His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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Attorneys rate Central Florida judges


"Other Orange Circuit Judges with overall ratings of 4.0 [on a scale of 1 - 5] or higher include Charles N. Prather, Marc L. Lubet, Bob LeBlanc, Thomas Mihok, Stan Strickland and Chief Judge Belvin Perry."


If I were a *wee* bit younger, I'd marry him and bear his children. Apparently others agree - at least to a certain extent. :D
^ for everyone who wants to marry him or call themselves 'Belvinsbooty' or any such thing I just want to say 'BACK OFF!' .. He's mine!
^ for everyone who wants to marry him or call themselves 'Belvinsbooty' or any such thing I just want to say 'BACK OFF!' .. He's mine!

Ooooo, them's fighting words!

You're lucky I'm (a) too old and (b) still stalking the PayPal guy from the Entwhistle case, or I'd give you a run for your money. :D

Bottom line: Belvin ROCKS!!!
Agree with many here as well. Can empathize with your frustration, Butterfly1978. I've about had enough of JB and his shenanigans. In my fantasy, HHJP steps down from his bench and slaps JB upside the head. But that wouldn't be terribly professional! So I suppose I'll just have to exercise patience (not one of my finer characteristics,) trust HHJP's exptertise, and allow the process to unfold as trial approaches. Oh, and I will continue to pray for this dear man, the SA, LE, the State's witnesses and that justice for Caylee will prevail. I believe in my heart that it will.
Ooooo, them's fighting words!

You're lucky I'm (a) too old and (b) still stalking the PayPal guy from the Entwhistle case, or I'd give you a run for your money. :D

Bottom line: Belvin ROCKS!!!

LOL. DH happened to look over my shoulder at my laptop during the last status hearing. JB was rambling on and it showed a shot of HHJP with his chair just "a rockin." DH wondered aloud how many RPMs (rocks per minute) HHJP will rev up to before this trial is over. :D

Seriously, although my heart has fallen as I have heard him grant a few "wins" to the defense that I didn't feel they really deserved, my head understood the necessary logic of his rulings. His primary focus is ruling so fairly that it will withstand all of the appeals that are bound to come after the guilty verdict.

The only criticism I have is that he seems oblivious to cell phone usage and gum chewing. . . and I doubt either will really impact the verdict.
LOL. DH happened to look over my shoulder at my laptop during the last status hearing. JB was rambling on and it showed a shot of HHJP with his chair just "a rockin." DH wondered aloud how many RPMs (rocks per minute) HHJP will rev up to before this trial is over. :D

Seriously, although my heart has fallen as I have heard him grant a few "wins" to the defense that I didn't feel they really deserved, my head understood the necessary logic of his rulings. His primary focus is ruling so fairly that it will withstand all of the appeals that are bound to come after the guilty verdict.

The only criticism I have is that he seems oblivious to cell phone usage and gum chewing. . . and I doubt either will really impact the verdict.

Just wait until trial time, I'm certain you will see Judge Perry far more stringent on the phone usage and gum chewing.

Trials are a completely different atmosphere than are Hearings, and the demands are kept at a much tighter gap. ;)
Yes! I believe he will as well! If that is what the jury decides, I have no doubt he will sentence her to death. He continually reminds JB that this is a DP case and that death is different. I think that is his way of letting JB know that he better fight the good fight and get it right or his girl is gonna get a needle in her arm. MOO.

I agree and you can see JB sweating, Judge Perry is giving him a chance to prove himself and JB knows it. After certain hearings JB isn't as cocky but I think this case has made JB feel inept and feels he should get a break, NOT, death is different. It's not about JB's popularity in the media as he once thought. His next murder case will probably be not noted by media and I am sure he will be dissappointed.
Your responses make me feel a little better.
I guess I just expected Judge P to put his foot down and leave it down and Baez would either have to ship up or ship out, and he is still ho-humming around.

That is exactly the way I have been feeling. Time after time Baez pulls the same crap and I wait for the judge to pound him on the head with the gavel but it doesn't happen. What everyone is saying makes sense but I thought, from what people said about this judge, that he didn't put up with any nonsense at all and that sure isn't true regardless of why he is putting up with Baez nonsense hearing after hearing. If I didn't know better I would think that Baez is just acting like he is dumb but he isn't kidding...he really is dumb.
jury is still out here...no pun intended ok, maybe it was totally intended...but as long as he gets justice for caylee, then he is a=ok in my book.
As His Honor states many times, death is different...I love his "drop dead" date and he's giving Baez just enough room to get organized hoping CMason will soon take the helm. I'm sure His Honor knows, Baez is in over his head and as he's stated, You won't catch me in any violations....LOL

This is why he is Chief Judge, he's no amature, he's been around the block a time or two...He'll be the one to sentence ICA to death, if that's what the jurors recommend and he will attend the execution...You gotta love Judge Perry, Jr...JMHO

How appropriate it is that HE is the one who now is presiding over this case. Seems the defense shot themselves in the foot when they asked for Judge Strickland to recuse himself. One has to watch what they wish for??? :dance:

The decorum he demands in the courtroom has Baez fluttering in his shoes. Baez knees must buckle each time he shows for a status hearing. Never prepared, has to look through his color coded charts and still can't give an answer...His Honor will not allow any wiggle room for appeals..he's not the one to mess with...JMHO

With His Honor presiding over this case, Caylee will get justice...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Top notch, crackerjack, smart, patient, all business, +5 on a scale of 1-5, decent, fair, and he ROCKS - literally!
Attorneys rate Central Florida judges


"Other Orange Circuit Judges with overall ratings of 4.0 [on a scale of 1 - 5] or higher include Charles N. Prather, Marc L. Lubet, Bob LeBlanc, Thomas Mihok, Stan Strickland and Chief Judge Belvin Perry."


If I were a *wee* bit younger, I'd marry him and bear his children. Apparently others agree - at least to a certain extent. :D

It's interesting to see that Judge Strickland's name is on that list as well. The defense can't cry foul now and claim that Casey won't get a fair trial. She's had 2 of the most well respected and fair judges in the Orlando area presiding over her case.
Chief Judge Perry is a class act and smart, smart, smart. What seems "giving in to the defense" is simply his careful and thorough efforts to ensure that KC gets a fair trial that will be impervious to appeal.

What a :croc: moment for the defense, getting rid of HHSS only to have HHBP ride in to preside!

(Wish we could add a rocking-chair-judge smilie in honor of His Honor...)
Perhaps just a bit too patient. I think JB and company long deserving of a slap down, and it just never seems to come. I am surprised he never has a comment to make about JB fumbling around with papers, and never seeming to be able to answer the most simple or basic of questions with out all kinds of stammering and excuses and superfluous verbage.
Judge Perry is awesome! He is fair to both sides and, as so many people have pointed out, is making sure there are no appellate issues down the road. He's come up with some very creative solutions. I love the way he has handled defense's request to view evidence. He gives them exactly what they need but makes sure beforehand there will be no chaos (having them list beforehand exactly what pieces they want to view, making them available in a comfortable setting and place that allows the evidence to remain secure).

I am sure that if some people the defense wants deposed are not deposed by the deadline, he will set a date for the deposition himself rather than leave that open for an appellate issue.

Remember when he asked Baez about the 77? new witnesses, and Baez only wanting to depose 19? of them? He said, "Don't you wan't to depose all of them?" I just knew then that he was making sure a record was on file as to why Baez didn't want to depose them all. He was ensuring that would not come up as an appellate issue.

He is a fabulous Judge, IMO. I was afraid at one time the trial would resemble an O.J. trial that went on forever unnecessarily. This will not happen with Judge Perry at the helm.
DH wondered aloud how many RPMs (rocks per minute) HHJP will rev up to before this trial is over. :D

rofl! I wonder how often Judge P. has to replace his chair. Either that or he owns the strongest chair known to man.
I like Judge P. and trust his judgments concerning the DT. He's undoubtedly dealt with many schmucks during his extensive career, but sometimes by the look on his face, I wonder if he's ever come across the likes of baez.
To say that baez is way out of his league is an understatement of the year.

Oh..and do I dare ask what the Belvin's booty reference is all about?
I absolutely adore and have the utmost respect for Judge Perry. If this man can weather the next 8-9 months humoring the ignorance and disorganization of JB w/o becoming completely unglued, he should be nominated for sainthood, imo. lol

Pre-trial is different. Death is different. What you are seeing that seems to be his tolerance of nonsense is actually making sure the record is crystal clear and that there are no loopholes for appeal. He is likely to give the defense more latitude ... and some of his decisions appear to be more pro-defense, when actually they are spot on and he has given the defense no room for shenanigans (e.g., the TES records review). I think he has made some outstanding rulings while still insuring the record is safe from appellate issues.

I agree that he is educating Baez during many of the hearings...however, I don't think he has a choice. He wants it in the record that there are NO MISUNDERSTANDINGS (e.g., "I don't like open-ended deadlines.") If you notice Judge Perry addresses Cheney Mason OFTEN and does everything he can to engage him. Judge Perry knows Baez is in wayyyyy over his head and I think he has done his best to not embarrass him publically. However, during the most recent status hearing I could tell that Judge Perry was very irritated with JB's disorganization and the fact that he comes to a status hearing KNOWING what will be expected and the man cannot give one simple, straight-forward answer. I do believe that the defense has pushed him just about as far as they are going to when it comes to deadlines. HHJP is a worker and he expects the same from the attorneys trying this case.

I can tell that Judge Perry LOVES his profession and has great respect for the justice system. I believe he views Baez's 'mess' as being disrespectful to the Court. I think he is low on patience and will tolerate a lot (including ignorance), but not much more disrespect.

:clap: Yes! :yes: IMHO

Judge Perry is a very experienced, fair and knowledgable Judge. He is considered to be the "go to" Judge for problem cases in Orange County.

In addition to being well versed in Supreme Court rulings, he is also willing to use Judicial discretion appropriately.

IMO, Judge Perry is not using the court proceedings to "educate" JB. He is stating things "for the record".

A Judge has guidelines but none are set in stone unless they impact a legal decision. In order to be "fair" a Judge must weigh decisions such as extending a deadline against the rights of a defendant.

As he has stated "death is different" he is using good judgement in allowing a certain amount of leeway. By doing so he eliminates an appellate issue down the road.

While the defense was granted some extra time for some depos, Judge Perry held firm to the spirit of his ruling regarding deadlines.

:clap: Yes! :yes:

There is nothing more I can add :)
Perhaps just a bit too patient. I think JB and company long deserving of a slap down, and it just never seems to come. I am surprised he never has a comment to make about JB fumbling around with papers, and never seeming to be able to answer the most simple or basic of questions with out all kinds of stammering and excuses and superfluous verbage.

BBM Hmmmm.... maybe cause JP is picking his battles? or giving JB enough rope to hang himself? or maybe he's never seen such a travesty before and is truly speechless? Perhaps all of the above? :croc:
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