How to get yourself & a child out of the school and into a vehicle?

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Okay, I'll pretend with some additional parameters:

I have red hair and the child is mine and I planned this in advance to get away with it.

I would absolutely have to plan it so that my child would NOT be seen with me when I was leaving. I would shore up my alibi.

I would want to be witnessed leaving WITHOUT my child - maybe make sure I spoke to someone on the way out. Would want it to be clear I'd left my child to the school's responsibility.

However, at that point, I would realize that once I left my child the building, I could not control who had seen my child or exactly what he encountered or any conversation he had on his way out to meet me on a busy day. If I left my child in the building - then I would no longer would have control of the witness trail. For example "Where ya goin' Kyron?" "My mom's waiting for me outside". BUSTED.

Conversely I would not send my child out ahead of me to the vehicle for the same reasons. I can't control any potential witnessing of my child outside if I'm inside.


All I'm left with is secretly killing my own child somewhere private in the school, and then carrying him out in the box I brought his project in with. That seems like a lot of extra work and a lot of risk as well. Hmmmm...

After I thought it all through, I'd bail on this plan of abducting my own child from school because ... well...
...basically, it sucks.

It's all pretty desperate if you ask me. After walking through that exercise "being the mom", I think if one continues to look at Terri, this was a crappy plan and would mean she was quite desperate. I think LE better discover her strong motive for silencing this child - or no Terri theory is gonna fly.
I think it was an unplanned burst of rage against a child she had built up resentment towards. Gettting out of school unnoticed happened by chance and worked in her favor in hindsight.
When my son was about 7or 8 he refused to wear the same clothes to school in the same week. I asked him why, he said because everyone will laugh at me and make fun of me. I then asked him what James ( his best friend) was wearing yesterday, he couldn't remember, I asked him what 3 or 4 other of his classmates were wearing he could not remember.

To add a little humor here ...He said "I remember what my teacher was wearing yesterday." I said " oh why do you remember that?" He said, " because I couldn't read all the words and I asked her if she could move her shirt away from the "bumps" so I could read it better." :innocent:
I've been thinking of this one I'll call "The Seinfeld Theory."

Did you ever see that episode where George is either fired or quits his job - then he realizes he's screwed up - so he just goes back to work the next day like nothing ever happened. He thinks it will just throw everyone for a loop - they won't realize that it was serious or something - and things will just go on like normal.

Could she have really legitimately taken up Kyron for some reason, without a real plan - but then something happened - and she freaked out and came up with this George Costanza plan - and by chance it has somewhat worked?

The teacher and school are scratching their heads like George's colleagues - thinking "I could have sworn he left with his mom..."

Hope that makes sense.
However..... I do want to point out... many said that not many were at school yet, but in the pictures, almost all the other kids have projects already set up. So was that done the day before?

*snipped for the part I want to address*

I suspect the projects were brought in earlier in the week. When Kyron first went missing, one of the LE pressers said that Kyron had been looking forward to showing his stepmom his science project. Since she had helped him make it, that tells me that she'd already seen what it looked like, so I interpreted that LE statement to mean that Kyron was excited to show his stepmom what his project looked like all set up at the school. For that reason, I do not believe that Terri brought Kyron to school with his science project on June 4th. I do not believe she helped him get it set up at the school. I think that she went to the school on June 4th so that Kyron could show her how great it looked.

I'm still mulling over how I would answer this scenario, so I'll come back later; I just wanted to address this one point now. :)
IMO, a body builder/weight lifter may not have too much trouble carrying out Kyron in a duffel bag. I think killing him in the school and
removing the body in a bag is a good (albeit horrendous) theory.
Here's a good pic to look at as you ponder this puzzle:


Just wanted to remind people that this view is oriented with north at the bottom instead of the top, so north, south, east and west will be in the opposite directions than usual when you're looking at a map.
*snipped for the part I want to address*

I suspect the projects were brought in earlier in the week. When Kyron first went missing, one of the LE pressers said that Kyron had been looking forward to showing his stepmom his science project. Since she had helped him make it, that tells me that she'd already seen what it looked like, so I interpreted that LE statement to mean that Kyron was excited to show his stepmom what his project looked like all set up at the school. For that reason, I do not believe that Terri brought Kyron to school with his science project on June 4th. I do not believe she helped him get it set up at the school. I think that she went to the school on June 4th so that Kyron could show her how great it looked.

I'm still mulling over how I would answer this scenario, so I'll come back later; I just wanted to address this one point now. :)

Here the students have to bring theirs a day early then the day of the fair. They set them up before they leave school the day before the event.
Do we have any information on which classrooms were set up with the science projects? Which part of the school were they in?
Alright, this has me lost!

i related to the post i bumped off of....mechanical trouble and another vehicle coming to the rescue (sorry if it is a little obscure) - it is me thinking aloud as to where my theories have gravitated to - i am always a bit of a devil's advocate and i think there is a deliberate plan to make terri a very visisble target as a potential POI and i no longer believe that is exactly what went on... jmo..i think there is another direction going on behind the scene and again it is JMO
I'm parking as close as possible to the path to the south entrance, I'm exiting the south entrance, and the child is also exiting the south entrance.

That's how I'm minimizing being noticeable. The problem is, I've got both myself and the child walking from the south entrance door to my vehicle and that's just too much chance either he or I am going to be seen, and that just doesn't work for me.

I can't feasibly get both myself and a child to my vehicle, not with the child alive. I just plain don't see how to do it without one of us being seen. With the people coming and going, it's just too hugely coincidental that neither of us would be seen.

I think it's very probable that they used the exit at the bottom of the picture right onto the parking lot. I wonder if that exit is right down the steps from Kyron's class.

But you raise the risk of being noticeable for having taken your vehicle around to that door, don't you? Risk of being noticeable driving back there, and risk of being noticeable driving out from there.

I''m assuming most people park in the parking lot, and that's where your vehicle would be least noticeable.

ETA: IIRC, Kyron's classroom is on the other end and other side of the building.
i related to the post i bumped off of....mechanical trouble and another vehicle coming to the rescue (sorry if it is a little obscure) - it is me thinking aloud as to where my theories have gravitated to - i am always a bit of a devil's advocate and i think there is a deliberate plan to make terri a very visisble target as a potential POI and i no longer believe that is exactly what went on... jmo..i think there is another direction going on behind the scene and again it is JMO

I think the poster you were quoting meant that they were helping a friend (of theirs, nothing to do with the Horman truck).
I'm parking as close as possible to the path to the south entrance, I'm exiting the south entrance, and the child is also exiting the south entrance.

That's how I'm minimizing being noticeable. The problem is, I've got both myself and the child walking from the south entrance door to my vehicle and that's just too much chance either he or I am going to be seen, and that just doesn't work for me.

I can't feasibly get both myself and a child to my vehicle, not with the child alive. I just plain don't see how to do it without one of us being seen. With the people coming and going, it's just too hugely coincidental that neither of us would be seen.

What if you dropped the child off & then exited the building to go to your car in the parking lot and had your child leave via the exit by his classroom and meet his father who is parked by the dirt road on Skyline Blvd?
Walking out with him, no one might notice. They could have also left out a side or back door, Kyron stays in the truck, and mom pops back in, "hang on little dude, I just need to give your teacher xyz, or pick up my umbrella that I left in your classroom." Then she, or anyone else, could pop back in and be sure to be seen leaving the main entrance alone. It's all about what people see, and you'd want to make sure people saw you leave, for the last time, alone.
If I needed to not stand out, I'd park as close to the south entrance as I could. In this case, in one of the spots closest to the crosswalk marked on the east side. I've tried to stand out and nobody notices, so I don't know why I should think they will now.
I think it would have been easy for someone other than TH to get him out of the school, assuming he was unconscious or deceased... I keep imagining him inside a large rolling trash can or canvas cart on wheels. with a lid or cover over it, it would be a piece of cake to move a child who isn't struggling and any employee of the school to freely move such an item around without raising eyebrows.
He could have been transported to another part of the school, to a dumpster or car.
I would get there first in the morning and park near the SE door. I'd make a show of being seen leaving alone (waving goodbye to Kyron in the hall, saying bye to someone else on the way out). I'd make it a game for Kyron to "escape" the school without being seen (going to get a tree frog or some such surprise) and I'd tell him we'd be back in a few minutes. Kyron comes out the SE door, takes a few steps and he's the truck. I'd ask if he was sure no one saw him and make sure he didn't speak to anyone. Off I'd go. Easy.

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