How to start a Crimes in the News thread

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If you'd like to start a thread but aren't sure how, here's a little tutorial:

The Crimes in the News forum is for adult victims. Crimes - Spotlight on Children is only for crimes against children, but a case that involves adult and minor victims would go in Crimes in the News.

1. It begins with information from an official source, such as a news article or a release issued by law enforcement.

2. Use the Search box to make sure we don't already have a thread on that case.

3. If you wish to use images supplied by law enforcement or news media in your post, upload them to an image host.

4. Go to the Crimes in the News forum and click Post New Thread (right side near the top next to the "Members Online Now" box).

5. Add a title. There is a specific approved format for for all Crimes titles, including an indication of what happened to the victim(s). When given a choice, we prefer to honor deceased victims rather than give perps publicity and so we use victims' names in titles whenever possible:

(State or Country Prefix - Victim's First & Last Name, Age, What Happened, Last Known Alive Location, Date)

For example: WI - Crystal Jones, 24, found strangled, Milwaukee, 16 April 2017

However, if the victim(s) survived, privacy may be an issue and we would then use the perp's name instead. For example:

WI - John Jones charged with rape, Milwaukee, 16 April 2017

6. Add your source link(s) and text in the text box.

7. Preview and proofread your post by clicking the Preview Post button.

8. Once you're satisfied that your post is accurate and complete, click the Create New Thread button.

Any questions? Ask away!
Hi! How can I update my title with the State and info? Also to delete a duplicate thread. Sorry about that!
Hi! How can I update my title with the State and info? Also to delete a duplicate thread. Sorry about that!

IIRC, you need to click the blue word Report in your initial post & ask that a Moderator update the thread title, or merge the threads.
Our display can then be set to our favorite State, when our time is scarce.

TIA / Thanks In Advance
Hi Richrd, I’m not sure but am I able to post something that has put my son in an Oregon jail due to his wife falsely accusing him of domestic violence? My sons wife is from Canada and has a history of psychiatric issues which has led her to accuse him of this horrible crime where she was NOT hurt.
Thank you for your response.
Our display can then be set to our favorite State, when our time is scarce.

TIA / Thanks In Advance
Hi Richrd, I’m not sure but am I able to post something that has put my son in an Oregon jail due to his wife falsely accusing him of domestic violence? My sons wife is from Canada and has a history of psychiatric issues which has led her to accuse him of this horrible crime where she was NOT hurt.
Thank you for your response.
Hi Richrd, I’m not sure but am I able to post something that has put my son in an Oregon jail due to his wife falsely accusing him of domestic violence? My sons wife is from Canada and has a history of psychiatric issues which has led her to accuse him of this horrible crime where she was NOT hurt.
Thank you for your response.

Welcome to Websleuths, @Patricia St. John !

To start a thread, you will need a link to an LE report or a main stream media article.

Then posters can start poking around.

Consider becoming a Verified Insider for the case you describe:

Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters
If you'd like to start a thread but aren't sure how, here's a little tutorial:

The Crimes in the News forum is for adult victims. Crimes - Spotlight on Children is only for crimes against children, but a case that involves adult and minor victims would go in Crimes in the News.

1. It begins with information from an official source, such as a news article or a release issued by law enforcement.

2. Use the Search box to make sure we don't already have a thread on that case.

3. If you wish to use images supplied by law enforcement or news media in your post, upload them to an image host.

4. Go to the Crimes in the News forum and click Post New Thread (right side near the top next to the "Members Online Now" box).

5. Add a title. There is a specific approved format for for all Crimes titles, including an indication of what happened to the victim(s). When given a choice, we prefer to honor deceased victims rather than give perps publicity and so we use victims' names in titles whenever possible:

(State or Country Prefix - Victim's First & Last Name, Age, What Happened, Last Known Alive Location, Date)

For example: WI - Crystal Jones, 24, found strangled, Milwaukee, 16 April 2017

However, if the victim(s) survived, privacy may be an issue and we would then use the perp's name instead. For example:

WI - John Jones charged with rape, Milwaukee, 16 April 2017

6. Add your source link(s) and text in the text box.

7. Preview and proofread your post by clicking the Preview Post button.

8. Once you're satisfied that your post is accurate and complete, click the Create New Thread button.

Any questions? Ask away!
How do I go through the process of obtaining the crime report or anything from law inforcement? I do have one of the original articles from the local newspaper The Niagara Gazette. The first published statement in the Niagara Gazette was on or about September 29th to early October. The article published was under my maiden name of Coughenour. I talked to the detectives from the very beginning. I am aware that someone failed a lie detector test also. There were times where I would meet privately with the detectives because for fear of my own safety. I have got married and relocated. I am still in fear of my own safety if where I live was disclosed.


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How do I go through the process of obtaining the crime report or anything from law inforcement? I do have one of the original articles from the local newspaper The Niagara Gazette. The first published statement in the Niagara Gazette was on or about September 29th to early October. The article published was under my maiden name of Coughenour. I talked to the detectives from the very beginning. I am aware that someone failed a lie detector test also. There were times where I would meet privately with the detectives because for fear of my own safety. I have got married and relocated. I am still in fear of my own safety if where I live was disclosed.

There is a thread here:

Read through, and see what else needs to happen!

I don't have any experience with New York, but expect that you could get a copy be requesting it from the investigating agency.

Or, try the prosecuting attorney/district attorney's office in that county. That office probably has a Victim Advocate. You are a victim of the crime, that person should be able to help you with a copy of the LE report.

Please keep us posted!

Have you started the process to become a Verified Insider for this case?
Where do I submit a post about a body that was found?
If you have an article to link from main stream media, start a thread in Crimes in the News!
Thanks, Laughing. Mucho appreciation. I was stuck on the crime label, because I don’t really know if it was a crime...

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