Ground Searches & communication from LE: UPDATES

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It is my opinion she is no longer alive.

Well, I hope you're wrong, though if forced to it I guess I would have to agree.

Could we agree that any such objects, if found by LE, having some association with family members, uncovered in a search, would be mementos, and not trophies?

Or, maybe I'm over-coding the subject of this thread and you meant something very different?
Well, I hope you're wrong, though if forced to it I guess I would have to agree.

Could we agree that any such objects, if found by LE, having some association with family members, uncovered in a search, would be mementos, and not trophies?

Or, maybe I'm over-coding the subject of this thread and you meant something very different?
Since she spent time there, I would think they had the momentos already. If the missing item was something dear to Haleigh, I would have to say it was more of a trophy situation if taken at the time of the abduction. In my opinion, regardless if it was a stranger situation or a family member take an item specific to Haleigh and then keep the item would take on a different meaning than sentimental value.
Since she spent time there, I would think they had the momentos already. If the missing item was something dear to Haleigh, I would have to say it was more of a trophy situation if taken at the time of the abduction. In my opinion, regardless if it was a stranger situation or a family member take an item specific to Haleigh and then keep the item would take on a different meaning than sentimental value.

Technically, a "trophy" is something a perp would keep so that they could re-experience the THRILL of the crime, rape and/or murder.
So true, I remember when KP first came out and said the property was never searched and several of us knew differently, I am glad there is finally a media article that confirms that yes indeed the property was searched when Haleigh first went missing.

Well, I don't remember the outcry being high because alot of us don't believe much of anything Kim says, really, and even if it were LE is not spending that much money because of what is being said on a few internet sites.
So true, I remember when KP first came out and said the property was never searched and several of us knew differently, I am glad there is finally a media article that confirms that yes indeed the property was searched when Haleigh first went missing.

Honestly, I'm confused, why is this such an important point?
Thank Goodness for LE there are stupid criminals at work daily.

We have to remember there is something of Haleigh's which is still missing and was supposed to be there for her at the mh. Since we don't know what the item is...we can only speculate as to the importance to her. It could be considered a "trophy" of sorts tho. People often keep items related to their victims in close proximity to relive the deeds long after they have disposed of their bodies.

If there is a missing item. LE never confirmed anything was missing, and the family didn't mention it other than that one time, did they? TN might perhaps have been mistaken about it, if the MH was a mess after being searched?

It was speculated on the forum that the missing item was a medical item of some sort, the way it was described as necessary for Haleigh to have close by, and it was thought that it might to point to it being a familial abduction for the purposes of keeping her hidden alive. But if the motive of abduction was to hurt her and to get the thrill of the kill it doesn't make much sense to me to take her medicines. I don't really see why a family abductor would have bothered with her medicines or anything else she needed or wanted if the plan was she wouldn't be needing them for long. Maybe a blanket to keep her warm and quiet while she's being carried out but her comfort and wellbeing wouldn't otherwise be a priority, and medical necessities seem an unlikely choice for a trophy anyway. A piece of clothing, a photo or a toy seem more common to me but I've never heard of anyone reliving the thrill of the kill with the victim's nebulizer (for example).

The same goes for the stranger perp with the added problem that they wouldn't even know what was important for Haleigh to have with her and would have had to grab that item purely by chance.
It is important for several reasons IMO. It is important that it has been confirmed that LE did search the property initially despite a source close to the investigation stating it had not. If LE had not searched the property initially then some serious questions of LE would need to be asked. It also raises the question as to why someone wanted people to believe the property had not been searched when indeed it had been. MOO

Honestly, I'm confused, why is this such an important point?
It is important for several reasons IMO. It is important that it has been confirmed that LE did search the property initially despite a source close to the investigation stating it had not. If LE had not searched the property initially then some serious questions of LE would need to be asked. It also raises the question as to why someone wanted people to believe the property had not been searched when indeed it had been. MOO

Didn't she say something along the lines of "they didn't even search her house, it was not a thorough search" (paraphrased from memory) when talking about what was done earlier, possibly implying that some searching on the property was done but it was done rather cursorily? I saw the quote on one of the show transcripts, can't remember if it was NG or JVM or some other one, and thought it could be read two ways. The part about it was not a thorough search back in February was effectively the same thing that LE said when commenting about the new searches.
I have only listened to the one broadcast where she said LE had not searched the property at all, because LE did not suspect the Sheffields. So IMO it was misleading for whatever reason. Then it was implied that LE went out to search now because the family requested it and people were upset that a search had not been done, once again misleading IMO.

I am just thrilled that it was confirmed be LE that they did search in the first few days of Haleigh missing. Like I stated earlier would of been some serious questions of LE had they not done the earlier search.

Didn't she say something along the lines of "they didn't even search her house, it was not a thorough search" (paraphrased from memory) when talking about what was done earlier, possibly implying that some searching on the property was done but it was done rather cursorily? I saw the quote on one of the show transcripts, can't remember if it was NG or JVM or some other one, and thought it could be read two ways. The part about it was not a thorough search back in February was effectively the same thing that LE said when commenting about the new searches.
That is your opinion. We might be surprised what LE considers before making a move in the case. JMO

I believe that even though Crystal has Jr he still goes to Ron every other weekend. Saw a copy of the custody papers on line somewhere. He should be with Ron this weekend according to the schedule
I found a quote from JVM:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t know but Kim Picazio, we had heard reports that the police believe she may very well be alive. And that they don`t think it`s a stranger abduction, Kim Picazio. They think it`s somebody in the immediate circle or in the extended circle.

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD (via telephone): I have heard those reports as well which is giving me signs of encouragement. I do know -- I`ve met with the law enforcement. We have heard a few things maybe that would give them some hope that she would be alive.

PICAZIO: I can`t say. All of these things are confidential information. A lot of times the law enforcement will only speak with the two parents.

And I can say that with regard to my client who is a parent, the cops haven`t even gone out to investigate her house. They haven`t even done a thorough investigation. So, I don`t think that they are looking at her side of the family as the bad guy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you are saying that -- your client, Crystal, who has been hospitalized for seizures and we saw her crying a little while ago, they haven`t searched her home?

PICAZIO: As far as I know, they have not even gone out there. In our last meeting, they were going to be going out there to do some cursory review. But as of yet, they have not done a formal investigation.

I misremembered, the term she used was a thorough investigation and not a thorough search. It could mean that the property wasn't investigated thoroughly or that Crystal's family wasn't investigated thoroughly. I don't like the latter choice at all because if true it would mean that it wasn't a very professional investigation. They should have been checked, at least supposing they didn't already know who did it. Of course KP might easily not be privy to all that LE is doing to investigate her client's side of the family or anybody else for that matter.

Griffis' property was checked already, but it was during the first week of the investigation, and it wasn't a very thorough search at that time, according to investigators

I wonder which parts of the search they omitted at that time. Did they search the property outside the homes? Did they search at Marie's home? Take the dogs there? Did they search Crystal's house properly and thoroughly? If they did not conduct a proper, formal, thorough search at her home, then KP's statement could be technically true, but it certainly gives the impression that there was nothing done.

At least this puts the advance warning debate to rest. KP seems to have had advance warning of the upcoming searches. They took their sweet time though, since this was May 8th.
Thanks Donjeta, I hadn't seen the JVM show. I had heard her talk on another show with TJ Hart IIRC.

There is an article on AH (not sure we can link that) that states Crystal, KP, and Marie met with LE two months ago and discussed the search the search at that time. I honestly do not understand the entire search process and the timing, it does cause me great concern on how LE is handling things.
An officer taking part in the search from the Palatka Police Department found two crack pipes and a plastic container with cocaine residue inside a pickup truck parked at the property, according to a report from Deputy Jerald Peterson of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office.

Holy Toledo! :eek: How did I miss this interesting tid bit?! Who is this person?!
An officer taking part in the search from the Palatka Police Department found two crack pipes and a plastic container with cocaine residue inside a pickup truck parked at the property, according to a report from Deputy Jerald Peterson of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office.

Holy Toledo! :eek: How did I miss this interesting tid bit?! Who is this person?!

This is OLD news, and I can't imagine how you missed it.
This is OLD news, and I can't imagine how you missed it.

Not only old, but irrelevant. By the way, was AH who first reported it, and as we know, you discount any sort of news from his site.
This is OLD news, and I can't imagine how you missed it.
I think I read something about it and thought they were discussing the rumor back when they took the van in. Something was said then about finding drugs in another vehicle in the mh park.
Not only old, but irrelevant. By the way, was AH who first reported it, and as we know, you discount any sort of news from his site.
How is it irrelevant? It was found on her property.

Yes and I am so glad I read it on a reputable site so I know it is more factual.

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