His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I love HHJP but I think in letting the defense get away with such *** has left them with an over inflated idea of their own worth. He has been very accommodating in moving that line in the sand for the defense.
Despite their collective arrogance, flouting rules, general boorishness, gross discourtesy to the court and its officers, HHJP has been more than fair.

They won't be civil until they face honest to goodness consequences for their juvenile behavior, at the moment they are making a mockery out of HHJPs court and to all intents and purpose getting away with it. JMHO
I love HHJP but I think in letting the defense get away with such *** has left them with an over inflated idea of their own worth. He has been very accommodating in moving that line in the sand for the defense.
Despite their collective arrogance, flouting rules, general boorishness, gross discourtesy to the court and its officers, HHJP has been more than fair.

They won't be civil until they face honest to goodness consequences for their juvenile behavior, at the moment they are making a mockery out of HHJPs court and to all intents and purpose getting away with it. JMHO

Thank you Scamperoo for your comments and all of the others very on point comments since the hearing yesterday.

I'm still running the behavior through my mind - very much stunned by JB's completely boorish behavior and :waitasec: wondering why HHJP didn't step in more frequently. There were several points when it looked to me like HHJP was literally a hair away from completely blowing his stack.

And I wonder right there if that is the issue? Anything said at a point when we are in that blind red point of anger is usually disregarded because we are out of control at that point. HHJP has become the esteemed judge he is by ruling with the law rather than being driven by his emotions.

I'm wondering if HHJP will be one of the people re-watching parts of the hearings to be absolutely certain what he saw/heard happening did happen and I think he will make decisions about handling Baez out of the heat of a specific courtroom discussion, and then follow through.

Because HHJP is carefully ruling to avoid any appellate issues, no good can come from him losing his temper in the courtroom. It is also his "job" to set an example of other judges. This is what I hope is happening because if it's not I am completely mystified why yesterdays farce wasn't reigned in long before it was. And I surely pray we will see a strong change in HHJP at trial.

But is that just the Red Queen in my personality who was shouting "Off with his head" yesterday at my computer monitor as I watched Baez in action?
He had me at the first ........... MR. BAEZ ........

It cracks me up everytime he says it in his judgely style

I just love that! MR. BAEZ. He just has a way of saying it.

I haven't seen any media interviews given by HHJP. My opinion of him is about the same as it was in the beginning, with the slight exception, I think he's too patient with JB and CM. It's been nearly THREE years and those two "people" have to be told how to behave in court. I'd be fining them left and right. :gavel: Maybe that's why I'm not a judge. I have no patience for stupidity and childish behavior. "You were screaming like a little girl." (several months ago, I think) I would've given JB a timeout for that childish remark. FGS :gavel:

I just a hard, boring job, I find Judge Perry to be very alert,fair and tolerant.
I personally would of had JB duct taped to a chair by now!
Thank you Scamperoo for your comments and all of the others very on point comments since the hearing yesterday.

I'm still running the behavior through my mind - very much stunned by JB's completely boorish behavior and :waitasec: wondering why HHJP didn't step in more frequently. There were several points when it looked to me like HHJP was literally a hair away from completely blowing his stack.

And I wonder right there if that is the issue? Anything said at a point when we are in that blind red point of anger is usually disregarded because we are out of control at that point. HHJP has become the esteemed judge he is by ruling with the law rather than being driven by his emotions.

I'm wondering if HHJP will be one of the people re-watching parts of the hearings to be absolutely certain what he saw/heard happening did happen and I think he will make decisions about handling Baez out of the heat of a specific courtroom discussion, and then follow through.

Because HHJP is carefully ruling to avoid any appellate issues, no good can come from him losing his temper in the courtroom. It is also his "job" to set an example of other judges. This is what I hope is happening because if it's not I am completely mystified why yesterdays farce wasn't reigned in long before it was. And I surely pray we will see a strong change in HHJP at trial.

But is that just the Red Queen in my personality who was shouting "Off with his head" yesterday at my computer monitor as I watched Baez in action?

According to Magpie's report from yesterday over at the HinkyMeter there was some activity going on in the gallery with CA trying to get JB's attention while he was questioning the dog handler. Also she was animated over what she preceived as JA trying to que the expert while JB was questioning the doctor.

I noticed that the judge at times was distracted by what seemed to be going on in the gallery or at the defense table. My guess it was CA in the gallery. Think she is walking a thin line to get herself secluded from the trial. jmo
According to Magpie's report from yesterday over at the HinkyMeter there was some activity going on in the gallery with CA trying to get JB's attention while he was questioning the dog handler. Also she was animated over what she preceived as JA trying to que the expert while JB was questioning the doctor.

I noticed that the judge at times was distracted by what seemed to be going on in the gallery or at the defense table. My guess it was CA in the gallery. Think she is walking a thin line to get herself secluded from the trial. jmo

Yes, I pounced on Magpie's report last night - love the details - so you could be right. But surely Baez is a bigger problem for the court than CA? Pretty easy for HHJP to give a couple of general warnings then ask to have CA removed by the bailiff would it not?

Or is that just something I'd really really like to see? :rocker:
Yes, I pounced on Magpie's report last night - love the details - so you could be right. But surely Baez is a bigger problem for the court than CA? Pretty easy for HHJP to give a couple of general warnings then ask to have CA removed by the bailiff would it not?

Or is that just something I'd really really like to see? :rocker:

Me too! She corroroborated what Amil said about CA grabbing JBs arm and telling him JA was making faces...hello pot!! She also said CA was crying when they were talking diminished capacity...I guess she doesn't want people to think badly of her daughter. :waitasec: And I didn't catch ICA making JB come get her notes...what a fiasco!
Yesterday gave me the impression - the quieter his voice gets the more careful you should be - and Baez needs to take care (at least JA knew when to sit down and be quiet).

There were a few moments, particularly yesterday, when you could see he was at his last beat of patience - he took a breath and called for a 5 minute recess - came back in calm and collected and started again.

I do think at one of those bench sessions he told everyone to 'grow up it was a public courtroom and stop asking to approach - work product matters only' or something to that effect.

He kept his sense of humor because Dr. Vass made him laugh/smirk whatever you want to call it. He has just lost all patience with the infantile/childish sniping and generally poor behavior. Plus it appears he has given up schooling JB except in extreme cases (like no testimony on Grand Jury that is sealed) which is making things go slower as JA is having to object more and that is causing JA to get more frustrated which is causing JB to point his anger at things not going well at JA (objections/interruptions this is not fair) and not at HHJP (rules of law - oh well just can't do it).

He is my hero - every time I get fed up with my teens I am going to channel HHJP....
I like both judges but I think JBP is better suited for a death penalty case.

I am concerned because it seems, at times, JBP is losing control of the court room. He hasn't enforced any of his rules. Why make them if you don't enforce them?

Baez was a disgrace to our legal system yesterday with his stomping, pounding, yelling, and badgering the witnesses for no reason. They are answering his questions but if he doesn't like the answer he starts all over with the yelling, pacing, stomping, pounding, pen clicking, and condescending voice. Poor Dr. Vass, I was saying to my computer screen, 'make him stop this craziness'. It's clear he was badgering him trying to get him to give in and give him the answer he wanted.

Then we have good ol' Cindy and George, practically daring the judge to kick them out. Well I say take them up on their dare and kick their arses out.

If he loses control of his court room during trial he'll never get back and Casey may just walk out arm in arm with CM.

CM and JB have proven they are like their client in many ways and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. If JBP gives them an inch, they'll take 10 miles.

Enough is enough, I want to see sanctions, people getting kicked out of the court room that aren't following the rules, and a respectful way to question witnesses unless they are declared hostile.

As a mom of 5 teens at home and those that aren't teens any longer, I absolutely love HHJP. He has given me a lot of ideas on dealing with the lawyering stage of 14-18 yos!

Also he is working on giving JB, not just enough rope to hang himself but to become a mummy!!

It is frustrating to see JB "winning" "whining" seemingly given a huge break...but frankly that break is going to come back and bit him big time.:bricks::slap: and I can't find the alligator eating one. :crazy:
HJP has the patience of a saint imo. I bet it's not pretty when he gets really mad. I like him. :twocents:
If I am to be honest, I really wish HHBP had a sound button under his desk so that whenever JB opens his mouth, he could push MUTE. But then he would not be the fair and patient judge he is. I do feel, especially after yesterday that he has allowed Mr Baez to go over the line with what I would consider a badgering of the very educated and revered experts questioned this week. And I do hope that complaints are forthcoming to the Florida bar for his blatant unprofessional & disrespectful behavior to the court. Either he never learned how to behave in court or is pushing the envelope just to see how far he can go. Doesn't matter, I'd like to smash him like a bug, after some of his antics.

Mamabear, I agree with you, I do wonder if he isn't giving him "the rope to hang himself."
Today I love HHJP more! He just denied the Defense motion to set aside the motion denying the motion to deny all of ICA's various day one and day two antics plus the videos etc., - no explanation - just DENIED. :great:

Now we are seeing the real HHJP! :rocker:
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Yesterday gave me the impression - the quieter his voice gets the more careful you should be - and Baez needs to take care (at least JA knew when to sit down and be quiet).

There were a few moments, particularly yesterday, when you could see he was at his last beat of patience - he took a breath and called for a 5 minute recess - came back in calm and collected and started again.

I do think at one of those bench sessions he told everyone to 'grow up it was a public courtroom and stop asking to approach - work product matters only' or something to that effect.

He kept his sense of humor because Dr. Vass made him laugh/smirk whatever you want to call it. He has just lost all patience with the infantile/childish sniping and generally poor behavior. Plus it appears he has given up schooling JB except in extreme cases (like no testimony on Grand Jury that is sealed) which is making things go slower as JA is having to object more and that is causing JA to get more frustrated which is causing JB to point his anger at things not going well at JA (objections/interruptions this is not fair) and not at HHJP (rules of law - oh well just can't do it).

He is my hero - every time I get fed up with my teens I am going to channel HHJP....

Watching HHJP yesterday it was also clear that it is simply one or a small number of individuals that he is running out of patience with. Any time he was dealing with JB it was clear that he had had enough. When the subject of the new witnesses was raised it was clear that HHJP was ready to land on JB like a ton of bricks, until AF stepped up to indicate that they were her witnesses. At which time his ire immediately faded.
Watching HHJP yesterday it was also clear that it is simply one or a small number of individuals that he is running out of patience with. Any time he was dealing with JB it was clear that he had had enough. When the subject of the new witnesses was raised it was clear that HHJP was ready to land on JB like a ton of bricks, until AF stepped up to indicate that they were her witnesses. At which time his ire immediately faded.

I agree with this. Initially, he denied a sidebar to discuss this when JB requested to approach the bench, but then when AF took over explaining the situation, he did grant her a sidebar when she requested it.
Hi,yesterday someone mentioned being concerned because
hhJP's eye seemed to be twitching.I noticed it also.I have to say
my eye does that also if I am very nervous or frustrated by someone.
My thought was someone better look out.LOL.:banghead:
Just watching the video of the hearing on Thursday. Seeing HHJP get down out of his seat, get on the floor and make a copy of the article that JB was asking about had me laughing out loud...too funny!!! Love him!!!!
HHBP has my utmost respect and I am sure he is being considered for "sainthood". :)

I do believe he gets frustrated at JB's antics but he very patiently, calmly directs JB to the correct "legal" area he needs to be in. I do get tired of all the schooling that HHBP has to do with JB. I agree that when he lowers his voice and gets a little quieter, HHBP is getting quite angry.

My only complaint, albeit very small, is I wish HHBP would instruct the "gallery" to abide by the rules of the court. Make CA spit out that d@%n chewing gum and stop CA from all the facial gestures, shaking head, shrugging shoulders, etc.
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