Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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Sorry that was confusing. I tried to delete my discombobulated postings.
I don't know what is going on with the above threads, but I feel like we really buried Little Haleigh. God rest her sweet soul.
I feel Haliegh is gone. But I was just trying to bring her case back to life by letting you all know that I am corresponding with a family member, and that it may just lead to bringing things back to life or not.
I don't know what is going on with the above threads, but I feel like we really buried Little Haleigh. God rest her sweet soul.

4Jacy, I just have a few things to add. Not much, but in hope to keep this thread alive
I was very dismayed that my friend, whom I haven't seen since high school, knew of the Haleigh Cummings case, and equally dismayed that her husband was a relative of Crystal Sheffield. My friend has a place on the St. Johns River, and she wants to invite me there. She informed me that her aunt loves to discuss this case and would love to meet with me, since I have been followihng it snce day one.
Poor little HaLeigh. Moving her case to another section is just sad. I'm sorry to hear Kyron and Lindsey have been moved, too. It makes the reality of their cases seem ... so bleak. I can't believe the criminals are getting away with what they've done to these children. It's all too horrible.
I've backed off Haleigh's case as far as posting. Yes, it's sad her case was moved here. I had a fit over Susan Powell too, does you no good... Maybe too much old thought, maybe too much drama, family bashing, but not finding out what happened to her & where she is will keep me always checking anything I find. I think that's the least Haleigh's family needs to know, finding out what happened to Haleigh, with honesty & so many others too deserve that who are filed in this catagory. Much hope to all. But you need a plan for hope to happen. jmo
I kept hoping LE was working behind the scenes, and just wasn't letting the public in on anything, but, it looks like this case has truly gone cold. What a bummer. At one time, LE said they were what? about 90% sure of what happened? I wonder if they still think the same thing, and if they do, what has kept them from getting the other 10%. IDK why, but I've always had a niggling feeling, that maybe a REAL intruder, someone not amongst this bunch, went in and took Haleigh. I know Misty failed her LDTs, but maybe it was because she was lying about something that would cause trouble, and that lie led to another lie, and so forth, until she couldn't pass a test. Because face it, all of these people had plenty of things to lie about. That makeshift chair in the woods really bothered me. It was just weird and never explained. If a kid built it, why didn't we hear? Maybe some predator lay in wait, until he saw an opportunity he could sieze? This probably isn't likely, but if LE can't solve this case, maybe it's time to consider other possibilities. The idea of some predator sitting at home, (still in the neighborhood), laughing at getting away with murder, makes me sick. It would help if we knew what, (if anything), LE got from Misty's LDTs. And also what Tommy was asked in his. I never did believe he was asked just one question. MOO
I kept hoping LE was working behind the scenes, and just wasn't letting the public in on anything, but, it looks like this case has truly gone cold. What a bummer. At one time, LE said they were what? about 90% sure of what happened? I wonder if they still think the same thing, and if they do, what has kept them from getting the other 10%. IDK why, but I've always had a niggling feeling, that maybe a REAL intruder, someone not amongst this bunch, went in and took Haleigh. I know Misty failed her LDTs, but maybe it was because she was lying about something that would cause trouble, and that lie led to another lie, and so forth, until she couldn't pass a test. Because face it, all of these people had plenty of things to lie about. That makeshift chair in the woods really bothered me. It was just weird and never explained. If a kid built it, why didn't we hear? Maybe some predator lay in wait, until he saw an opportunity he could sieze? This probably isn't likely, but if LE can't solve this case, maybe it's time to consider other possibilities. The idea of some predator sitting at home, (still in the neighborhood), laughing at getting away with murder, makes me sick. It would help if we knew what, (if anything), LE got from Misty's LDTs. And also what Tommy was asked in his. I never did believe he was asked just one question. MOO


I would love to consider other possibilities. <modsnip>

Do you really want to do this? If so, let's try a different tactic than what has been going on in here. Let's start at the beginning, throw away the biases, emotions, etc, and start from scratch.

Misty called 911 and said her daughter was missing. She said she was put to bed at 8, and Misty went to bed at 10, in the same bed, or next to the same bed, and around 3am she was gone.

This is either true or false. What do we know to prove it either way? We know Haleigh was NOT Misty's daughter, so why would she say that? Does it even matter? What do we know that supports what Misty said, and what do we know that puts the lie to it?
Haleigh's mother was on Geraldo and said that according to Jr, he saw a black man in black, take Haleigh. He also said that Misty was asleep right beside him. According to Jr, the man had squeaky shoes. So, if he heard the squeaks, the house was quiet...no party, no fight over a gun, no raging JO. He then said he saw the couch bouncing. OK, if this story is accepted as told, then Misty sleeping through an unknown abduction, sounds reasonable. Stories get twisted and details changed, so did Jr really see a black man, or was he a man in black? Was Misty really sleeping? or faking sleep, or gone altogether? It would probably be easy to convince a real young child, like Jr, that somebody was sleeping. Just tell him, and he might believe it. I wonder if he was asked why he didn't wake Misty up. Also, if Misty was there, what was the deal with the bouncing couch? Would any abductor, whether a stranger or not, take a risk like that, with Misty in the house? Jr said the man took Haleigh. But took her where? to the living room, or out the door? According to Misty's early story, she woke up and Haleigh was gone. Did she actually wake up and find her there, and then for some crazy reason, decide to get rid of her? Did Misty come home to a dead Haleigh, and because of not wanting to admit to being gone, decided to get rid of her? One thing I'm pretty sure of though, is if Jr heard the squeaky shoes, the house was quiet. MOO
Wow :(

It is rather amazing that a good majority of the original posters from this case are still around waiting for news on HaLeigh. Just goes to show how dedicated everyone is to her, even after three years (of very little news a majority of the time).

I'm still here Atherella. I don't post much but I check in here frequently hoping for some news of Haleigh or Adji.
Unless they literally wandered away and fell in a well somewhere then someone knows what happened to them. To that person, Give us an anonymous note, type it at a public library or internet cafe under a fake name. Call from a pay phone (do they still have those?) Buy a $10 trac phone, call the tipline then throw the phone away. There won't be any evidence left (remember poor Cayley) Just let us know where she lays so she can be given the dignity and remembrance she deserves. We give our animals a decent burial; this little girl deserves at least that much. Chances are you will take this secret to your grave; we just want her remains. Create a gmail account and email Trisha here. There are many ways you can do this and clear your conscience. It must weigh on you. You can set yourself free. You can seek forgiveness, but a first step is to give Haleigh back to her loved ones. Please.
Gracenote, While I completely agree with the premise of your post, and wish things could finally be revealed in HaLeigh's case, I'm not holding my breath this will ever happen.

Until the 'named suspect' and 'the key' have served their time and are released there is no way to "type it at a public library or internet cafe under a fake name. Call from a pay phone (do they still have those?) Buy a $10 trac phone"

If either are ever free I doubt they would tell even then because so far they got away with what they have done or know about what each other did.

MOO though. :)
I'm still here Atherella. I don't post much but I check in here frequently hoping for some news of Haleigh or Adji.
Unless they literally wandered away and fell in a well somewhere then someone knows what happened to them. To that person, Give us an anonymous note, type it at a public library or internet cafe under a fake name. Call from a pay phone (do they still have those?) Buy a $10 trac phone, call the tipline then throw the phone away. There won't be any evidence left (remember poor Cayley) Just let us know where she lays so she can be given the dignity and remembrance she deserves. We give our animals a decent burial; this little girl deserves at least that much. Chances are you will take this secret to your grave; we just want her remains. Create a gmail account and email Trisha here. There are many ways you can do this and clear your conscience. It must weigh on you. You can set yourself free. You can seek forgiveness, but a first step is to give Haleigh back to her loved ones. Please.

Thank you for your beautiful words and sentiments about this case.

I hope and pray someone will do one of the suggestions you provided above. I don't have much faith that anyone will, however.

The people I believe know the truth have too much to lose. Timmy/Chelsea have each other (if they are back together), plus their children. Lindsay started a new life and also has children. No way will they get involved for fear they will be detected, (even though the options you suggested are safe.)
Thank you for your beautiful words and sentiments about this case.

I hope and pray someone will do one of the suggestions you provided above. I don't have much faith that anyone will, however.

The people I believe know the truth have too much to lose. Timmy/Chelsea have each other (if they are back together), plus their children. Lindsay started a new life and also has children. No way will they get involved for fear they will be detected, (even though the options you suggested are safe.)

You'd think HaLeign's family would want her buried properly.
You'd think HaLeign's family would want her buried properly.

What makes you think they don't?
I'm pretty sure they, like the rest of us, are waiting for the 'suspect and key' to admit what they did/know.
Haleigh's mother was on Geraldo and said that according to Jr, he saw a black man in black, take Haleigh. He also said that Misty was asleep right beside him. According to Jr, the man had squeaky shoes. So, if he heard the squeaks, the house was quiet...no party, no fight over a gun, no raging JO. He then said he saw the couch bouncing. OK, if this story is accepted as told, then Misty sleeping through an unknown abduction, sounds reasonable. Stories get twisted and details changed, so did Jr really see a black man, or was he a man in black? Was Misty really sleeping? or faking sleep, or gone altogether? It would probably be easy to convince a real young child, like Jr, that somebody was sleeping. Just tell him, and he might believe it. I wonder if he was asked why he didn't wake Misty up. Also, if Misty was there, what was the deal with the bouncing couch? Would any abductor, whether a stranger or not, take a risk like that, with Misty in the house? Jr said the man took Haleigh. But took her where? to the living room, or out the door? According to Misty's early story, she woke up and Haleigh was gone. Did she actually wake up and find her there, and then for some crazy reason, decide to get rid of her? Did Misty come home to a dead Haleigh, and because of not wanting to admit to being gone, decided to get rid of her? One thing I'm pretty sure of though, is if Jr heard the squeaky shoes, the house was quiet. MOO

Sorry, Dodie, I've been trying to respond, but RL is beating me half to death right now...

Okay, Misty says she put the kids down at 8pm, and went to bed herself at 10pm. She says Haleigh was there then.

Even if Haleigh was on a different mattress, Misty still says Haleigh was in the same room, and the mattress was only a couple of feet away. An abductor would have had to be in between this mattress and the bed Misty was sleeping in to take Haleigh.

(I don't think Jr. lied, but IMO he could have been confused or had some ideas put in his head by people questioning him.) If what Jr. said was NOT accurate, Misty and Jr. both slept through someone coming into the bedroom they were all three sleeping in and taking Haleigh, and no one was disturbed. If what Jr. said was accurate, this intruder did disturb Jr. enough to wake him up, but not Misty, and wake him up long enough to be aware of someone walking around, bouncing around on the couch, and taking Haleigh, and Jr. didn't wake Misty up. According to the layout of the bedroom as posted in here somewhere, the bed and mattress were close to the door, with just a small space in between them, with the mattress against the wall.

Also, LE stated there was no sign of forced entry, and IIRC Ron and Misty both stated the doors were locked.

Does this come across as plausible or unlikely?
Sorry, Dodie, I've been trying to respond, but RL is beating me half to death right now...

Okay, Misty says she put the kids down at 8pm, and went to bed herself at 10pm. She says Haleigh was there then.

Even if Haleigh was on a different mattress, Misty still says Haleigh was in the same room, and the mattress was only a couple of feet away. An abductor would have had to be in between this mattress and the bed Misty was sleeping in to take Haleigh.

(I don't think Jr. lied, but IMO he could have been confused or had some ideas put in his head by people questioning him.) If what Jr. said was NOT accurate, Misty and Jr. both slept through someone coming into the bedroom they were all three sleeping in and taking Haleigh, and no one was disturbed. If what Jr. said was accurate, this intruder did disturb Jr. enough to wake him up, but not Misty, and wake him up long enough to be aware of someone walking around, bouncing around on the couch, and taking Haleigh, and Jr. didn't wake Misty up. According to the layout of the bedroom as posted in here somewhere, the bed and mattress were close to the door, with just a small space in between them, with the mattress against the wall.

Also, LE stated there was no sign of forced entry, and IIRC Ron and Misty both stated the doors were locked.

Does this come across as plausible or unlikely?
No, not plausible, but if Jrs account is accepted, then most of the other theories add up even less. Since Jr's version came out so soon after the abduction, I do believe it's close to the truth. My main problem with it though, is Misty staying asleep after Jr woke up. I do think he would have woke her, and I do Not think an abductor would have risked hanging around, if she was there. If I remember correctly, Misty did at one time, admit to waking up while Jr crawled over her...obviously, if this was enough to wake her up, she would have woke up if someone was prowling around, just inches away. So IMO, she was probably gone, and for whatever reasons, lied about it. Or she woke up, and for some reason, pretended to stay asleep. I don't think Misty would have been paralyzed by fear, so if she Did pretend to sleep, it may have been because it was an arranged abduction...but, I don't think so. Misty had been gone for days and had just gotten back to the house, so there wouldn't have been time or motive, to set up an abduction. And if she set it up, she should have jumped on Jr's account...but for some reason, she never really did. Anyway, after thinking about Jr's account, and thinking about how confident LE seemed to be that Misty was gone, I think she probably Was gone. And not wanting to admit it, is what started the chain of lies. Also, RC calling Tommy and asking if Misty was with him, is a pretty good indicator that he knew she was gone, and therefore the kids were alone...which would be a motive for him to hide the truth. Which all brings up a weird connection. Jr supposedly heard squeaky shoes, and LC later threw Tommy's boots away. I wonder what kind of boots they were, and what they sounded like. Wet shoes squeak... Anyway, none of this explains Tommy's actions, and considering that he was always in the middle of everything, I do think he was involved somehow...and Misty knows it, and he knows Misty knows it. He took RC's call, so he knew the kids were alone, and IMO, that's opportunity. So, I can't rule Tommy out as the abductor. But, I am confused about the all black and squeaky shoes. Unless Tommy was fishing or messing around the water, how would his boots have gotten wet? I do remember LE following a trail down to the water, so maybe a boat was used?
Sorry, Dodie, I've been trying to respond, but RL is beating me half to death right now...

Okay, Misty says she put the kids down at 8pm, and went to bed herself at 10pm. She says Haleigh was there then.

Even if Haleigh was on a different mattress, Misty still says Haleigh was in the same room, and the mattress was only a couple of feet away. An abductor would have had to be in between this mattress and the bed Misty was sleeping in to take Haleigh.

(I don't think Jr. lied, but IMO he could have been confused or had some ideas put in his head by people questioning him.) If what Jr. said was NOT accurate, Misty and Jr. both slept through someone coming into the bedroom they were all three sleeping in and taking Haleigh, and no one was disturbed. If what Jr. said was accurate, this intruder did disturb Jr. enough to wake him up, but not Misty, and wake him up long enough to be aware of someone walking around, bouncing around on the couch, and taking Haleigh, and Jr. didn't wake Misty up. According to the layout of the bedroom as posted in here somewhere, the bed and mattress were close to the door, with just a small space in between them, with the mattress against the wall.

Also, LE stated there was no sign of forced entry, and IIRC Ron and Misty both stated the doors were locked.

Does this come across as plausible or unlikely?
If Misty left, she could have left the door unlocked or propped open, so she could get back in. I think I remember reading early on, that Misty didn't have her own key...either because RC had the only key, or because she gave hers back to him, after their fight. If she didn't have a key, she wouldn't have locked the door. I don't know why she would have propped the door open, unless maybe she started out by hanging around outside, with no intention of leaving, but then for some reason, did end up leaving. Anyway, if an abductor came in while she was gone, it was more than likely, someone who knew she was gone...maybe even knew where she was and when she'd be back. I'm not sure about the staging. If Misty left the house, it could have been what she did to get back in, or it could have been the abductor's idea, to make carrying Haleigh out easier. I've never really believed it was staged in order to make it look like an abductor broke in. Even Misty, IMO, could have done a more convincing job than that. Misty and RC stating the doors were locked, doesn't mean much. RC wasn't there, so how would he know? And if Misty Did leave, she would have reason to lie. MOO.
If Misty left, she could have left the door unlocked or propped open, so she could get back in. I think I remember reading early on, that Misty didn't have her own key...either because RC had the only key, or because she gave hers back to him, after their fight. If she didn't have a key, she wouldn't have locked the door. I don't know why she would have propped the door open, unless maybe she started out by hanging around outside, with no intention of leaving, but then for some reason, did end up leaving. Anyway, if an abductor came in while she was gone, it was more than likely, someone who knew she was gone...maybe even knew where she was and when she'd be back. I'm not sure about the staging. If Misty left the house, it could have been what she did to get back in, or it could have been the abductor's idea, to make carrying Haleigh out easier. I've never really believed it was staged in order to make it look like an abductor broke in. Even Misty, IMO, could have done a more convincing job than that. Misty and RC stating the doors were locked, doesn't mean much. RC wasn't there, so how would he know? And if Misty Did leave, she would have reason to lie. MOO.

I have no idea what happend that evening but my goodness its all very complicated,.

Remember little Shania Davis i can still see that pic of her and that man carrying her into that motel. Well her mom sold her for a drug debt.

Could Misty have done this proped the door open and left letting whomever come and take littke Haleigh!

She could truthfully say she dosent know who took her or what happend
but could fail on did u have anything to do with her disappearance!

So many things cold be in play here but i do not trust not one person in that clan!
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