GUILTY on all 3 Counts!!! Post-Verdict Thread

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I hope it's okay to post this, but on my profile page i've made my first Blog that outlines the big personal problem that was occurring yesterday just as the verdict was coming down. Please read about just one more frightening injustice where the rights of criminals outweigh the rights of innocent Canadians.

Thanks to WSrs for caring !!
Yes, we probably need some changes to the laws, but even more I wish we could make changes to prevent these kind of crimes. I would love to have some expert researchers really study people like this to figure out what made them this way and what we could do to prevent it. Both TLM and MR seem to have come from dysfunctional families and right now there are more children growing up in equally troubled families. Are there ways we could better support those families or intervene so that the children get what they need and don't grow into these evil adults? I don't personally believe that people are just born bad, I think they become that way when they don't get the loving guidance they need.

I agree that Canada will never reinstate the death penalty for anybody.

I am sick of the LWOP for 25 years and the sentences run concurrently. There are far too many examples of these creeps serving 25 years only for horrendous and often multiple crimes.

In Rafferty's case it should be:
First degree murder=25 years
Sexual asault cause bodily harm to a child=20 years
Abduction and forcible confinement=10 years
Disposing of a body=10 years

all consecutive!

Am watching the news all day and on CTV, their lawyer guest speaker says that they will likely not seek dangerous offender status for the monster. Apparently they would need to do that before sentencing and it would prolong the process because the judge needs the permission of the Attorney General. Plus I think, but I`m not sure, I think that would entitle him to have a parol hearing every 7 years. I`m not sure if it would be every 7 years after the initial 25 years is served... Will look for the info later, apparently my keyboard has decided to become bilingual suddenly and the question mark is now this É and not sure how to fix it so have to reboot.
...Just thought I would let you all know ....I got a message from Woodstock that they are having a CANDLE VIGIL now that Justice is served for TORI at 7;30 tonight.Sat.May 12, is for the community to say ....a final Good bye to Tori ...and that she can rest in peace...they are encouraging everyone who wants to remeber Tori to light a CANDLE tonight ...Our finally ..Good bye to Ontario's Angel ...may she R.I.P. and we shall never ever forget you ...Our ontario ANGEL ...we all love you shall be in the heart of so many world wide ...forever...robynhood!

Thank you Robynhood, I shall no doubt light a candle as well :) I have lit a candle for Tori and her family every day of the trial.
Am watching the news all day and on CTV, their lawyer guest speaker says that they will likely not seek dangerous offender status for the monster. Apparently they would need to do that before sentencing and it would prolong the process because the judge needs the permission of the Attorney General. Plus I think, but I`m not sure, I think that would entitle him to have a parol hearing every 7 years. I`m not sure if it would be every 7 years after the initial 25 years is served... Will look for the info later, apparently my keyboard has decided to become bilingual suddenly and the question mark is now this É and not sure how to fix it so have to reboot.

Sorry...OT...hit the control and shift key at the same time. That will fix your "bilingual" keyboard. ;) You might have to do it a couple of times.
Sorry...OT...hit the control and shift key at the same time. That will fix your "bilingual" keyboard. ;) You might have to do it a couple of times.

O, thank you Kitty! I rebooted but it's good to know for the future, I never remember how to do it :) I's fixed now :) Yay!
If only that was how it was going to be. Unfortunately, we all know he will be kept in segregation for his own protection, too many convicts would want to kill him. Prison officials have to keep him alive.

If he`d gone free, I`d be extremely fearful of meeting this crazy *advertiser censored** deviant nut in a dark alley!!![/QUOTE]

I would be scared of my children meeting him. However, me? I would welcome meeting this SOB in a dark alley.

P.S. It wasn't me having the baby :) (Thank god!) It was Allanea I believe.
So what are some things that "we the people" can do to make changes?
What was learned from this?

--That we need a law in Canada where these sentences can run consecutively instead of concurrently.
--There needs to be a law that adds on extra time for disposing/hiding of a body.
--There needs to be extra time added when it involves a child.
--There needs to be an easier way to catch the pedophiles that download child *advertiser censored* and violent *advertiser censored*.
--The police need more resources to speed up the catching of the kiddie *advertiser censored* watchers.

It would be nice to have a seperate thread for this.

I agree that a separate thread would be a good idea... and I agree with your suggestions.

The other thing that struck me was the amount of work the LE was required to put into their application for their search warrant. I believe I read it was in excess of 200 pages, and took over 36 hours to formulate. Why on earth would all that be necessary? It seems a ridiculous and unnecessary use of LE time and resources. Shouldn't it be as simple as 'we need a search warrant for X's vehicle and its contents; we need to collect samples from any and all surfaces within that vehicle or on or in the contents of that vehicle'. Does anyone here know more about what LE needs to specify in their application that would take so long and require so much content?

ETA - I was wrong - it was over 300 pages!!!

The document is a 318-page Information to Obtain (ITO) -- what police prepared to support getting search warrants after the May 19, 2009, arrests of Rafferty and girlfriend Terri-Lynne McClintic for kidnapping and murder
...Just thought I would let you all know ....I got a message from Woodstock that they are having a CANDLE VIGIL now that Justice is served for TORI at 7;30 tonight.Sat.May 12, is for the community to say ....a final Good bye to Tori ...and that she can rest in peace...they are encouraging everyone who wants to remeber Tori to light a CANDLE tonight ...Our finally ..Good bye to Ontario's Angel ...may she R.I.P. and we shall never ever forget you ...Our ontario ANGEL ...we all love you shall be in the heart of so many world wide ...forever...robynhood!

I live about 2 Hours away I was thinking of going, is anyone else going?

So what are some things that "we the people" can do to make changes?
What was learned from this?

--That we need a law in Canada where these sentences can run consecutively instead of concurrently.
--There needs to be a law that adds on extra time for disposing/hiding of a body.
--There needs to be extra time added when it involves a child.
--There needs to be an easier way to catch the pedophiles that download child *advertiser censored* and violent *advertiser censored*.
--The police need more resources to speed up the catching of the kiddie *advertiser censored* watchers.

It would be nice to have a seperate thread for this.

I agree that a separate thread would be a good idea... and I agree with your suggestions.

The other thing that struck me was the amount of work the LE was required to put into their application for their search warrant. I believe I read it was in excess of 200 pages, and took over 36 hours to formulate. Why on earth would all that be necessary? It seems a ridiculous and unnecessary use of LE time and resources. Shouldn't it be as simple as 'we need a search warrant for X's vehicle and its contents; we need to collect samples from any and all surfaces within that vehicle or on or in the contents of that vehicle'. Does anyone here know more about what LE needs to specify in their application that would take so long and require so much content?

ETA - I was wrong - it was over 300 pages!!!

I think that the best thing Ontario can do is to start with the pedophiles. The US has laws that sex offenders need to check in and they know the whereabouts of these people at all times. Ontario started a program but they have not even come close to make a difference. This needs to change. From what a read a while back they only have about 10% of sex offenders listed......10%!!! That is it. This is where I want to see change.
Oh my it says at the end of the video MTR may speak as well if he chooses. Yikes!!!!
Oh my it says at the end of the video MTR may speak as well if he chooses. Yikes!!!!

He will never concede to anything. He does not care about anything except himself. A true psychopath. JMO
Is the Good Bye ceremony next Saturday?
I just watched all segments of the interrogation videos. I wanted to punch his face in the whole time. When the the detective leaves and he drinks his tea its almost like he changes into a different person, very confident that he is not caught.

When he makes the comments on the food and the things he said about the law and his rights he truly must have liked crime shows because its as if he rehearsed line for line with what they would say on CSI.

This man treasured his time out looking at little kids, watching movies about little kids and no doubt had done this to other little children, and the only thing that creep is afraid of is just that "Losing my life" He got very emotional about that as well as with what people would think of him. The fact that this sex predator will spend the rest of his life beside the likes of Bernardo makes me smile. I cant stop smiling because if Bernardo has gone cooky in there after 20 yrs I cant begin to imagine what MR I LOVE MY LIFE will do after 25yrs and then some. I wish I could have seen his face when the verdict was read. I am still so excited yet tormented by what came out after and what is left to come. I cant imagine what all these women are thinking now.... I pray that they all find peace knowing that he will never hurt another person again.

Question can that girl in January still charge him with rape now that he is incarcerated?
He will never concede to anything. He does not care about anything except himself. A true psychopath. JMO

For sure. I just hope he doesn't blurt out anything horrifying like Polly Klass's killer did.
Oh my it says at the end of the video MTR may speak as well if he chooses. Yikes!!!!

I dont think he will at all. He wont even look at them and if he does its more still for intimidation. I hope to God Rodney is allowed to not hold back what he feels.
I dont think he will at all. He wont even look at them and if he does its more still for intimidation. I hope to God Rodney is allowed to not hold back what he feels.

I pray not and yes let Rodney have at er.
There is no statute of limitations on rape in Canada crazylady. Perhaps now she will come forward. Maybe she was threatened. I wonder who else may come out of the woodwork.
Oh my it says at the end of the video MTR may speak as well if he chooses. Yikes!!!!

He won't....he is a coward. He has had 3 years to speak up and he chose NOT to....simply because he was guilty!
What a roller coaster of a week.

The biting of the tongue through the defence's closing statement; cheering for the crown, when Gowdey cut him and the defence off at the knees, again and again. Waiting through the judge's statement.

Then, hearing the worst, the excluded evidence. I don't know what I expected to hear, but it wasn't anything close to that. When I woke up on Friday, every muscle in my body felt tired - that evidence hit me like a bolt of lightning. There were hints, looking back, in the various media, but I didn't see it coming.

Tension through the deliberations, and then finally, relief.

My theory on the jury deliberations - we were wondering if there was a hold out, someone more concerned with getting their way than with getting justice. I don't think so - I think the room was full of very smart people.

This a wild guess that can never be confirmed, but FWIW:

Kidnapping - little to no debate required, they fully believed they were in it together, didn't entertain for one minute the 'innocent dupe' theory, required little to no discussion

Murder - I think they believed that MTR committed the murder, I think they believed TLM's 1st statement and not her amended one

SA - I think they went into the room fully believing he was guilty, and deliberated only to reassure themselves that, legally, even if they got it wrong and TLM lied, the law still permitted them to find him guilty based on the removal of clothing.

What a relief.
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