How Did the Side Door Get Opened?/Door Locks/Use of Cinder Block**REVISITED**

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Hello BJB, good to see you over here for a bit. Misty made the statement, and then was asked by the 911 operator to clarify what she said.

911: “911, what’s your emergency”
Misty Croslin: “Hi…umm…I just woke up…and our backdoor was wide open and I think…and I can’t find our daughter”
911: “you can’t find what?”
Misty Croslin:”our daughter”
911:” OK, what’s your address?
Misty Croslin: “(inaudible)”
911: “OK, what’s the numerical?”
Misty Croslin: “The numerical…what’s that?”
911: “the number…green lane?”
Misty Croslin: “Yes”
911: “OK when did you last see her?”
Misty Croslin: “Um, we like just, you know…it was about 10 o’clock- she was sleeping- I was cleaning…
911: “OK- how old is your daughter?”
Misty Croslin: “She’s five”
911: “Ok…what was she last seen wearing? Maam…”
Misty Croslin: “She was in her pajamas- she was sleeping…”

911: “OK…alright…You said your back door was wide open?”
Misty Croslin: “yes- it was bricked- there was a brick on the floor…when I was asleep it was not like that.”
911: Ok…the back door…listen to me…your back door was wide open…what are you talking about a brick?”
Misty Croslin: “(inaudible)”
911: “what is a brick?”
Misty Croslin: “it’s almost like– on the stairs- we have a walkway…”
911:” uh huh….and there was a brick laying there?”
Misty Croslin: “yes…it’s still there”

bumping your post for the 911 call.
As I reread this, I see how Misty doesn't use the correct description of what she is trying to say, such as; she says the brick is lying on the floor, not the ramp. She says stairs, not the wooden ramp. The 911 person is clearly confused as to what she is trying to say.
Yep Bern...good observation. Very interesting to see that in writing, Bern.

Appears she had an agenda...
1.brick at back door
2 Haleigh was sleeping.


She struggles through this call. I have not heard anyone call 911 and says in this order:

1. Hi
2. I just woke up
3. Our back door was WIDE open
4. I think.....I can't find OUR daughter

These scenarios are backwards! This shows me that she rehearsed it.

She tells us that she herself was cleaning at 10pm...But mainly talks about the brick. Not any talk about Haleigh. No worries or fears expressed, just the brick and sleeping Haleigh in her pajamas (which of course was not true)

Her agenda was to establish that Haleigh and herself were sleeping and the "brick" was recently placed there....mission accompllished! She made her point but got the important information about Haleigh incorrect.

And what is the public concentrating on? You guessed it...THE BACK DOOR!
Prop open the screen door because the perp is standing on a ramp, (I think this is key - that ramp/door combination can't be easy to use, step out right onto a ramp?) trying to jam a bump key into 2 door locks, while pulling on the wood door, while turning the key and hitting it at the same time. Maybe there was wind that night, (it was 40 degrees) and the screen door would blow back and forth in the wind, banging the wood rail and the perp? (Propped open so as not to hit the perp - the bottom of the door would hit him in the back of the legs?)

Light in kitchen? Looking for something in the cabinets, fridge? Drugs, booze, gun? Or did MC just forget that she left the light on before she collapsed onto the bed.

Or maybe it was the outdoor light shining through the open wood door? I am still not clear on whether it was WIDE open or open 6 inches.

Would she have been able to notice the block if the door wasn't wide open? She stated that when she saw it she went to the bedroom to get her cellphone. She does not say, nor has ever said that she went to investigate why the door was open and then found the cinderblock.
Why use the ramp and side door? It had a huge light and faced the neighbors trailer.

Let's face it....the whole story from Misty does not add up! From the movies to the sleeping arrangements to the clothing worn by Haleigh. The cleaning and washing blankets and not knowing what time she woke up and the reason for waking up is suspect. She did not call when Haleigh was missing from the bed. Instead, she waited for her future husband to arrive to decide if they needed to call 911. Does this make sense to anyone? To me, it screams of involvement of crime/coverup.

This ignorance combined with RC marrying the last person to see his baby girl,reeks of his willingness to protect and cover for his teen bride, It does not give the average person much leeway in finding innocence for this behavior.

The side door is not the issue in this case. IMO, there was no stranger that forced an entry into the house on Misty's watch.
Was the outdoor light on at the back door? When she would have noticed the door being open because light would be coming in even if only open an inch.

Did she then open the door further and see the brick and screen door or did she close the door and look through the keyhole?

Any of the scenarios are plausible.

I have found in many of the interviews, probably due to the 7 second delay in live transmission, that MC, RC, TN and others are answering the question posed 7 seconds ago and not the new one just asked by the interviewer.
Was the outdoor light on at the back door? When she would have noticed the door being open because light would be coming in even if only open an inch.

Did she then open the door further and see the brick and screen door or did she close the door and look through the keyhole?

Any of the scenarios are plausible.

I have found in many of the interviews, probably due to the 7 second delay in live transmission, that MC, RC, TN and others are answering the question posed 7 seconds ago and not the new one just asked by the interviewer.

If you go back to the several statements or interviews Misty doesn't say she went up to the doors. She saw the light in the kitchen look down the hall, saw doors open. I would have feared the person was still in the house at that point, then as I find one child missing, I would have grabbed the other one up in my arms. I don't know if I would have looked around in closets or went outside to hunt or not. I think 911 would have been my first call. But that is just me.

As for the light being on, no one has ever said one way or the other, unless it was discussed with LE in an interview. LE on the scene would have noticed it; I would think.
Hello BJB, good to see you over here for a bit. Misty made the statement, and then was asked by the 911 operator to clarify what she said.

911: “911, what’s your emergency”
Misty Croslin: “Hi…umm…I just woke up…and our backdoor was wide open and I think…and I can’t find our daughter”
911: “you can’t find what?”
Misty Croslin:”our daughter”
911:” OK, what’s your address?
Misty Croslin: “(inaudible)”
911: “OK, what’s the numerical?”
Misty Croslin: “The numerical…what’s that?”
911: “the number…green lane?”
Misty Croslin: “Yes”
911: “OK when did you last see her?”
Misty Croslin: “Um, we like just, you know…it was about 10 o’clock- she was sleeping- I was cleaning…
911: “OK- how old is your daughter?”
Misty Croslin: “She’s five”
911: “Ok…what was she last seen wearing? Maam…”
Misty Croslin: “She was in her pajamas- she was sleeping…”

911: “OK…alright…You said your back door was wide open?”
Misty Croslin: “yes- it was bricked- there was a brick on the floor…when I was asleep it was not like that.”
911: Ok…the back door…listen to me…your back door was wide open…what are you talking about a brick?”
Misty Croslin: “(inaudible)”
911: “what is a brick?”
Misty Croslin: “it’s almost like– on the stairs- we have a walkway…”
911:” uh huh….and there was a brick laying there?”
Misty Croslin: “yes…it’s still there”

The part where she says "it's almost like-on the stairs-we have a walkway..."

I went back to look at some photos of the MH and the front has stairs and a walkway. Was she confused as to which door (front or side/back) she was describing to the 911 operator? The back has a ramp no walkway. :confused::confused: there is an old saying "The devil is in the details"
She also says "floor". What floor? Did she mean the enclosed porch floor leading out to the front door, stairs and walkway? I am wondering if she is saying back door cause that is what is going to be bricked but instead describes the front of the MH instead. Is that the reason for the "Dumb *advertiser censored*" remark, because she just told the 911 operator the wrong description of where the brick was? Did she wait to call because the brick wasn't there yet? Just some things that ran though my head. Or did a stranger come in the do this, and she is just so upset, she is confused?
I went back to listen to the 911 call and Ron sounds genuinely distraught and crazy because Haleigh is missing. Misty sounds confused and scared. I don't know what to make of this. I have 2 entrances into my home. If I saw what she saw, a brick holding open a screen door and the inside door wide open, I would know the difference between the two. It sounds like she was told that the back door would be bricked but she didn't see it, so she says the "back door", but describes the front as if it was from memory and got the wrong door in her head. Does that make sense? I don't know how she could make this mistake? Unless she really didn't see which door had the brick. This is a huge red flag to me. Any thoughts.... I also wonder what did she have on when Ron came home? Did she have PJ'S on or did she take the time to change and then run around and look for Haleigh. I would still be in my PJ'S.
RC & MC were adament about the back door being locked. RC claimed he checked it before he left for work and MC claimed she never opened it. SO the kidnapper either had a key (which would be easy to wittle down a suspect, especially since RC says he changed the locks himnself) or he broke in. I just can't see a kidnapper breaking into the trailer, searching around for a brick to prop the door open, flipping on the kitchen light and scooping up Haleigh who was sleeping a couple feet from MC.

I try to keep an open mind about everything, but I don't care what anyone says, it just did not happen. I don't really think either directly had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance, but they both are hiding something.
I think Misty was just struggling to come up with the word "ramp" that night. If you look under the ramp (or walkway) there are stairs. I give her leeway for the stumble on that one.
This didn't even strike me until I got a good look at the front of the MH today. I did find the word "floor" strange as that is a term usually used for the inside of a home, and not the outside. But when I saw the stairs and the walkway, I remembered what she said and then the "floor" made sense to me. Inside that enclosure is a floor. So you can give her some lea way but I am not sure just yet. JMHO
I have not read the whole thread so I will just give my opinion on the back door. It was said and showed in one of the interviews that [B]" BOTH DOORS" close automatically. It was then ASSUMED BY TN that maybe Misty has [/B]laundry on the floor and that is why the inside door was open. However, in Misty's interviews to LE she stated the back door was always locked and closed! The only way to see the screen door open is if the back door was wide OPEN...which would mean both doors would have been open. In her 911 call she only stated that the screen door was propped open with a brick/block. HOW WOULD SHE KNOW THAT IF THE DOOR WAS LOCKED? IT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE THEN AND IT STILL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.

TN was trying to suggest a reason that the back door would have stayed open after the intruder entered the house and why it did not close on it's own - it was jammed by clothes on the floor. This isn't inconsistent with MC's assertion that the door was always closed and locked.

Just because MC didn't say she went to the door to look at the situation doesn't mean she didn't do so. There has never been any indication of MC being violent, easy to anger, cruel or short fused. She had no involvement and I believe her.
TN was trying to suggest a reason that the back door would have stayed open after the intruder entered the house and why it did not close on it's own - it was jammed by clothes on the floor. This isn't inconsistent with MC's assertion that the door was always closed and locked.

Just because MC didn't say she went to the door to look at the situation doesn't mean she didn't do so. There has never been any indication of MC being violent, easy to anger, cruel or short fused. She had no involvement and I believe her.

There are indications that she is. Her myspace message to Amber was cruel. She has been in fights with Amber's mother (charges against the adult for the fight). Not basic, but not enough for a character assassination. However, I could not state with any certainty that she had no involvement. I don't believe her on many things.
TN was trying to suggest a reason that the back door would have stayed open after the intruder entered the house and why it did not close on it's own - it was jammed by clothes on the floor. This isn't inconsistent with MC's assertion that the door was always closed and locked.

Just because MC didn't say she went to the door to look at the situation doesn't mean she didn't do so. There has never been any indication of MC being violent, easy to anger, cruel or short fused. She had no involvement and I believe her.

Once again we don't know if this is the reason the door stayed open, that is TN explanation of what could have happened. I find it odd she doesn't know. Misty would have seen cloths on the floor keeping that inside door open and she didn't bother to explain it to TN or Ron or even mention it? I am not saying Misty is violent, I am say I see yet another inconsistency that we add to the column.
This didn't even strike me until I got a good look at the front of the MH today. I did find the word "floor" strange as that is a term usually used for the inside of a home, and not the outside. But when I saw the stairs and the walkway, I remembered what she said and then the "floor" made sense to me. Inside that enclosure is a floor. So you can give her some lea way but I am not sure just yet. JMHO

Hi, Bern. You would be surprised at the people young and old who interchange the words "floor" and "ground." I've heard people describing falling to the ground, when it's the floor, or vice versa. And I would think if she was scared and confused, as anybody would be in that situation, it does not seem all that odd to me. JMO.
Once again we don't know if this is the reason the door stayed open, that is TN explanation of what could have happened. I find it odd she doesn't know. Misty would have seen cloths on the floor keeping that inside door open and she didn't bother to explain it to TN or Ron or even mention it? I am not saying Misty is violent, I am say I see yet another inconsistency that we add to the column.

You know, I don't think we should take what she says on that 911 call as the ONLY explanation of her inconsistencies. She was scared, nervous, not coherent at all, and many of us would have been reacting the same way.
It is very possible that while LE was interviewing her that night or in the following days, that she had calmed down enough to explain how she knew the screen door was propped open, maybe she told them there was a piece of laundry jamming the main door open. We have not seen any statements of their interviews by LE yet, so some of these inconsistencies may have already been cleared up.
Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.
ETA: Furthermore... if she had taken the time to explain every little detail about the whys and wherefores at that time, that 911 call would have lasted an hour and a half. We're not going to get all the answers until the case is closed.. if that ever happens.
Why use the ramp and side door? It had a huge light and faced the neighbors trailer.

Let's face it....the whole story from Misty does not add up! From the movies to the sleeping arrangements to the clothing worn by Haleigh. The cleaning and washing blankets and not knowing what time she woke up and the reason for waking up is suspect. She did not call when Haleigh was missing from the bed. Instead, she waited for her future husband to arrive to decide if they needed to call 911. Does this make sense to anyone? To me, it screams of involvement of crime/coverup.

This ignorance combined with RC marrying the last person to see his baby girl,reeks of his willingness to protect and cover for his teen bride, It does not give the average person much leeway in finding innocence for this behavior.

The side door is not the issue in this case. IMO, there was no stranger that forced an entry into the house on Misty's watch.
I was thinking about the side door, the side door to me is a issue because it another lie, your taking a child and you take her out the door that someone might see you, I starting to lean toward a setup, the question is who and why.JMO
IMO I don't seeing Ron covering for his teen bride, more the teen bride covering for Ron, and this is just a theory not a fact.
Hi, Bern. You would be surprised at the people young and old who interchange the words "floor" and "ground." I've heard people describing falling to the ground, when it's the floor, or vice versa. And I would think if she was scared and confused, as anybody would be in that situation, it does not seem all that odd to me. JMO.

I don't think it's odd either, considering she doesn't know what "numerical" means. I will say this though, I think the reason for her confusion and different versions of what happened is that she was not home when it happened. I think she waited for the kids to fall asleep and went out.

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