How so many missing kids

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Apr 24, 2013
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I was doing some research on a different case and searching for details, when I noticed a creepy fact that truly scared me.

There are 43 children between 11-17 yrs old missing in the Norfolk VA. Area
Just from 4/1/14 to 6/20/14

27 girls and 16 boys

This is completely mind blowing. Virginia where are you children going and why is there not warning and news reports all over the news?:tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum::tantrum:
That is a staggering number of missing children, and yes, it is a scary situation.
The fact remains - where are all the children going?? And there should be news reports and warnings!!
What a frightening prospect...!!
They were listed as missing, not runaway. And do 11-14 really run away? I just hope someone is seriously looking into these cases... It blew my mind
43 in 2 months? No way! What are the main circumstances? Runaways? Wild!

ETA: I just went on the NCMEC site and with those dates I pulled up 39 missing. 80% of the kids listed don't even have a picture related to their listing. I'm guessing most of these kids are runaways. Why? Why so many?

Because they "ASSUME" they are runaways that is why. If a child had issues at home in the past and have taken off in the past they automatically "ASSUME" the same holds true the next time a missing report is filed. Which is mind boggling to me. One can not "ASSUME" anything when a child is missing. It really does upset me. These children that are assumed runaways are the most at risk. They are running from something be it their environment, emotional issues, behavioral issues or as strange as it may sound they are attempting to run away from themselves and are more at risk to meet up with harm, because they have a tendency to place blind faith and trust in strangers. I also noticed the same thing last year in regards to how many children are missing in VA some of them are very young.
And that is why prostitutes and teens are easy prey/targets for predators...either no one notices or cares if they go missing (i.e. prostitutes) or, as we see in the case of adolescents/teens, unless they're the "perfect" child from the "perfect" family, authorities simply chalk it up to them having run away. It's like a segment of our society considered disposable and it's a darn shame. JMO
I often thought when a child does run away from home and the parent files a missing report upon their return (those that do return) that there should be some type of law in place that they must attend a class program for runaways and expose these impressionable young minds to the raw, ugly, vile, truth of what can and does happen. I know that may sound cruel but the intent is to leave a lasting impression on their mind so that they understand how great the risk is and hopefully save lives along the way.
I was a habitual runaway as a teenager, starting at 15. The first time I ran away I was held hostage for 5 days by a man who repeatedly tried to rape me, and assaulted me in various different ways. A class would have been nowhere near as graphic as the experience I had, yet I was only home for about a week before I ran away again. My shortest time out on the street was a day, the longest was about 7 months. There were no missing posters, no searches, nothing. Sometimes I would think about how if anything happened to me, who would know? Who would know who I was or who to tell about what had happened to me? There were lots of times where I was hungry or cold or sick or scared. Yet, every time I got sent back to foster care I would only last a month or two before I was gone again. I really can't say why I did it, there were a lot of reasons and there were few good ones. I decided that I was tired of it and I wasn't going to do it again, I'd seen some scary things happen and I was tired of going to jail. I lasted two months, then my foster parents son molested me and I ran again. This time I was 17 and a half and just managed to age out of the system. I got pregnant a couple weeks after I turned 18 by a guy who was 25, and I married him even though he beat me because I was tired of running and just wanted a home and family.
I guess, long story short, I don't know that a class outlining the risks to runaways would do much good. Most kids that run away habitually already know the risks, and the one-timers generally get too spooked to try it again, or they get the thing they wanted from their parents, etc. There isn't a good explaination for a lot of it, other than kids have a general sense of immortality and refuse to accept that risky behavior can have horrible consequences.
I was a habitual runaway as a teenager, starting at 15. The first time I ran away I was held hostage for 5 days by a man who repeatedly tried to rape me, and assaulted me in various different ways. A class would have been nowhere near as graphic as the experience I had, yet I was only home for about a week before I ran away again. My shortest time out on the street was a day, the longest was about 7 months. There were no missing posters, no searches, nothing. Sometimes I would think about how if anything happened to me, who would know? Who would know who I was or who to tell about what had happened to me? There were lots of times where I was hungry or cold or sick or scared. Yet, every time I got sent back to foster care I would only last a month or two before I was gone again. I really can't say why I did it, there were a lot of reasons and there were few good ones. I decided that I was tired of it and I wasn't going to do it again, I'd seen some scary things happen and I was tired of going to jail. I lasted two months, then my foster parents son molested me and I ran again. This time I was 17 and a half and just managed to age out of the system. I got pregnant a couple weeks after I turned 18 by a guy who was 25, and I married him even though he beat me because I was tired of running and just wanted a home and family.
I guess, long story short, I don't know that a class outlining the risks to runaways would do much good. Most kids that run away habitually already know the risks, and the one-timers generally get too spooked to try it again, or they get the thing they wanted from their parents, etc. There isn't a good explaination for a lot of it, other than kids have a general sense of immortality and refuse to accept that risky behavior can have horrible consequences.

My heart goes out to you it truly does and I hope that things are better now for you as an adult compared to the hell you endured as a child. I understand what you are saying and you are right but these younger ones 10,11, 12, 13 years old they have no clue whatsoever what dangers lurk out in this world. It is terrifying babies on the streets trusting strangers.
I think though sometimes kids don't know why they run away. Sometimes they can be totally lost because they have had a bang on the head. This could have been caused by someone else, but it is not always the case. Occasionally they may have been hit by a car or something and get up and say "I'm ok" not realising that they are not. They may have seen something that really frightened and panicked them and this in itself can cause a kind of amnesia or they may have seen something at home that was not right or that they didn't agree with and they have felt threatened. When you are a child, minor things or even sometimes things send in jest at the wrong moment, can cause, what seems to the outsider to be unreasonable reaction however, when something more major happens running away in a state of confusion and finding yourself totally lost can deepen anxiety and this can cause a deeper amnesia state. Perhaps there is something going on in the area that has confused or upset kids and they have run away, or perhaps there is something more dangerous lurking. When kids are lost and taken into care I think they are often sedated and whilst this may help them at that particular time, it may mean that their past lives are so far away and forgotten that it is only an odd name that comes out from their subconscious and it is often not enough to trace the original parents.
I think though sometimes kids don't know why they run away. Sometimes they can be totally lost because they have had a bang on the head. This could have been caused by someone else, but it is not always the case. Occasionally they may have been hit by a car or something and get up and say "I'm ok" not realising that they are not. They may have seen something that really frightened and panicked them and this in itself can cause a kind of amnesia or they may have seen something at home that was not right or that they didn't agree with and they have felt threatened. When you are a child, minor things or even sometimes things send in jest at the wrong moment, can cause, what seems to the outsider to be unreasonable reaction however, when something more major happens running away in a state of confusion and finding yourself totally lost can deepen anxiety and this can cause a deeper amnesia state. Perhaps there is something going on in the area that has confused or upset kids and they have run away, or perhaps there is something more dangerous lurking. When kids are lost and taken into care I think they are often sedated and whilst this may help them at that particular time, it may mean that their past lives are so far away and forgotten that it is only an odd name that comes out from their subconscious and it is often not enough to trace the original parents. I know this because I believe I was one of them I was found in the UK with an American accent and I did shopping sums in dollars and cents. There was tons and tons of things that happened that I could not figure out. I believe I may have had a brother called Michael because whenever I did or said anything the people who looked after me said "who told you that" or "who taught you that" and I would say Michael but I didn't know who Michael was. Although I did go to the police with school chums and tell them I was with the wrong parents they took me back. The lady of the house told the policeman that she didn't think I was her kid and when he said "but you will look after her won't you" she said yes. I am in my mid to late 50's now I am not sure of what age I was when I was found somewhere between six and ten or maybe even slightly older. The teacher at school said that I had the vocabulary of an 11 year old and they were called to the school several times about the stories I wrote. They told the school I had an over active imagination. It is only in this last year when I started writing everything down that I remembered it all. I remembered the lady who I came to know as Mom telling me that she didn't think I was hers - although she didn't treat me any differently. I have lately had a look at my medical records and I think they had another child who was killed in a car accident - it says "lifted limp from scene of accident" and nothing more... Mom was on tranquillisers all her short life - she died when I was 15. I think there is a possibility that my own parents were in some sort of accident and they have jelled us together somehow and skipped the paperwork giving me the other kids Birth Certificate I do not know for sure... Perhaps they are still alive.... Although my memories seem to be American some of them are also Australian. When I was still quite young they took me to the beach and I argued that the rock was called Basra Rock and they were adamant it was Bass Rock I couldn't get my head round it and thought they were joking. When they first found me nothing in the wardrobe fitted and even the next door neighbour didn't recognise me...

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