Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

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Has the defense changed your mind about ICA's guilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 6.0%
  • No

    Votes: 408 56.6%
  • Waste. Huge waste.

    Votes: 270 37.4%

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  • Poll closed .
I still think she is guilty BUT for someone that didn't/doesn't know anything about this case I can see where at first what the defense said would cause doubt but when JB was questioning GA he blew it in my opinion. I figured JB would have grilled him more but he didn't.

Hi, Carla79. The "large umbrella" opening covered a lot and had enough lures to attract individual individual jurors. It was weakened by Baez's much weaker questioning of George Anthony. (That the father appeared as the first prosecution witness did much to blunt the effect of the opening statement too.)
Good questions but if you understood the mentality of one who has been sexually abused and how they react in certain situations, how they have been raised to live a lie and put on a happy face to the everyone outside their home/family life and compartmentalize/dissociate everything bad that happens to them then I think you would be able to answer most of these questions yourself.

What shocks me the most is that so many people here on websleuths who spend so much time following true crime are unable to see that Casey Anthony has all the classic signs of a girl who has been sexually abused, in fact she is a textbook case.[/QUOTE\\

It would help if she were not a pathological liar. No-one should rely on anything this girl says, particularly about sexual abuse. She seems more the controller of that household than the victim.
The Defence has not changed my mind about ICA's guilt or innocence.

Todays fiasco, jaw dropping as it was, only made me laugh out loud and curse DT Lawyers. I promise you, people, that I will NEVER be a defence lawyer. Ever. Waste. Huge waste.

Bumbling, stumbling, grasping for words, using improper english, failing dry erase marker b.s., inexperienced, unprofessional......

nope! Baez only solidified my beliefs that ICA duct taped her baby and treated her worse than trash. Not GA. Not CA. Not LA. Not Kronk. Baez is trying to blame anyone and everyone except the one who did this terrible, unthinkable, despicable deed: ICA. Won't fly.

It was laughable and anger invoking both at the same time. Today was the first time that I actually almost cried for George. Couldn't imagine what he felt like today with what was presented. He was very strong and composed and I admire him for that.

Hope the A's stop giving that <mod snip> money for granola bars at long last....whaddaya think????
Weather or not Casey was SA, it's a little too late to bring that up. IF IF IF this is the case (which I don't believe for ONE second it is) Cindy should have divorced George and gotten Casey away from him.

I've been SA, and I've NEVER acted the way Casey has ( It IS possible to be SP) but I never was.

IF Casey was being sexually abused she should have told someone, anyone, her teacher, grandmother, uncle, friends, friend's parents etc.

Why Not tell Jessie Grund and/or his parents?

There is a reason why she never told anyone: IT NEVER HAPPENED!

This is yet ANOTHER one of her many lies so people will think "Aw, Poor Casey look what her Father and Brother and own Mother put her through for all those years, look what she's been having to carry around for the past x amount of years".

Many people have been SA in some way, the majority of them don't take it out on little defenseless children.

This is a load of B.S.

Please forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't she tell both Jesse and TL that she had been SA?
Yes, the DT changed my mind from 99% to 100% absolutely guilty. AF best be on her game cause JB and CM will get a death sentence for KC at this rate.
A wee tiny bit off topic but wanted to share my thoughts with ya'all on this:

I am considering going out and getting a tattoo tomorrow. It'll be in remembrance of Baez's opening statements today, and it will read simply - - -

Bella Sustained Vita

What say you? Do or don't?
ok im new to all this, but KC is accusing her father of molestation right? So is she trying to say that her father killed CA? Also what has this done to her family? I know they were her at first. I know these sound like dumb questions, but I'm new to this case.

Hi!! welcome to WS. Your not dumb!! you just picked one he77 of a case. I'm not sure if shes trying to prove he killed Caylee,its a jumbled up mess.Please stick around you will learn a lot and have a good time.:great::wagon:. We dont know how the family will see this. Wait til you see Arpad Vass in action! Try to remember what Baez said about him in opening..
........Oh yes!!!! the "dumb one" is reserved for me,though I am harmless.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Nore.
ps. Arpad is cute! if only I was 50 years younger!
I don't think it is fair to allude that sleuthers who don't believe KC's SA claim are the reason other SA victims don't come forward. This forum is full of personal stories of SA survivors and they've always been supported here.
Please forgive me if I am wrong, but didn't she tell both Jesse and TL that she had been SA?
Yes. She definitely intimated this to Jesse. I'm not sure if she told TL or someone else the same thing but she did alledge the same to another male friend. She also told a long-list-pack-of-lies to her family and friends for many years about who she was and what she was doing that are proven to be lies. She even had Jesse believing that he could be Caylee's father until his family knocked some sense into him and had a paternity test done...So, the defence has some HUGE hurdles to overcome regarding the sexual abuse allegations. If ICA has lied about pretty much everything she has stated for the past six years of her life, why should the jury accept this allegation as truth?


I just want to say Thank you to all the posters during the day and those of you with screen captures! I can't comment during the day soo TYTYTYTY!!! and esp for the pics!!!
Nope, nada - no luck. Defense on first day=fail.
They tried so much stuff that is disjointed & unconnected
that they might as well bring in the glove from the OJ trial
and try the 'if it doesn't fit you must acquit' thing.
It would have no connection to the reality of this case but then
much of what was presented for the defense suffered the same
Good questions but if you understood the mentality of one who has been sexually abused and how they react in certain situations, how they have been raised to live a lie and put on a happy face to the everyone outside their home/family life and compartmentalize/dissociate everything bad that happens to them then I think you would be able to answer most of these questions yourself.

What shocks me the most is that so many people here on websleuths who spend so much time following true crime are unable to see that Casey Anthony has all the classic signs of a girl who has been sexually abused, in fact she is a textbook case.

I can only state where the problem lies for me in believing ICA's molestation allegations. Most, if not all, abuse survivors do everything in their power to cherish and protect their children. ICA time and time again made it clear she was extremely unhappy that her family was more concerned about Caylee. She was perfectly happy to go out and party while her abusers watched her child.

I might as well just say it... I am a survivor myself. I went so far as not to sleep when my sister would come visit for the weekends so I could be certain she wasn't being harmed. My abuser will never.. ever be alone with my children. NEVER. I protected my sister as a teenager. My resolve to protect my children is increased 1000 fold.

Honestly, the DT has taken a vat of spaghetti with all their OS theories hoping one of them sticks just for one juror.
Where I was previously indifferent as to whether or not she got LWOP or DP, the defence's allegations have tipped my scales in favor of the DP. This woman is even willing to trample over the dead bodies of her (very dysfunctional) family who have stood by her to the detriment of her daughter's deserved justice. Geez. How low can you go? She is not only a murderer but most evil and despicable to boot imo.


And (thankfully) Baez was a dismal failure in questioning today. He never even asked GA whether or not he had sexually abused his client! WT Hay?
Good questions but if you understood the mentality of one who has been sexually abused and how they react in certain situations, how they have been raised to live a lie and put on a happy face to the everyone outside their home/family life and compartmentalize/dissociate everything bad that happens to them then I think you would be able to answer most of these questions yourself.

What shocks me the most is that so many people here on websleuths who spend so much time following true crime are unable to see that Casey Anthony has all the classic signs of a girl who has been sexually abused, in fact she is a textbook case.

There are many molestation, abuse and violent crime victims on this forum that have written that she does not seem forthright to them and they are offended. I did see those posts.
OK this doesn't make sense.

Casey's cell map (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=e...8592,-81.309128&spn=0.265966,0.43396&t=h&z=11) shows no ping anywhere near the anthony's house on the 16th.

Further, Ping 15 is 9 minutes by car away from the Anthony household and is for the time period 8:46 am - 11:47 am.

So (a) how did she make a phone call lasting that long and (b) why was her phone so far away from the pool where Caylee allegedly died.,

Actually, the ping map you linked (made by GeorgiaPI I believe) shows that Casey was in the vicinity of the Anthony home all day on June 16 until about 4:15 p.m.

Also, there was no phone call from 8:46 am-11:47 am.

Let's not go O/T here--PM me if you need more explanation. :)
Good questions but if you understood the mentality of one who has been sexually abused and how they react in certain situations, how they have been raised to live a lie and put on a happy face to the everyone outside their home/family life and compartmentalize/dissociate everything bad that happens to them then I think you would be able to answer most of these questions yourself.

What shocks me the most is that so many people here on websleuths who spend so much time following true crime are unable to see that Casey Anthony has all the classic signs of a girl who has been sexually abused, in fact she is a textbook case.

What I see in this case is Baez yelling "Bingo" "we finally have a half *advertiser censored* defense" whenever he read the jailhouse letters.
The classic signs I am seeing now are the classic signs of excuses made up by a bunch of people with degrees to try to save Casey's life. Casey writing these things down caused the defense to hit the textbooks to see if they could find anything that would help them explain a doomed case from the start.
That is my opinion.
Actually, the ping map you linked (made by GeorgiaPI I believe) shows that Casey was in the vicinity of the Anthony home all day on June 16 until about 4:15 p.m.

Also, there was no phone call from 8:46 am-11:47 am.

Let's not go O/T here--PM me if you need more explanation. :)

Trying to research it myself. Couldn't ask you for anymore advise after you have given us all of the free legal advice :).

I am off to bed in a bit but will resume research tomorrow.
Where I was previously indifferent as to whether or not she got LWOP or DP, the defence's allegations have tipped my scales in favor of the DP. This woman is even willing to trample over the dead bodies of her (very dysfunctional) family who have stood by her to the detriment of her daughter's deserved justice. Geez. How low can you go? She is not only a murderer but most evil and despicable to boot imo.


And (thankfully) Baez was a dismal failure in questioning today. He never even asked GA whether or not he had sexually abused his client! WT Hay?

Any abuse I endured did not excuse the many mistakes I made as a troubled teenager or even a troubled young adult. I had to learn that yes, I may have been temporarily damaged but I could choose what to do with that and where my life would go. I chose to get help. I chose to learn to be a better person. I wanted that for my life.

ICA is perfectly content to pull the victim card and use at will. She has done it her entire life. "Tell the story that will get all the attention unto you" is her mantra.

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