GUILTY HI - Carly Joann 'Charli' Scott, 27, pregnant, Makawao, 9 Feb 2014 - #4

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Jury Selection Begins in Capobianco Murder Trial
Posted May 23, 2016



The trial for a man accused of murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend gets underway with jury selection today in Second Circuit Court.

Steven Capobianco faces second degree murder and arson charges in the death of 27-year-old Charli Scott, who was five months pregnant when she was reported missing in February of 2014.

DNA Test Results Still Under Discussion on Eve of Murder Trial
May 23, 2016 By Wendy Osher

Second Circuit Court Judge Joseph Cardoza today granted in part and denied in part motions filed by the defense. A total of four motions were reviewed asking the court to exclude: results of DNA testing; two separate motions on statements made by Capobianco to co-workers; and testimony from a acquaintance and/or girlfriend who allegedly observed Capobianco tip over and set fire to a vehicle in a cane field 6-7 years prior to the alleged crime.

Judge Cardoza denied both motions relating to alleged statements made by Capobianco to co-workers before and after Scott’s disappearance.


On the motion relating to DNA lab results from Sorenson Forensics and the FBI lab, Judge Cardoza said an actual “factual record” has not been presented to the court. He said, “This is obviously a very important issue, but all we have is an argument–not the type of record the court should be using.”

Judge Cardoza said there is an argument about how the information unfolded that relates to timing and discovery. He said there is still sufficient time to conduct a hearing on the matter to determine if there is further reason to consider the item.

Much more at link^^

Media thread

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Thread 3
From Napili:
"It's all because of the 4-day clean bones. Have to have an explanation for what the forensics guy said about the jawbone."

Yes, and quicklime would explain that... as well as the fingertips if they were disarticulated as opposed to being cut off.
I agree with the lime. It's the only thing that makes sense, other than possibly setting her on fire. We know he had burns on his hands and he lit the forerunner on fire, so we know he had an accelerant.
And I understand that quicklime can cause a bad burn, if moisture -- even sweat -- comes in contact. He left gloves at the scene, but they were picked up by LE. In that case ( in this scenario) he would have had to wrangle the tarp with bare hands.

Note: If he used the two (found empty) rolls of duck tape to seal the tarp, moisture from the environment would likely seep in anyway,

Does anyone have a record of the weather out that way, during that week?
We miss you Loio! Enjoy your break.

Wouldn't what we believe to be SC's gloves and pants have DNA on/in them? I haven't seen any mention of this. Has anyone else on here?
Perhaps it was degraded by the weather, but, still I don't recall any mention,of the possibility even. Then, again, I've forgotten a lot of details in this case and, unlike our dedicated reseacher, Pua, I'm too lazy to go back and reread through the posts and MSM articles.
From Nikki L.:
"The grill was removed so that the SUV wasn't recognized but the plates were still on there when the SUV was burned. Why? So he wouldn't get pulled over for lack of plates? So he could still drive it?"

Right. I've always believed the grill was removed because of the distinctive customed made skull with eyes that were lit-up
(Red?) which would make the car easily identifiable at night, especially....plates wouldn't I do think he was driving her car.
I agree. Him or an accomplice.
There were a few nights before the grill and other parts --(doors, bumpers, etc?)-- were found in the possession of the Haiku people*. The SUV might have been left hidden out that way-- I don't think he had to deal with it that night, if the stabbing took place outside of the vehicle, as I believe it was, and, If he left it out there, his bogus story that implied that some bad guy attackers highjacked her when she followed him home in her SUV, was at the ready and would hold if they found her car.

Thoughts: Maybe I missed this somewhere, but could not the vehicle (which someone allegedly saw him driving in Hana, late that night) be the new truck which he was supposedly buying? What has been the report, if any? What's that assumption? This may be another part of his bogus story that's factual-- if he did drive this truck home that night (after stopping at Nahiku to dispose of Nala, & then to --or through-- Hana, for unknown reason) leaving Charli's SUV hidden (essentially trading vehicles)
...this also would conform to another detail of his bogus story, where he drove his vehicle out there after work & hitchhiked or got a ride back to Haiku.

*The timing and persons and how they found the grill are crucial, I believe. But it was marginalized early on--not persons of interest...
Is the tarp a theory? I don't remember a tarp.
I'm not clear on a lot of this, either, Napili.
Wasn't his "truck" (one he was supposedly buying, I thought) detailed on Monday? Why? Did LE ever scrutinize it ?
I also remember how the people in possession of the SUV parts were marginalized in msm from the start. We were told more than once they weren't "persons of interest". I didn't believe it then, still don't.
What was the connection between the stolen parts people and the girl whose jewelry and computer (SC claimed was his) were stolen by SC? Did they live next to each other or on the same property?
I wish someone could clarify the truck business! If we take as fact that he detailed his "Truck", it would make sense that it was something like, either his old truck (who even knows if he still had it?) & he was getting it all spiffed up to sell, or his "new truck", spiffing up because he loves it and he's just that kind of guy ...OR... It was the truck he might have used to carry deadly supplies, & sat in after the deed for all his post-murder errands & who knows what else. Blood, Nala's hair, prints, saliva etc., ( traces of quicklime' if that theory's true). All requiring immediate attention! But, whether he still had the two trucks, and what kind they were and what he was seen in at Hana is all up for grabs. Wish I could get the facts.
I remember one of the Facebook pages used a tarp in their scenario.
I remember most of this story as it's brought up again. Oh yeah moments.
I've never seen anything in print on the make and model or color of the truck SC was driving at the time that he claimed got stuck. FTL was the source for the detailing and the sighting on Sunday night, that he was seen in a truck that was not his own.

One of the motions from last year let out that a traffic cam had a snapshot of someone who looked like SC driving a similar truck through Paia that Sunday that he said he broke down near Keanae. The defense challenged that the shot didn't prove it was him, and the type of truck was never mentioned, but I think they said it was lifted like a lot of local trucks. Typically a 4Runner doesn't get lifted, so I visualized a pickup truck.

FTL said it was suspicious that he detailed his truck because he is a pig, has no pride in cleanliness, never cleans. The timing was too coincidental.
We need someone who knows what he drove to share the make and model of the truck. Peter Tosh?
I like the theories, and am reading along, but I'm waiting for the trial presentation of what was found where and in what condition. Even a detail that changed fingernails to tips was huge, and I expect there will be more big revelations, soon I hope.

You can see the subpoena list on the case record on the Hoohiki judiciary site, if you search for Steven Capobianco and go to the last numbered case. They reindicted this case early this year because the defense refused to waive a defect in the original indictment. This was mentioned in one of the news articles.

Results on this site do not copy like a normal,web page, sorry.
The defense is going to blow a huge hole in the State's case if it is based on circumstantial evidence.
Technically the case is based on circumstantial evidence, because there have been no eyewitnesses come forward and there is no confession.

But there were no witnesses of the Lacy Peterson murder either, and they convicted Scott. In both cases, the defendant made a statement to the police putting himself in the general area where remains were later found.
Tarps are great for dragging heavy loads and are waterproof, if not watertight.
They don't have a body but they do have parts of a body including, as I believe Kim put it, a part one cannot live without...the jawbone, which included at least one tooth. That alone should prove a death occured, but I'm not LE or a defense atty. I think this is a strong circumstantial case. I hope it is.
I think that driving a "new" truck, hence unfamiliar to those that know him & his old truck, would give him confidence that he'd be unrecognized, covered, especially very late at night in Hana and out & about. Maybe hearing he'd been ID'd in Hana caused him to take some unplanned actions.

And, yes, jawbone split in two pieces found ~6ft apart.
I think that driving a "new" truck, hence unfamiliar to those that know him & his old truck, would give him confidence that he'd be unrecognized, covered, especially very late at night in Hana and out & about. Maybe hearing he'd been ID'd in Hana caused him to take some unplanned actions.
Agree, depending on how long he had had the truck. He had already taken that loan from his employer on it. As spec we have discussed previously, one response to being seen might be concocting the story of his stuck truck and getting her help, although we don't know if that story would jibe with where he was supposedly seen. Really he should have never admitted to being the last known to see her alive.
I am keeping in mind Run's theory that SC wanted people to know he had killed her. But if so, why not cop to it and be done with it? If he wanted her murder to be known and did not want to get convicted, then again he should never have said they were together that night.
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