Has Anyone looked at this yet? Possible location of Caylee

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Aug 1, 2008
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http://.com/gale/Caylee Anthony.htm

Hi Everyone,

I am new here, but I found this above link and it gave me chills. My mother is a medium, so I tend to believe this sort of thing. What do you think after looking at this?

This case just touches my heart, and I feel such sadness for this darling little girl.

Thank you for posting that! That was very interesting.

I wonder if any locals would be willing to go to those areas and see if they find any newly dug areas with flowers around them? Do you know if the ppl that wrote this are near Orlando?
Thank you for posting that! That was very interesting.

I wonder if any locals would be willing to go to those areas and see if they find any newly dug areas with flowers around them? Do you know if the ppl that wrote this are near Orlando?

Especially if you mapquest from the home to warren lake.

listen to the radio show, link is at the bottom
Brian isn't thought of too highly around here. As a matter of fact, we don't consider him much of anything besides a waste of time. He hasn't been right yet that I can tell on ANY case.
not even once that I can remember. :mad:

This I did not know!! I see his site referenced quite often does anyone know how he got so popular when there has been no credibility established?
Like I said, thought it was interesting. I don't know much about him at all, I will keep all this in mind and see how it unfolds.
This I did not know!! I see his site referenced quite often does anyone know how he got so popular when there has been no credibility established?

Because of the internet, I can say I am a 5'9, 110 pound underwear model and some fools out there will believe me and send me money.

I can make up lists of "clients" and make up "testimonials" and people will flock to my site and say how wonderful I am.

It's just a scam. :rolleyes:
Brian retrofits his predictions-by and large we try not to give him much airtime.....

Welcome and do not let this scare you off. In order to give your thought process some balance, however, let me link you to a statement by Kelly Jolkowski of Project Jason regarding psychic mediums and the missing...

Thank You! I completely understand being able to make false claims on the internet and such, makes sense. I can also see valid reasons four doubting these readings. I am personally on the fence. I called a radio station once where Mary something or other was doing readings. All she knew was my name that was it. As it was radio she could not see me. She was able to tell that I had a connection to someone studying psychology (ex hubby) which was strange. She also kept mentioning sunflowers in relation to my nana that had passed on . When my mom's hubby was very sick and almost didnt make it my mom noticed that there was a sunflower magnet thing on his hospital door and she took it as a sign that everything would be ok and it was. Anyway perhaps it's real and perhaps not, I have no clue. Sorry to get off topic here!!
This letter that was posted on the first link here gave me the creeps. It sounds like this is exactly what could have happened. I always thought she put her in a dumpster so it will be very hard to find her little body. Here's the letter:

Dear Brian,

I am so glad you have put Caylee on your list. I had a strange dream right after the first time I heard about Caylee Anthony. Today is the first day I have looked at your site since she has been on the boards. I was curious to see if you had put her up there. When I read your notes on the case I cried. Because it is very similar, (although not the exact same) as the dream I had about Caylee.

In my dream I saw Caylee's mother, fighting with Caylee's grandmother about wanting to go shopping at the mall, and her grandmother kept telling her daughter that she didn't have money to spend at the mall, and that she was a parent now, and Caylee should be first priority. She went into a spiel, telling her daughter to be an adult, take care of her own child, and that she wouldn't watch Caylee for her to go "galavanting". I than saw Caylee sitting in the back seat of a car, her mother driving eratically. They got to a covered parking lot. But it was hot out. Still her mother cracked the windows of the car, and I thought to myself, oh God, it's over ninety degrees. Even in the shade I knew this was a BAD idea.

Caylee was left sitting in the back seat of the car. No one noticed her. When someone finally walked by the car close enough to see Caylee, she was gone, slumped in the bottom of the car, she had slipped off the seat, and was laying across the bottom of the car. So the person who could have saved her had he seen her, didn't see her, she was passed out. The whole time I watched her in the car seemed like an eternity and I was thinking, oh my God please let someone save her.

No such luck. Her mother came back to the car, and by now, Caylee wasn't breathing. She had baked from the outside in, and was dead. Her mother put her bags in the back of the car, didn't even check on Caylee first, which made me so mad. She went to the back, and shook Caylee. She tried to wake her up. Than, instead of panicking, and calling 911 to see if they could try and bring her back, she grabbed a pink blanket from the bottom of the car, and wrapped Caylee into it. She was angry. Cursing under her breath that it was all her mother's fault for not watching her in the first damned place. Her words, not mine. She looked around and than dumped Caylee into the trunk, wrapped in the pink blanket.

She drove to her mom's, her mom wasn't home and she ran to a neighbor's and asked to borrow a shovel after trying to get into a locked shed. She buried Caylee in the back yard, covered her up with dirt, patted it down, and went and gave the shovel back. She sat on the mother's porch smoking like a fiend. She was angry not upset, not crying, no sadness, no regret just totally pissed. I didn't see anything more for that day, I woke up crying for Caylee, it seemed real very real. When I fell back asleep, I could see Caylee covered in dirt in the back of the same car. She was still wrapped in the pale pink blanket. Her mom drove to a building. It was tall, sadly that's all I can tell you about the building. And there was a dumpster in an alley next to the building. It was very late at night. She dumped Caylee still wrapped up in the dumpster. I could tell somehow that the next morning the dumpster was going to be unloaded into a truck and taken to a dump.

When I awoke the next morning I felt exhausted as if I had gotten no sleep at all.

I so hope I'm wrong Brian. For someone to treat their baby like a piece of trash, they need to be totally out of their minds. Totally psychopathic. There is something terribly wrong with Caylee's mother.

On a side note, I get the feeling that Caylee's grandmother knows Caylee is dead, but won't admit it, even to herself. I feel she loves that little girl and doesn't want to believe that her daughter could do such a thing. Without a body, I feel that this grandma will never stop hoping. I have a feeling she will be looking at children passing by her until the day she dies, wondering if this is her.

Thanks Brian, and I hope I helped,
Thanks Carla.
i know there are some real psychics out there and people that have extremely good intuition. but its been at least my experience that those that are real, usually don't advertise it much...others seem to do it for them. and they're very willing to help any way they can FREE OF CHARGE.
Wonder if Sylvia Brown has been contacted or offered up anything? She usually contacts LE directly - or - even sometimes LE contacts her.
Hi seriously searching - I'm not questioning your opinion at all. I'm sorry if I came across that way. I don't know any of these people. But, when I was listening to that audio - there was a woman - Gayle - she has two cadavar dogs and seems to have worked many missing persons cases. She was quite informative and seemed very knowledgable. Your thought?
Another one what? Can't tell if you mean a fraud or a "good" one.

She's a whack job.

I do believe that psychics exist. I just don't believe in her.
As for Brian, everything on his site was common knowledge or theories that had been stated on tv or right here on this site.
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