Handwriting Analysis//Casey

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Wow, you have all blown me away with your input. I find this truly amazing and want to thank you all for your hard work.

I'm anxiuosly waiting for more!

Thanks, Professoressa, this worked!!

Here is the synopsis of Susan Smith's handwriting --- which by the way appears (to me) to be chillingly similar to Casey's...

Here is a sample of the handwriting of Susan Smith written in 1994 as her confession. She is the young mother who was found guilty of drowning her two little boys when she sent her car down a ramp and into a lake with the two of them strapped in.

This is an example of middle zone predominant writing. She is self-involved in the here-and-now, with little capacity to think of ramifications or future consequences. She sees only the moment and is chiefly concerned with herself. You will also be able to see the rigidity and perfectionism, which is so much a measure of the tension within her. She was called "the perfect mother" by all who knew her. By the way, perfect looking writing shows the trait of perfectionism.

The writing appears drawn rather than spontaneously executed. The baseline is also rigid, emphasizing her need for inner control. The letters are tightly packed, which give further evidence of her anxiety and internal tension. This is not a person who can take life as it comes and laugh with it.

Remember her feigned sadness over the disappearance of her children and the contrived story she dreamed up to cover her involvement? She could do that because she has little emotional response so she can stay cool when she needs to. This is an example of an immature person with an undeveloped conscience.

Casey's handwriting:


Susan Smith handwriting:
Susan Smith's handwriting and Casey Anthony's handwriting look different to me.

Yes, they do, however that middle zone emphasis in both samples is what initially struck me. Now that you've posted them side by side, I can see differences.

Would you like to share some of your observations, Rudolf?

Susan Smith's handwriting and Casey Anthony's handwriting look different to me.

I agree. But I think they share the same "essence", if you will. Certain distinguishing characteristics that stick out. Kind of like siblings that don't really look alike but make similar facial expressions, etc...

I'm not very eloquent in the morning, sorry...:confused:
Wonderful stuff guys. I've forgotten what little I knew about this subject, so this thread is enriching. Thank you so much. Analysis of CA & SS similarities is chilling.

Thank you
"Forked-tongue strokes"...the signs of a liar. Hehehe
Hey guys,

Ok, so I went to my dad's house with handwriting samples from Casey, George, Cindy and Lee and he took quick peeks at them and shared what his initial thoughts were. He is going to clean up all of the samples and run them through his software...the Barav system "TM" which will probably take a few days, unfortunately.

He has to find something from each persons sample to use as a "baseline" first so that he can run the samples through for statistics and then he will run them all for deception measurements (I'm not sure what he called this) but basically it will say whether or not they were lying when writing the statements provided.

My father is also going to call Sheila Lowe to get her input on this as well, although he said she doesn't work with a lot of criminal samples, he said she's incredible. He is also going to call some other graphologist named Kim or something from Hawaii he said works with a lot of criminal cases.

My dad is actually contacting Orange County sheriff dept and won't let me post his initial thoughts on here, when I talked to him initially he didn't realize this was an open case. I'd be happy to share his take on what he thinks if you PM though so it doesn't get posted where everyone can see.

I will post this however, when my dad first got to Casey's sample, his jaw dropped and he said "oh well this is bad news" my dad isn't very communicative like that normally so it kind of surprised me...anyways after like 5 minutes of me asking him what he meant and why he said that he told me Casey's handwriting looked strikingly similar to Susan Smith's handwriting and then went on to say what else he thought about it etc. I'm not sure if somebody else has made the connection already between the handwriting, but if I'm not mistaken there have been a lot people thinking Casey and Susan were very similar, I think?

I promise to post the results of my dad's findings as soon as he gets them to me! He's working on it as we speak, so hopefully he'll have it done soon!


Hi Marissa,

Have you gotten any info from your Dad on the handwriting analysis? Thanks for taking the time to post on this thread and to having your Dad look at the handwriting. :blowkiss:

:Justice: for :genie: Caylee
okay, ive read page one of this thread and I had to post.... When I first read the police statement KC wrote, I actually laughed that our handwriting was shockingly the same.
I am no where near a 20 something, actually double it...lol... I have 5 kids and 7 grandchildren all alive and well and no intentions of ever losing them. I quit lieing many years ago, cause I couldnt remember the lie, so it's way easier to tell the truth. So Im finding the whole handwriting analyst in this situation a little off base, okay alot off base.
Hi Marissa,

Have you gotten any info from your Dad on the handwriting analysis? Thanks for taking the time to post on this thread and to having your Dad look at the handwriting. :blowkiss:

:Justice: for :genie: Caylee

Yeah, come on! :) Give us something to mull over. :)
When I saw Casey's statement I was struck by how childish her writing was. I have a niece who still has this style of writing and she's in her 30's so I'm not saying that just because she has this style it means she's a psycopathic baby killer, but anything that can give us some insight can be useful. It also stood out to me how totally unreadable her signature was.


I have to agree, this type of handwriting is one of my major pet peeves in grown women. It was the style of writing my friends and I used in grade school and high school and I am pushing forty. A few of my friends still use this style, and while I'm sure it's just an old habit that refuses to die, I instantly associate it with adolescence when I see it. (Although my friends who use this style are very responsible, caring mothers!) I don't necessarily think it means people who still use this style are immature, just that their handwriting hasn't "grown up". No offense to those who use this style of handwriting, some people just associate the style with a certain period of development.
The handwriting analysis of Casey is pertinent to Casey only. There are many things that go into an analysis, and while one handwriting may superficially resemble another, the meanings can be very different. Analysts look at things like line,word and letter spacing, use of space, connections between letters, pressure, slant and many other things that a casual observation doesn't take into account. They then determine how all of these factors interact. It takes years of study to become a good analyst and as every analyst will tell you, everyone's handwriting is uniquely their own. If you are a loving, kind, and dedicated parent, then your handwriting will reflect that.
If you have an interest in handwriting, there are some very good books on the market about it.
Everyone --

Both Rudolf and I have stated this several times on this thread: the only handwriting to be discussed on this thread is the handwriting of the players (Casey, Cindy, George, etc.) who provided handwritten statements to the police per the 400+ page docdump!!

Please respect this directive.

Thank you,
Everyone --

Both Rudolf and I have stated this several times on this thread: the only handwriting to be discussed on this thread is the handwriting of the players (Casey, Cindy, George, etc.) who provided handwritten statements to the police per the 400+ page docdump!!

Please respect this directive.

Thank you,
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