Hand off of Gabriel at Raymond Rimkus Park

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Could Elizabeth have lied and told Tammi there was videotape of the couple to try to get Tammi to acknowledge involvement?

GRACE: OK, Tammi. She`s also saying the FBI has video of this couple. Where did the video come from?

SMITH: Her attorney is telling her that — she said that her attorney said the FBI has videotape of the couple leaving with the baby.

GRACE: Where did this video allegedly come from? The hotel?

SMITH: I don`t know. I`m guessing obviously the hotel. But everyone that I speak to has no such video.

I've thought that from the very beginning. EJ didn't seem to have her mind all together while in SA, and I'm not so sure she knew just what TS was up to. EJ said there was a video, she told TS "you set this up"...I think she was really trying to get TS to help her, like she had promised and became angry with her and willing to turn her in, but TS wasn't about to fall for that. She's not going to admit anything without it being shown to her that it is a fact. Then, she will only backpedal enough to make up a story for that little piece to fit into her big lie. EJ probably wants Gabriel returned, but she doesn't have the information she needs for that. She is at TS' mercy. If he isn't turned in, in jail she will sit...she has probably given all the information she knows about the person's who took Gabriel in the park that cold Sunday morning.
I think TS took advantage of a very young mother, perhaps suffering from PPD, overwhelmed etc. I'm not saying that EJ is free from responsibility in the situation but shame on TS for taking advantage of the situation. I think its very creepy. I have stated numerous times that I think someone had to have know SA and the area for EJ to go to the places she did. I live in SA, about 5 min from the park, have taken my son there myself. I also kno that the bus station she went to was on a bad side of town, an area no female should go to alone. The Greyhound station is smack in the middle of SA, the station she took the bus from is not. It just seems weird to me that she chose those particular places. The park isn't one you hear of everyday...at least in my opinion. I don't know...something is just not right and the "third party" has to be someone familiar with SA.
I have this recurring idea that the people who have little G could also be old friends or foster family members of EJ. Even the HG could be a former foster sibling. Survivors of difficulties form incredible and lasting bonds and if some of the other kids placed in the foster situations that EJ was in also found them traumatic, they might share her passion for wanting to keep a tiny child safely out of it. I imagine the holding couple could be from an agency too but even if they were old friends foster kids with EJ, their identities would be protected since foster care program involves minor childrent.
I have this recurring idea that the people who have little G could also be old friends or foster family members of EJ. Even the HG could be a former foster sibling. Survivors of difficulties form incredible and lasting bonds and if some of the other kids placed in the foster situations that EJ was in also found them traumatic, they might share her passion for wanting to keep a tiny child safely out of it. I imagine the holding couple could be from an agency too but even if they were old friends foster kids with EJ, their identities would be protected since foster care program involves minor childrent.

That's a good idea Chell, especially if the foster sibling was orignally placed in foster care because of an abusive parent. It would be fairly easy for EJ to manipulate that person's feelings by fabricating a story about LM being abusive to G. That would also explain why this person hasn't come forward with G as well. The possible foster sibling may feel as though they are saving a child from a situation that they weren't saved from... JMO
:( I was waiting and hoping for something all day...nothing yet...
ahh that must be why there was no news today! don't you have any errands to run? lol

After a long day I came here hoping for something new -- anything! I am a bit lost after Ken's statements -- I am finding myself coming up with some real stretches as far as third parties
That's a good idea Chell, especially if the foster sibling was orignally placed in foster care because of an abusive parent. It would be fairly easy for EJ to manipulate that person's feelings by fabricating a story about LM being abusive to G. That would also explain why this person hasn't come forward with G as well. The possible foster sibling may feel as though they are saving a child from a situation that they weren't saved from... JMO

Easy for EJ or TS to manufacture whatever story they wished about the father. Even seeing LM on tv begging for his child's return wouldn't do it if they had been in a similar situation- too many abusers can be very charismatic when the moment calls for it. (Please don't think I'm saying this is the case).

Since I heard about the "journal" and that investigators may have info leading to the people who have Gabriel, I've thought that whoever has him really wants him. It helps a little to know that he's most likely being well taken care of and in all probability he will be home soon. Probably better taken care of than he was with EJ, given her mood swings anyway.
ahh that must be why there was no news today! don't you have any errands to run? lol

After a long day I came here hoping for something new -- anything! I am a bit lost after Ken's statements -- I am finding myself coming up with some real stretches as far as third parties

Me too Prof...
ahh that must be why there was no news today! don't you have any errands to run? lol

After a long day I came here hoping for something new -- anything! I am a bit lost after Ken's statements -- I am finding myself coming up with some real stretches as far as third parties

lol Prof...I'm going to come up with some kind of errand today so we get some movement! :crazy:
She wrote directions to the park down in her journal -- this means that it was not random, and not her own choice as she had a GPS; she took down directions from a phone call or a face to face meetting

The couple had something to say to identifiy themselves--
seems to be suggested that there was something else written in the journal, a means of identifying the people in the park she was to hand Gabriel off to

Great video!

Like anything, we'd all like to know more for sure, but it would be interesting to know what was the date on the journal entry in regards to directions to the park.
I, for one don't think there is a couple, for all we know she could have written that after she got rid of Gabriel to throw LE off so they would be looking for a couple at some park and not focusing on her.

sounds like to me a cover up by EJ to take the heat off of her for once, so she can stall about talking about what she did with Gabriel.
I don't think the journal or the so called couple is anything concrete either. She did make LE search for his body in the landfill, and they spend over 300K in doing so, and found nothing. It sounds like another red herring on Elizabeth's part to throw off LE and the family as to what she truly did. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble- but she is extremely deceptive and full of lies, so whatever she writes down cannot be trusted either. She may have directions to the park for a nefarious reason. JMO.
My bubble is not burst. I am listening to what the professional is giving us, and asking of the public. He says this is what happened, and who to look for, then I'm going to do all I can to do just that. Gabriel deserves that, and Ken is the professional with the information here.
My bubble is not burst. I am listening to what the professional is giving us, and asking of the public. He says this is what happened, and who to look for, then I'm going to do all I can to do just that. Gabriel deserves that, and Ken is the professional with the information here.

BBM: I agree. The PI is a professional that has been doing this type of work for sometime. I think the journal is legit and EJ isn't smart enough to have created a red herring. She runs off of her emotions, not her brain.
I think TS took advantage of a very young mother, perhaps suffering from PPD, overwhelmed etc. I'm not saying that EJ is free from responsibility in the situation but shame on TS for taking advantage of the situation. I think its very creepy. I have stated numerous times that I think someone had to have know SA and the area for EJ to go to the places she did. I live in SA, about 5 min from the park, have taken my son there myself. I also kno that the bus station she went to was on a bad side of town, an area no female should go to alone. The Greyhound station is smack in the middle of SA, the station she took the bus from is not. It just seems weird to me that she chose those particular places. The park isn't one you hear of everyday...at least in my opinion. I don't know...something is just not right and the "third party" has to be someone familiar with SA.

LOL, BBM, I live right down the road from the bus station, it's not so bad, but i have to agree, if you are not from this side of town, or even from this side of town, why would you come here? it does seem kind of scary, if you are not familiar with it. and there is alot of crime here on the south/southwest. and this bus station is so out of the way. you would have to know it was here. Even me, knowing its there, I take greyhound if i need a bus.

someone told her it was there? or she was really trying hard to fly under the radar(hello sore thumb!! Only white person on the bus!)

LOL, BBM, I live right down the road from the bus station, it's not so bad, but i have to agree, if you are not from this side of town, or even from this side of town, why would you come here? it does seem kind of scary, if you are not familiar with it. and there is alot of crime here on the south/southwest. and this bus station is so out of the way. you would have to know it was here. Even me, knowing its there, I take greyhound if i need a bus.

someone told her it was there? or she was really trying hard to fly under the radar(hello sore thumb!! Only white person on the bus!)

It just occured to me today, that someone who lives near a Tornado bus station in another location along the route could have suggested it. Did we ever find where it stops on it's way to Florida? I wonder if there are Tornado stations in LA and TN, thinking that it may be familiar to someone who sees it often, but doesn't necessarily live in SA? :waitasec:
It just occured to me today, that someone who lives near a Tornado bus station in another location along the route could have suggested it. Did we ever find where it stops on it's way to Florida? I wonder if there are Tornado stations in LA and TN, thinking that it may be familiar to someone who sees it often, but doesn't necessarily live in SA? :waitasec:

I went to the website I found from google, and it lists info for a station in Nashville, TN. On the map on the front it also says Memphis. Nothing for LA or even AL- WI, IL, MI, GA, NC, TN, FL and TX were it.

Just a note though- I would think either someone would have to suggest it to her or she would have to see the station herself and go in to find out about it. I've lived in Brownsville where it lists a station (where I most likely would have noticed at least one of the buses) and along I-10 for years and never remember seeing a bus, never mind a station. I'm leaning more towards someone telling her about it. I couldn't find out much from the website- 10th grade Spanish was many moons ago and I couldn't find any way to convert it to English.
I went to the website I found from google, and it lists info for a station in Nashville, TN. On the map on the front it also says Memphis. Nothing for LA or even AL- WI, IL, MI, GA, NC, TN, FL and TX were it.

Just a note though- I would think either someone would have to suggest it to her or she would have to see the station herself and go in to find out about it. I've lived in Brownsville where it lists a station (where I most likely would have noticed at least one of the buses) and along I-10 for years and never remember seeing a bus, never mind a station. I'm leaning more towards someone telling her about it. I couldn't find out much from the website- 10th grade Spanish was many moons ago and I couldn't find any way to convert it to English.

try this to translate.....

I went to the website I found from google, and it lists info for a station in Nashville, TN. On the map on the front it also says Memphis. Nothing for LA or even AL- WI, IL, MI, GA, NC, TN, FL and TX were it.

Just a note though- I would think either someone would have to suggest it to her or she would have to see the station herself and go in to find out about it. I've lived in Brownsville where it lists a station (where I most likely would have noticed at least one of the buses) and along I-10 for years and never remember seeing a bus, never mind a station. I'm leaning more towards someone telling her about it. I couldn't find out much from the website- 10th grade Spanish was many moons ago and I couldn't find any way to convert it to English.

I had my employee (who is mexican) call the Tornado Bus line in SA inquring about a ticket from SA to FL. She asked if they came through memphis to get there and they said they did not. My employee says if the bus line goes through a city where there is no Tornado terminal they'll stop at a Greyhound terminal if there is one, if not they have designated Mexican Stores they will stop at. But it still doesn't tell us the route they used.

LOL, BBM, I live right down the road from the bus station, it's not so bad, but i have to agree, if you are not from this side of town, or even from this side of town, why would you come here? it does seem kind of scary, if you are not familiar with it. and there is alot of crime here on the south/southwest. and this bus station is so out of the way. you would have to know it was here. Even me, knowing its there, I take greyhound if i need a bus.

someone told her it was there? or she was really trying hard to fly under the radar(hello sore thumb!! Only white person on the bus!)

Ya I believe somebody had to have told her to go there. Its just not the bus station you think of when someone is looking to go by bus somewhere. At least thats my opinion. I went to Chicago by bus once and of course the first bus line I thought of was Greyhound. My friend and I went from Laredo tho from a station called Conejo Bus Lines. I just don't think a single, white female is going to use that as her first option. My husband is Hispanic and the first thought he had was wow she probably was the only Anglo there. It just seems really strange to me. Again I think someone had to have told her to go to that station.

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