Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #3

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I wonder why they had John Graham come to the site unless it was to ID an item of clothing....or something unmistakably from Hannah..

Ya know,I read here that he was there at the site but it was an entry from days ago and someone asked me how did I know that John Graham was brought to the site and I can't find that info from a legitimate source.
Is there a possibility that this dry creek bed could have retained enough water during last week's heavy rain to move the remains and pants from another (nearby) location? This could be why such a large area around the park is closed off by LE.
maybe so, I found another image with less leaf cover and traced out what I think you are talking about in light blue dash. solid blue would be path of Ammonette Branch. hard to tell though

View attachment 61765

Thank you. This is what I see also. There is the main branch of the creek and a smaller creek/creek bed below it. This smaller creek could easily be a dry feeder tributary or old creek route. We have a fairly active creek on our property that runs year round, even under layers of ice and snow. When we first got this property almost 25 years ago, the creek split in two just upstream from the house, flowed around two sides of a wooded area, basically creating an island, and then rejoined together directly in front of the house. Over the years the creek has shifted course and no longer flows around "the island" leaving a dry creek bed where it used to flow. Even after heavy rains, the old creek bed does not fill up--the main flow just gushes in its straighter course. So there could easily be both a flowing creek AND a dry creek bed in the same area. JMO
I don't know but considering every weekend for a month they've had anywhere from 50-100 people busting their butts out searching in the heat giving up their weekends I'm going to go ahead and say that there is no way on gods green earth the the medical examiner would refuse to come in because it was saturday or sunday. There is also no way, despite what the ME is saying that this case is not getting special priority. As someone who works on things that sometimes end up in the media (local or state at most and totally unrelated to crime) When you situation is in the media its a totally different ball game ... I can only imagine what it would be like if one the front page of yahoo and CNN.

Thank you. I am trying to figure out why results taking a while. I knew it sounded silly when I typed it, but I thought "well maybe they weren't in on Sunday."
i was agreeing with you and saying it frustrating that we have to keep having the discussion over and over, sorry that it was not clear!

No you're okay. I was just making sure I wasn't driving anyone bonkers about that topic. lol I can't help myself though, if I see someone ask as much time as I put into that topic because of that question being asked over and over I have to comment on it.
We have turkey vultures in my area (about an hour from C'ville.) Seriously, I used to be afraid they could carry my toddler off. I ain't kidding. HUGE.

I am in the camp that there was something distinctly Hannah at the site. Either that sparkly shirt and white tennis shoes or a bracelet or her phone.

When our dog had her puppies she used to stand outside of the garage door and look up and bark at the hovering turkey vultures. She never did that at any other time... and we had those vultures up there a lot in our area.
Coy Barefoot said this when appearing on CNN Saturday after the body was reported found. He said he saw Longo and Hannah's father together at the site.

maybe her father requested to be brought to the site to see where his dear child was found....maybe he felt a need to see the area....I think if it were a child of mine, I would request to see the area where they were found too
Excellent first post. Thank you.

Hi everyone, new here, but have viewed threads for years. If this link has been posted, my apologies. It deals with decomposition and vulture activity. I also thought it was very interesting in regard to vultures actually breaking bones. I thought there was evidence of that in the Morgan Harrington discovery. Anyway, great comments and observations by all.
didn't that parker slaybough (sp)? say he had new info on JLM and its was not the fairfax thing. Any word on what it was?

Parker basically said that JM has a toilet in his cell, he can borrow a book from the library and he takes a shower once a day. LOL
Growing up in Virginia, I knew the woods and creeks so well. I knew where to duck out of sight if I didn't want to be seen when playing games with other kids.

As for JM dumping bodies within miles from his Mom's house; A FBI profiler would usually look in the area that the serial killer is familiar with. JM knew the woods around his Mom's community. He knew how to access property without being observed, knew the back roads, trails, and thick brush areas. He also knew where to park a car so not to be spotted.
LE aren't going to show their hand. JM sits in jail, next hearing is in December. Everything is too fluid, LE is connecting the dots. Fairfax just indicted him, many more to come, me thinks. They are getting their ducks in a row. Virginia doesn 't mess around... Remember the Beltway snipers? John Mohammed was executed fairly quickly. The Commonwealth of Virginia has a history of being slow but steady. I wonder if JM will begin to talk to save his butt?
There's some interesting information on black vultures, which are the ones said to have been seen by Mr. Pugh on October 5th. They are smaller than turkey vultures with an average wing span of 4.9". Although they have keen eyesight they do not have a good sense of smell and rely on turkey vultures to lead them to the carrion.

I'm replying to my own post to add that based on the above information about black vultures, which are the type of vultures Mr. Pugh said he saw on Oct 5th, this should mean that turkey vultures had already been there and their presence caused the black vultures to locate the remains. JMO
I wonder why they had John Graham come to the site unless it was to ID an item of clothing....or something unmistakably from Hannah..

And it was not the volunteer finder cop who called John Graham. It was The lead investigator, according to Longo's PC. The interview with the finder guy was well after the PC so no one should be upset with the guy who found her. They should have told him to not be interviewed immediately. JMO * Or, AIRED after the PC, at least
Why do people keep talking about no hair? Is there a link?

There was a link, and the information came directly from the Sgt who said he found the body, but that information was edited and pulled from the media, per LE request. He definitely said it though.
Why do people keep talking about no hair? Is there a link?

Because it has been reported by one source that it was gone and usually that does not seem to happen so soon, though there is a great disparity when you do research.
No I think it is her. If not they would not be calling it a death investigation and acting like this. They would be saying an UNRELATED body was found in the search..

There is always a death investigation first when a body is found like this.

It is the start of investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of the person who has been found when there is no obvious signs of how the death occurred. That is why there is a death investigation first.

Even if it turned out to be someone else other than Hannah a death investigation would be done.

They will do the death investigation and then say the person died from a homicide, imo.

This is the procedure no matter who the victim turns out to be although I do agree and its most likely Hannah.
I was wondering about Dashad because might he have been wearing a wig and hence the no hair thing?

He had hair, but it was short. He/She did wear a wig and most likely kept his hair short for a reason ( the wig)
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