His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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IMO, HHJP did exactly that: 'Remember Oct 31.' He said that after every whining excuse.

Even going so far as calling Oct 31 the drop dead date!

Come to think of it, JP did look as if he was loosing patience at the last hearing. He's probably a good judge because he doesn't loose his cool. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way equipped to say that JP is not an excellent judge. I was just surprised when he didn't respond to CM when he complained that his schedule was not respected. I wanted JP to say, 'cry me a river my old friend and remember there are always nights and weekends'. It's like a mom thing when you say, 'I don't want to hear it anymore!' Or, 'If you say that one more time, you're grounded!' lol! :crazy:
Come to think of it, JP did look as if he was loosing patience at the last hearing. He's probably a good judge because he doesn't loose his cool. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in any way equipped to say that JP is not an excellent judge. I was just surprised when he didn't respond to CM when he complained that his schedule was not respected. I wanted JP to say, 'cry me a river my old friend and remember there are always nights and weekends'. It's like a mom thing when you say, 'I don't want to hear it anymore!' Or, 'If you say that one more time, you're grounded!' lol! :crazy:

I interpreted his non-response as, "Your complain has fallen on deaf ears, son, and you do *not* want to press the issue. Go forth and depo."

I interpreted his non-response as, "Your complain has fallen on deaf ears, son, and you do *not* want to press the issue. Go forth and depo."


I bet you're right. He knows what to say and when to say it.
I think Judge Perry is doing what needs to be done, in a very professional manner.

I think both Baez and Cheney are in over their heads on this. Baez comes off as bumbling and whiney, surely due to lack of experience and perhaps not all that smart. The highly experienced Cheny comes off as whiney, ill-spirited, and on the edge of "Denny Crane-ness". There is probably no way he could have predicted how huge the bucket of sh-- he stepped into was going to be, but I would bet he would LOVE to be able to get the heck off this case if he could.

Judge Perry is the presiding judge in the Florida murder case that just started today on TruTV, by the way. So far, he seems to be quite decisive in his rulings.
I bet you're right. He knows what to say and when to say it.

ITA, WBG. Moreover, he knows when he doesn't need to say one word.

Would that JB were taking notes instead of shuffling ineffectively through them.

HHJP reminds me of some of my favorite professors. One in particular busted me in class in a memorable (and HHJP-like way I think) as follows: Dr. M was engaging in some Socratic-method questioning of his pupils regarding something to do with early American literature, and I (a pupil) elected to disengage from same in order to share a series of what we considered at the time scathingly funny margin notes with my roommate, seated in the row next to me.

So absorbed was I in our written banter, that I did not even HEAR Dr. M call upon me. It was only the sudden, total stillness in the room, and the sense that every eye was upon me, that made me look up.

"WELL, Ms. Y?", Dr. M pointedly enunciated.

Having zero idea of the point under discussion, burning with humiliation, I gamely tried, "Ahum... Sorry, Dr. M, would you repeat the question?"

And almost 30 years later I can still hear the utter disdain and disapproval in his voice as Dr. M replied, turning to a better-prepared student as he did so, "No, Ms. Y. I will NOT... REPEAT... THE QUESTION."

I learned a good lesson in humility and preparedness that day. I think HHJP is a Dr. M-type; still waiting to see if JB & Co. can be good students of humility and preparedness... These are mere hearings. When the trial starts I suspect we'll see yet another side of His Honor.
My opinion of the honourable judge has increased if anything.
He doesn't appear to be a media seeker like the fool who presided over the ANS custody hearing and who now shoots off hio mouth on JVM regularily. BP appears to me to be a seasoned professional who accomodates the media but would never seek them out. I somehow doubt BP or his wife are watching web highlights of his day in court and discussing it over dinner. I doubt BP watches TV at all actually unless it relates directly to something he's researching.
He's been granted the dubious honour of presiding over the media proclaimed Trial of the (new) Century. He knows as do we, KC is just an ordinary psychopath, nothing special or worthy of any attention at all let alone a media circus, but he's dealing with it professionally and patiently.
As incompetent and unprofessional the defense team is, it's not KC's fault and to refuse her defense extensions to key depositions this far away from trial, does put KC in an appeal position later on down the road IMO. She should be forced to attend thes status hearings if only to witness the lack of preparedness of her boys first hand.
I also can't help but think BP has had choice words with JB and CM off the record and far away from the media gaze re pulling it together. He won't be extending the trial date and the state is prepared for a trial today.

I think BP has the patience of a saint and the wisdom of Job. I can't wait to see him rule the roost in May!!

I just asked my husband to tell me what he thinks JP's expression means. Husband replied, without batting an eyelash, "You're full of ." Or, "I can't believe you said what you just said." Ha!

I cracked up when he responded so quickly.
I have faith in him. I do, however, worry when he keeps setting back dates, and I wonder how tightly he's going to hold onto 10/31/10. And dangit, I just want him to throw the book at those two clowns a few times. I really hope that when the trial starts that there is better control of the courtroom, especially over Baez and Mason. I cannot watch them behave the way they have in one to two hour hearings in a trial for two months. I think I'm just really frustrated because they keep flubbing their way through everything without any sanction or recourse against them, and that just makes them act all the cockier like they are totally getting their way when they totally aren't. I mean sheesh, my dog would make a better lawyer than the two of them combined, and yet they get to keep on being lawyers like nothing is wrong. It just sucks and stinks, and is painful to watch. And my patience is wearing really thin...

ETA: I should read the entire post before posting myself. I feel a bit better about what some of you said. I think I'm wanting him to act more like a parent disciplining their children, and that's not his job. No, he's giving them plenty of rope to hang themselves with. I hope you guys are right and the trial is different. This bumbling idiot act is getting old!
I have faith in him. I do, however, worry when he keeps setting back dates, and I wonder how tightly he's going to hold onto 10/31/10.

Aedrys, keep the faith. The only times we've seen him set back previously-agreed-on dates is when it will protect the State from having to defend against an appeal.

And WBG, your DH is spot-on, IMO!

Rock (and rock and rock and rock) and rule, Your Honor. :dance:
There has already been one judge removed for what the defense accused as impartiality. If HHJP were to do the smack downs everyone wants in these hearings, JB would be filing a motion to recuse this judge as fast as you can blink an eye. HHJP is doing what his job requires, imo.
There has already been one judge removed for what the defense accused as impartiality. If HHJP were to do the smack downs everyone wants in these hearings, JB would be filing a motion to recuse this judge as fast as you can blink an eye. HHJP is doing what his job requires, imo.

bbm: I believe JB is out of options in this department. What he sees is what he gets. There is no second chance here. jmo
The trial being covered on In Sessions right now has none other than Judge Perry as the sitting judge, if anyone wants to see him in action.
What trial Lanie? I don't have that channel, and as far as I know they don't stream it online.
What trial Lanie? I don't have that channel, and as far as I know they don't stream it online.

In Orlando, a teen, John Hawthorne, is on trial for the murder of Joel Boner, a young man living in a homeless camp.
I'm looking at it also. When it first came on, I heard a familiar voice and looked at the TV and saw the court room - I knew instantly that was JP's voice!
I'm looking at it also. When it first came on, I heard a familiar voice and looked at the TV and saw the court room - I knew instantly that was JP's voice!

LOL, I put it on for background noise while I was cleaning house, and recognized his voice from 2 rooms away.

OT, but this crime is terrible. What is wrong with people?

So far, JP has been pretty impressive. He pops out those "sustained" and "overruled" verdicts very quickly, and keeps the attorneys reined in.

Wow, 38 years for a man around your age, Casey, who killed another homeless man. It's only going to be much worse for a mother who killed her defenseless child!

Yessiree, I'm feeling a LOT better about JP now! Ooh, Baez and Mason, you have no idea what you're going to be in for!
I still have the same high regard for Judge Perry but I think he made a serious error in judgment when writing this order concerning the TES Record Review, and not anticipating the shenanigans of Team Baez.

The original order from Judge Strickland gave the defense the ability to look at the records of the "original 32" but review the other records WITHOUT taking notes, copying, etc but merely tagging any that the defense felt should be included with the 32 for Judge Strickland's review.

TES was successful in arguing for the privacy rights of those volunteers who did NOT search within a particular sq footage of the remains site.

Then Baez brought a new motion once Judge Perry was assigned to the case, claiming he had a witness who claimed to have searched the remains site as a TES volunteer but was NOT included in the "TES Identified 32". Baez stated this in court.

So Judge Perry issues a new order that I believe was intended to give Baez the right to not only look at the other records but to call any volunteer who appeared to have searched in the general vicinity of the remains site on Suburban.

But Judge Perry (imo) neglected to consider possible ways that Baez would take advantage of his order, and did not detail the stipulations to the order to clearly spell out Baez' limitations.....so it has become a free for all :banghead:

Will be interesting to see what transpires as I imagine that the phones have been ringing off the way at Nejame's office and I would not be surprised to see a Motion for an Emergency Hearing on behalf of TES.
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