GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #2

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Thank you for the welcome wagon Kapua!

A "wrecking crew" equals accomplice or accomplices. That would make planning and everything else so way more complicated for SC.
If SC did it and he planned ahead which it seems it sure was, then he could plan to do it alone. He had time. 8:30pm til 7am when he went to work[modsnip]. all IMO

SC woulda been taking a big chance to hope random car thief would get it before anyone else at all spotted it. And he'd have been taking a big chance to hire accomplices. What if they said no! What if they screwed it up or talked later!

It was possible for him to do it alone. I think we all looked at him having help when we thought the place of murder was Keanae but now we consider that was probably all red herring. It's possible he was never even in Keanae on Feb.9th.

We gotto keep our eyes open for both possibilities still. If it was SC he might have done it alone or he might have had help.

IMO all above
All that said - after the fact people close to him can see info past or present that may make or break a case and they need to go share it with LE or they share guilt.
If he did it - if he had help - it could be in the form of friends covering him after the fact. IMO
Thank you for the welcome wagon Kapua!

A "wrecking crew" equals accomplice or accomplices. That would make planning and everything else so way more complicated for SC.
If SC did it and he planned ahead which it seems it sure was, then he could plan to do it alone. He had time. 8:30pm til 7am when he went to work [modsnip]. all IMO

SC woulda been taking a big chance to hope random car thief would get it before anyone else at all spotted it. And he'd have been taking a big chance to hire accomplices. What if they said no! What if they screwed it up or talked later!

It was possible for him to do it alone. I think we all looked at him having help when we thought the place of murder was Keanae but now we consider that was probably all red herring. It's possible he was never even in Keanae on Feb.9th.

We gotto keep our eyes open for both possibilities still. If it was SC he might have done it alone or he might have had help.

IMO all above

I agree for the most part. I don't think he had accomplices per se. The problem with accomplices is that they end up knowing something that could, in a first degree murder case, put a perp behind bars for life. And if a hefty reward is offered, along with immunity from prosecution, the accomplice(s) could be quite tempted to tell the authorities. If SC was going to have to pay hush money to an accomplice for the rest of his life, he might as well have paid child support.

However, some of the local posters say that if you leave your car in certain areas, there's a very good chance that it will be stolen. Would he take that chance? He might, if he felt that chance was good enough AND if there wasn't anything particularly incriminating in the vehicle. Fingerprints? He admitted that she gave him a ride that night, so his fingerprints in her vehicle would not incriminate him any more than his ridiculously lame story already does. Abandoning the vehicle and leaving the stealing/torching part to chance gives him some unwitting 'accessories after the fact' rather than accomplices. But I do think that he had enough time to finish the job personally, and I'd also bet that he knew how. Now if there WAS a 'wrecking crew' and any one of them has a conscience AND does not want to be charged with being an accessory to a first-degree murder, he'd be very, very wise to tell the police exactly where the vehicle was parked when he and his -buddies found it and took it for a joy ride to Jaws.

I do think that SC was in Keanae at 11 due to Charli's cell phone's last GPS ping. Where he was before and after that is what I'd like to figure out so that we can find Charli and Joshua, bring them home, and get a dangerous criminal behind bars before he hurts more people.

It's definitely good to keep an open mind at this point, particularly because we have so few hard facts. The more good minds and different outlooks and opinions that we have here, the better.

All IMHO. :cow:

About 3/4 way down the page. ~ I do not know if they are still dating.
I do think that SC was in Keanae at 11 due to Charli's cell phone's last GPS ping. Where he was before and after that is what I'd like to figure out so that we can find Charli and Joshua, bring them home, and get a dangerous criminal behind bars before he hurts more people.

I agree with that.

IMO - I think he was in Keanae at 11pm due to the phone. I kinda wanna edit my post now but don't know if it's better to do that.
I forgot about the phone ping and was trying to be unbiased because really IMO I think he did it and did it alone.
If SC was going to have to pay hush money to an accomplice for the rest of his life, he might as well have paid child support.
All IMHO. :cow:

Yes and no. He could probably see himself as a "two bit hustler" paying hush money the rest of his life. He couldn't see himself having them as family the rest of his life. He didn't do it just to avoid paying child support. He did it because he didn't want them to exist. (Sorry - I feel sick just to type that.)
That is part of the horror though. Everyone else wants them. He had no right to take them from everyone and he's full of evil.
1) SC may have thought that the police would overlook the Jaws area in their search for Charli and her car. After all, LE was going by his story, the one that had Charli out the Hana road.*

Also, remember it was the sisters, (right?) who went and looked there --because it was close to where he lived! THEY found it. How long would it have taken LE to begin searching there? thoroughly has the jaws/Pe'ahi area been searched?

All he had to do was call one of the wrecking boys and give a tip about an abandoned 4Runner. They'd do the rest and he could "happen" by them when they did the parts "salvaging" and the burning -- maybe help a little...

Has any report been made by anyone who saw flames there the night of 2/9 through 2/12? It would help to get that factored into the timetable.

2 ) *On Feb 9th 9 "shares" were posted on his FB. They were evidently posted @ 3-ish (after work) until @4:30 or so. ( "He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him." --4/2 Peter Tosh)

They're poster-type pictures or graphics w/ captions, culled from various websites. After a closer look, these seem to me a bit different than his usual "shares". But one really stands out: it's a poster showing school children and some words to the effect of... let's not waste millions on the Pennsylvania prison budget while the PA school budgets are being cut... So is it just me or is this a bit unlikely, you intrepid souls who have visited Chunky's FB page...? Again, he could have had someone else posting for him. All he would have had to do is give his log-in info. It could be done by anyone, from anywhere. Like Pittspurg even. Just saying.

(why he would feel the need for this, I don't know, but would give him from right after work, 3pm, clear through the time he intercepted Charli after she left her sister's at 8pm to do something while he would be able to say he was doing something else, somewhere else. )*

[ so...I think that SC tipped the Jaws wrecking crew guys about an abandoned 4runner ( a possible reason for his insisting, before the infamous interview, that his voice not be broadcast). I think that it never left the Haiku/Jaws vicinity and that it did hold very incriminating evidence--it could even have been the murder weapon.]
...that would be Steven Capobianco calling a known wrecking crew boy anonymously...
Yes and no. He could probably see himself as a "two bit hustler" paying hush money the rest of his life. He couldn't see himself having them as family the rest of his life. He didn't do it just to avoid paying child support. He did it because he didn't want them to exist. (Sorry - I feel sick just to type that.)
That is part of the horror though. Everyone else wants them. He had no right to take them from everyone and he's full of evil.

I totally agree that he didn't just do it to avoid child support. You nailed it; it goes much deeper than that, deep into his twisted psyche. He himself was emotionally if not physically abandoned by his druggie mother. He was unloved and is unloving. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. IMHO. :cow:

I've been thinking about the possibility that he stripped and torched Charli's SUV himself. Could he have done it alone. How could it have been tipped over? And that would mean that he'd have to fence the car parts as well. I wonder if MPD has tracked down the person who sold the grille to the person who was in possession of it. Again MOO. :cow:
I could not get multi-quote to work, so let's try this. My responses are in bold text:

1) SC may have thought that the police would overlook the Jaws area in their search for Charli and her car. After all, LE was going by his story, the one that had Charli out the Hana road.

Exactly! I wonder if he thought her vehicle would be found and identified. And I am also thinking that Charli and Joshua may be somewhere other than where her clothes, dog, and other evidence was found. How thoroughly has the Peahi Road/Jaws area been searched?

Has any report been made by anyone who saw flames there the night of 2/9 through 2/12? It would help to get that factored into the timetable.

I asked that question a long time back on the first thread. If anyone saw or smelled flames, that information has not been made public.

2 ) *On Feb 9th 9 "shares" were posted on his FB. They were evidently posted @ 3-ish (after work) until @4:30 or so. ( "He was at work all day. Went to the internet after and left for Hana in the late afternoon according to him." --4/2 Peter Tosh)

Puzzling, isn't it? Why on Earth would someone post aimlessly on FB until 4:30 or so if he had planned to drive out to Keanae? He'd be sure to run out of daylight and he allegedly needed tires. I just thought of something - would he have kept Charli's tires to put on his truck? Anyway, that's just one reason that his story sounds so flaky.

MOO :cow:
I've been thinking about the possibility that he stripped and torched Charli's SUV himself. Could he have done it alone. How could it have been tipped over? And that would mean that he'd have to fence the car parts as well.

Yeah this. I keep thinking playing mechanic after a long night wasn't his bag. And then keeping stripped parts in his possession to play spare parts salesman - No way. IMO
Bodies probably aren't near Keanae cuz he keeps pointing at Keanae. (with his story and also planting clothes to be found there when everyone was looking there) They're probably far from Keanae.

I don't think he meant to call attention to Nahiku though. He didn't know if the dog would be kept by someone there - probably just hoped so - and he couldn't have predicted the timing of when she would be turned in if she was. So Nahiku is a real clue. He wanted the dog far away from the bodies.

I've been thinking about the possibility that he stripped and torched Charli's SUV himself. Could he have done it alone. How could it have been tipped over? And that would mean that he'd have to fence the car parts as well. I wonder if MPD has tracked down the person who sold the grille to the person who was in possession of it. Again MOO. :cow:

The person who has(had?--is it in police possession?) had better be under close LE scrutiny, IMHO. They hold some vital information that should lead right to whomever gutted and torched the 4Runner and where, how they came to get it. *Oh did they just find it tossed by the side of the road? Did it arrive parcel post?

I thought someone had said that any abandoned vehicle on that part of the island would likely be stripped and possibly torched and that the police rarely if ever go into Jaws/Pe'ahi where other like deeds have been done. (Incidentally, why did Steven Capobianco bizarrely make such a stink about that area in his Media interview? He had to emphasize that what was done to Charli's SUV was a common practice there--while still lamely trying to sound like he hardly knew it. Well, IMHO he made it evident that he does know it very well...and the people who do those things.

(Kapua, I'm sorry I missed that earlier post.:blushing: )
I totally agree that he didn't just do it to avoid child support. You nailed it; it goes much deeper than that, deep into his twisted psyche. He himself was emotionally if not physically abandoned by his druggie mother. He was unloved and is unloving. The apple didn't fall far from the tree

I am a recovering alcoholic and find that offensive. An addict is not a sociopath. My sister died of a drug overdose and she was the most loving person in the world and her kids are as well. Please don't make assumptions. He may be messed up but we don't know what sort of mother she was. Just because she was a drug addict who did not achieve recovery doesn't mean that before she wasn't a good person who fell into the wrong thing. The issue with addiction is that the addiction makes the active addict selfish in their need for 'more.' That is why kids are often neglected or mistreated. A lot of people who get clean are filled with absolute remorse, and those children, who might be adults by then, don't always forgive... then there's the danger of relapse. I've got 5.5 years sober now, and I am always at risk even though I rarely get an urge these days. But my kids were fortunate. I wasn't out there very long. My sister wasn't so fortunate. :/
Originally Posted by Kapua *
"I've been thinking about the possibility that he stripped and torched Charli's SUV himself. Could he have done it alone. How could it have been tipped over? And that would mean that he'd have to fence the car parts as well."

Posted by RunDaSurf:
"Yeah this. I keep thinking playing mechanic after a long night wasn't his bag. And then keeping stripped parts in his possession to play spare parts salesman - No way. IMO"
Me (IMHO):
His FB has lots of car stuff photos. I think he, along with a lot of people, keep their cars going on the cheap by scrounging parts and fixing the cars themselves. Hence cars for spare parts like the one in Charli's yard abound.*

It's entirely plausible to me that he could have stripped and torched it alone. I'm pretty certain he knew those 4runners well and the guys who trade in "used" parts, too. But...he wouldn't have to deal in them, just watch them be taken, and make sure the car burned, as he set it up to be.*Maybe he watched hidden, just to make sure nothing damning was left and no one would later ID him.

(he drives the 4runner down there, having stashed the -- man! I can't even say it--having hidden her nearby, because he can drive freely there in the night when no-one's there--not on the roads because Charli's car is supposed to be 20 miles away. He parks it, goes back to the hiding place and calls some guys he knows but they don't know it's him. Then he goes and finishes his other work. (what it is depends on the time line here...he might have gone out in his truck and back before he went out.) Retrieving the truck he had parked out of sight, he leaves. In my imagination, he has the SUV there Sunday night. Maybe it is where they went first and there was where the evil was done. He could have called the guys by 9pm, gone in his truck out the Hana road with Nala and Charli's phone--he would use her phone, maybe, knowing he was going to dispose of it out in the middle of nowhere on the Hana highway.)

Big fat IMO...Sorry for bloviating...:facepalm:
I am a recovering alcoholic and find that offensive. An addict is not a sociopath. My sister died of a drug overdose and she was the most loving person in the world and her kids are as well. Please don't make assumptions. He may be messed up but we don't know what sort of mother she was. Just because she was a drug addict who did not achieve recovery doesn't mean that before she wasn't a good person who fell into the wrong thing. The issue with addiction is that the addiction makes the active addict selfish in their need for 'more.' That is why kids are often neglected or mistreated. A lot of people who get clean are filled with absolute remorse, and those children, who might be adults by then, don't always forgive... then there's the danger of relapse. I've got 5.5 years sober now, and I am always at risk even though I rarely get an urge these days. But my kids were fortunate. I wasn't out there very long. My sister wasn't so fortunate. :/

I am very sorry, I did not mean to offend. Please accept my humblest apology.
Part of the difference is that alcoholics can purchase their poison legally, from a store, bar, etc. The drugs that his mother was doing necessarily involved her and by association, her family, in criminal activity.
I am implying that the exposure to drug dealers and other users would pose an additional threat not always present in the typical alcoholic scenario. In fact, it is that difference that made me mention her consumption issues at all.
Here's what I don't get (well there's a LOT of things I don't get, but it's one of them):
Why burn Charli's truck if there wasn't damning evidence?

It couldn't just be fingerprints, because he was around her often enough, as the father of her baby, for it to be explained away. BUT, on the other hand, I would think that a copious amount of evidence would scare someone away from burning it. Would car part thieves burn a vehicle that was obviously used to transport a murder victim?

Also, what is MPD doing? As I understand it, they didn't impound SC's truck to process it for evidence, most of the evidence seems to have been found by Charli's family, and they most of the search efforts seem to be coming from volunteers and donations to the family. As far as I can tell, MPD didn't search Charli's home for evidence (since the landlord stole all of her stuff) and it seemed like they hadn't been there before that.

Was SC's family prominent? Are they involved in drug dealing at a high level? Is there a reason that MPD wouldn't go after him? I know there is loyalty in HI to those native to the islands, so could that have something to do with it?
Here's what I don't get (well there's a LOT of things I don't get, but it's one of them):
Why burn Charli's truck if there wasn't damning evidence?

It couldn't just be fingerprints, because he was around her often enough, as the father of her baby, for it to be explained away. BUT, on the other hand, I would think that a copious amount of evidence would scare someone away from burning it. Would car part thieves burn a vehicle that was obviously used to transport a murder victim?

Also, what is MPD doing? As I understand it, they didn't impound SC's truck to process it for evidence, most of the evidence seems to have been found by Charli's family, and they most of the search efforts seem to be coming from volunteers and donations to the family. As far as I can tell, MPD didn't search Charli's home for evidence (since the landlord stole all of her stuff) and it seemed like they hadn't been there before that.

Was SC's family prominent? Are they involved in drug dealing at a high level? Is there a reason that MPD wouldn't go after him? I know there is loyalty in HI to those native to the islands, so could that have something to do with it?

You have asked the same questions that I have been asking (to myself) from day one.

Car part thieves ---- if the car was left, or they were "informed" where to find one, they may not have any idea what it had been used for. Even if they would not have ever touched anything that had something to do with a murder, they probably won't come forward now on their own. The only way I think that LE would get any information at this point, is if someone gets arrested and feels that by giving LE that information it will help them out of a jamb. :moo:

Search of SC truck --- This one just makes no sense to me unless you factor in that LE wanted to do everything they could to have this NOT be a homicide. :moo:

Search Charli's home --- Same as above. :moo:

Is there a reason LE would not go after him? ---- My opinion is that LE did not want this to be a homicide and in waiting to do any type of searching they would then not discover anything that would lead them to that conclusion, short of a body being found. "Just another person who decided to walk away from their life" It's the easy solution.
What LE didn't count on was the family. They didn't count on the community pushing them to do something. Now valuable time has passed and searches that should have been executed right away will now not provide any useful and un-tainted evidence to actually put anyone away for this senseless murder.
In my opinion LE has made their job much harder than it should have been. if they had done it in the first place. Now they have to wait for someone to come forward as a witness. Find a body. Have someone confess. Find a piece of evidence that makes it irrefutable as to who is responsible. Tall order for even the best LE department. :moo:

The result is that the family suffers, the community suffers and it may be a long time before justice is ever served, if at all.

I normally am pro police department and realize that the public can not know everything (no matter how much we want to) because, well, if we knew the bad guy(s) would too. This to me is feels different. I don't understand why LE would not trip over themselves to make sure that the people knew that they were there for them, will do whatever they need to protect them, find out what happen and then take action. Proudly serve up justice. I don't understand at all :moo:
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