His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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Here are one or two.. or this but we must have this.. and maybe this too..

We may need something to lighten the mood as the trial draws closer and smiley faces always make me feel happy.

We have a :slap: and a :pillowfight: and a :pillowfight2: and a :bigfight: already, but I did add :ignore: and :denied:.


Enjoy! :skip:
We have a :slap: and a :pillowfight: and a :pillowfight2: and a :bigfight: already, but I did add :ignore: and :denied:.


Enjoy! :skip:


I absolutely love our smileys already provided - but those two added send me into bliss! Thank you - Thank you - thank you!! And you have used my all time favorite beside your own enjoy!
We have a :slap: and a :pillowfight: and a :pillowfight2: and a :bigfight: already, but I did add :ignore: and :denied:.


Enjoy! :skip:

Love em Kim!! Thank you!! :floorlaugh:
I know I am not the only one here with this problem, but it is affecting me in a negative way......

That problem is worrying that the DT will pull some "stuff' that will make it easy to get JP to recuse himself. I believe that JP is the one to try this case and he can't be bullied or walked over, and he is taking care of any future problems that may come up on appeal, but, my nerves are shot at this point.......I read somewhere that Bill Shaeffer from WFTV said of the idea that the DT might want to get him to recuse himself, "they will have a snowballs chance in heck". This helps some but........it sure helps to know that I am not the only one going thru this turmoil!!

I am aware that he is a highly respected jurist, but after watching the OJ trial I will never again believe that a jury will come to the right descision.

I think an interesting topic that I would like to see on WS is "what do you think would happen to KC if she were to be found not guilty?" Where could she live........or work.....or.....
I know I am not the only one here with this problem, but it is affecting me in a negative way......

That problem is worrying that the DT will pull some "stuff' that will make it easy to get JP to recuse himself. I believe that JP is the one to try this case and he can't be bullied or walked over, and he is taking care of any future problems that may come up on appeal, but, my nerves are shot at this point.......I read somewhere that Bill Shaeffer from WFTV said of the idea that the DT might want to get him to recuse himself, "they will have a snowballs chance in heck". This helps some but........it sure helps to know that I am not the only one going thru this turmoil!!

I am aware that he is a highly respected jurist, but after watching the OJ trial I will never again believe that a jury will come to the right descision.

I think an interesting topic that I would like to see on WS is "what do you think would happen to KC if she were to be found not guilty?" Where could she live........or work.....or.....

Judge Ito was a mockery to the American Justice System. And the SA lost that case because their prosecution of the case was a complete mess. Watching it I could not believe the sloppiness of it - it is them, not the jury that should be blamed for the verdict. Make no mistake, I thought OJ was a guilty as a person could be and should have been convicted with no problem at all. But that was no dream team - small wonder Marcia Clark never worked as a lawyer again.

Too bad the SA spent their time preening for the cameras instead of trying their case. And I was happy to see RHornsby shares my view.

But that hot mess is not the issue we have here. This team on the SA is brilliant, on point and a good city block ahead of everything the DT can even begin to think up, with all bases covered. I have no fear of ICA ever having a job on the outside in this life time of hers.
I think I know in the intelligent side of my brain that this will not be another OJ fiasco, but the side that likes to make me into a nervous wreck just keeps kicking in.

Thanks for your wise words on this and I will print it out so that when things start to get muddied up again I can re-read them.
I think I know in the intelligent side of my brain that this will not be another OJ fiasco, but the side that likes to make me into a nervous wreck just keeps kicking in.

Thanks for your wise words on this and I will print it out so that when things start to get muddied up again I can re-read them.

LOL if you had seen me in the Defense thread last night you would say - oh she's one to talk. But I just make myself work through the scary times and sort it out in my brain and then I end up in the same place in my brain. Just jump into a thread whenever you feel stressed and you will see how much it helps. We are always kicking around worse case scenarios but none of us believe they will ever come to pass.

I don't think ICA will get death - (but I'm a Canuck so not used to it) but do think no less than LWOP.

Thankss again logicalgirl,

It sure does help to read the threads here......I am just a nervous nellie.....

And I don't quite believe in the DP except for some really bad people like Bundy and Rawlings........and the idiot that killed the little Duckett girl.......LWOP is the worse punishment I can think of for her and she will have to go into general population........

Thanks again
I know I am not the only one here with this problem, but it is affecting me in a negative way......

That problem is worrying that the DT will pull some "stuff' that will make it easy to get JP to recuse himself. I believe that JP is the one to try this case and he can't be bullied or walked over, and he is taking care of any future problems that may come up on appeal, but, my nerves are shot at this point.......I read somewhere that Bill Shaeffer from WFTV said of the idea that the DT might want to get him to recuse himself, "they will have a snowballs chance in heck". This helps some but........it sure helps to know that I am not the only one going thru this turmoil!!

I am aware that he is a highly respected jurist, but after watching the OJ trial I will never again believe that a jury will come to the right descision.

I think an interesting topic that I would like to see on WS is "what do you think would happen to KC if she were to be found not guilty?" Where could she live........or work.....or.....

The defense thought they were pulling a good one when then got Judge Strickland recused from the case. They thought they would get another judge assigned to the case that wouldn't adhere to the rules as much as he did. Now, they got a judge who is a tough courtroom judge, who's tried a number of death penalty cases and not had any convictions successfully appealed. They're in a bind as they can't expect to get away with anything in the courtroom.

I think HHMP is very aware of what's going on as far as the defense in concerned and will be very careful not to give them anything to even suggest he should be recused.

Now we're getting close to the trial........it's only 44 days away now. The defense has wasted more than 2 and a half years getting ready for this case and they go into the trial unprepared. They have nothing, no defense for their client, and can only attack the state's evidence and hope a juror buys it.
TruTV InSession is on right now discussing the case.They just showed footage of HHJP from when he was a prosecutor ! If i heard right,he prosecuted a capital case with a woman who received a DP sentence!

ETA : might be something JB should share with ICA : )
Thankss again logicalgirl,

It sure does help to read the threads here......I am just a nervous nellie.....

And I don't quite believe in the DP except for some really bad people like Bundy and Rawlings........and the idiot that killed the little Duckett girl.......LWOP is the worse punishment I can think of for her and she will have to go into general population........

Thanks again

The DT would have to get rid of LDB ,JA and many of the experts as well : )

Team Caylee is Big and Bold and Smart!
My opinion has not changed about Judge Perry.

I think he is an outstanding Judge.

If anything has changed ..it would be that I respect him and admire him more as each day passes.

He is so knowledgeable and his temperament is one of the best I have ever seen.

If he can handle Baez without jumping over the bench and wanting to strangle him (lol) then it shows he has great restraint, self control and a calmness needed in Judges.

I know I am not the only one here with this problem, but it is affecting me in a negative way......

That problem is worrying that the DT will pull some "stuff' that will make it easy to get JP to recuse himself. I believe that JP is the one to try this case and he can't be bullied or walked over, and he is taking care of any future problems that may come up on appeal, but, my nerves are shot at this point.......I read somewhere that Bill Shaeffer from WFTV said of the idea that the DT might want to get him to recuse himself, "they will have a snowballs chance in heck". This helps some but........it sure helps to know that I am not the only one going thru this turmoil!!

I am aware that he is a highly respected jurist, but after watching the OJ trial I will never again believe that a jury will come to the right descision.

I think an interesting topic that I would like to see on WS is "what do you think would happen to KC if she were to be found not guilty?" Where could she live........or work.....or.....
bbm I think there's a very good chance she'll be hit by a sniper as she prances arm in arm out of the courthouse or that GA will use that gun he needed to purchase for some reason after she was bonded out and he was forced to share his roof with her again. KC isn't OJ and a jury has no fond thoughts of her being a (false imo) hero. She's just a run of the mill baby killer with no special talent or skills.
She'd go back to living with CA who would kick GA out of the house in her honour. Then she and her evil spawn would do the talkshow route until TLC offered them a reality show.
But she won't be found innocent so we don't have to worry about that :)
Judge Ito was a mockery to the American Justice System. And the SA lost that case because their prosecution of the case was a complete mess. Watching it I could not believe the sloppiness of it - it is them, not the jury that should be blamed for the verdict. Make no mistake, I thought OJ was a guilty as a person could be and should have been convicted with no problem at all. But that was no dream team - small wonder Marcia Clark never worked as a lawyer again.

Too bad the SA spent their time preening for the cameras instead of trying their case. And I was happy to see RHornsby shares my view.

But that hot mess is not the issue we have here.
Those weren't the only reasons OJ got off: star-struck jury who refused to convict, the trial should have been held in Santa Monica- where the crime was committed with a jury of his rich peers, rather than downtown L.A., Darden should never have had him "try-on" the glove in open court, Furhman's tapes should never have been admitted, and Ito should have recused himself because of a prior association with Johnny Cochran!!!
He had me at the first ........... MR. BAEZ ........

It cracks me up everytime he says it in his judgely style

I sooo totally agree. I absolutely love it when he does that. I turn the volume up 'cuz I know it's gonna be worth hearing.
My opinion has not changed about Judge Perry.

I think he is an outstanding Judge.

If anything has changed ..it would be that I respect him and admire him more as each day passes.

He is so knowledgeable and his temperament is one of the best I have ever seen.

If he can handle Baez without jumping over the bench and wanting to strangle him (lol) then it shows he has great restraint, self control and a calmness needed in Judges.


I agree with your take on HHJP I just hope that he stays healthy and I say a pray for him (believe it or not) every time he's in court. I really think that the D/T is trying to make him explode,and I'm praying that he does not do that ,remember he is only human, and he's had his work cut out for him from day one on this case.From catching up on everything to alot of these stupid motions coming down. Hang in there Judge,just hang in there and when it is over take a nice long vacation,cause you will need it dealing with these jokers.:HHJP: :praying: :praying:
My opinion of him has not changed at all. If possible, I respect him even more. You couldn't pay me enough to be a part of this freak show.
Tonight On WESH: Judge Perry Talks Law

This tells me he is one step ahead of EVERYONE and kinda sorta expected this. God bless you HHJP!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Given the recent deluge of WESH "exclusives" with Judge Perry coupled with therecent assertion by CM that HHBP is biased....I suspect that the defense will attempt to use HHBP's "interviews" as an appeal issue.

The timing is too close to trial to even attempt forcing a recusal, but I suspect that they plan to use those interviews in the appeal. Sadly, WESH is again acting as the equivalent of a defense puppet in a garage theater production.
Thankss again logicalgirl,

It sure does help to read the threads here......I am just a nervous nellie.....

And I don't quite believe in the DP except for some really bad people like Bundy and Rawlings........and the idiot that killed the little Duckett girl.......LWOP is the worse punishment I can think of for her and she will have to go into general population........

Thanks again

It doesn't get much worse than duct taping a 2 year old's nose, mouth, and hair then watch her struggle to breath until her body couldn't struggle any more. I can't imagine the fear in Caylee's eyes and the torture she felt. I believe Casey enjoyed killing Caylee and would do it again if anyone got in the way of her having a good time.

One of our web sleuth members was duct taped and she said the smell from the glue burned her throat. If this case doesn't call for the DP then I don't know what would. Casey could have removed the tape at any time, saving her life. If it was an accident (which I don't believe) she sealed Caylee's fate by not call calling 911 for help, making certain Caylee would never breath again (thanks to joypath for pointing that out to be a while back).

DR is the worst place you can be in prison. That's why almost every single person eligible for the DP does everything in their power not to get a death sentence. You can look at the prison web site and see the difference is night and day between LWOP and the DP.

Casey will appeal no matter what sentence she gets.

Susan Smith asked for a new trial in 2010. The judge rejected her appeal.


"Smith sought a new trial alleging a Fifth Amendment violation, prosecutorial misconduct and ineffective assistance or counsel."
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