Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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From the Jackson Sun:

Zachary Adams moved to Williamson County Jail
September 14, 2014

"This was a procedural move several weeks in the works to a facility with more resources and manpower," DeVine said. "It has nothing to do with any specific development in the case."

Link: http://www.jacksonsun.com/story/new...-adams-moved-williamson-county-jail/15645107/


JMO and MOO ... but I do not believe this to be a "coincidence" ...

One week ago, Holly's remains were found, and then one week later, ZA just happens to be transferred to another "facility with more resources and manpower" ...

JMO and MOO ...

I wonder IF he was sending threats like he did to his brother DA ?

I wonder IF he went cray cray when he heard about the remains that were found ?

I think that something happened when ZA found out about Holly's remains being identified ... and he lost it ...

All JMO and :moo:

I think exactly the opposite. IMO there is way too little time for this to have begun a few days ago.

You have to 1) find remains, 2) ID remains, 3) ZA has to find out, 4) ZA has to react, 5) it has to become an ongoing problem for the prison, 6) they have to decide they want to move him, 7) they have to find a suitable facility that has proper security, and enough room, 8) they have to get permission and an agreement (including payment for the incarceration) to move him, 9) they have to arrange the armed transport to make sure he doesn't escape in the transfer, and 10) he has to be moved. Besides all of that, in every step of the process, you have officials trying to make sure they have covered their own behind in all of this, if any questions are asked later or if something goes wrong.

Do all of that in only 3 days? Wow, in light of bureaucracy, I don't think so. That sounds to me like a month, maybe even more, from start to finish. It's not going to happen quickly.
I remember the day I first heard about this beautiful young lady. I just knew it was going to be bad. But I am so glad they found her. I was beginning to think they never would. RIP Holly. Condolences to the family.

Welcome to the Websleuths family, wendybtn...
I would not be surprised if ZA's move was due to Holly's remains being located. He was moved on a Saturday. Saturday. Just don't see that done, especially if this had been in the works. They are downplaying something.

Wouldn't it be amazing if he decided to talk?
It could be that the moved him once HB was found because he was getting death threats. I am sure there are are lot of people that would like to be a hero in this case.
IIRC Ms. Thompson (Zach's Attorney) complained to the Judge and Court early on that he did not have access to a computer or writing utensils to communicate with her or family at Chester County. I believe that now that discovery has been turned over (at least a good deal of it) Zach now has to have the ability to look at it. So he is going to begin to know who and what has been given in statements, etc.. While he is viewing the computer and making notes to aid in his defense, I am sure a guard will have to supervise him. IMO this guy is going to be high maintenance until he is sentenced. This jail is more capable of dealing with making sure his "civil rights" are protected and cannot be an issue at trial or appeals.


And with all that deviant behavior, he was unleashed on society again. If his grandparent or family had enough clout to keep him from serving major time in jail, why didn't they use it to have him committed. Did they welcome him back into the fold from fear, or because he was so sweet? Just MOO

Perhaps the family had enabled him for so long their denial blinded them to the truth. Their 'golden boy' was no longer human. He was now a member of the druggie culture and one of the soulless living dead. This is a deadly species and society must not allow them to continue to prey on the ones we love & cherish.Society must protect itself from these monsters.

I pray the prosecution is relentless in arresting those involved in the execution and subsequent coverup of this crime. There is no southern small town conspiracy;the truth is these creatures live among us & are no longer human. Give them their day in court but deep down you know they are-worrying. It's not for the punishment on this earth;rather it's for the one that will extend into eternity.MOO
I would not be surprised if ZA's move was due to Holly's remains being located. He was moved on a Saturday. Saturday. Just don't see that done, especially if this had been in the works. They are downplaying something.

Wouldn't it be amazing if he decided to talk?

:seeya: Hi shef !

BBM: I totally agree !

:waitasec: Now, would ZA "talk" ? Not sure IF he would ... but we shall see !

My opinions only, no facts here:

Items more subtle and innocuous than buckets have been traced to the store they were purchased from and who was the buyer. And I am talking about big cities, not small communities with just a handful of stores to check out.

The bucket (if it is part of the crime scene where remains were found) is the one piece of evidence that does not belong to Holly Bobo (other than the mythical duct tape). The bucket could represent a very significant slip-up by the perpetrator(s).

Just saying.

That would be awesome if the bucket could lead somewhere. Also, any evidence under the bucket would be further protected from the elements, so they can probably get DNA from the evidence.
The new jail photo shows us a different ZA.....not smirking anymore. But the same vacant eyes. Scary.
Not being from Tennessee and not being familiar with its geography either, I googled a county map of the state. Those of you from TN probably already realize this. Williamson County is right below the county where Nashville is located. JA is in the prison in Nashville. Interesting.
I feel so sad for the guys who were just minding their own business and stumbled upon the remains. Two more people whose lives will never be the same because of this .
This article gives a little more info on the move, describing how it is easier for him to meet with his attorneys at the new facility:

WILLIAMSON COUNTY, Tenn. - One of the two men charged in the death of Holly Bobo has been moved to the Williamson County jail.

Zachary Adams, 30, was transferred from Chester County Saturday and booked just before 3 p.m.According to Josh DeVine, the Public Information Officer for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Adams' transfer was a procedural move.

In an email, DeVine wrote, "This was a procedural move several weeks in the works to a facility with more resources and manpower. It has nothing to do with any specific development in the case."

District Attorney Matt Stowe told News 2 Wednesday that he made the request Adams be moved.

"Chester County did not have the kind of facilities needed to safely house this inmate over the long term, and Williamson County was kind enough to help everyone out," Stowe wrote in an email.

Stowe also said the move allows Adams the ability to talk with his attorneys without the hassle of having the jail take extra measures to secure the facility, which he said was a challenge in Chester County.

He added that by making it convenient for Adams to meet with his attorneys, it protects his constitutional rights when prosecuted.

"When you're talking about someone in serious security, it could take two or three hours for officers to get everything prepared to move the prisoner up just for a lawyers meeting," Stowe explained to News 2. "So having him at a facility where meetings like this are occurring on a regular basis and they're trained to handle this is going to make things smoother."

According to the Chester County jail, they only have about 80 beds for inmates while the Williamson County jail has about 454.

Adams is charged alongside Jason Autry with especially aggravated kidnapping and felony first degree murder in Bobo's disappearance and subsequence death.

Autry remains at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in Nashville.

Bobo vanished from her home in Parsons, Tennessee, on April 13, 2011.

Her remains were found last week in a wooded area off County Corner Road in Decatur County, just miles from Adams' home.
:seeya: Hi DF ! This is not an original from FB (I don't do FB), but I did an image search and found this:


This may not help, but hopefully it will help in finding the original pic.

Thanks Cutie.

Over the years, I have seen chilling autopsy photos, and many gruesome crime scene photos, but for some reason every time I see this photo of Adams it strikes such an awful feeling inside of me, and sends a chill up and down my spine. It is truly like looking at pure evil at it's worst.

To know that this is who Holly had to face during her darkest hours on earth makes my heart actually ache for her and all of the Bobo family.

Does anyone know how much he weighed around the time Holly disappeared? The reason I ask is in this photo his face looks fuller..even has a slight double chin he no longer has today and he looks heavier. It may be the camo gear he has on that makes his body appear larger though but his face still looks much fuller here than in his latest mug shot.

I will be so glad when this monster gets what is coming to him. The death penalty is made for those like Adams. He is one of those who commits the most horrific sadistic criminals acts imaginable yet possess not one ounce of compassion or remorse. Instead people like Adams gloat and brag about their evilness they do to innocent victims. If the DA asks for it the jury will give it. It just seems unfair somehow though that he will not go through all the pain and suffering he put Holly through.

I do think the Bobos will tell Stowe they want the death penalty on both defendants and anyone else that may be arrested if they were involved in the actual kidnapping and murder of Holly.

That would be awesome if the bucket could lead somewhere. Also, any evidence under the bucket would be further protected from the elements, so they can probably get DNA from the evidence.

Yes, there are ways to trace the bucket back to the company and like the poster said with this being a small community it would even be easier.

If the sheetrock 'mud' seaming product still has a label on it that is still readable then the TBI can find the store that sells that particular brand in a 2 gallon bucket size. Also sometimes even out in the weather if a bucket is up under trees the barcode will still be attached giving them another avenue to trace it.

It is hard to obtain fingerprints off of such slick surfaces but it is doable especially if the person or persons had something on their hands like mud or blood when touching it.

For example: I remember keeping up with the Don Morengello murder case. He was a retired NASA rocket scientist who murdered his wife. They lived on a bay/inlet and he took her body out in the water and submerged her using a concrete block that came from his seawall. LE eventually found her and by then he had replaced the concrete block that he used with another one. A concrete expert took one of the original blocks from the seawall and the one tied around her feet and he did an mixture analysis and the concrete mixture was a perfect match. It was amazing because you would think all concrete block are made the same way but each time they mix the concrete to make a batch there will be slight variations in the formula used. So each batch is unique unto itself.

They can do the same thing with regular household plastic garbage bags. There again one would think all the millions made would be exactly alike if they come from the same manufacturer but they aren't and the company can tell which batch it came from/when it was made, and which store it was sent to, and then they can trace it to the customer who purchased it.

So much can be learned now by any expert in any certain field.
I would not be surprised if ZA's move was due to Holly's remains being located. He was moved on a Saturday. Saturday. Just don't see that done, especially if this had been in the works. They are downplaying something.

Wouldn't it be amazing if he decided to talk?

Hi there my sweet friend! I hope you are doing well.

I don't think he will ever talk. He really has nothing to offer the DA where they would spare his pathetic life. They are never going to plea or make any kind of deals with this particular defendant. Stowe is going to try his very best to see this gets what he deserves and that is the death penalty. As my loving grandmother use to say 'Mark my word' lol any plea deal isn't going to happen.

They don't need him talking. They have the evidence they need already. They had it before they even found Holly's remains. Stowe said he was going to take this case to trial without a body and now he has her remains. And the only way Adams would talk is if there was something in it for him and he knows there isn't. IMO

He will remain mum just like he has done all along. Imo, both attorneys for ZA and JA know they don't have a snowball chance in hell of working any kind of deal with this DA. Its on to trial in a couple of years from now for both of them.

And if they are death penalty cases then I don't even expect it to go to trial in 18 months unless Tennessee is speedy on death penalty cases which I doubt. Guy Heinz Jr in Georgia was jailed for over four years before his case came to trial and wasn't Arias' death penalty case in 2013 and she murdered Travis in 2008.

So this will become Adams home for years to come before his trial begins, imo.
My opinion is he was sleeping. Holly screamed; which made dog bark; waking brother up. I feel that had he been up; he would have saved Holly. I feel bad for him. He has to live with this

*Posted from cell so was brief

New here on this thread, bunny trailed from the missing girl in TX, Christina Morris... so I apologize if my question has already been discussed and I'm getting to know this case and the guys accused, trying to figure it out but, what I dont get is... this guy who Clint thought was Drew... it seemed like they were having a conversation...did he know Holly... did he NOT know her brother was also in the house... how could he be so brazen as to just come up to a house like that... the guy must of known there would be guns in the house... its very obvious if Clint was awake and coherent he could of just shot the guy on the spot... right? Seems like there were so many chances taken...even him just walking away with her and her not putting up a fight. She knew her brother was home... most women know that if you go to a second location your dead. Most women know its better to suffer violence right where you are rather than go off with someone as your chances of being found are better, quicker. Knife or no knife..her brother was home, she could of screamed....guns in the house etc...I don't understand why she would of just gone off with him without a fight knowing Clint was in the house. And if she screamed prior to this... and it didn't wake up Clint but was blood curtling enough, loud enough and terrifying enough for the neighbor to call the mom... so something made Holly scream and then not scream anymore?
And these guys that they caught... are you guys on here pretty confident they have the right people?
Like I said, I am new to this thread and I know its annoying when someone gets on after this amount of time with newbie questions already answered and discussed over and over... I'm on a thread just going on since June of this year and a newbie gets on and ask these questions already totally gone over... but most of us don't have time to go back and read hundreds of threads... so if someone can fill me in on that part... regarding why you guys feel she didn't put up a fight when her brother was home and guns were in the house? And was Clint so still tired he didn't really look close enough but just assumed this scraggly guy was one of his friends and her boyfriend... just too tired to really look, just saw what he thought he saw without really seeing?
I think it was just a conflagration of too many factors at once that resulted in the sad ending
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