's green earth, are the families not begging the media to keep HaLeigh's story alive? I would be seen daily banging on someone's door trying to find MY child. I wouldn't be sitting patiently at home, hoping someone is going to come and tell me something.

I believe they have another round table discussion Monday. I hope we hear something constructive after that. I am not so sure about LE down there anymore.
cajun...I really do not care why they searched it. Just that they did and have already from the outset of this case. The outcry was loud and I know you remember, that LE was not looking in Baker County. They have. I look forward to the day they find HaLeigh.

Well, I don't remember the outcry being high because alot of us don't believe much of anything Kim says, really, and even if it were LE is not spending that much money because of what is being said on a few internet sites.
A "surprise" search with a warrant would have satisfied me much more. :)

SS - What would have been the basis for the warrant? I don't think that animal graves on Granny's property, without anything more, would be sufficient for the court to order digging up things over the 30-45 acres we have ehard about. Furthermore, had Halieigh been buried on that property and the owners got notices and moved the body, it would be evident during the search.

We all love a surpise warrant, a "gotcha" if you will, but let's remember that LE got the job done and without having to go before a judge with an insufficient basis for the warrant. It's all good.
SS - What would have been the basis for the warrant? I don't think that animal graves on Granny's property, without anything more, would be sufficient for the court to order digging up things over the 30-45 acres we have ehard about. Furthermore, had Halieigh been buried on that property and the owners got notices and moved the body, it would be evident during the search.

We all love a surpise warrant, a "gotcha" if you will, but let's remember that LE got the job done and without having to go before a judge with an insufficient basis for the warrant. It's all good.
I do believe an account of people burying animals or having freshly dug graves would be a good enough reason for a judge to grant a warrant for an invasive search.

Granted, there would have been evidence of decomposition in the soil surrounding the area if they had moved a body, but there could be other evidence unrelated to the actual body still within the homes or on the property which with advanced warning would alert someone to dispose of it.
I don't really think it matters much... Haleigh has been missing since February. That means everyone has had plenty of time to dispose of anything to dispose of with or without having advance warning of searches. Anyone with brains and anything to hide would have considered the possibility that LE would come looking at his or her home even if LE didn't give them notice. It would be a really dumb criminal to wait for LE to announce themselves on their door with a search warrant to get rid of incriminating evidence.
Some folk seem confused about a Consent to search versus a Search Warrant. The former actually confers a greater ability to search longer and harder than the latter.
I don't really think it matters much... Haleigh has been missing since February. That means everyone has had plenty of time to dispose of anything to dispose of with or without having advance warning of searches. Anyone with brains and anything to hide would have considered the possibility that LE would come looking at his or her home even if LE didn't give them notice. It would be a really dumb criminal to wait for LE to announce themselves on their door with a search warrant to get rid of incriminating evidence.
Thank Goodness for LE there are stupid criminals at work daily.

We have to remember there is something of Haleigh's which is still missing and was supposed to be there for her at the mh. Since we don't know what the item is...we can only speculate as to the importance to her. It could be considered a "trophy" of sorts tho. People often keep items related to their victims in close proximity to relive the deeds long after they have disposed of their bodies.
Thank Goodness for LE there are stupid criminals at work daily.

We have to remember there is something of Haleigh's which is still missing and was supposed to be there for her at the mh. Since we don't know what the item is...we can only speculate as to the importance to her. It could be considered a "trophy" of sorts tho. People often keep items related to their victims in close proximity to relive the deeds long after they have disposed of their bodies.

I hope I'm reading this wrong... serial killers and such keep trophies, not family members who have spirited her elsewhere.

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