His Honor Judge Perry *Merged*

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My opinion has not changed. In fact, my admiration for this man has grown exponentially. I find the breadth of his knowledge astounding and his ability to apply that knowledge impressive. His grasp of the law and command of the judicial process is one to be aspired to.
I think he's harder on JA because he expects more from him than JB. I think there is a "method to his madness" however:

This morning it appeared he was all over JA...and was letting JB away with everything. In the long run though he allowed JA to eviscerate JB's witness...overruling all of JB's objections.

I think he's giving JB enough rope to hang himself...and his client (pun intended)...with.

I couldn't agree more with everything you said. JP is a very good judge...he knows what's up in this case and he does not want any hint of being partial to one side over the other, and he sure doesn't want anything to come back to bite him on appeal. This judge has a perfect record with death penalty cases! That being said...I'm sure that in his 'former prosecutor' heart of hearts, JP is most likely enjoying watching these amazing prosecuting attorneys do their jobs so well.

I am looking forward to watching him allow JB to continue to 'open doors' in this trial, and then having the SAO using the defense witnesses to prove their case! :great:
Maybe he realizes how he is leaning towards the prosecution as a former prosecutor himself, so he knows he has to be extra careful in order to be impartial. Thus he puts extra effort into ensuring the defense gets their say. Anyway, his role as judge is to be impartial. If he started coddling or showed any partiality towards any side he'd be kicked out.

Also I have this feeling that maybe JP feels an iota of sympathy for JB because, if you read that article posted above, he was also once a rookie lawyer that no one would hire until he was given the chance to shine. I get the sense he feels for JB's perceived underdog or 'little guy' status. Also JB is quite likable if it weren't for how he's handling this case.
I have not yet seen a support thread for Judge Perry started yet so if there is, I am sorry but if there isn't we need to let him know how much we enjoy watching his courtroom and hope he can keep this trial from being the circus that it already was going into it. SO FAR SO GOOD!
I don't know if there is a thread or not, but I can say Judge Perry is a very wise man. He has learned a lot in his years, not only by himself, but through watching others, including his family.

He has the patience of Job and probably the really high blood pressure. I don't know how he can do this and remain calm, but this is not his first bad turn in a trial, nor his second.

His intellect, decorum and humanity have been impeccable. At least for any human being in this situation.

I am not good with words, (seem to talk too much in spite of that), but I can say the Judge Perry is an example of what our judicial system is about. Fair, balanced, and searching for what can be when nothing seems to be. He is not shown that in kind in this trial.

A man of honor, a man that honors his position, his Country, and all before him.

Judge Perry is an exemplar Judge.

And I wouldn't mind knowing what his fave foods, movies, books, you name it, are either, lol. Just shows he is down to earth, understanding, caring of others. :crazy:

Is he drinking coffee in his go cup or water? Cocoa? What does he like for breakfast?
:luv: JP
He is a very knowledgeable and patient judge deserving of our respect.
I included the judge in my prayers at mass this evening..
I LOVE this judge. He is simply awesome!!!! So patient, fair, and kind. He'd probably be a hoot to hang out with.
I'd add a message of support for him, but after seeing him in action lo these many weeks, I feel it's entirely safe to say that he doesn't really need it. This is one brilliant, resourceful, wise and compassionate jurist. If ever I have the misfortune of finding myself up against the State in litigation, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have sitting in that chair than Belvin Perry.

He's just terrific.
I really think the Judge needs to be thanked for taking the time and opportunities through his life to learn what is needed to run his court room.
Judge Perry will have the last word in this trial.
I don't know if there is a thread or not, but I can say Judge Perry is a very wise man. He has learned a lot in his years, not only by himself, but through watching others, including his family.

He has the patience of Job and probably the really high blood pressure. I don't know how he can do this and remain calm, but this is not his first bad turn in a trial, nor his second.

His intellect, decorum and humanity have been impeccable. At least for any human being in this situation.

I am not good with words, (seem to talk too much in spite of that), but I can say the Judge Perry is an example of what our judicial system is about. Fair, balanced, and searching for what can be when nothing seems to be. He is not shown that in kind in this trial.

A man of honor, a man that honors his position, his Country, and all before him.

Judge Perry is an exemplar Judge.

And I wouldn't mind knowing what his fave foods, movies, books, you name it, are either, lol. Just shows he is down to earth, understanding, caring of others. :crazy:

Is he drinking coffee in his go cup or water? Cocoa? What does he like for breakfast?

BBM. To the contrary, 21merc7, your post is sincere, thoughtful, and I believe that you have expressed beautifully what many of us would like to say about HHJP :clap: :tyou:
I have lost faith in our judicial system as far as attorney's and clients go, but This wonderful man helps me hold on to hope that it is not all a loss.

I love the way he rocks back and forth when he stands, I would hate to think it is a back problem, but it reminds me of my Grandfather, God rest his soul :)
I can't help but say "I love this judge". I've seen a lot of judges, and Your Honour is just beyond any other judge I've seen. I didn't have the same respect for Ito (OJ trial), or Judge Mudd (now retired) in the Westerfield case. The only judge that comes close is Your Honour Alfred Delucchi (now deceased) in the Peterson case. These are the only 3 cases that I followed from beginning to end. Judge Delucchi held his own in the Peterson case, turned down several requests for a new jury, and ended up using almost all his alternates. He wasn't going down without a fight! In the end, Peterson is now on death row. I have a lot of respect for him.

The same goes for Your Honour. And if you're on FB, please be sure to join the Judge Perry Rocks Fan Page!


What a wonderful blend, of all of the things that make up a well rounded human being and accomplished professional, Judge Perry is! How fortunate the State of Florida is to have him. Always amazed at how very intelligent he is. Pulls out case after case presenting details from that wonderful brain he has. It is also very apparent that this man has a " good soul ":rocker:.......JMO
The best judge I have ever witnessed! HHJP has won my respect as well as others, I'm sure! God bless you for what you have to deal with during the next few weeks...and still manage to be fair & honest! Thanks for all you do!

You are honorable, intelligent, have amazing wisdom and we are so blessed to have you for Caylee! :)
Not that we feel His Honor needs support as he seems to be doing just fine, but I get the thought behind the thread. I am here to post about my tremendous respect for Judge Perry and the job he is doing. He is a very respected man in his field and the reasons for that are more and more obvious with each passing day.

I :heart: HHJP and how seriously he is taking this extremely difficult high profile case.
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