Handwriting Analysis//Casey

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I think one of the most significant traits in this handwriting is the lack of white space. The letters fill the space from rule to rule. No paragraphs, no air. I think the personality trait of filling up all available space in writing fits with the trait of fantasizing an entire life complete with a beautiful, rich Nanny, high paying job, college credits, tragically killed father of her daughter ... etc., etc., etc. Fill, fill, fill.

I believe that the lack of white space indicates that she has no boundaries. Filling up all the space reveals to me that she has no interest it what is normal or right. She will do what she wants to do, regardless of what the norms are.
Her lack of indenting and paragraphing drives me nuts!

LOL Annie! Me too. And disregarding the indentation... the lack of paragraphing on these boards makes me NUTS too.

How can anyone expect others to read their posts (no matter how wonderful and educated and articulate they are) if they are all run-on sentences with no paragraphs?!
I think it's possible that she is not allowed a "normal" pen to write with. She complains often about her pen and how it makes her hand hurt. Does anyone know if the prisoners at that jail have some sort of pen that is different from the norm? I would think that would have an effect on her handwriting style...
The similar way both KC and her pal write the letter S as an 8
makes me wonder is this letter thing fake?

If you look and compare both of their writings
the s are an 8?

How weird???:waitasec:

I noticed the s's too. :waitasec:
I think it's possible that she is not allowed a "normal" pen to write with. She complains often about her pen and how it makes her hand hurt. Does anyone know if the prisoners at that jail have some sort of pen that is different from the norm? I would think that would have an effect on her handwriting style...
She make get cheapo Bic pens that don't have much ink, take lots of pressure to write, but that certainly wouldn't affect her huge writing/lack of white space/running paragraphs together.
I have to say that I am an amateur graphologist and the following is my interpretation of this handwriting. Graphology is not always exact, traits are influenced by other traits and the same stroke that shows up in two different handwritings can mean two different things, depending on other elements in the writing. I mentioned what I thought was important, and tried to keep this reasonably short.

Casey’s handwriting is almost exclusively middle -zone. The middle zone is the zone of the here and now. Someone with this trait to this extent would be very, very ego-centric. She would not be a philosophical dreamer, she would have few past regrets, with the exception of how they would affect her and her alone. This person has an under-developed conscience and would have difficulty denying herself pleasure. She would see all things as being a reflection of her and would behave in ways that would call attention to herself. Its like the old joke where one person says to the other,”But enough of me talking about myself, let’s hear what you have to say. What do you think of me?”. She would need a lot of admiration, and the needs of others would be far from her thoughts. Failure would always be someone else’s fault.

Her lower zone is tangled with the next line and suggests confused and unclear thinking and goals. There are many cradle forms in the lower zone suggesting she didn’t receive the nurturing from her mother that she needed. (A cradle form is a rounded mark that doesn’t return to the baseline. It looks like a cradle.) She may try to seek that out in present day relationships and behave differently in private than she does in public.

She has an upright script, which means her head would rule over her heart. Any decisions would be made in an unemotional way. In terms of upright slant ONLY (not other traits) this is the person who would not lose her cool in a chaotic situation. When these emotions do come out, they would be quickly suppressed again. It’s not that she didn’t have emotions, she kept them contained. Her use of the page space reinforces her egocentricity. Its all Casey, all the time, with no room for anyone else.

Her left margin is very straight indicating that she had good organizational skills.

She has a *stick I* which is a personal pronoun made with a single downward stroke. It can be interpreted that people with this trait have rejected their parents and have chosen to stand alone. Very often there was little to no parental support and the person was emotionally alone in the family. There is no base on the *stick I* and there is no emotional base to steady the person with this trait. This does NOT mean it indicates she is capable of killing. It means her parents didn’t related emotionally as well as they could have and it left her without a strong sustaining emotional core. She would have trouble accepting love.
There is a large space after her use of *I* in most of her statement. A hesitation like that can often signal that what follows is a lie. Its like a verbal pause while you think of a convincing fib. In that case, most of her statement can be viewed as perhaps not the whole truth.

Her communication letters are very interesting. The communication letters are a, e, and o. Her lower case **advertiser censored* is often a circle that is made into an **advertiser censored* and very often appears when she writes her daughters name. This is a sign of talking around a subject, of never directly addressing a problem head-on. The elephant in the room syndrome. If communication letters have marks within them they are called “intruded ovals”. They are often a sign of sexual abuse. There are few to none in Casey’s writing.

Her *t* letters are crossed quite low on the stem. It would indicate that despite her outward show of confidence, inwardly she had low self-esteem. Combined with the large middle zone it would mean the the need for admiration would be quite high.

It’s interesting that Casey prints most of her statement. People who print often have something to conceal in the sense that their true personality is not apparent or the person is not willing to *be who they are*. They would be disconnected to others, and quite competitive. Image would be important. The exception is that Casey wrote(not printed) Caylee’s name. There was a connection between them and I believe Casey acknowledged it, even if only subconsciously. As much as she was capable of it, I think Casey felt connected to her daughter.

To sum up:
There are signs in this handwriting of someone with low self esteem, an overwhelming need for admiration, attention and avoidance of boredom, combined with a lack of maturity, responsibility and conscience. She didn’t receive the nurturing love that she needed when she was young and she was in part trying to fill that void. I can’t find many signs of deliberate cruelty. My sense after seeing her handwriting is that if she deliberately killed Caylee it would have been a “hands off” crime. Drowning a la Susan Smith would be more likely than a fatal beating. I think that if she was responsible for Caylee’s death it would have taken place more like the scenario that I read on another thread on WS. Casey wanted to party, locked Caylee in the trunk of her car for a nap, gave her a pizza if she got hungry, and left. Maybe even forgot about her, deliberately or by mistake. And Caylee died. And when Casey discovered that, she had to go to any length to make it someone else’s fault. That would be totally in keeping with her handwriting. Someone else being involved could also be possible. Given her handwriting, I think the avoidance of responsibility was more important to Casey than the fact that her daughter died.
I hope Rudolf doesn't mind, but I found this analysis of a previous handwriting sample from Casey (early on in this thread). I thought it was great !!!!!!!!!

Thank you Rudolf for a wonderful post !
Her eyes slant and are cold like LIZZIE'S
Her hair is icky and styled like LIZZIE'S
Her clothing is starting to look like LIZZIE'S
Her defense is saying she is innocent like LIZZIE'S

Lizzie has returned....
when was Lizzie's Birthday?
When were her parents killed?

Since you asked:

Lizzie was born July 19, 1860.
She (allegedly) did the deed August 4, 1892.
She was acquitted.
The defense has requested documents pertaining to FBI handwriting analyst Lorie Gottesman's professional experience and background.

A quick Google search found a case in Kentucky (Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Billy Lester) in which her testimony was in favor of the defendant and got him off on appeal:

Lorie Gottesman, a forensic document examiner with the FBI, testified on direct examination that the apology letter had been randomly assigned to her unit for analysis. She stated that she had compared the apology letter with known writing samples from Lester and that she had found several inconsistencies between them.

She also made a presentation titled "Safe-EXamination of Condom Wrappers" at the Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists last year.

However, for those really astute sleuthers, you will recall that Lorie Gottesman's DNA was found on the duct tape after a questioned document's examination done by the FBI. Perhaps that is why the defense is looking into her background...to see if she is sloppy? :eek:
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