His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I definitely saw the reputation he has for being a 'no-nonsense' judge yesterday when he was reading the charges and indictment to the jury pool. I wouldn't want to be a defendant in his courtroom.....but I'm very pleased he is presiding over this trial. He will do everything in his power to see that KC receives a fair trial, but he will also see that sweet Caylee receives her justice. Thank you, HHJP, for continuing to read out Caylee's name yesterday ~ SHE is the one we're here for.

wow...he keeps reading "caylee"? that just totally upped him up.( a good thing).i thought he looked like a no nonsense guy, but i could see he is trying to be fair to the defense( despite their antics,stalling antics) i pray he comes thru for caylee..so far, so good!
I find him extremely impressive. He knows this trial could turn into a circus and he has handled it with integrity and fairness. I think he handles his courtroom with the right balance of humour and discipline and fully intends for ica to get a fair trial. He's my favorite!
Love him!!! He's slowly tightening the noose on the Defense Team, and I believe he will also clamp down on the Anthony's...
I am so in AWE of this judge I can't even put it in words.

How he has the presence to maintain his calm composure I will never be able to understand - I would have been out of my mind with frustration! All hail HHJP!
My opinion of him has gone way, WAY up since jury selection started. He does his research and is ahead of the defense at every quirky turn they want to make. He never has to go do more reading, he already knows the answer, and why he has ruled as he has. Very impressive and if he had been the judge at the OJ trial, things would have been very different IMO.

He's extremely patient. He's also very nice to the jurors. He's very level-headed and common-sense oriented. I like that.
Judge Perry is a great Judge! Has the patience of a saint and a good personality too! Even though he has had to school people along the way especially Mr. Baez, he is hard working and is exceptional and professional.
Even kept his cool while Mr. Baez tried once again today, to get Dr.Vass and hairbanding out of the equation. I think Caylee is very Blessed to have Judge
Perry in charge of getting her Justice.......JMO
Quite simply HHJBP ROCKS!

He's absolutely a no-nonsense Judge, period. I love that he runs a tight ship, does his own research and is beyond thorough. He has really tightened the reigns on the DT and laid down the law. His knowledge astounds me. He very clearly will see to it that ICA receives a fair and impartial jury, as well as limit appellate issues at all costs!

Yep, he is awesome. :)

I wonder how many times a day JB & CM kick themselves for having HHJS recused!
I like Judge Perry so far, but I think he's a bit redundant. But maybe this is just normal court speech. Its very repetitive.
bumping this back up...even after reading the transcripts from the recent sidebar...

I absolutely adore this man. He wants justice...and is getting annoyed at the "game".

(from wikipedia)
Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along iwht the punishment of the breach of said ethics.

HHJP knows that CM and JB have no concept of the above...and it is wearing him thin.
My trust and confidence in Judge Perry's ability to oversee this case to completion has not wavered. But I simply cannot fathom how any reasonable person can deal with the insanity that the DT has manufactured. It makes the Anthony family's dysfunction appear quite tame by comparison. Never followed a court case before this one and I am appalled that this sort of circus is permitted. I do not fault our legal system per se, nor do I fault the Judge or the prosecution. But I do fault the antics of the defense team and their various members and affiliates who have been attempting to color public perception through the media. I don't think a lesser experienced judge could rein this in as well as Judge Perry has. But it's not over yet. God bless him.
Judge Perry ---U rock!!!! so knowlegable, fair---he knows the law forward, backward and sideways, Love his pursed lips!!!!Love it when he says "Mr Baez". No matter the outcome , I will be satisfied ICA got a fair trial-----and its because of this man :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Just want to pop in here and say that I think Judge Perry has done a wonderful job with this crazy case all this time. Don't agree with a ruling or 2 but for the most part the judge really knows his stuff and he has kept good control over this mob and yet seems fair. I don't think they could have had a better judge than this. He gets an A.
He is Unique, one of a kind for sure. He has the patience of Job and is a very brilliant man. He knows the law and is compassionate, but also a no nonsense judge. :great:
The one and only time I have ever doubted JP is when he overruled the prosecution's challenge on Juror #4. However, having read over the juror profiles (thank you KaylynnCouture and luvmy4brats!), I'm slightly more at ease and am going to trust in the fact that JP is waaay more experienced at this stuff than I am. :)
What says the Websleuth?

This case is :rollercoaster::worms::pullhair:

Judge Perry is:
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