Handwriting Analysis//Casey

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I think that I have heard that graphologists do not want to know anything about the person or case so that they can be completely free from tainting their analysis with emotional bias.

I just saw a program, can't remember what channel, where there were several women investigators who teamed up and used their individual talents to not only solve the crime, but prevent the perpetrator from harming another person. One of these women was a graphologist who insisted that the perpetrator was escalating (I believe it was from rape to murder) according to the notes he left and they had to stop him. Perhaps this is one of the women Marissa or Rudolph mentioned.
I am a new member. Could anyone tell me how I can view the
handwriting samples from Casey Anthony? If the grandparents
are also available, that would be very helpful. Your help will be
Thank you
Mind Student
What got me about Casey's handwriting is how opposite her signature is! Usually someone with neat printing has a legible signature. Does this reveal anything?

What I've read in the past about that is that when the signature is dramatically different from the rest of the writing, then the writer is separating himself/herself from the subject they are writing about.
I'm sure all forms of LE see her no different than the psychopaths before her. It would be interesting to see what the language specialist (Forensic psycholinguist working in the Behavoiral Science Unit at FBI headquarters) have to say. Between handwriting and her psychopathic speech she has given many clues.
What I've read in the past about that is that when the signature is dramatically different from the rest of the writing, then the writer is separating himself/herself from the subject they are writing about.

KC's signature is an example of what is called a "flourished" signature. According to Graphologist Robert Holder, it denotes "a person gifted in selling ideas to others." As such, it's another indicator of how KC lives in the moment, spinning lie upon lie.

A signature dramatically different from the handwriting means what you see is not what you get. It's dishonest in that the person pretends to be something she is not. She puts on an act in public.

Catherineb -- those were my impressions exactly. That's part of the reason I asked about gender as those two examples seemed so stereotypically male/female. I really agree that Casey's handwriting appears very immature and highly decorative -- for lack of a better expression. Perhaps it's a girly affectation?? George's, oth, appeared VERY businesslike. Perhaps another affectation. I particularly noted how he crossed through the remaining lines -- very LE.

And I suspect what I mean by affectation are those elements that are used in analysis to signify personal traits.

Her handwriting reminded me of big coils of barbed wire like atop a prison wall. FWIW. :waitasec:
Hi MindStudent,

You should be able to get it from post below. The handwritten statements are in Part 1.


Very interesting. In the most recent doc dump they show checks made out to Casey that were cashed at Amscot. These checks were supposedly signed by Cindy and written on her account. The handwriting looks like Casey's though. The signature on the back looks like she (Casey) was attempting to sign it in a way that wouldn't show any similarity to the way it was made out. Can you tell if these checks were forged?
Very interesting. In the most recent doc dump they show checks made out to Casey that were cashed at Amscot. These checks were supposedly signed by Cindy and written on her account. The handwriting looks like Casey's though. The signature on the back looks like she (Casey) was attempting to sign it in a way that wouldn't show any similarity to the way it was made out. Can you rell if these checks were forged?

A graphologist (handwriting expert) should be able to tell quite easily if the checks were forged.

I think the bigger issue is that Cindy A. will not press charges against KC.

A graphologist (handwriting expert) should be able to tell quite easily if the checks were forged.

I think the bigger issue is that Cindy A. will not press charges against KC.

Oh, I'm sure that will never happen, but we'll hear about it all the same (fingers and toes crossed).
In terms of Casey Anthony's personal pronoun "I"...she makes a stick figure "I" that is just a simple slash. Without consulting a book, I think I've read it means she is "independent". I believe this "I" is, or can be also interpreted as a sign that she received little nurturing from her parents and has decided to go it alone emotionally. I have also heard an interpretation that because this "I" is without a "base" to sit on the person making this mark is also without an emotional base, i.e. is somewhat unsteady. She would have some trouble letting love into her life.
When you look at the over all pattern of writing what strikes me is that she uses "I" very frequently in her statement. However, notice the spacing around that "I". It has a wide spacing before it and after it, quite unlike many of the other words. I am not sure right now what interpretation to give to that. I am leaning towards emotional isolation, however, I think I will research it a little more. Perhaps it means she could crowd others but wanted space for herself, which is different than emotional isolation.
Anybody have any thoughts?

Sorry to be a pain, but could someone direct me to where I can see Casey's handwriting? I missed the link somewhere along the way. TIA

I've just skimmed through this thread :crosseyed: looking to see if you found an unlined sample of Casey's handwriting? If you don't have one, I do. I'll can upload it if you still need it.
We never got Cindy's completed huh?
If I did this correctly, you should be able to follow this link to Casey's unlined handwritten note to Sheriff Berry and be able to download it to your computer.


Link to the family's handwritten documents. Click on download and it'll begin the process in about 30 seconds (be patient).


Once it's downloaded to your computer, you'll be able to skim down a few pages until you see the handwritten statements.

About this cursive thing, graphologists may have to rethink their analysis of handwriting that doesn't contain cursive/script for the up-and-coming generations. It's becoming a thing of the past because schools are concentrating their efforts on computer science. Do a Google search for "cursive in schools" or anything like that and you'll find lots of discussions regarding the lack of teaching cursive.

Like others, I was also struck by Casey's lack of mature handwriting. Her lower case d and b are especially ill-proportioned with large lower portions and extremely short sticks.

Cindy's handwriting isn't much like Casey's that I can tell. Cindy uses mostly cursive and has scribbles at times.

Interesting how Cindy states she hasn't seen Caylee since June 8th, both Casey and George claim they last saw her June 9th. I know they claim there was a mix up with the dates and later found out it was June 15 & 16th, but why would all three have given those erroneous dates? Collaboration, perhaps?

George prints all his statement, too, but that could stem from years as a policeman where he had to print everything so "everyone could read it". Interesting how he calls Cindy "my spouse". Also years of LE conditioning, maybe? Lee Anthony is also a "printer". hmmmm
Hello to everyone, I am new to Webslueths,
A handwriting analysis cannot be done quickly. First is to
look at the page, as if it were a picture. Then follow a
system to collect information. Here are some of the
things one must examine: The size, zone proportions,
rhythm, pressure, spacing within and between words, spacing between lines, margins all four, the use of capitals,
T-bars ( how tall/short) T-bar cross position and length and pressure, punctuation, direction or lean of the writing,
direction of horzonal movement, Ovals( open, closed,
loops or stabs), Capital ( I ) as it relates to rest of the writing, legibility, strokes ( clear, retraced, broken, distorted), beginning and ending strokes, tics clubs stabs on letter endings, baseline, speed, printing/cursive, connecting strokes (present or none), Signature ( this is how one wishes the world to see us), the body of the writing is how we really are in everyday life.

I have tried to cover most areas to be examined. It is very important that there be several findings to support
a conclusion. Even with that said, like any science it is
subject to others opinion.

I am working on Casey's writing and will share my finding
with you. At this time, I can tell you that her signature
indicates a lot of frustration/anger in connection to the name Anthony. At this point, I cannot say if it is toward her Mother or Father. Please note that as she ends her last name the Y swings back through Anthony and it is done
with a "felon's claw". The reason for that name is that
researchers have found many inmates write with that
sickle type shape at the end of a down stroke. This does not imply guilt, many people write with felon's claws. However, Casey is trying to eliminate whatever she feels about her last name. It usually is anger toward a parent.

I do not take this work lightly, it is important to me that
I do my best. It is my hope each of you will find it useful
and see it as "part" of the whole picture.

Wish you well,
Mind Student
Hello to everyone, I am new to Webslueths,
A handwriting analysis cannot be done quickly. First is to
look at the page, as if it were a picture. Then follow a
system to collect information. Here are some of the
things one must examine: The size, zone proportions,
rhythm, pressure, spacing within and between words, spacing between lines, margins all four, the use of capitals,
T-bars ( how tall/short) T-bar cross position and length and pressure, punctuation, direction or lean of the writing,
direction of horzonal movement, Ovals( open, closed,
loops or stabs), Capital ( I ) as it relates to rest of the writing, legibility, strokes ( clear, retraced, broken, distorted), beginning and ending strokes, tics clubs stabs on letter endings, baseline, speed, printing/cursive, connecting strokes (present or none), Signature ( this is how one wishes the world to see us), the body of the writing is how we really are in everyday life.

I have tried to cover most areas to be examined. It is very important that there be several findings to support
a conclusion. Even with that said, like any science it is
subject to others opinion.

I am working on Casey's writing and will share my finding
with you. At this time, I can tell you that her signature
indicates a lot of frustration/anger in connection to the name Anthony. At this point, I cannot say if it is toward her Mother or Father. Please note that as she ends her last name the Y swings back through Anthony and it is done
with a "felon's claw". The reason for that name is that
researchers have found many inmates write with that
sickle type shape at the end of a down stroke. This does not imply guilt, many people write with felon's claws. However, Casey is trying to eliminate whatever she feels about her last name. It usually is anger toward a parent.

I do not take this work lightly, it is important to me that
I do my best. It is my hope each of you will find it useful
and see it as "part" of the whole picture.

Wish you well,
Mind Student

I had to sign back in after I read your post! Was about to go to bed.

I am very interested to see your findings. I welcome anything that gives insight into this tragedy.

Welcome to Websleuths!!! and thank you for your input! Catherine:)
Thanks for your input. It's very much appreciated.
I am working on Casey's writing and will share my finding with you. At this time, I can tell you that her signature indicates a lot of frustration/anger in connection to the name Anthony. At this point, I cannot say if it is toward her Mother or Father. Please note that as she ends her last name the Y swings back through Anthony and it is done with a "felon's claw". The reason for that name is that researchers have found many inmates write with that sickle type shape at the end of a down stroke. This does not imply guilt, many people write with felon's claws. However, Casey is trying to eliminate whatever she feels about her last name. It usually is anger toward a parent.

I do not take this work lightly, it is important to me that
I do my best. It is my hope each of you will find it useful
and see it as "part" of the whole picture.

Wish you well,
Mind Student

I've been up trying to get some bugs out of my computer and to make sure it's now working properly, I came to Websleuths to check it out. :wink: It works!

We're a patient lot, mostly. We understand things take time, especially something like handwriting analysis. I'm willing to wait. I'm thrilled you gave us a small insight into her signature and her name. Most interesting.

Most interesting.

Thanks so much.
Mind student, looking forward to your results.
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