DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Now if she fished, leaving your house at 4:30am to go to the beach doesn't seem too far off. =)
Is there an official missing persons page for NJ? I can't find one on NAMUS. That's odd isn't it?
Tattoo on inside left wrist as well as lower stomach on that site. A yes or no if NJ had ink in those spots would be a big breaker.
Now if she fished, leaving your house at 4:30am to go to the beach doesn't seem too far off. =)

Hey there PickleChris! You make alot of sense. I've done a bit of offshore fishing in my time and have showed up in my pajama pants, robe and a big coat at 3-3:30 am to get on the boat. Then I sleep on the way out to the gulfstream. I don't know how long a trip it is from LI but it is approx 3+ hrs. trip from my location. I really hadn't thought about this til you mentioned it but I always layer my clothing when leaving early in the am because it is cold on the water but warms up later in the day when the sun comes up. wm
The tatoos son't seem to match. That doesn't really mean anything as I have no way of knowing when the photos were taken nor when she was inked. There is a striking resemblence between Natasha/Natasia tho.
Natacha Jugo was into fishing !!! according to her Myspace profile, check it out on my post on the Amber Lynn Costello thread:

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9184061&postcount=365"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
IPhones often take mirror image shots. But Njugo was probably at least five years younger in the Myspace photos than she is today and in the fishing photo there is tattooing on both sides below the belly button. But, the Myspace pic can still be a mirror pic. I have placed the camera just out of view of the mirror's frame and the only way you would know it was a self mirror shot is if you were there. Also, she could have cropped the camera out of the edge.
One more RR Hodge Podge link:

Just in case it rings any bells, here is a link to a phone message to his wife about the house. His NY accent is not heavy to this Mid-Atlantic raised listener. He sounds like a calm slightly drunk older white guy to me.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZakkhTZ2MVI"]Dead man talking - New York Post - YouTube[/ame]
One more RR Hodge Podge link:

Just in case it rings any bells, here is a link to a phone message to his wife about the house. His NY accent is not heavy to this Mid-Atlantic raised listener. He sounds like a calm slightly drunk older white guy to me.
Dead man talking - New York Post - YouTube

Compare this pic to the one at link. He certainly looks like he's gone 'downhill'. There was another pic I saw where he looked more like the man in the fishing pic. All three have the same facial stucture, IMO.


sorry here's the link.......http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hubby_is_the_living_dead_hI7l8kqWLgFA5IogcSAXaI


“He certainly wasn’t thinking correctly,” Roth’s attorney, Brian Davis, said Thursday. “Many of us think about making an escape, but in his mind, he was actually going to do it. In his mind, he was going to escape and work at a tiki bar or on a fishing boat.”

That's the pic where he looks like 'every day Ray'. Interesting that when asked if he wished to apologize, he answered, "For what?"

It sounds like an answer a sociopath would give but I am not a mental health professional, although I've known a few sociopaths.
He has certainly gone down hill since his Google+ photo shoot.

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