How much time will Ron get?

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who took care of these kids? Ron did and he was working too. I feel really bad for Jr, his sister is gone and now his dad too, all that he knows... it is awful, those kids were loved and taken care of til this happened obviously.
It is a shame that all this had to happen.
those kids were not taken care of before this. There have been reports, unrefuted reports, I might add, that Ron left the kids, in his car while at work, & that Misty & Ron left the kids alone. & I included Ron on that 2nd one, because IMO, he knew, & it was his job, to not let that happen. Also, when he was running the roads, looking for WBG, road raging, & when he was delivering dead rats, & when he was doing things like tossing Misty's clothes, on NayNay's lawn, & sticking a gun in his mouth, or beating up the babysitter, those kids weren't being loved & taken care of. & when Ron was learning the legal way, by DCF standards, to spank his child, I can't help but wonder what kind of 'taken care of', went on before that.what aboutwhen he traffickedrugs? Was he taking care of Jr then? Ron having that job at PDM, was so short lived, that I don't think it's fair to use it as an excuse for his neglect of his children. The real Ron is the thieving, pilll popping drug dealer. & the guy who loved his guns & teenaged girlfriends. & that's why so many of us, regardless of whether he was really at work or not, want to see him go down & serve some hard time. & if Jr's grown, by the time his daddy gets out, then so be it. Maybe that'll give him a fighting chance.
Doesn't dear Ronald have another son? A disabled child? That he has taken zero responsibility for? Great dad...:innocent:

Dear Ronald is using his missing and presumed dead daughter to get a deal on his drug charges? Yep, wonderful dad...:innocent::innocent:
Doesn't dear Ronald have another son? A disabled child? That he has taken zero responsibility for? Great dad...:innocent:

Dear Ronald is using his missing and presumed dead daughter to get a deal on his drug charges? Yep, wonderful dad...:innocent::innocent:
When the newspapers ran the anniversary of Haleigh's abduction articles, it was stated that yes, that child was his. & nobody refuted it...not Ron, not TN, not GGS, not Amber...& what I think the courts should do, is tally how much these kids are gonna cost the state, (either now or after the fact), & add those fees to Ron's fine. or if the gaurdians don't use state assistance, factor in back child support for the duration of his incarceration. & that goes for Tommy too. Prison shouldn't be an excuse for these 2 to get away with being deadbeat dads.
Doesn't dear Ronald have another son? A disabled child? That he has taken zero responsibility for? Great dad...:innocent:

Dear Ronald is using his missing and presumed dead daughter to get a deal on his drug charges? Yep, wonderful dad...:innocent::innocent:

Rons a convicted felon now, and even if a miracle for some happens and he is just let out with probation, no one is going to give him those kids, I mean Crystal can probably use the tapes from his drug busts to make sure that he never gets to see that child with out major supervised visits.
Tommy may have been better off taking his chances in court..IDK.

They never had the tape of him dealing, from what I can tell. They arrested him a month after he helped at misty. He was shopping at the store and .."Bam".

He dealt a very small amount. 4 gms. which is a three year miminum. Man, they must be certain he played a major role in Haleigh's demise.

Not too long from now, ron will be dealt with. I am not going to get excited because the last time I did, he got it continued.

Bold is mine-

ITA .I think they all should have gone to trial. The state has to spend lotsa money on trials- they prefer pleas- they push for pleas. They make it sound like you will be getting some great deal if you plea rather than taking it to trial but more often than not, pleas benefit them not you. They save money and time if you plea. You spend time if you plea.

I know I do this a lot but it's the only way to give an example of what I mean..

I fought my conviction for years- I was facing 15 years. My public defender kept pushing me to take a plea (12 years! ha!) I refused. It got to the point that I had to switch public defenders because he kept pushing me. They were pushing him so he was pushing me. but this is my life and I was not about to give up my right to a trial! See, public defenders don't get paid any more for going to trial but sometimes they get paid more if you take a plea. The courts are congested- they have no time for a trail so you wait, they wait, then come at you again with another offer (5 yrs) you refuse then wait again as you push for a trial. after about 2 years and a new public defender who understood I was not giving in- they finally came back (like I figured they would- they can't afford to take me to trial!) and offered me a 15 year suspended sentence. I took it! You wait it out cuz they don't wanna have to pay for a trial. IMO

IMO everyone should demand a trial- plea deals are not always such great "deals" and if you hold out long enough you just may get a better offer or even a dismissel. IMO Every lawyer involved with these people have done lousy jobs, they have not done anything to benefit their clients they just took whatever the prosecutor offered 'em.
Rons a convicted felon now, and even if a miracle for some happens and he is just let out with probation, no one is going to give him those kids, I mean Crystal can probably use the tapes from his drug busts to make sure that he never gets to see that child with out major supervised visits.

Hummmmmmmmm I don't know Chablis. I was totally bewildered last time when DCF did not take Jr. Totally blown away, matter of fact. I guess if DCF could make the decision to leave Jr. in his care then, they can make the (ridiculous) decision to hand Jr. over to him again. Nothing, absolutely nothing can surprise me in this case! I think I've grown immune to whatever occurs on this case..........:innocent:
Rons a convicted felon now, and even if a miracle for some happens and he is just let out with probation, no one is going to give him those kids, I mean Crystal can probably use the tapes from his drug busts to make sure that he never gets to see that child with out major supervised visits.

I don't know.. I'm a felon and I have sole custody of my son. I think it's more likely he wouldnt get the kids because he's proven he doesn't care for them properly.
I don't know.. I'm a felon and I have sole custody of my son. I think it's more likely he wouldnt get the kids because he's proven he doesn't care for them properly.

Yes, you have to look at the big picture.
Haleigh was not under Rons watch when she came up missing and Crystal said herself that Ron was a good daddy. Jr was probably with a sitter or his mom when Ron was in the car as he wasn't with Ron.
Crystal got Jr when Ron went to jail as she is next of kin but she don't have full custody of him and I do not believe she has gone to get custody while Ron is in jail. We probably would have heard it by now.

I disagree, Haleigh was always under Ron's watch. I don't think Crystal's comment about Ron being a good daddy is worth a sack of beans due to the investigation into abuse allegations that was quickly filed after that. Druggies do not take care of their children. It isn't possible. All they care about is their next fix, and in this case the next sell or buy and fix. I truly think that the only way these children received any quality care was when they were with Greatgrandma and I can't testify to that! We don't know if Misty and Ron even got back together before February 9th. All this group and their kin have consistently lied through their teeth. There is a very good chance that Misty was no longer the "babysitter", but Ron was always the person who was in charge of these children's wellfare and safety.
Blows your mind doesn't it..Statements like that is what leads me to believe something is going on that is terribly wrong down there..Guess we will learn soon...JMHO

Emeralgem, I agree with you. I have always supported LE but I'm not stupid. I'm very aware of the corruption and dirt that can happen with some of the LE. I felt very early in this case that Ron must have some very incriminating information on someone very high up the ladder in Florida Law Enforcement. I still feel this way, nothing has changed my mind. When I brought this up more than a year ago, some of the posters acted as if I had spit in their mother's bread pan and were aghast that anyone could say that about law enforcement. Every barrell can have bad apples in it. There are many cases of "bad" cops, all you have to do is google but then we have Drew Peterson waiting for trial right this minute. The SA's failure to press charges against Ron on any of the crimes up to now waved a red flag to me. I'm waiting and watching and will be continuing to do so.....hopefully, we will learn soon, as you say.
Let's get back on track: How much time do you think Ron will get?

I am really glad to see everyone discussing alternative opinions without being snippy. We've come a long way! :grouphug: It warms this alien's :heart:, BTW.
I disagree, Haleigh was always under Ron's watch. I don't think Crystal's comment about Ron being a good daddy is worth a sack of beans due to the investigation into abuse allegations that was quickly filed after that. Druggies do not take care of their children. It isn't possible. All they care about is their next fix, and in this case the next sell or buy and fix. I truly think that the only way these children received any quality care was when they were with Greatgrandma and I can't testify to that! We don't know if Misty and Ron even got back together before February 9th. All this group and their kin have consistently lied through their teeth. There is a very good chance that Misty was no longer the "babysitter", but Ron was always the person who was in charge of these children's wellfare and safety.

bolded by me..

Yes...I heartily agree with that...Haleigh WAS Ron's responsibility..TOTALLY..

and Junior too...

Also, I am of the opinion also, that Misty was no longer the babysitter..right after her 3 day bender....also I am of the opinion Misty was staying at her parents residence..and also of the opinion she did not WANT to babysit anymore...due to TN asked her to babysit..and would pay her....IMO..TO BE RON"S BABYSITTER..and earn some weekly money.....and TN was not talking about THAT NIGHT...

I have tried to piece that together...and looked at this from another angle.. and feel that TN meant she would begin PAYING Misty for the child care, since Ron wasn't giving her any money..

AS far as how much time will Ron get...??..Until Junior is a grown man...and no chance of being under the influence, care, custody, drug/gun exposure, felony life of his "outlaw" dad..

By that time, Junior can hopefully be having a normal, stable . productive life...

as usual...MOO..
Bold is mine-

ITA .I think they all should have gone to trial. The state has to spend lotsa money on trials- they prefer pleas- they push for pleas. They make it sound like you will be getting some great deal if you plea rather than taking it to trial but more often than not, pleas benefit them not you. They save money and time if you plea. You spend time if you plea.

I know I do this a lot but it's the only way to give an example of what I mean..

I fought my conviction for years- I was facing 15 years. My public defender kept pushing me to take a plea (12 years! ha!) I refused. It got to the point that I had to switch public defenders because he kept pushing me. They were pushing him so he was pushing me. but this is my life and I was not about to give up my right to a trial! See, public defenders don't get paid any more for going to trial but sometimes they get paid more if you take a plea. The courts are congested- they have no time for a trail so you wait, they wait, then come at you again with another offer (5 yrs) you refuse then wait again as you push for a trial. after about 2 years and a new public defender who understood I was not giving in- they finally came back (like I figured they would- they can't afford to take me to trial!) and offered me a 15 year suspended sentence. I took it! You wait it out cuz they don't wanna have to pay for a trial. IMO

IMO everyone should demand a trial- plea deals are not always such great "deals" and if you hold out long enough you just may get a better offer or even a dismissel. IMO Every lawyer involved with these people have done lousy jobs, they have not done anything to benefit their clients they just took whatever the prosecutor offered 'em.
you're right...if Misty would demand a trial, & if the Haleigh case was solved in the meantime, & IF she's not guilty of murder, then she would probably get a lot of these charges dropped. I don't understand why her lawyer doesn't play it like this...because throwing her at the mercy of this court, is senseless. Unless he knows something about her involvement that we don't...& I hope for her sake he KNOWS & isn't going on a hunch. He claims she's innocent of murder, so why not back that up?
Nah, you didn't stop me. I am guilty of long drawn out posts to the point where I even annoy myself! So, just trying to sit and observe, listen, and let others speak w/o my commentary all over the place, LOL.

Just for the record Kr, I like your posts too. I seem to agree with most of them, things I may have never thought of. Keep posting.:dance:
Hopefully...a long, long time. One more drug dealer/addict off the street. But, since LE there seems to be in awe of dear Ronald, I expect to be disappointed and furious. When I see his smirk, which I imagine he will be flashing on Fri., it will be for Haleigh. Just a reminder to her that he is more important than she is....always has been, always will be. :sick:
..fifteen what I think...and we may have to watch and listen to sobs, tears and tragedy about a very good father who is grieving for his lost daughter. I thought it was bad on Maury and this event may be the sequel.
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