How the defense team used social media to their advantage

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The trial by jury of peers guaranteed as a constitutional right should reflect our modern world by way of new amendments. I believe that the traditional jury envisioned by our nation's founders was formed with intent to protect citizens from corrupt officials and provide the accused with a fair trial. We have come a long unimaginable way from those early days when our nation was new and undisturbed by instant communication devices and the mass media. Today's jurors, during the selection stage, might as well be probed as if they were aliens from outer space. As we have learned, the DT may leave nothing to chance in investigating and sizing up potential jurors. Newer technology, aided by consultants using electronic devices, bear no resemblance to the original concept of twelve citizens, without prejudice, selected to examine evidence to determine guilt or innocence of the accused. The amount of electronic data flowing from consultants to advisers to defense attorneys, turns the once fair and balanced jury trial into a trial by manipulation and strategy, and can sway minds who had no opinions before the trial began. I am appalled by the amount of truth-twisting and outright perjury that was allowed in the courtroom. Cell phones, laptops, other communication devices along with a stage director and advisors turned this trial into a choreographed, corrupt crock of crap. This was a mockery of our justice system.

I am sorry I am not up on court room procedures or DF tactics. This is the first trial I have ever followed. The first case I have ever followed from start to finish. Your quote says it all to me and I completely agree with it. They took idiot bloggers comments and injected them to fit there Fish Tale.
If the defense took Mr/Mrs/Ms Idiot bloggers comments into the court room would it not be considered hearsay- but here they took the comments and weaved their tale based on comments and reactions.. If this is to continue even though this is the age of new technology, I would say criminal/offenders are going to get away with their dirty deeds done dirt cheap. I now understand why Judge P would like to see the sunshine laws changed.
The defense team manipulated, used bloggers , their students, the jury and developed one cheap trick IMO I guess idiot bloggers are worth something to the DF.
JMO If the tables were turned and this EXACT sham of a trial tactic(s) were used against their loved one that was the victim and the monster got off no doubt they would be the first to stand and scream "unfair". The whole bunch are shameless. But even worst... very very scary.
You know I was a little worried about just this. I remember people here saying: be careful we know DT reads here. I wish we could set up a a fake thread for them to read and those people that post know its fake. We could be posting: Isn't JB just the best, love their DT and KC? she should wear more make up and talk out loud so the jury knows that she is really innocent. She should be wearing the blue dress and push up bra so they can see that she is still in mourning.
Next time a case like this comes up (God forbid it does) thats what we need to do.
PM eachother and get the acting in motion.

Not a bad idea......maybe it's just me but I didn't see George as being anything but weak, meek and sneaky (Cheater) on Websleuths. I had more reason to believe the DT felt it would be believable to the jury to use the OS they created because of the way George spoke to FCA, calling her beautiful
And showering the brat with compliments.
I don't think SM had anything to do with the NG verdict. A mother not reporting her child missing until she was cornered and then lied to everyone to keep the location of the body hidden and continued to lie even when the lies were proven to be lies. Knowing this alone doesn't show FCA to be NG.
This jury failed big time.

And.....Baez and his team should pay for such a disgusting OS with not one shred of evidence to show their story happened.

I thought the PT did well but I was disappointed they didn't show the contentious behavior between Cindy and FCA. Her hatred toward Cindy was left out. Of course with this jury .......they wanted a film of the crime.

Based in hypnosis, which bypasses the conscious mind, the techniques used at Designed Thinking are a fresh approach in an ever-changing world. When you understand how people think and how to communicate with them, you can change minds quickly. People don’t think the same way they did five or 10 years ago. Many trial lawyers are doing the same thing they’ve been doing for years and that may cost them dearly.

Tilt the scale of justice to your side and feel good knowing you’re doing the right thing for your clients. Persuasion is a powerful tool when you have it.

I call this brainwashing. Is this what our country has come to?
Well Ann Finnell sure used NLP in her Voir Dire questioning didn't she? All the sexual abuse questions were the seeds planted from day 1.

What would be hilarious is if GA actually filed suit against the trial consultants who have as much as admitted that they framed him.

There is an excellent book called Mediated. Discussed NLP in media. I read it years ago. May have to do it again with fresh eyes.

[ame=""] Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and the Way You Live in It (9781582343570): Thomas de Zengotita: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Forgive me, I'm very non-educated about how a site such as this wonderful one is run.

Let's say it was a closed, member only site. How would a moderator know if, for example, Jose Baez himself joined the site?

We wouldn't. We don't know the RL identities of any members unless you all choose to tell us.
So all the money spent on investigating TES volunteers was based on a strategy? All the money spent by JAC was for nothing? jmo
Last year, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., jury consultant Amy Singer was doing Internet research on potential jurors for a products liability case involving a maintenance worker who was severely injured after being forced to get inside a machine to clean it.

Singer — who was working for the plaintiff's attorney — hit paydirt when she found out that one of the jurors divulged on his MySpace page that he belonged to a support group for claustrophobics.

Singer instantly knew this juror would be sympathetic to her client and advised her client to keep him on the panel. He wound up becoming the foreman. The plaintiff prevailed.

Opinion from the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Professional Guidance Committee

“Most people have so much information now—they’re exploring the Internet at home instead of watching TV,” said Amy Singer, a jury consultant in Plantation, Florida. “We seem to be a very information-hungry society, and we seem to be suspicious of what other people tell us. People don’t take what you say at face value; they go online and verify what you say.”

Lawyers who text and tweet in court are venturing into uncharted territory and should proceed with caution, said Siegel, the technology consultant. “If lawyers use Twitter or other online tools during legal proceedings, they risk being accused of trying to prejudice the jury or public and could run afoul of various rules of ethics,” he said.

There aren’t many rules for lawyers to follow either—yet.

In March, the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Professional Guidance Committee issued an opinion stating that a lawyer can’t hire a third person to send a “friend request” to a witness. A lawyer deposed an 18-year-old woman and proposed to ask a third party to contact her with friend requests to get access to her Facebook and MySpace pages.

Citing Pennsylvania’s rule of professional conduct that addresses nonlawyer assistants, the committee noted that the lawyer would be responsible for the third party’s conduct—and that the friend request would violate another state rule that prohibits lawyers from “engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.”
While testifying in a Florida civil fraud case, an executive of the plaintiff company, Sky Development, sent text messages to Sky’s CEO at the plaintiff table while the judge was conducting a sidebar conference. The defendant’s attorney said the communication was “an intention*al interference with the judicial process” and asked Miami-Dade County Circuit Judge Scott Silverman to declare a mistrial, which he did.

The U.S. Judicial Conference has set no formal policy prohibiting electronic devices in courtrooms, although many federal courts have banned them. Generally, individual judges set the rules for their courtrooms. Much of the pressure to allow the use of these technologies in court has come from the media, and some judges are bowing to it.

State courts operate under a patchwork of policies regarding electronic communications. For example, Illinois bars electronic communication devices from the courtroom, while New York lets the judge decide whether to allow them.

Interesting coming from Ms Singer...

Singer said the only way to ensure that deliberations are not tainted by information that shouldn’t be brought into the jury room is to “get jurors to police themselves.” She suggests making jurors promise in voir dire that if another juror brings to deliberations information that’s not in evidence, they will report it to the judge.

“That’s the only way you’re going to get them to stop,” Singer said. “Even if someone does Google information, if they bring it up in the jury room, they’re going to be afraid that someone else is going to rat on them.”
Opinion from the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Professional Guidance Committee

Hitting thanks was not enough.

Sadly social media is evolving faster than the law can keep up.

I'd like to see some real energy spent in revising and ammending the ethics which govern attorneys.

While people can file bar complaints against a particular attorney, I think a better use of energy can be spent lobbying for "adjustments" to attorney ethics.

Sure, one could make waves for someone like JB, but behind him are another untold number of attorneys doing the same exact thing.

What would really create impact would be the ABA and State Bar Associations defining an ethical line in the sand.

I pity the jurors. They've been "had". Then again,...haven't we all?
Not a bad idea......maybe it's just me but I didn't see George as being anything but weak, meek and sneaky (Cheater) on Websleuths. I had more reason to believe the DT felt it would be believable to the jury to use the OS they created because of the way George spoke to FCA, calling her beautiful
And showering the brat with compliments.
I don't think SM had anything to do with the NG verdict. A mother not reporting her child missing until she was cornered and then lied to everyone to keep the location of the body hidden and continued to lie even when the lies were proven to be lies. Knowing this alone doesn't show FCA to be NG.
This jury failed big time.

And.....Baez and his team should pay for such a disgusting OS with not one shred of evidence to show their story happened.

I thought the PT did well but I was disappointed they didn't show the contentious behavior between Cindy and FCA. Her hatred toward Cindy was left out. Of course with this jury .......they wanted a film of the crime.

Really? Then you need to go back and start reading threads about George. Some posters went on and on about the incest angle starting a couple of years ago. It wasn't alright with me then although I was never a "George" fan, but it disgusted me at the trial - and this is what Mr. Baez is celebrating as his "Big Legal Win"? Not a win at all but smoke and mirrors like some cheap sideshow.

And I sure hope this information is filtering back to Pinellas County and the 12 jurors.....fooled by the cheap tricks of a wanna be magician!

I do this WS bears some of the responsibility of that OS. I'm am always so against making accusations as anonymous people on a website, because it is public, and once written, is out there for the world to see - forever. :maddening:
Hitting thanks was not enough.

Sadly social media is evolving faster than the law can keep up.

I'd like to see some real energy spent in revising and ammending the ethics which govern attorneys.

While people can file bar complaints against a particular attorney, I think a better use of energy can be spent lobbying for "adjustments" to attorney ethics.

Sure, one could make waves for someone like JB, but behind him are another untold number of attorneys doing the same exact thing.

What would really create impact would be the ABA and State Bar Associations defining an ethical line in the sand.

I pity the jurors. They've been "had". Then again,...haven't we all?

Think so? We didn't know Baez was being "led" through the whole trial by whoever he was following on his cell? Sure we did! And we believed the OS statement? Well I didn't - but I did wonder how the heck he could make complete BS statements and get away with it. What kind of judicial system allows that? Any admonishment from a Judge is not going to erase a memory of an OS from a jurors brain. It's just silly to expect that.

I don't think we've been had. I think that's why there is so much residual anger out there.
Really? Then you need to go back and start reading threads about George. Some posters went on and on about the incest angle starting a couple of years ago. It wasn't alright with me then although I was never a "George" fan, but it disgusted me at the trail - and this is what Mr. Baez is celebrating as his "Big Legal Win"? Not a win at all but smoke and mirrors like some cheap sideshow.

And I sure hope this information is filtering back to Pinellas County and the 12 jurors.....fooled by the cheap tricks of a wanna be magician!

I do this WS bears some of the responsibility of that OS. I'm am always so against making accusations as anonymous people on a website, because it is public, and once written, is out there for the world to see - forever. :maddening:

And I'd bet a trunk full of pocket squares that the DT members were the very ones to "float" the incest theories in the first place. A few screen names come to mind.
Based in hypnosis, which bypasses the conscious mind, the techniques used at Designed Thinking are a fresh approach in an ever-changing world. When you understand how people think and how to communicate with them, you can change minds quickly. People don’t think the same way they did five or 10 years ago. Many trial lawyers are doing the same thing they’ve been doing for years and that may cost them dearly.

Tilt the scale of justice to your side and feel good knowing you’re doing the right thing for your clients. Persuasion is a powerful tool when you have it.

I call this brainwashing. Is this what our country has come to?

Yes, this technique (NLP) has been around as a communicative tool for - wow - years - mirroring body language then slowly shifting, mirroring speech - and it's been used in sales and recruiting for at least five years - not necessarily as a negative forceful way of changing thinking but as a persuasive tool to have an individual consider what you are presenting.

Next time you are in a heated discussion with someone, try uncrossing your arms and legs, relax your shoulders, chin slightly down and relaxes, tilt your body slightly to the right (if the person you are speaking to is right handed, or else to the left) and place your hands on the table palms up. You will be shocked by the difference it makes and the advantage you have.
And I'd bet a trunk full of pocket squares that the DT members were the very ones to "float" the incest theories in the fist place. A few screen names come to mind.

Most definitely agree - I was amazed at how the thought kept sticking with no basis of fact. This kind of stuff is so dangerous. We still now after the fact have posters insisting it's fact...
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