Have you considered the safety of your dog this Halloween?

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Dark Knight

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Sep 3, 2004
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Tame Halloween Fright with Bark Busters’ Safety Tips for Families with Dogs

Keep your dog safe on the most dangerous holiday of the year for dogs with guidelines from Bark Busters.

“Nationwide, we hear about more dogs dying or straying during Halloween than any other holiday,” said Amy Clear, dog behavioral therapist, Bark Busters USA. “Halloween is intended to scare and startle us—making it a spooky holiday for dogs, too. By being more sensitive to dogs’ fear-driven ‘fight or flight’ instincts, we can help keep our furry friends safe this Halloween.”

Halloween brings a fun time for most of us, but for some of our much-loved four-legged family members, Halloween can be a nightmare. Dog owners may not be able to control external surroundings, but they can care for their dog’s safety and well being by observing the following tips:

Tame Halloween Fright with Bark Busters’ Safety Tips for Families with Dogs

Keep your dog safe on the most dangerous holiday of the year for dogs with guidelines from Bark Busters.

“Nationwide, we hear about more dogs dying or straying during Halloween than any other holiday,” said Amy Clear, dog behavioral therapist, Bark Busters USA. “Halloween is intended to scare and startle us—making it a spooky holiday for dogs, too. By being more sensitive to dogs’ fear-driven ‘fight or flight’ instincts, we can help keep our furry friends safe this Halloween.”

Halloween brings a fun time for most of us, but for some of our much-loved four-legged family members, Halloween can be a nightmare. Dog owners may not be able to control external surroundings, but they can care for their dog’s safety and well being by observing the following tips:


Thank you kindly for passing along these tips. :)
Thanks DK. Keep your eyes on your cats too. :)

Thanks DK. Keep your eyes on your cats too. :)

Thank you, Dark Knight!

And, thank you, too, Gozgals- I was just about to write the same thing about cats.
Sadly, there are some cruel people out there who think it's 'fun' to hurt our four legged friends on 'Spook Night', and black cats in particular have been known to be a target.

Just like the 4th of July, Halloween (and the days surrounding the holiday) are a good time to keep our pets inside our homes, and safe!
I had a dog years ago - a sheltie. We used to host Halloween parties - BIG ones. My little sheltie was part person. I dressed her up one year and she LOVED IT!! Just a white sheet with holes cut for the eyes and her snout. When she would lay down (or sit) the sheet would slide back and the snout hole was big enough to pull all the back on her face (so her whole face as exposed). She was the hit of the party and ate up every bit of attention!!! Oh Lord how I miss that dog. But, on one New Years eve the fireworks scared the bejeezus outta her and she took off out the door and down the street - of course we went and got her and I sat with her the rest of the night holding her on my lap.

Now, the cats worry me more. I have THE HALLOWEEN cat. Jet black - everywhere - not a spot of white. Big yellow eyes and her "canines" hang just a smidge below her lip when her mouth is shut. She is a long hair and absolutely beautiful. I used to always worry about her around Halloween. Now, she doesn't go outside at all anymore - thank God. But people used to warn me about her being out around Halloween and how people (especially kids) can be very cruel.

Yes, I do agree that you must take your furbabies into consideration around the holidays - especially Halloween, New Yera's, and 4th of July - that's when all those BIG BANGS happen.
This is a great thread especially for the fur babies that are outside .
My dogs have always had children around and do not fear them.
I always was afraid that my dog would follow children out the door and get lost.
So on Halloween night, one of us give candy and the other babysits our pooch
in the TV room.
I appreciate this thread so much!

I know it seems cliché, but most especially protect black cats. There are some very misguided (to say the least) people who abuse animals on Halloween. Animal sacrifices are not uncommon. It is so hard to imagine but it is true.

Thank you so much for reminding everyone to protect these innocent babies--all of of them.

To help spread the word and save more furbabies, you might want to e-mail this information to all of your friends who have pets, as well, and ask them to also forward it on.
...Now, the cats worry me more. I have THE HALLOWEEN cat. Jet black - everywhere - not a spot of white. Big yellow eyes and her "canines" hang just a smidge below her lip when her mouth is shut. She is a long hair and absolutely beautiful. I used to always worry about her around Halloween. Now, she doesn't go outside at all anymore - thank God. But people used to warn me about her being out around Halloween and how people (especially kids) can be very cruel.

Yes, I do agree that you must take your furbabies into consideration around the holidays - especially Halloween, New Yera's, and 4th of July - that's when all those BIG BANGS happen.

Respectfully snipped -

We have a new black kitten this year and we are keeping a special eye on him. Both our kitties are full-time indoor fur-babies, but both are too curious for their own good and liable to sneak through a door to the outside.

Thanks for starting this thread, DK.
Around here, we bring the all black mousers inside the barn for Halloween and the days before and after.
There are some sick people out there.

And keep an eye on the chocolates with woofer around. :)
Hate to admit that I am going to be a kill joy this Halloween. With 4 dogs in the house there is no way to control them and answer the door too. Just the sound of the doorbell anytime sets them off!! Add kids in costumes and I would hate to see the end result. Tried locking them in a room last year and lost a great deal of paint off the door so I am not doing that again. Guess I will just turn out all the lights and pretend that no one is home! I hate to do it because I just love seeing all the children dressed up in their costumes. It brings back such fond memories of when mine was a youngster.
Hate to admit that I am going to be a kill joy this Halloween. With 4 dogs in the house there is no way to control them and answer the door too. Just the sound of the doorbell anytime sets them off!! Add kids in costumes and I would hate to see the end result. Tried locking them in a room last year and lost a great deal of paint off the door so I am not doing that again. Guess I will just turn out all the lights and pretend that no one is home! I hate to do it because I just love seeing all the children dressed up in their costumes. It brings back such fond memories of when mine was a youngster.

You could always peek out the windows and still see the kids in their costumes. :)
I want to add my appreciation to DK .... & everyone for taking extra precautions when our furbabies are at more risk. One Halloween eve, I "stole" a kitten who was with trick or treaters. The kids said "he's not ours, just following us". Can you believe there were 2 sets of parents with this group? I asked where they 1st saw him (2 blocks away) then brought him inside & told them I would see that he was returned because otherwise he would have little chance of finding his way back home. I wanted to ask "are you that irresponsible or just stupid?" The little kitty spent the night with us because his family was at a party until late. They were happy to have him back but said it had not occurred to them the kitty may tag along with other kids.... well. duh! I wanted to say "are you that irresponsible or just stupid?"
Yappy will be safe in his crate while the kiddies are at the door. :D

(for both their sakes'!)
My Mother passed out kittens instead of candy one year for Halloween. She was not a very responsible pet owner and we had 27 kittens all at the same time. We had the Momma cat and six of her offspring and she let them get pregnant. When the little ones would knock on the door she would just drop a kitten in their bag and tell them not to bring it back. It was just awful and I remember crying. This was back in the sixties and thankfully she was made to fix the Momma cat and find new homes for the others.
Hate to admit that I am going to be a kill joy this Halloween. With 4 dogs in the house there is no way to control them and answer the door too. Just the sound of the doorbell anytime sets them off!! Add kids in costumes and I would hate to see the end result. Tried locking them in a room last year and lost a great deal of paint off the door so I am not doing that again. Guess I will just turn out all the lights and pretend that no one is home! I hate to do it because I just love seeing all the children dressed up in their costumes. It brings back such fond memories of when mine was a youngster.

You can always leave a little bowl of candy on the stoop or a chair 1/2 way up the drive and re-fill as necessary. Do smarties or suckers so they'll not just take it all at once. lol
If you want of course.
My Mother passed out kittens instead of candy one year for Halloween. She was not a very responsible pet owner and we had 27 kittens all at the same time. We had the Momma cat and six of her offspring and she let them get pregnant. When the little ones would knock on the door she would just drop a kitten in their bag and tell them not to bring it back. It was just awful and I remember crying. This was back in the sixties and thankfully she was made to fix the Momma cat and find new homes for the others.

I could just imagine my mother if I came home with candy and a kitten!:rolling:

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