Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

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You ever wound a game bird while hunting and had to finish it off by breaking its neck? Its a lot smaller than a two year old child. Its done though.The plot is killing someone. The research shows premeditation. Neck breaking proved to be too difficult for the killer to do. So duct tape over the nose and mouth became the preferred method. IMO.

No, can't say I have been hunting game birds lately. On my bucket list now, I guess.

Does the game bird engage in hand to hand combat, too? Taking that off the bucket list if I have to deal with true angry birds.
You ever wound a game bird while hunting and had to finish it off by breaking its neck? Its a lot smaller than a two year old child. Its done though.The plot is killing someone. The research shows premeditation. Neck breaking proved to be too difficult for the killer to do. So duct tape over the nose and mouth became the preferred method. IMO.

I just can't understand this though... I'm supposed to believe that not only was she was smart enough to make Chloroform (which isn't that difficult, but still requires at least a little intelligence to do without something going wrong), but she also managed to make it without leaving a single piece of evidence behind of where or when she made it, but when it came time to research how to kill a toddler she looks up ruptured spleen, shovel, hand to hand combat, internal bleeding and neck breaking? That just doesn't sit right with me. I can probably think of 10 easier, less detectable ways of killing people off the top of my head just from plots in TV shows and movies. (I really, really hope I'm never falsely accused* of murder, because I'm sure that statement will come back to haunt me) Maybe she did research it back then, maybe she did make it, but if she was plotting to kill anyone in March, I don't think it was Caylee. Then again, she's CCFCP so maybe I'm completely wrong. MOO

*Not implying anything about the current trial, only that I'm fairly certain I'm not ever committing murder, so if I was arrested for it, then the charges would be false.
No, can't say I have been hunting game birds lately. On my bucket list now, I guess.

Does the game bird engage in hand to hand combat, too? Taking that off the bucket list if I have to deal with true angry birds.
Two year olds don't engage in hand to hand combat either but they can certainly have their necks broken. Just not in this case.Hey, I didn't do the research, but someone did.
This wasn't a great way for DT to end. CA shown to being lying abut something that shows premeditation isn't what you really want the jury going out on. I can't see 12 agreeing to acquit and could see 12 coming back to convict but they might need to meet in the middle and have it be 2nd or Agg Man. I'd prefer her to get life in prison.

I'm with you on that last part, I'll be happy if she doesn't ever have the chance to hurt a child again.
No, can't say I have been hunting game birds lately. On my bucket list now, I guess.

Does the game bird engage in hand to hand combat, too? Taking that off the bucket list if I have to deal with true angry birds.

Totally OT but that made me spit my soda across my coffee table. Visions of being in a fist fight with the yellow "angry bird"...
I just can't understand this though... I'm supposed to believe that not only was she was smart enough to make Chloroform (which isn't that difficult, but still requires at least a little intelligence to do without something going wrong), but she also managed to make it without leaving a single piece of evidence behind of where or when she made it, but when it came time to research how to kill a toddler she looks up ruptured spleen, shovel, hand to hand combat, internal bleeding and neck breaking? That just doesn't sit right with me. I can probably think of 10 easier, less detectable ways of killing people off the top of my head just from plots in TV shows and movies. (I really, really hope I'm never falsely accused* of murder, because I'm sure that statement will come back to haunt me) Maybe she did research it back then, maybe she did make it, but if she was plotting to kill anyone in March, I don't think it was Caylee. Then again, she's CCFCP so maybe I'm completely wrong. MOO

*Not implying anything about the current trial, only that I'm fairly certain I'm not ever committing murder, so if I was arrested for it, then the charges would be false.

Chloroform in this case is a tough one to figure out. It's been proven that searches where on the family computer. Its been proven that abnormal amounts where found in the Sunfire trunk. Why? I don't know, but somethings not right. Duct tape over the nose and mouth is easy to see. Would that tape kill Caylee? Think about it.
How long could she serve if charged with aggravated manslaughter???
Two year olds don't engage in hand to hand combat either but they can certainly have their necks broken. Just not in this case.Hey, I didn't do the research, but someone did.

I agree, Ranch. I can't figure why the state included that search term. It undermines their case to me by making me wonder if she had some BF that was threatening her or what have you. Or maybe she was plotting to kill the whole family and not Caylee.
Chloroform in this case is a tough one to figure out. It been proven that searches where on the family computer. Its been proven that abnormal amounts where found in the Sunfire trunk. Why? I don't know, but somethings not right. Duct tape over the nose and mouth is easy to see. Would that tape kill Caylee? Think about it.

Oh trust me I've thought about it obsessively... The chloroform has always been a bit of a stretch for me. Internet searches three months before hand and high amounts found over a month afterward in the trunk, by scientists with a new technology (not that new makes it bad) who specifically stated they could not speculate as to when it got there, or what the source of it was. If it wasn't for the fact that someone went to the trouble of deleting the searches immediately after Caylee's "disappearance" was reported, I'd discount it completely, bc sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Still, without something else tying it to the actual crime (evidence Casey bought materials to make it, for example) it's just too big a logical leap for me to make to say it had to be involved. And the duct tape? My issues with that are less clearly defined.
I'm glad I don't have to sit in the jury room on this one. I have a feeling it won't be fun, at all.
Call me crazy but under no circumstance do I see ICA intentionally killing this child. I just can't go there. I still say some type of accidental death. Whether it was the pool, putting her to sleep with chloroform, I don't know. The child was obviously in the trunk but that doesn't mean she was put there alive. As for the pool, the child did not need the ladder to be UP. She could have stood on the ladder's side and got in the pool. I know I'm a minority here but I just can't go there. I don't care how many lies, hot body contest, or sex partners. That doesn't prove premeditated murder. By all accounts she loved the child. Yes, she is a young mother that took advantage of her parents to watch the child. But, there are plenty of young and older mothers that do that. They leave them here and there, etc. Can I buy negligent homicide, yes. Not Murder. IMOO
I think, as I've said before, that all theatrics and theories aside, this case boils down to two possibilities.

1. Casey Anthony accidentally killed her daughter and then tried to hide the body or make it look like a kidnapping.

Now if she wanted to plead this case, this was the time to do it. They started off showing that they were going for this angle but then spent the entire defense in DEFENDING her against circumstantial evidence rather than getting her to say "what really happened."

It was a gamble but they had a shot. They could have had Casey take the stand and plead that case. But they didn't because they know it's not true and it would have been shredded.

They also did not aggressively strip down GA in a way that suggested that J Baez actually believed the things he was accusing GA of. If I was the defense I'd have ripped into that guy with everything if I'm trying to make it look like he had something to do with it. I'd be disgusted by him, that his actions led CA through sexual abuse and destroyed as a mother and all that he'd put Cindy through. I'd also be angry because he caused Caylee to die.

But the defense did not do that because they knew the story was full of it the minute they said it.

We have Cindy Anthony lying about the computer searches which only serves to prove that there is a REASON to lie about the computer searches. For me the computer searches meant absolutely nothing. But lying about who did them made me think she was covering something up.

Bottom line is that if Casey DID accidentally do this, she has had three years to come clean and tell us what happened. But she didn't. She didn't because she knows she is responsible for killing her child and trying to cover it up.

The second possibility is that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter. Second degree, accident whatever, she killed her kid. And she didn't do anything for a month.

So this tells me that she did not react like a normal person to the death of her child, which leads me to believe that she did not treat her child in a normal way. So even if it was an accident, she neglected her child to such a degree that she caused her death.

I'm not worried about the DP because I'm against it, but there is no reasonable doubt here at all.

Sure they didn't prove WHAT she did, but they certainly took away all doubt that she is ultimately the one that is responsible for the death of her child.

I think they will deliberate for about 7 hours before someone realizes that they are debating pointless crap. It all comes down to that 911 call

Dispatch: and you last saw her a month ago?

Casey: 31 days. been 31 days.

Dispatch: who has her? Do you have a name?

Casey: her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales.

Dispatch: who is that? Babysitter?

Casey: she’s been my nanny for about a year and a half. Almost two years.

Dispatch: why… why are you calling now? Why didn’t you call 31 days ago?
I agree, Ranch. I can't figure why the state included that search term. It undermines their case to me by making me wonder if she had some BF that was threatening her or what have you. Or maybe she was plotting to kill the whole family and not Caylee.

Ok.I think your paying to much attention to what JB says.Hand to Hand combat doesn't necessarily mean self defense.It means using your hands to inflict injury to some one else. Self defense means to defend yourself from attack from another.
Call me crazy but under no circumstance do I see ICA intentionally killing this child. I just can't go there. I still say some type of accidental death. Whether it was the pool, putting her to sleep with chloroform, I don't know. The child was obviously in the trunk but that doesn't mean she was put there alive. As for the pool, the child did not need the ladder to be UP. She could have stood on the ladder's side and got in the pool. I know I'm a minority here but I just can't go there. I don't care how many lies, hot body contest, or sex partners. That doesn't prove premeditated murder. By all accounts she loved the child. Yes, she is a young mother that took advantage of her parents to watch the child. But, there are plenty of young and older mothers that do that. They leave them here and there, etc. Can I buy negligent homicide, yes. Not Murder. IMOO

Add duct tape to this scenario,cut out of her hair by the coroner:twocents: And putting her to sleep with chloroform wouldn't be negligent homicide, would it? Wouldn't that fall under aggravated child abuse? I just don't see this as an accident......she is going to spend 3 yrs of her life in jail when LE gave her every chance to say it was an accident and she panicked.....
Call me crazy but under no circumstance do I see ICA intentionally killing this child. I just can't go there. I still say some type of accidental death. Whether it was the pool, putting her to sleep with chloroform, I don't know. The child was obviously in the trunk but that doesn't mean she was put there alive. As for the pool, the child did not need the ladder to be UP. She could have stood on the ladder's side and got in the pool. I know I'm a minority here but I just can't go there. I don't care how many lies, hot body contest, or sex partners. That doesn't prove premeditated murder. By all accounts she loved the child. Yes, she is a young mother that took advantage of her parents to watch the child. But, there are plenty of young and older mothers that do that. They leave them here and there, etc. Can I buy negligent homicide, yes. Not Murder. IMOO

Thanks for having the tenacity and probably courage to share a viewpoint that differs from the majority. I may not agree with you but I hella respect the fact you have an opinion and you are willing to share it.

:) Thanks!
Add duct tape to this scenario,cut out of her hair by the coroner:twocents: And putting her to sleep with chloroform wouldn't be negligent homicide, would it? Wouldn't that fall under aggravated child abuse? I just don't see this as an accident......she is going to spend 3 yrs of her life in jail when LE gave her every chance to say it was an accident and she panicked.....

They did not prove to me that duct tape was across her face. And you are right, I'm not good with all the different terms, aggravated child abuse would be the charge for chloroform.

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