Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

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I don't know the answer about cutting him loose. And unless Camblos can't afford to do it because JM can't pay him enough, I can't see Camblos wanting to drop such a high profile, national attention-getting case. IMO.

He can probably withdraw on grounds that he cannot zealously represent his client. IMO
A DNA profile is simply a series of numbers. Typically, there are 13 regions of the DNA tested (called loci). At each of these regions, there is one or two numbers. All of these number make up a DNA profile for a sample. Most cases involve a direct comparison - you develop a DNA profile from evidence, you develop a DNA profile from known standards from victims, suspects, etc. These profiles are compared and you see if they match.

Matching can also occur in the CODIS system, a nationwide system composed of millions of profiles from convicted felons, arrestees as well as evidence profiles from all 50 states, plus a few other labs (Army, FBI,...) Unknown profiles (profiles that do not match a suspect) are entered into CODIS and searched weekly. If one of the these unknown profiles matches up with a felon or arrestee or other case (solved or unsolved), the people who entered the profiles are notified and there is a process that is followed to get the information to the appropriate LE agencies.

Each state also as its own data bank (these feed into the National Data Bank). Because these cases are all in Virginia, any matches were probably made in the state data bank. The exception might be Alexis Murphy. Based on what I remember from Taylor's trial, the FBI did the DNA analysis in that case so any unknown profiles wouldn't be in the Virginia Data Bank but they should be at the National Data Bank. However, CODIS has very strict rules about what can be entered. There must be a solid reason to believe the profile belongs to the perpetrator of the crime - those are only forensic profiles allowed in CODIS. So who knows which profiles in these cases actually ended up in CODIS.

I guess I'm dense, Ralph, because I still don't understand why the DNA evidence LE has on the AM case wasn't run through the system? In 2010 they picked up the match currently in question...wasn't AM after that? If the profiles weren't entered, wouldn't that be considered a pretty big misstep? (I thought I had read that Fairfax made the match, but can't locate that article now. Maybe it's a difference in procedures from location to location within the state.)
FYI ribs are very fragile...I have personally fractured/broken peoples while doing chest compressions for CPR.
I'm checking in for the first time today! I was hoping by now we'd know if the remains belonged to Hannah or not. Can someone give me a brief rundown of the day's events? Or point me in the right direction to a post with the main points? Pretty please and thank you!
Just read on twitter where camblos isn't representing JM in fairfax, probably not worth his time. he knows he isn't going to get money for this. I read one reply on twitter said "Camblos used to put people like JM away for life, can't imagine how he is defending him". True, for so long he represented the state and victim. Personally, I could never represent that monster
I'm checking in for the first time today! I was hoping by now we'd know if the remains belonged to Hannah or not. Can someone give me a brief rundown of the day's events? Or point me in the right direction to a post with the main points? Pretty please and thank you!

Hello, we still do not have confirmation. There has not been much movement at all today besides Nelson County will begin another search for Alexis Murphy in November (unrelated to Hannah at this moment)
Hannah was incapacitated. Although she was tall and athletic, she didn't have a chance. If she'd had a chance, she could easily have out-run him ... even after she'd been drinking (she was jogging prior to becoming incapacitated at the Tempo restaurant/bar). We know from the rape victim that Jesse starts with a punch to the head. I suspect that happened as soon as Hannah was in his car.

We won't know until fornsic confirmation is given which may not be for a long time regarding COD and other injuries as to what JM did to Hannah. My guess is that she had something put in a drink,one of the ones JM had to buy before going off in his car with her. Too sudden for her to get so incapacitated as the Tempo checker describes her. Though it's possible that JM punched her immediately when he got into the car, right after last call in Charlottesville proper, cramped quarters in the car, I would think he'd let her lull off and would have that luxury if she were drugged. Hannah was a smart girl. He'd have likely had to get a knock out punch or she'd likely jump out of the car. That would be risky as he was just seen with her.

MH, is a whole other story. She told her friends she was going "Home" . Don't know where "home" for her that night, but she probably was unaware that JM was not taking her for a while Maybe dozed off, as she'd hit her head, was on some drugs or alcohol, tired, frustrated. If JM took her straight away to that farm where she was left, he might have been able to wait till he got there before attacking her. No idea how much she could have fought him. Though her parents have said she was beaten up and raped prior to getting killed, without the actual wording from the autopsy report, it's not possible to be certain whether that was opinion or fact, and the likelihoods given the evidence. Morgan's parents have said several things that may or are not accurate.

Sadly, since the 2005 rape, it appears JM has gotten more effective in killing his victims. He was not able to finish off that woman. I hope it was not due to practice in those year in between.
Didn't Gill also say they finally received the full autopsy report on Morgan's remains. Iirc she mentioned it was 30 something pages.

I think I read that on their blog. They have never revealed what all was in the AR.

September 18, 2012. Autopsy Report.

Which seat do you choose? Among all the comfortable chairs in this house, which one is the right one to support me as I open and read the Medical Examiner’s autopsy report for our slain daughter, Morgan Dana Harrington?

It is a thick envelope. The kids always said a fat envelop was a good sign; typically meaning something positive, like an acceptance to college. Thick or pancake flat envelope makes no difference in this missive; it is all bad news. It is stupid of me to be so avoidant of this written document. I have seen the damage, felt the bones, smelled the rot. Still to experience the objectivity and scientific analysis inherent in the autopsy report is going to be so disturbing.

She wasn’t a 20 year old white female, 5feet7 inches…… She was Morgan, our baby girl with shiny hair, flashing eyes and such sweet silky soft skin. How could he have ended all that? I will never understand the evil, the cruelty of this killer..
As time passes, Morgan, I feel mounting urgency about other young women that may fall in this predator’s path. I feel his blood lust growing and am frantic in my determination to Help Save the Next Girl.

<sniped - read more>
This is so OT but some things stand out to me that may not to others,

Wonder why whoever put those outside lights up hung them upside down? Wonder if they even know they are upside down?

I feel sorry for JM Mom.

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I feel sorry for JM's mom too... I think Mr. Wells is so sweet and I even feel bad for him somehow.
Those lights- probably installed that way because they're too tall if hung the right way ;-) My eye goes right to that too!
Just read on twitter where camblos isn't representing JM in fairfax, probably not worth his time. he knows he isn't going to get money for this. I read one reply on twitter said "Camblos used to put people like JM away for life, can't imagine how he is defending him". True, for so long he represented the state and victim. Personally, I could never represent that monster

Our system depends on people to represent the monsters and ensure they are getting a fair shake in court with someone defending them. If no one would represent JM, it would be a big problem. A PD would have to be assigned, and if that person did not do an adequate job, JM could walk on that technicality. It was a major issue in the Leiby Kletzky case when the defense decided he could not do it, defend the perp, and the attorney ending up representing the perp was barely adequate. IMO, that was instrumental in that perp getting off as lightly as he did with a plea bargain. We should thank those who take on the unctious job of a criminal defense attorney.
Per Coy Barefoot's FB: "Camblos actually met with Matthew earlier today at the jail, first chance to discuss Fairfax indictment since charges announced yesterday. Source tells me Matthew was quiet, not at all talkative, and appeared quite resigned, leaning back in his chair silently listening, his head back up against the wall, his eyes even closed at times."
I don't know what to think either, but the last thing I would think is that Hannah did not have regular dental care from early childhood onward.

It's possible that she has been identified based on dental records, and that information is being withheld/delayed for some reason. It's possible that her teeth were not intact. I could see Jesse thinking that since Morgan was identified through dental records, he should destroy her teeth. I think he felt very lucky in terms of getting away with rape and murder, and I suspect that he attributed some of that luck to hiding the body until little could be learned from the remains.

One reason I'm confident that Hannah had regular dental care is because she was born in England (moving to the US when she was five) where dental care is free for children. That is, it would have been common practice for her parents to ensure that Hannah had the same care as other children, regardless of where she lived. What I'm saying is that her parents would have thought it was normal for Hannah to have lifelong dental care. That's just an opinion ...

"The NHS provides, among other things, primary care, in-patient care, long-term healthcare, psychiatric care and treatments, ophthalmology, and dentistry. All treatment is free with the exception of certain charges for prescriptions, dentistry and ophthalmology (which themselves are free to children, certain students in full-time education, the elderly, the unemployed and those on low incomes). "


Her having braces proves your theory Otto.
They showed a framed poster that had white residue and scratches that they were told is consistent with drug use.

I say JM would use everything and anything to lure women. Remember his cabbie looked like a party bus in some pictures.


White residue and scratches consistent with drug use.....this just made me think of something. Tonight I was discussing a local murder case with my husband (from 2005) involving one of his old school mates/football team mates. Apparently after using Cocaine he strangled and attempted to rape one person and attempted to murder (stabbing while wearing gloves) two other people in the house. He claims he is innocent and he woke up to find the girl strangled and the other two people attacking him.

Is it possible that drug use is linked to all of these sexual assaults and murders? Can people lose track of what happened?

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Earlier today people were talking about heavy vultures breaking bones when they are standing on bodies.

I believe it had more to do with the vultures diving at the body. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought I heard that MH was found in a field.
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