Hoover & D. Casey Depos in Gonzales Case

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But the police have it on record TWICE that this Casey did not KNOW or recognize this ZFG, ZFG did not recognize her and she is not 20 with straight or sometime curly hair. FACT-POLICE RECORD

Casey supposedly, maybe, possibly, assuming because she said SAWGRASS apts meant this ZFG specifically. ASSUMPTION ONLY

We also have shown here on WS that Kio has an aunt name ZG and there is a ZG down the street. The name ZG or ZFG was only used the first time on JULY 16th to the police. Other than ALL DOCUMENTATION PRIOR TO JUNE 16th has Casey calling the nanny ZANNY/ZANI..NOT ZENAIDA... I think she pulled Zenaida outta her A$$$ because it sounded most like ZANI and she knew the police would not buy the name ZANI. She pulled NY, NC and Puerto Rico outta her A$$ because she wanted to go there. She pulled Sawgrass outta her A$$ because she was recently looking at apts and had friends who lived there previously.

To the real ZFG... so was your nickname Zani.. for 2 years? Did you live at Sawgrass Apt 210... do you have a puppy? Were you in Cocoa Beach in July? Were you in the hospital?
Do you have Cell phone pings on the date in question that shows Casey was at Sawgrass? What actual physical proof do you have that puts Casey at Sawgrass to read your license plates?

Whoops.. guess not.. sorry not you that Casey was talking about.. because that ZFG does not exist.

So, I wonder if anyone has the odds on that one...KC pulls a name out of thin air for a nanny...a name which just happens to be a match to a woman who visited Sawgrass apartments...the same Sawgrass apartments that KC lies to LE about leaving Caylee at the bottom of the stairs with a supposed nanny by the name of ZFG...:waitasec:so yeh, I'm just curious about those odds.

oops JBean, sorry for being off topic...just scrolled back n saw the mention of straying...sorry!
IIRC it was Casey who made her name public on the 911 tape and said she dropped her off with a Zenaida/Zanny person at Sawgrass Apartments. Now, if I was a Zenaida person who had looked at apts. there almost exactly when this child went missing, I sure would do a big WHOA!!!!!!!!! Factor into this anyone she knows who may also know this same information. Factor in also that this came from a person who doesn't know what the word "truth" means, I think I might look differently at this woman even though she's not 20 and has children. I'd think, hmmmmmmm...

ETA: I, for one, didn't like the idea of this lawsuit, but I can see why it's been allowed to go forward.

I remember that in that third 911 call on July 15th, the dispatcher was talking with Cindy and asked to speak with Casey. When Casey got on the phone, she related to the dispatcher briefly what had happened. The dispatcher asked for the name of the nanny, and Casey spelled each of the three names, letter by letter.............ZFG.
Bumping up my question, since I don't have time to read all the interviews and deps. Thanx.

I've watched all three parts of JH's depo, and so far he hasn't been questioned on the events of Nov. 15 and 16, when they searched the wooded area off of Suburban. There's more parts of the depo which will be posted tomorrow. So, to answer your first question, the questions pertaining to the search of the woods hasn't been brought up yet and it's not known.

The part of DC's intereview with LE that won't be made public is a brief interview done on a separate date, January 7th. The written transcript is only 13 pages long and contains communications that qualify as work product, so the judge ruled they're privileged.
I have heard so many harsh criticisms of ZG's attorneys and people challenging the relevance of the depo questions ... one thing that you have to remember is, the rule of thumb in civil cases is that almost everything can be argued relevant! That is why wrongful death suits are far more successful than criminal murder or manslaughter cases. There is more evidence available to a civil jury than a criminal jury ... ALWAYS. Also, I completely understand the motive behind the questioning ... if at any point in all of this MESS ... had certain key people completely denied the existence or involvement of ANYONE named Zenaida Gonzales ... it would have been one day sooner that THIS ZG could have been cleared of suspicion. Now I know that Cindy did this in her statement to LE but then we have Lee who says “to this day I believe everything my sister tells me” … even if he says, as he did, “this is not ‘that’ Zenaida Gonzales” … It still leaves room for doubt and casts a shadow over the plaintiff … because no one has ever seen or met the real ZG and THIS ZG is the only ZG that has a proven connection to Sawgrass Apartments, therefore as long as key people support KC’s statements, THIS ZG will continue to be stigmatized … by a number of people … not everyone of course … but enough that it can be argued as impairing her employability, her credibility … and her potential livelihood and welfare … no matter what her life was like before all of this but what it could have been if it had not been for Casey’s accusations.
IMLO … Lee was extremely helpful to the plaintiff in his civil depo for adding the above referenced statement about believing everything his sister tells him … As long as Morgan et al can rack up statements like that … the stronger their case will be! Of course, if anyone can produce or prove the existence of the “real” ZG … but we all know they can’t … therefore, THIS ZG remains a victim! Just one more victim – collateral damage, in the aftermath of Hurricane Casey!
Why didn't DC do his depo?

DC didn't show up and called JM and told him he had retained an attorney - name escapes me now, but he's a top notch criminal defense attorney.
Arguably, it makes it more likely they were sharing secrets, such as the location of Caylee's body. It could also motivate one or both of them to lie in their depos to protect the other.

imo any treasonable person would see this at first glance


the complaint is absurd
Yeah, he didn't know JH was video taping, just because you can't hear DC and his anger with JH on the video, doesn't mean anything ! And, I think it perfectly reasonable for him to want to rule out that place as a teen hang out, EVEN if it was a hang out years ago...surely there are some beer cans left ! :)
I have been wanting to ask this for a long time - but always miss a lead in.... and I KNOW a smart WSer will have the answer: I thought, from childhood friend KO'Ms statement to LE, that the teen hang out was not at the Suburban discovery location but nearer the school, in the woods behind the school someplace. I believe the school is at the dead end of (and faces down) Suburban and the field in question would actually be in the opposite direction of where Caylee was found. Help, please.
I've watched all three parts of JH's depo, and so far he hasn't been questioned on the events of Nov. 15 and 16, when they searched the wooded area off of Suburban. There's more parts of the depo which will be posted tomorrow. So, to answer your first question, the questions pertaining to the search of the woods hasn't been brought up yet and it's not known.

The part of DC's intereview with LE that won't be made public is a brief interview done on a separate date, January 7th. The written transcript is only 13 pages long and contains communications that qualify as work product, so the judge ruled they're privileged.
Thank you!
Ahhh! Depo information! Thank you kindly, Bunnyphoenix, I was begining to think I was on the wrong thread. LOL! So what happens if DC is found in contempt? Fine? Jail? Thirty lashes with a wet noodle? What can the civil courts do to him?

I'm not sure what they can do to him? Where I come from, I think what they'd do is ask for a warrant to arrest someone/bring them before a Court for failure to comply with a subpoena, then proceed with contempt charges after, which can result in jail time. But, where I come from we don't have depos, so not sure if that changes thing, but given he was under subpoena, I don't think it would be that different.

It does seem he panicked yesterday....sounds like he is scared.
I'm not sure what they can do to him? Where I come from, I think what they'd do is ask for a warrant to arrest someone/bring them before a Court for failure to comply with a subpoena, then proceed with contempt charges after, which can result in jail time. But, where I come from we don't have depos, so not sure if that changes thing, but given he was under subpoena, I don't think it would be that different.

It does seem he panicked yesterday....sounds like he is scared.

Bolded by me.
I agree, and can't help but wonder why. Looking at the surface of this, he is simply a PI who was hired to find a missing little girl. He ended up searching in the same area she was found a month before she was found. In normal circumstances, this would be something to be proud of, "Hey, look at how great my PI skills are, I was able to track her right to the area she was found in..." I would have expected him to be all over the news bragging about how close he came, way ahead of LE, and how he had the tape to prove it. Same for his 'psychic contact', talk about validation. The other psychics sure did blow their own horns. This all leads me to believe the truth is not being shared, and there is something VERY wrong with how DC ended up being there.
I was trying to be nice in my post, but I just can't do it. Some of the people in this case disgust me. It seems to me too many stones were overturned, and it allowed all this slime to climb out. How could anyone conspire, and yes, IMO, that is exactly what has happened here, CONSPIRE to cover up the murder of a 2-year-old child. What is his payoff? I hope he has his license taken away.
Gosh, I'm bummed. This transcript is not nearly as entertaining as the last one. I guess they gave up on voice recognition software.

For those that don't have the time to read the entire thing, IMO, page 59 of the above linked transcript is where it gets interesting.
I'm not sure what they can do to him? Where I come from, I think what they'd do is ask for a warrant to arrest someone/bring them before a Court for failure to comply with a subpoena, then proceed with contempt charges after, which can result in jail time. But, where I come from we don't have depos, so not sure if that changes thing, but given he was under subpoena, I don't think it would be that different.

It does seem he panicked yesterday....sounds like he is scared.

And don't we wonder just what he is afraid of? You don't pay good money for a high priced lawyer unless you think that you need one. Surely all the lawyers in Florida do not work for free, like JB (such a pillar of generosity) So, just what did D Casey do that he thinks may get him crossways with the forces of the law???

Thank you kindly for sharing your knowledge. It's appreciated.
And don't we wonder just what he is afraid of? You don't pay good money for a high priced lawyer unless you think that you need one. Surely all the lawyers in Florida do not work for free, like JB (such a pillar of generosity) So, just what did D Casey do that he thinks may get him crossways with the forces of the law???

Thank you kindly for sharing your knowledge. It's appreciated.

jb isn't working for free...never has stated that he is pro-bono.....IIRC:angel:
jb isn't working for free...never has stated that he is pro-bono.....IIRC:angel:

Ooops! I thought he stated that in the hearing yesterday? I must have misunderstood him. OK. Maybe he is just a stump and not a pillar. :D
Heh, page 103. After they all go and get fingerprinted and DC and CA sit together holding hands and rubbing arms, they take off together in DC's car and get "lost" for 15-20 minutes. Get lost going to a hotel they already been staying at and know where it is.
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