Holy Cow What Happened?

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Aww Zott...I think there is plenty of newd nutty ned to go around! :blowkiss:
Besides I have not sen him riding his horse in a while and...well I found that soo attractive!!Besides...Jay needs to keep him in line!!!And Zott..I know you are his fave...he is just makingyo jealous!
Hey ned since you asked...heres that baby!
Twinz said:
Aww Zott...I think there is plenty of newd nutty ned to go around! :blowkiss:
Besides I have not sen him riding his horse in a while and...well I found that soo attractive!!Besides...Jay needs to keep him in line!!!And Zott..I know you are his fave...he is just makingyo jealous!
Hey ned since you asked...heres that baby!

OH HOW BEAUTIFUL THAT BABY IS and oh what fun ...I've got 4 kids 6-16 and I'm a Twin...makes me want to have another baby somewhat but not (it's a menopausaul(sp>?) thing) but oh how beautiful babies are... thanks for the pic! :)
Thank you!!! I have 4 too!!! My tiwns are almost 6(identical girils) The I have a boy who is almost 5 and the baby. I AM DONE no more kids for me!!! But yes babies are soooo cute! :blowkiss:
My first thoughts were the same, Popcorn -- looks like the Brady Bunch to me!
I was afraid to comeback to this thread. I'm just a lurker and insignificant poster and am sorry if I said anything to hurt the designer's feelings but I'm not going to be like Ned and bow to other's opinions.

Murder and crime is a serious business that shouldn't be taken lightly.
No bowing is necessary. We're just teasing Ned cause we haven't seen him in a while. :truce:
No one said you had to bow to the designer. If River doesn't like it then it an be changed. I real do no tthink the font mades the site look childish..it was eyecatching..and see it did catch your eye.Everyone has an opinion and I can respect that! :) I am the last one to make light of victims. And Ned is an old buddy of mine so yes he must bow to me hehehe! :blowkiss:
Zotto said:
Hmmmm...oh just don't bother Neddy...FICKLE FICKLE FICKLE is all I can say. Undying love vowed one minnie and the next tossed away like fish and chip wrapping *sob*

I'm sending back the ring and don't try to find me. Chero and I will be drowning our sorrows Thelma and Louise style. I'm wounded beyond all comfort.

You can have your Twinz and your Jay (nothing against you lovely girls of course, but Neddy DID pursuade me that I was his true love) but don't expect warm Vegemite toast from them when you need it. You just remember that when Jay serves you up haggis for morning tea and Twinz gets you to burp a screaming bub! ;)

Ned and I have a special relationship ;-) "Slappy slappy".
Popcorn, Please post more often! It's ok if you don't like the graphics, we enjoy seeing our lurkers post.
And Zotto I thought you rode off into the sunset. Since they have no flowers here, I will throw you hearts :blowkiss: Of course I forgot my devotion to beautiful Zotto! I'll take my haggis with my Fosters! Twinz can burp the kid!

Well nough said..... back to the case, okay now Who killed JonBenet Ramsey...LOL Unbelievable that after what now 7 years we are all still asking that question. Even nit picking over the graphics for the web site. Guess I am just glad we are all still here after all this time. I think Websleuths is the #1 forum regarding the Ramsey case. And Maxi you are still doing a great job keeping everyone in line, glad to see you didn't leave after all.

Well..... as I said I am working on a surprise for you all. It will take a couple of months to complete.... and NO it's not a book. Been too many of those. Heck it's always fun coming up with something new for this case. Lou's even going to like this one!
Nedthan Johns said:
And Zotto I thought you rode off into the sunset. Since they have no flowers here, I will throw you hearts :blowkiss: Of course I forgot my devotion to beautiful Zotto! I'll take my haggis with my Fosters! Twinz can burp the kid!

Neddy, Neddy, Neddy ... I am cut to the heart. Bereft. Devastated. Jay, the knee-high Scot, and Twinz, the momma with the mostest, are your FAVORITE posters? And now it's hearts and kisses to Zotto? The original Aussie heartbreaker and phantom poster (now you see her, now you don't :) ).

Well I never. After all we've been through Neddy Boy. What happened to "Cherry Baby"? What happened to all those good times together? I never asked for much. I even let you sit by Jay in the chat room so you could share her bottle of Dewar's, AND I NEVER COMPLAINED.

And this is the thanks I get.

Oh well ... easy come, easy go. Just don't try to come crawling back to me when you see me hanging out with all the beautiful people. After all, I AM the Queen. ;)
Oh Queen Cher...I so apologize(on my knees) It has been so long since our last visit to the kingdom of Benny's. Ned is horseless now! :waitasec: And where are our flowers?I think he needs to try harder to please the queen!!! :blowkiss:
Twinz said:
Oh Queen Cher...I so apologize(on my knees) It has been so long since our last visit to the kingdom of Benny's. Ned is horseless now! :waitasec: And where are our flowers?I think he needs to try harder to please the queen!!! :blowkiss:

YES, HE DOES! Unless he wants his head (or other parts) lopped off according to my whim! Naughty boy ... comes in here sassing everybody and raising cain ... I thought you raised him better than that! :slap:

Yes, it has been a long time since we dwelt in the Kingdom of Benny. Too long. It would be nice to see everyone again. But this time I demand a seat UPWIND of Jayelles and her haggis. :snooty: The fumes took the gold paint right off my plastic crown. I won't have it I tell you. For I AM the Queen.
Maxi said:
Gee whiz, Ned, you could have phrased your opinion of the design a little more tactfully! :rolleyes: Lots of people have said they like the design, so it's just a case of differing taste in graphics.

Glad to see you back, tho. River is still the owner and head honcho around here. A few mods have changed and a few have stayed the same. Everything is still the same in the JBR forum, tho, so mind your manners!

DITTO NED!:Where's your perspective/perseption or whatever "THEY" CALL IT.?!?! ,,, ... We are FAMILY;I've got all my sisters and me!WE ARE FAMILY(remember)? :blowkiss: :blowkiss: :croc:
Maybe it's a SNOW/BLOW(movie)THING???!!! :doh: :doh: :doh: :) :) :)
Surely NED you were taught to SHARE?rightoo??? :rolleyes: :crazy:
Ned: Can someone name all the forums that are still discussing the JB case besides us and the double B? Forums for Justice, and who else?

the Yahoo Forum!! :D

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