Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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NO ONE with a mind and heart for charity would want to spend 200k on a memorial like that. What a waste of resources that could be used to help (actual) missing children. This is evil.

Gee, I bet TES could use that money. Why didn't the A's suggest that? Oh, never mind. jmo
I've posted several times about this suspicious org since the first reports of them wanting to build a memorial. It started well before the lightning strike. The story has changed many times. The price of the bricks has changed. They have backtracted on the time line. First it was made to sound as if it was a definite go, then they admitted when I e-mailed and asked that they don't have any permits. The have been saying since the beginning that they have an option on the land, but it doesn't seem like they have any money to buy it.
It seems they might be trying to get people to donate by saying they need the money to buy the land.
One report says they have taken in less that $50, 000 a year in donations. I recall from looking at their website, it has been far less. They don't seem to have helped with any cases in the past.
The original press release has been removed from the website.
their FB page has been revised and older posts removed.
They have a line on the website saying that CA has a standing invitation to get free counseling from them ( who does the counseling?) to help her deal with "what happened to Caylee". :banghead:
Last time I looked at the site there was no phone numbers - only e-mail.

very hinky


This could be a contingency sale. You put a small amount of money down on the property and make an offer. The sale is contingent on them getting the money. If they can't raise the money to pay for the land by a certain date offer runs out and they get their money back. If this is the type of sale it is, they are waiting for donations to pay for the land. Problem is how will it be maintained and where will the funds come from. Sounds like the taxpayers will end up footing the bill in the end. Hello, taxpayers down there, wake up. jmo
KB reported tonight they claim to be in 6 or 7 states.

Also, they have a FLORIDA DIRECTOR -- he better know what he is doing, if you ask me.'s.birthday
"Eddie DelValle, Florida director of Bring Kids Home, said the memorial plans include a raised path that will take visitors into the woods and around a light-projected halo marking the spot where Caylee's skeleton was recovered."

Eddie DelValle, sometimes known as Dr. DelValle or Pastor DelValle has a business of his own. He was not part of Bring Kids Home until they hooked up on this "project". I can't find any of the early stories (yet) but here's the website for his other business. Looks like he does a little of everything . . .jmo.

Eddie DelValle, sometimes known as Dr. DelValle or Pastor DelValle has a business of his own. He was not part of Bring Kids Home until they hooked up on this "project". I can't find any of the early stories (yet) but here's the website for his other business. Looks like he does a little of everything . . .jmo.


I did find where TBC applied for a $62,000 grant from Seminole County back in 2004 for Counseling Services:

But that's all I've found so far...still searching this morning.

I haven't found or TBC registered yet as a FL Charity but I'm still searching. Apparently FL law requires all charities to be registered if they are collecting funds within the state, even if they're located out of state.
Still searching this too.

Also, still checking out: for
I've posted several times about this suspicious org since the first reports of them wanting to build a memorial. It started well before the lightning strike. The story has changed many times. The price of the bricks has changed. They have backtracted on the time line. First it was made to sound as if it was a definite go, then they admitted when I e-mailed and asked that they don't have any permits. The have been saying since the beginning that they have an option on the land, but it doesn't seem like they have any money to buy it.
It seems they might be trying to get people to donate by saying they need the money to buy the land.
One report says they have taken in less that $50, 000 a year in donations. I recall from looking at their website, it has been far less. They don't seem to have helped with any cases in the past.
The original press release has been removed from the website.
their FB page has been revised and older posts removed.
They have a line on the website saying that CA has a standing invitation to get free counseling from them ( who does the counseling?) to help her deal with "what happened to Caylee". :banghead:
Last time I looked at the site there was no phone numbers - only e-mail.

very hinky


I had to turn off the TV when I saw those grifters desecrating Caylee’s memorial. Once again I am astonished by the gall and lack of shame exhibited by GA and CA. How they can even show their deceitful faces to the public is a real mystery. And how people can fall for their obvious scams is even more baffling. Anything they are a part of, I will have no part of. Add to that IMO, any organization welcoming them with open arms is definitely suspect.
Actually, Lambchop-It looks like the lightening strike is exactly what inspired Eddie Delvalle to make that swamp a memorial!:waitasec:
Another pastor, Eddie DelValle, told a crowd of about 150 people that he had been moved to do something to honor Caylee Marie after he visited the woods where her body was found and saw that a tree there was struck by lightning the day after Casey Anthony was acquitted of the charge of killing Caylee.

"That was divine intervention, and it inspired me to do something for the little girl. We're not even going to mention C-A-S-E-Y," said DelValle, reflecting a recently sprouted movement to boycott any movies, books or other enterprises that would allow Casey Anthony to profit from her worldwide notoriety.

With an escort of Orange County sheriff's deputies, DelValle's group quietly walked about one-quarter mile from the woods to the home of Cindy and George Anthony, Caylee's grandparents. For a short time they stood in front of the house, which showed no sign of activity inside, just a faded pink flag with the word "Peace" barely visible on it.

"People seem to want some kind of closure," said Yolanda DelValle, as her husband urged people not to think of revenge for Caylee's death.

In some media snips I see Dr. DelValle and other times I see Rev. DelValle but I have yet to hear of any affiliation to a church in the area. We've pretty much established he is not a doctor from his website, unless he can prove otherwise but what about the Rev. part? Is he an actual minister or is he just stating that he is? Does Florida require you to have some actual educational background to set yourself up as a counselor in the State of Florida? Anyone know???? Or can anyone just walk out onto a street and give people advice and not be held accountable? Not saying this is what he is doing, I just want to know. jmo
In some media snips I see Dr. DelValle and other times I see Rev. DelValle but I have yet to hear of any affiliation to a church in the area. We've pretty much established he is not a doctor from his website, unless he can prove otherwise but what about the Rev. part? Is he an actual minister or is he just stating that he is? Does Florida require you to have some actual educational background to set yourself up as a counselor in the State of Florida? Anyone know???? Or can anyone just walk out onto a street and give people advice and not be held accountable? Not saying this is what he is doing, I just want to know. jmo

I've been searching and haven't yet found him leading a church but that's not to say he doesn't, just that I haven't found it yet.

That being said, in FL anyone can get a minister's license online.
I haven't yet found where those licenses are filed but I'll keep searching. There must be a record somewhere!
I would say NO since I am one of those people. My mother was cremated and her ashes are being kept in my father's home until the time he passes and is cremated....

So REALLY confused as to your last comment.....but will leave it at that.

Well then you have me totally confused. Is it only the A's who are indecent because they didn't have Caylee buried but it's okay for everyone else? Why the different standard for George and Cindy?
Back on topic please?

Why is it that some news agencies are saying the Bring Kids Home org is located in NY? Must be bad reporting but I searched NY records anyway and can't find anything.
On one of the recent HLN shows, someone asked (a caller, I think) about a memorial at the site. The response from the panel was exactly what you've said: The people who live near the site where the remains were found have had continuous gawking for the past three years. They don't want a memorial and want to be able to live in a peaceful, quiet neighborhood again. I agree. jmo

Not only that, but the stretch of road it's on has no houses on either side and really no parking except along the street. I don't feel it would be good for the kids who have to walk that stretch of road to the school on the far end to have additional traffic to worry about nor parked cars that any stalker could be sitting in waiting for a lone child making his way late for school. Don't like this idea here a bit.
cindy would love it -- she could check up on george and make sure there are no "rivers" too. Course if a river shows up, there won't be another cruise.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: that's too funny!!!
Not only that, but the stretch of road it's on has no houses on either side and really no parking except along the street. I don't feel it would be good for the kids who have to walk that stretch of road to the school on the far end to have additional traffic to worry about nor parked cars that any stalker could be sitting in waiting for a lone child making his way late for school. Don't like this idea here a bit.

I agree, and would add, it would also become a sleeping place for the homeless junkies that do not want to go to a shelter b/c of rules. At least that is what would happen here.

I don't know how I would feel about a Memorial for a murdered child just as it is, but near a school makes it even more awkward. The students should not have to know about Caylee or her case. I think it would cause little ones a great deal of fear and anxiety, even about their own mothers. I just don't like the idea. A gravestone somewhere in a cemetery would do, or a Memorial some other place than the actual dump site, hopefully not where little ones would ask questions about it.

I've just never liked the idea of Memorials of murders, kidnappings, etc... and never near places where small children have to see it often.
Back on topic please?

Why is it that some news agencies are saying the Bring Kids Home org is located in NY? Must be bad reporting but I searched NY records anyway and can't find anything.

I thought they said NJ, not NY.
Not only that, but the stretch of road it's on has no houses on either side and really no parking except along the street. I don't feel it would be good for the kids who have to walk that stretch of road to the school on the far end to have additional traffic to worry about nor parked cars that any stalker could be sitting in waiting for a lone child making his way late for school. Don't like this idea here a bit.

There are no sidewalks on this road so I'm assuming no child walks down this road to school because of the snakes, etc. RK found a rattlesnake right there on the side of the road. I would imagine the children are bussed in from the neighborhood, or parents walk them. No sidewalks means children would be required to walk in the street. jmo
I thought they said NJ, not NY.

Most do say NJ, some say WA but there's a few out there that report NY and I'd love to know where they got their info. Granted, the stories I've found are from last month, perhaps they didn't have all information yet. Here's an example:,0,1667263.story

By Anthony Colarossi and Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel Staff reporter

11:46 p.m. EDT, July 17, 2011
Around 2 p.m. Sunday, Orlando pastor Eddie DelValle led the "Peace Walk for Caylee" — sponsored by the New-York based nonprofit organization Bring Kids Home — from the Suburban Drive memorial where Caylee Anthony's remains were found to the Anthony home on Hopespring Drive.

Can't be too careful tho...I'm following any and all leads. :)
There are no sidewalks on this road so I'm assuming no child walks down this road to school because of the snakes, etc. RK found a rattlesnake right there on the side of the road. I would imagine the children are bussed in from the neighborhood, or parents walk them. No sidewalks means children would be required to walk in the street. jmo

This is FL, land of the strange. lol Many areas have no sidewalks yet children must walk to school. My own neighborhood, for example. Most children living within 2 miles of a school must walk, sidewalks or not, tho there are exceptions but not many.
But yes, many parents drive them or walk with them nowadays. Still...I see kids walking all the time.

Plus, if there are bus routes, a bus stop could be anywhere in the neighborhood. My own kids had to walk for four blocks to their bus stop.
Sometimes you have to look at things logically. The very reason this organization is using to build this memorial is to help the school children cope because they have to pass this site daily on their way to school. Frankly by the time this would be completed the children who have been in the school since the remains were found will have moved on to a higher grade level in another school. So children who are not aware of what happened will suddenly be forced to deal with it every time they pass this sight. As long as people continue to bring items to drop off at the site no one will be able to move on...including the A's and their neighbors. It will be a constant reminder of what happened to her body as she lay there in the swamp. The thoughts are horrific.

Why do people feel the need to memorialize a crime scene? I just don't get it. Logic tells us Caylee was never placed there with loving care. This was not her final resting place. Unfortunately what I see with the help of the media is people visiting the site to show their respect because they are ANGRY. Putting flowers and stuffed animals at the site are done by people who want to do something and can't move on or forget. If this group was really interested in doing something productive they'd buy a large home and set it up as a shelter for woman who have no place to go because they have left an abusive relationship and call it the Caylee House. That's giving back to the community.

Have the community do a volunteer day to clean up Suburban Drive and have the police department put up cameras to keep that area clean, the snakes in, the people out.

People want to do good when something bad happens. That's when bad things happen to good people because the money grabbers start to come out of the woodwork. It seems to me that the media needs to look into this more. Maybe the media did make money on this case but I would hope that same media would make sure everything is on the up and up before promoting this project. Sounds like a good job for an investigative reporter. lol
In some media snips I see Dr. DelValle and other times I see Rev. DelValle but I have yet to hear of any affiliation to a church in the area. We've pretty much established he is not a doctor from his website, unless he can prove otherwise but what about the Rev. part? Is he an actual minister or is he just stating that he is? Does Florida require you to have some actual educational background to set yourself up as a counselor in the State of Florida? Anyone know???? Or can anyone just walk out onto a street and give people advice and not be held accountable? Not saying this is what he is doing, I just want to know. jmo

Sounds like these people are the perfect match for CA and GA. Questionable reputation and credentials.. hmmmnnnn. Great sleuthing guys!

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