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DNA Solves
He's a real "interesting" person...involved his own son, threatened his wife and son...I dug quite a bit into his story...but this is the first I have heard about the van. Time to revisit MR RR.

i remember a handful talking about this joker back when the fake drowning went down--perhaps it wasn't on this site though
Just K and Waltzingmathilda should IMO get credit for this find...I just can't figure out how to move the posts to the new thread I started. I put the thread in "Crimes...". I'd like to move it now to LISK forum but not sure how to do that!

You might want to add LaLaw2000 to that list!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8278004&postcount=14"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Missing NY swimmer trying to disappear?[/ame]

I was reading that thread this am, and LaLaw2000 had speculated back in August that perhaps RR was LISK. I hadn't made it all the way through the thread, and thought that the poster was reaching.....until I got to the end of the thread and saw that RR had been arrested for impersonating a police officer and trying to abduct women. :what:
It would be interesting to know what type of "trouble" he was getting into at work that caused him to be demoted.

" She said he then recently began getting into trouble at his work at Level 3 Communications at 1 Penn Plaza in Herald Square.
He was demoted and promptly threatened to shoot the two supervisors who had bumped him, she said."

Several of us discussed RR as a possible suspect back over the summer, I think. But back then, we never heard a word about him posing as a poice officer, so there wasn't really much to go on. Now I'm wondering about the missing girl with the abandoned blue prius at Tobay. My very first thought after seeing pics of her vehicle was, "Gee, almost looks like someone pulled her over."

Was RR by any chance roaming around free when this young lady vanished?
Interesting to see you guy are looking at him also.
He's a good suspect for sure.
I came to bring him up since the impersonation thing came up and trying to abduct women.. and right in the middle of these attempts, is a missing woman.
Curious for sure.
He was a potential suspect before, but has just shot higher on my scale with this last arrest...
Yes, he got his sentencing postponed so that he could "finish his culinary classes!" He wasn't arrested or in jail the day NJugo disappeared. They suspect him in a case on March 16, the 21st and one other similar attempt either on the 21st or another day between the 16th through the 21st. NJugo disappeared on the 18th, correct?

NJugo's wipers were in the up position and her drivers license was found with her clothes by the shore. If she thought she was being pulled over she would have gotten her license out & ready. RR is said, in many of today's post to be from Long Beach....guess he moved to the shore. Also, Freeport is the area where he tried to abduct the woman...the reason for the current arrest. From mapping the distance between Freeport and Bayside it appears to be between 16 and 20 miles from Freeport to Bayside and NJugo.
Several of us discussed RR as a possible suspect back over the summer, I think. But back then, we never heard a word about him posing as a poice officer, so there wasn't really much to go on. Now I'm wondering about the missing girl with the abandoned blue prius at Tobay. My very first thought after seeing pics of her vehicle was, "Gee, almost looks like someone pulled her over."

Was RR by any chance roaming around free when this young lady vanished?
Here are the threads where RR has been discussed:

HODGE-PODGE---LISK-related (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

LI, NY: Raymond Roth Arrested for attempted kidnap; impersonating LE - Long Island

Missing NY swimmer trying to disappear?

The Crockpot - Case Related (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
Ughh! One day I got a tip about a POI being on OBC. Mind you I never liked reading on these type of sites. So anyways I joined (for purposes of sluething) but never read.

Now I keep getting messages from online booty call which I promptly delete...without reading.

Can't figure out how to "unjoin"

I know...it's hard to believe that someone who used to be in "the business" is disturbed by this...but it's true.

Back in my day, I advertised in the phone book. If someone called and was disrespectful...I hung up!

This type of new fangled forum disturbs me to no end.

I thank God that I went through it...and got out of it alive and with SOME self esteem entact.
"Now I keep getting messages from online booty call*..."

Seriously, are you TRYING to get me to choke on my pretzles?!!
No..seriously! I Just checked my email (after a long time) and I have message from names that I don't wanna repeat here! Do you need me to do the Himlick manuever on you?! I Just got the hiccups laughing over your post! ; ))
He has faked his own death. Probably faked psych issues to avoid being arrested and now he has faked being a police officer. I looked into RR, re: the LISK case and here are my original notes: (Dated August 2012) on Mr Roth:

"Well, it seems Mr Raymond Roth has ties to Massapequa, Jones Beach(specifically FIELD 6), NYC and Florida was fired from his job, his wife (not a first wife) has a Russian name, Evana, may have been abused by him and his son says he threatened him in recent emails."


Wondering what Mr Roth may have done for a living before getting fired?

"A LinkedIn page for Roth said he worked for Level 3 Communications, a telecommunications company. A company spokesman declined to comment."

And there is more!!!
Nassau County Police said Friday that Roth recently had been required to surrender a handgun and his pistol license after a harassment complaint was filed against him in New York City. Details of the complaint were not immediately available.

Evana Roth said she knew nothing of the circumstances until police officers came to her home last month requesting the handgun and license.

"I couldn't tell you, he didn't talk to me, we didn't have that type of marriage," she said. "I only heard when cops showed up to take the license and pistol away."

In this article it is interesting that he instructs his son to go to a payphone or borrow his friend's phone. "There needs to be a way to find out how things are going. Call me Sunday night at the resort," the first email said. "go to a pay phone or borrow your friends phone. You must call within 15 minutes of the determined time to call in order to be sure i will be available."

When the son came out and said that he had not seen these emails the father contacted the son and supposedly said abusive things about his manhood and that, in summary, one of them was going to die. "

Jon Roth also told the New York Post that he received a threatening voice mail from his father saying: “Still not a man, huh, Jonathan? Can’t even answer your own phone . . . Listen, tough guy. You say you’ve been to the Marines and you can kill and everything else. When I get back, you are gonna do just that. One of us is going to die.”

Now, August 2012, it seems Mr Roth and his son's whereabouts are unknown. According to the NY Post, the son is in hiding. The father hasn't been heard from since Friday when he "drunk called" his wife.


Originally, Roth was "...feared lost after authorities spent days searching the waters off Jones Beach’s Field 6,"

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/d...#ixzz22hfCmwxB

And there is more: He was born in 1964...he is 48 years old and per his son

"The son also couldn’t explain why his father, whom he described as an abusive alcoholic, would be mad enough to make threats.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/d...#ixzz22hg5kGe7

The wife's lawyer says he broke Evana's nose once. And in another article says he "persuaded her to sign over her home, which was in her name only, to him.
Last edited by Just K; Today at 07:10 PM.

Last thing about Mr Roth: Level3 Communications is headquartered in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan. Wiki (I know...I'll get a better source) describes Murray Hill:
"Frank P. Vardy, the demographer for the City Planning Commission, said that the traditional boundary is within East 34th Street, East 40th Street, Madison Avenue, and Third Avenue. The neighborhood is part of Manhattan Community Board 6."

"Level 3 locations are at 111 8th Ave., 3rd floor, New York, NY 10011, 60 Hudson St., New York, NY 10013, and 100 William St., #19, New York, NY 10038. The Level 3 Network operates as one of the largest IP transit networks in North America and Europe. The Level 3 Network was designed to maximize coverage, performance, flexibility and scalability."


Level 3 Communications Launches New York City Facility
Company Obtains Franchise From City of New York
Feb 9, 1999

NEW YORK, February 9, 1999 – Level 3 Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq: LVLT), today announced that it has obtained clearances from the city of New York to install a fiber optic network in New York City. Initially, the
Level 3 network will be installed in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens. Additionally, the company has begun providing select telecommunications services in the New York metropolitan area, as part of its national city roll-out.

Per Intelius: He is 47 (one listing says 48):
Raymond J Roth
Raymond J Ruth
Massapequa, NY
North Bellmore, NY
Merrick, NY
Thanks Nugster, some articles make it appear as if LE doesn't know exactly where he is but this is also very interesting from the NYT's article:

"In a news conference on Friday, Ms. Roth described her husband as a verbally abusive alcoholic. She said she did not know why he tried to fake his death, though she said he was fired on July 20, shortly after he had threatened to shoot two supervisors.

Mr. Roth turned over a licensed gun he owned on July 21, after a police inquiry.

Mr. Leeds said Ms. Roth had given away four other firearms that Mr. Roth had owned. He said Ms. Roth would seek a divorce and attempt to regain full ownership of the family’s home. She said that Mr. Roth had coerced her into transferring the home into both their names in April."

and this:"Detective Thomas Duignan of the New York State Park Police ...confirmed Roth, an unemployed telecommunications manager from Massapequa, had returned to New York but could not give further details."

Hi Just K and everyone! First of all, Ya'll are AWESOME!!! Thanks to everyone for all the links and info on RR. Secondly, my apologies for posting the link and disappearing but had alot of visitors for Passover/Easter. I still have a bit of catching up to do but wanted to mention a few things.

It gave me chills to learn that this guy worked for a communications company as others, myself included, have felt that he is tech savvy with wireless devices. Also, months and months ago, Mountain Kat opined that she believed that the SK is a heavy drinker and I agree so RR's wife and son saying he is an abusive alcoholic raises a red flag for me.

It sounds like this RR's life is spiraling out of control, don't most SK's get caught because they get 'sloppy' in their evil doings? For the life of me I cannot understand why the judge allowed him to finish his culinary course for 90 days until he is incarcerated! This dude shouldn't be allowed to be around knives since his gun was taken away. What was this judge thinking?

Not saying RR is LISK but he fits my non-expert profile. :moo:

In early research one of us, TF or I found that RR's culinary experience goes back decades...possibly to his college days in Florida. We also found an early reference to REAL ESTATE.

He seems to have started spiraling out of control by July of 2012...threatening co-workers, getting fired, conning or coercing ownership of the family home from the sole owner, his wife, faking his own death and rushing off to FLORIDA. He comes back to NY, possibly feigns mental disorder (likely in an effort to avoid arrest) for a voluntary admission to a psych facility. He was arrested and the wife takes TRO out on him but he contacts her anyway. He gets re-arrested and a second TRO is issued.

Then, we get to March 2013: He plea bargains down and gets a 90 day sentence which he asks the judge to delay. During the end of February and up until the day of his plea bargain (Mar 21, 2013) he apparently tries to abduct at least two and possibly three women in the Freeport area. Seeing as he has family in Freeport, it really looks like this is just trying to get arrested or confined to a psych hospital.

In early research one of us, TF or I found that RR's culinary experience goes back decades...possibly to his college days in Florida. We also found an early reference to REAL ESTATE.

He seems to have started spiraling out of control by July of 2012...threatening co-workers, getting fired, conning or coercing ownership of the family home from the sole owner, his wife, faking his own death and rushing off to FLORIDA. He comes back to NY, possibly feigns mental disorder (likely in an effort to avoid arrest) for a voluntary admission to a psych facility. He was arrested and the wife takes TRO out on him but he contacts her anyway. He gets re-arrested and a second TRO is issued.

Then, we get to March 3013: He plea bargains down and gets a 90 day sentence which he ask the judge to delay. During the end of February and up until the day of his plea bargain (Mar 21, 2013) he apparently tries to abduct at least two and possibly three women in the Freeport area. Seeing as he has family in Freeport, it really looks like this is just trying to get arrested or confined to a psych hospital.


Agreed, WHY? Makes me wonder about the murdered prostitutes in FL since he owns a timeshare there and why was he upgrading it?


I agree with LaLaw. My gut tells me this is a bad guy and there is more to this than insurance fraud and severance pay. moo

Agreed, WHY? Makes me wonder about the murdered prostitutes in FL since he owns a timeshare there and why was he upgrading it?


I agree with LaLaw. My gut tells me this is a bad guy and there is more to this than insurance fraud and severance pay. moo


He is known to have spent time in SC, too. The Myrtle Beach area has had a few girls go missing...one was Brittanae Drexel from Rochester, NY.

There is a photo on a relative or friends FB page of RR in what appears to be Augusta, GA on July 30, 2012. That picture can't be posted here but he went there, was also stopped by the police in SC, during the time he was faking his own death.
He is known to have spent time in SC, too. The Myrtle Beach area has had a few girls go missing...one was Brittanae Drexel from Rochester, NY.

There is a photo on a relative or friends FB page of RR in what appears to be Augusta, GA on July 30, 2012. That picture can't be posted here but he went there, was also stopped by the police in SC, during the time he was faking his own death.

He sure seems to get around, doesn't he?
RJR in 2012 was said to be 48. One search puts him at 50, today. He was living in Massapequa in 2011. A picture of him, from a female friend/relative's FB page, shows him in front of a news truck out of Augusta, GA and has him donning news credentials, a gold cross, and an ESPN logo jacket.

Anyway, the 48 year old drifter was said to have been living in Massapequa in 2011 and the mother was quoted as saying he went to Georgia.

Telecommunications: yes
Georgia: yes
Massapequa: yes
Manhattan: yes
Brooklyn: yes
LI shore: yes
Abusive drunk: yes
Age 48-50: yes
Police Impersonator: yes
White Van: yes
Real Estate Connection: yes (Florida)
Central Florida: Yes

Someone said they found an AC connection but I haven't found it.

Am I forgetting anything?
RJR in 2012 was said to be 48. One search puts him at 50, today. He was living in Massapequa in 2011. A picture of him, from a female friend/relative's FB page, shows him in front of a news truck out of Augusta, GA and has him donning news credentials, a gold cross, and an ESPN logo jacket.

Anyway, the 48 year old drifter was said to have been living in Massapequa in 2011 and the mother was quoted as saying he went to Georgia.

Telecommunications: yes
Georgia: yes
Massapequa: yes
Manhattan: yes
Brooklyn: yes
LI shore: yes
Abusive drunk: yes
Age 48-50: yes
Police Impersonator: yes
White Van: yes
Real Estate Connection: yes (Florida)
Central Florida: Yes

Someone said they found an AC connection but I haven't found it.

Am I forgetting anything?

nope(good list)--except maybe that the abduction attempts seem unplanned, reactionary, disorganized, and desperate--180 degrees of lisk--other than that, creepy dude with a matching list that has all the highlights we are seeking--may be worth a revisit
nope(good list)--except maybe that the abduction attempts seem unplanned, reactionary, disorganized, and desperate--180 degrees of lisk--other than that, creepy dude with a matching list that has all the highlights we are seeking--may be worth a revisit

If his mental state is deteriorating, that would certainly account for the organization pattern change.

I'm not sure what to make of RR, to be honest. Part of me screams, "That's our guy!", and the other part of me screams, "Get a grip, Kat! This weirdo isn't OUR weirdo! He just...not right, somehow." I'm conflicted. Seriously.

Meh...I'll be over here in the corner chewing my fingernails if anyone needs me. ;)
MK, you were either up very late or up very early :D
If his mental state is deteriorating, that would certainly account for the organization pattern change.

I'm not sure what to make of RR, to be honest. Part of me screams, "That's our guy!", and the other part of me screams, "Get a grip, Kat! This weirdo isn't OUR weirdo! He just...not right, somehow." I'm conflicted. Seriously.

Meh...I'll be over here in the corner chewing my fingernails if anyone needs me. ;)

Hi MK! I thought I'd try and bring you out of the corner before you ruin your manicure, LOL!

I don't know if RR is 'our weirdo' or not but he certainly raises concerns for me and here's why. (other than what's on Just K's list above) He lost his job at Level 3 Communications so perhaps he no longer has the tech tools that he once had access to at work in order to remain stealth. (And we know the SK enjoys playing phone games.) The loss of his job, accompanied with him no longer having the ability to remain anonymous to set up his 'dates' may have caused him to change his m.o. We know Sk's won't stop. It was very brazen for him to leave his van and enter the check cashing biz impersonating a police officer. I read that he smelled of alcohol. IMO, he gets angry and sloppy when he drinks. He has anger issues with women which is documented in news reports. (broke wife's nose & stalking woman into check cashing biz) moo and sorry no links as I'm still catching up.

Great reading you again!


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