His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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I just love him to pieces! He's made a questionable decision or two, in my extremely uneducated and unprofessional opinion, such as to let the animation of the skull in. BUT, I have complete faith and trust in this fine gentleman of the law.

I can't resist the opportunity to say I'm sure the DT rues the day they ever asked for JS to be recused. Big mistake. HUGE! Probably the biggest in the entire case, IMHO.

Oh... and I just want to reach through the screen and pinch his little cherubic cheeks. Squeee... :blowkiss:
"I will take it that I cannot trust one thing that your side says anymore. Thank you."


Why does the defense want it pointed out to the jury that they have nothing to show them? :waitasec::
If I was them I'd keep a lot of noise and hope that the jury doesn't notice we got nothing.
I am very disappointed in Judge Perry today. He is so impatient and downright rude to Jeff Ashton, yet his coddling of Jose Baez is sickening and never ceasing. Very unhappy with him right now, and I've absolutely loved this man up until now. Have been singing him praises to anyone and everyone who will listen. Even pray for him daily, for wisdom and discernment. Maybe I need to add 'charity toward Jeff Ashton.' <sigh> I hope this doesn't continue and Caylee finally gets some justice. It's long overdue, IMO
My feelings have not changed at all on Judge Perry. I think he is doing a fine job! just thought i would post something from a sidebar from may 25th...


Perry again noted there is an issue with allowing too many photos. He said, "You all sometimes get reckless, and you all don&#8217;t mind retrying cases. I do. I care about convictions. I don&#8217;t care to do them twice."
This is only the 2nd trial I've paid attention to so I don't have much knowledge to how these things usually go. This trial has a lot of wasted time, early dismissals almost every day, frequent and lengthy sidebars as well as a lot of time outside the jury's presence. What, about a third of the time this morning was actually spent in testimony before the jury? Maybe this isn't unusual and maybe there isn't a lot the judge could do to change it. However, if I was on this jury I'd be upset that I'm asked to be there 6 days a week while being so unproductive and all the while I'm sequestered.
This is only the 2nd trial I've paid attention to so I don't have much knowledge to how these things usually go. This trial has a lot of wasted time, early dismissals almost every day, frequent and lengthy sidebars as well as a lot of time outside the jury's presence. What, about a third of the time this morning was actually spent in testimony before the jury? Maybe this isn't unusual and maybe there isn't a lot the judge could do to change it. However, if I was on this jury I'd be upset that I'm asked to be there 6 days a week while being so unproductive and all the while I'm sequestered.

To be fair, none of this is the fault of the Judge. It's not his fault he's been dealt the hand of having a... how shall I say?... less than educated and inexperienced lead Defense Attorney. He has to bend over backwards so as not to have this case turned over on appeal.

I don't like it when he smacks Mr. Ashton. I hate to say it, but JA needs to be reigned in on occasion as Baez tries his patience. He's a seasoned Prosecutor and should know better. Can't say as I blame him, personally.

I also don't like that he seems to hold Baez's hand, either. But, it is what it is and I think he's doing the best he can with what he has to work with - which isn't much, IMO.

He's trying to keep this trial from becoming more of a circus than it already is and I think he's doing a pretty good job of that, considering.

He's still the best Judge I've ever seen.
In addition, I believe he will uphold the jurors decision for the DP if that is what they decide.

So do I, on both your posts. He can't always side with the prosecution or he'll be considered bias and we all know where that'll lead.
I thought this was cool

Judge belvin perry spotted at a lunch today. He got more applause than the key note speaker. #fox35 #caseyanthonyby anthonycase via twitter at 12:43 PM

I think HHJP is the smartest judge i've ever seen in action....he quotes case law like he's got a computer in his head
"Strickland has never sentenced anyone to die. The two capital murder trials he has directly overseen ended in plea deals for life sentences. Perry, however, has heard eight capital murder cases, all ending with him ordering the accused to Death Row.
There is the possibility that the Anthony defense traded a merciful judge for a hanging judge."


This article is long, but well worth the read.
just heard his questioning of the nebraska bug guy.... judge perry is ONE smart guy... can't get anything past him!
I am very disappointed in Judge Perry today. He is so impatient and downright rude to Jeff Ashton, yet his coddling of Jose Baez is sickening and never ceasing. Very unhappy with him right now, and I've absolutely loved this man up until now. Have been singing him praises to anyone and everyone who will listen. Even pray for him daily, for wisdom and discernment. Maybe I need to add 'charity toward Jeff Ashton.' <sigh> I hope this doesn't continue and Caylee finally gets some justice. It's long overdue, IMO

I'm just catching up over here (left coaster who works swing shift and am not cognizant before 10:30am).

What I perceive is HHJP being fair. To be consistently and pre-eminently fair, the guy is going to be displeasing to half the people half the time, and so for the other half.

He had to spank Baez when he acted out, and should also spank the prosecution when they get jiggy too. I have more respect for him, actually. Although I am personally way biased toward the state's case, and hate to see HHJP spank the state, I'm glad to know he is himself unbiased when the rubber hits the road.
He's like a great basketball official--letting both sides present their evidence and then expecting the best evidence to win. Love him for that. He's fair and not likely to be overturned on appeal.
I have seen all the comments that HHJP is being more demanding of JA for a good reason,but I don't get it. He is abrupt and rude to JA - if he wants them to behave like professionals, then he should apply the same standards to himself. If JA had been texting someone while discussing a point HHJP would have castigated him. Instead, he criticizes him for complaining about JB , and says he doesn't care if JB is standing on one leg! whaaat?
I think he's harder on JA because he expects more from him than JB. I think there is a "method to his madness" however:

This morning it appeared he was all over JA...and was letting JB away with everything. In the long run though he allowed JA to eviscerate JB's witness...overruling all of JB's objections.

I think he's giving JB enough rope to hang himself...and his client (pun intended)...with.
I think JP feels threatened by DT. Ever since the sidebar with him telling DT that they lied to him, he has acted very timid and let them get by with much more than previously.
I do not see the judge as threatened by the DT, or anyone for that matter. The man has a quick mind, yet instances where he needs to consider issues before ruling, he takes the time to do just that. Judge Perry does not typically go off half-cocked.

I agree with those who say the judge is tougher on the SA than on the DT. It is obvious that he is, but the SA are an experienced bunch and their goal is to get the inmate convicted and sentenced to death. And if they succeed in doing that, the judge does not want it overturned.

I have only one gripe with Judge Perry, and it may actually be ignorance on my part: During jury selection, the state wanted to use a strike and JB objected, accusing the state of wanting the juror out due to her race. The judge ruled in JB's favor and the juror stayed, and was then protected from ever being stricken. I do not understand that ruling at all. There was no evidence the state wanted that PT out due to race and my understanding of the strikes was that they could be used to strike a potential juror for no specific reason...meaning they did not have to give a reason for their strike.

So, as I sit here wallowing in my own ignorance, I do not understand why the state could not strike that juror at that point or any time during the selection process, given they had plenty of strikes remaining to be used.

Until someone can explain to me why the state was not allowed to use a strike on that PT, I will always see that situation as a bias against the state on the part of Judge Perry. I guess it's true what they say, nobody's perfect; but in a criminal case as important as this, it is imperative that he who makes the rulings be fair and impartial.
He's not my cup of tea. Now STEVE Perry....that's a different cup altogether!
I am very disappointed in Judge Perry today. He is so impatient and downright rude to Jeff Ashton, yet his coddling of Jose Baez is sickening and never ceasing. Very unhappy with him right now, and I've absolutely loved this man up until now. Have been singing him praises to anyone and everyone who will listen. Even pray for him daily, for wisdom and discernment. Maybe I need to add 'charity toward Jeff Ashton.' <sigh> I hope this doesn't continue and Caylee finally gets some justice. It's long overdue, IMO

I heard something different in his voice when he was accused of dressing down Ashton. I heard "I hear ya' buddy but I have a job to do."
Still Brilliant !

Oh I agree. His mind is like a computer, he does not miss a thing and he knows law like the back of his hand.
It's his attitude to JA that really offends me..

BTW- As I turned on TV this evening, JVM was just coming on- her banner headline "Trial out of Control?" showing a picture of JA getting his lecture from HHJP with a sign in front of him -ACT PROFESSIONAL - Of course I changed channels. :banghead:
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