Hurricane Irma

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I am about 25 minutes from Casselbery if I hear anything I will post.

She is quite bothersome. There is a area of dry air ahead of her and there is no anticipated intensity drop - just so much energy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! And thanks also to Bently. I hadn't gotten to the beginning of this thread yet, I just went right for the end with my stupid question, I'm sorry everyone! I was just nervous, is all. We've been through so many hurricanes in my family, having roots down south everywhere, and last year Matthew destroyed my mom's house, so I'm just kind of nervous. As are you all, too, I'm sure. Thanks a bunch!
Florida has set up a price gouging hotline. Please report any cases you run across. (866)9-NO-SCAM

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Thank you! Sending that to my friend now.
FL governor giving an update (from Marathon, FL) on now ... sounds very serious. 'Way bigger than Andrew". "Take this very seriously". "Take what you need to evacuate, but not extra"

Activating all National Guard, 1,000 by end of today. FLU will be used as a sanctuary. Families urged to have a plan. State of Emergency declared. High water vehicles on standby.

Mandatory evacuations for Keys area. Life threatening surges in Caribbean. Pre landfall emergency for state of Florida.

'"Prepare now". Can go to: 9past, current, and future disasters info). [the site doesn't do anything for me.. not sure why]
It's tough bringing rental cars in to Key West. There is one road in and one road out (basically a 2 lane highway). It takes a little more than 3 hours to drive from Miami (at the tip of the keys) to Key West (the end).

I'm also guessing that they don't want all these rental cars on the road, creates more of a traffic jam. Busing tourists out of Key West is the better alternative, makes sure they completely leave the Keys and all those rental cards don't cause traffic jams or create longer lines at gas stations.

Also, I don't think it's was the airlines that stopped flights out of Key West. It was the TSA who forced the airport closing today as they announced that they will cease screening airline passengers as Hurricane Irma approaches.

:hug: for your well informed feedback! That is what I love about WS, we disagree or give input to enlighten!

:tyou: for the information!

(Still worried about tourists if they couldn't get out... how do they do it if no cars and buses are full.. I just worry too much I guess)
:hug: for your well informed feedback! That is what I love about WS, we disagree or give input to enlighten!

:tyou: for the information!

(Still worried about tourists if they couldn't get out... how do they do it if no cars and buses are full.. I just worry too much I guess)

There is a fast ferry from Key West to Fort Myers / Marco Island. That's another option.
Irma's center moving into NWS San Juan forecast area.

Irma is currently pushing into Puerto Rico with the eyewall- the strongest part of the storm- forecast in most models to pass just north of capitol city San Juan.

I'm an hour north of Orlando. It is raining buckets here. My rain gauge can't keep up, but I'm guessing 2 inches in the last hour.

My cat, who hates water more than any cat I've ever known, is on the top shelf of his tree watching in horror.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! And thanks also to Bently. I hadn't gotten to the beginning of this thread yet, I just went right for the end with my stupid question, I'm sorry everyone! I was just nervous, is all. We've been through so many hurricanes in my family, having roots down south everywhere, and last year Matthew destroyed my mom's house, so I'm just kind of nervous. As are you all, too, I'm sure. Thanks a bunch!

No, no, no, no! You are NOT stupid! You are smart to come here!

And all of us know how it is when we don't read threads, and just come in and ask a question as we know there are folks to help and give information or feedback on cases!

And for emergencies and crisis like this for information, pffffft, go to end of thread and ASK! My guess with so many sitting on this thread, if someone has a specific question, it would be answered in MINUTES with a link and the answer! And if you don't get the answer in a timeframe you want, post it AGAIN! to get attention and help. We'll be there for everyone!

Cariis and I and others would have a :slapfight: for anyone that might say to read the thread before you post when it affects you.

Be safe, take care of family dear!
In NFL news:

The league has announced that the opening day game between the Miami Dolphins and Tampa Bay Buccaneers originally scheduled for Sunday has been postponed until November. Luckily for the league, both teams had a bye week scheduled for November 19, making it a simple choice for rescheduling the game. Unfortunately for the teams, this means they will play 16 straight games with no break, raising the issue of player safety for many observers.
For those Miami Beach residents wanting bags of sand, the city says they will be open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Public Works Department located at 451 Dade Blvd. until they run out or are forced to stop because of inclement weather. An ID is required.

Harvey and Irma are totally different monsters


Harveys destructure was a result of him stalling out in forward motion basically stood still for days

Sadly he stalled with half his tushie in the Gulf - if you think of a hurricane as a clock 9-3 AM was over land - they rain out over land.but the part from 3 in afternoon to 9 hung out over the gulf, continuing pulling up water then dumping out of land - over and over.

water = fuel. if you visualize the eye as the canister in your vacuum that is what the yey is basically doing . Sucking water up from the ocean.

When it get to a certain height it then spins out kinka like the water spinning out of your washer.

The higher the clouds the more water - its colder so when it comes down cold mixes with warm creating moisture.

Some of the monsters have cloulds at 50,000 feet.

Forward movement has drawbacks and benefits

Faster foward motion increases energy over land, so flooding (inland ) is much less an issue. So damage to building is more in faster forward moving storms casue there is more energy.

in terms of nature design they are for redistribution of water on the planet.

Fl did pass a law requring gas stations to have back up generators for pumping purposes.

For Irma the capacity to move after is from debris all over the roads not flooding.

In Harvey basically in the Rockport area we saw catastrophic roof and building structe damage.

Storm surge results in the most deaths - and the storm surge areas area are the only areas that can be evacuatedm cause the coastal areas there are predictive values , based on intensity.

Visually storm surge is like if your a pool, take your hand and swish it across the top of the water you will make a wave , the harder you swing your hand the bigger the wave,

The storm surge - much smaller event obviously visually is like the huge tsunami
the winds "pile" up massive amounts of water on top of the regular "ocean"/

As it landfalls it gets shallower resulting in the piled above water to rise higher and higher.

If you go back to clock the worst surge is in the noon to 3 quadrant. Becasue you have the band swirling around counterclockwise, wound tight around the eye,

But at that part noon to 3 you have the swirling plus forward movement all of it pushing it inward.

The converse if true from the 6AM to 9 am quadrant casue the winds are going the opposite the direction.

It can also be visulized as pizza with 4 slices.

That is why after the eye everything happens from the opposite direction than from before the eye comes over whatever area it does,

The eye is also like a rolled up sheet of paper. Often whereever the eye is directly over head it gets totally sunny and bright, if directly over you can look up and see blue skies and sunshine.

The eye is creepily silent nothing is moving everything is cleaned out.

That is basically what they doing
ALERT!!! Sarasota to Ocala Florida is RED! TRAFFIC NOW!!!

Within last hour, MAJOR CHANGE ( :moo: :cow: ) on Florida interstates on the west coast! This is NOT rush hour, this is evacuation traffic imho. Just a shout out for folks I know here who have posted and are on the west coast. They may not have seen the models change more easterly this am... just sayin'. What is bad about Florida evacuations, is that both coasts meet in the middle half way up the state.



ETA: Ooopsie, forgot the link which will give updated traffic vs. my screenshot,-80.6200001,7z/data=!5m1!1e1
As of yesterday, there was no water, no canned goods, no flash lights, and no gas cans anywhere within a 20 minute radius of me. My friend paid $87 for 3 cases of water!!! I'm really starting to worry. My family (mother and brother) are refusing to leave. We live less than 4 miles from the beach and my brother lives less than 2 miles from the beach... I'm really hoping the storm surges and winds aren't as bad as they are predicting. This is really starting to make me nervous.

So sorry to hear this! I'm scared for you too. Irma out there, and your family won't leave. No supplies now either. Oh my, what a helpless feeling all the way around.

I'm steamed too that your friend was charged $87 for 3 cases of water! Hope the retailer ends up being prosecuted. That's beyond cruel to do to people.

Prayers that Irma does not come anywhere near you or your family. Please stay safe! Keep us posted...
As of yesterday, there was no water, no canned goods, no flash lights, and no gas cans anywhere within a 20 minute radius of me. My friend paid $87 for 3 cases of water!!! I'm really starting to worry. My family (mother and brother) are refusing to leave. We live less than 4 miles from the beach and my brother lives less than 2 miles from the beach... I'm really hoping the storm surges and winds aren't as bad as they are predicting. This is really starting to make me nervous.

For storm surge they outght to be able to predict storm surge roughly. I think some people kinda thing of storm surge as water ( wait a minute this will make sense in a minute.

Afterward media is saying this is the storm surge and it is but it is still. There is much more time to think about plans in rising water as opposed to rushing water. the power is incredible and it happens suddenly

There is pretty much nothing one can do but get swept with cars trees houses crash into you as swish by.

At two miles if his area issued mandatroy, it is not cause of wind and roofs blowing off it is because they have run surge models and general know how far inland the " tidal wave" will come in.

The height and forward speed decline as inward - but there are tons more debris racing around the water as the wave knocks down, and carries away stuff.

If he is not hurricane seasoned maybe you can explain it to him. kinda like this

Orlando here they cant evacuate really -- they cant where a gust is gonna rip off my roof or whatever.

In Charley across Fl when all was said and done 6 million people in the state were powerless.
talking about price gouging:

Some are reporting sharply higher prices for bottled water on Amazon as Hurricane Irma approaches Florida. Customers there were reporting packages of Nestle water selling for $25 on Amazon, yet prices for those in the Northeast showed a 24-case pack of Nestle water selling for $18.50.

Amazon said it doesn't engage in surge pricing, and denied that bottled water prices have changed recently.

Nevertheless, Amazon uses so-called "dynamic pricing," which is similar to surge pricing. In this model, items that are in demand receive price tweaks, thanks to Amazon's pricing algorithms. As demand spikes, prices go higher.
Thank you so so much for the sweet thoughts. Terrible timing and what irony after Harvey just tore through here..

As far as an update, we are still cautiously planning to go. Been in touch with Delta and the Hard Rock Hotel in PC, delta isn't cancelling flights at this point and the HR feels that they are going to be for now we are planning to move forward with it. 5 years and so in need of a vacation...although not worth it of course to be in danger. The next two days are critical. Ill keep y'all updated as we know more. Prayers and love with everyone out there, grateful for all of you and WS.

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Crossing fingers and everything else that it can still work out alright for you. Dang it anyway, you deserve your first vacation in five years!

You're doing your homework. Contacting Delta and your motel.

I don't believe that either of them would willingly put you or others in harm's way.

Praying that Irma misses the Dominican Republic completely. Please keep us posted.

P.S. By the way, I hope your little one is feeling better too. You've sure been through it all with Harvey, and now worrying about Irma.

A sick child too? You really need to catch a break here...
new models (really meaningless at this point in terms of really knowing much) went a little east

no wind increase --

PR basically far less than could be eye remained off the island.

forward motion 16 mph
talking about price gouging:

Some are reporting sharply higher prices for bottled water on Amazon as Hurricane Irma approaches Florida. Customers there were reporting packages of Nestle water selling for $25 on Amazon, yet prices for those in the Northeast showed a 24-case pack of Nestle water selling for $18.50.

Amazon said it doesn't engage in surge pricing, and denied that bottled water prices have changed recently.

Nevertheless, Amazon uses so-called "dynamic pricing," which is similar to surge pricing. In this model, items that are in demand receive price tweaks, thanks to Amazon's pricing algorithms. As demand spikes, prices go higher.

I can tell you absolutely Amazon has increased their prices on bottled water. I tried to order some yesterday and as I was ordering it, I got notified I won't be able to receive it for 5-7 days. So I cancelled the order. In 5-7 days?!?! And I'm an amazon prime member. A 24 pack of water was definitely priced at $25 or more yesterday. There were also no big jugs of water available either.
if so inclined might be helpful if we know exactly where each of us are in the state

I am Orlando
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