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Looting beginning in New Orleans. A WinnDixie near the French Quarter had its shelves literally emptied. Cameras were rolling, thiefs are on tape. If they should live to be prosecuted, that is. Because water continues to rise. No power in the entire city. Mayor wants all flat boats brought to a certain area for use in rescue attempts.

I don't understand some people. I know this sounds harsh, but I hope rescue attempts aren't made for people who are intentionally putting themselves in danger by looting the stores, etc.
shopper said:
Some of those people that couldn't/didn't want to evacuate are among the poorest of the poor. I can't imagine being in that situation.

I wish there was more I could do, but no one other than Bill Gates has the kind of money that would make a difference to all of these people who have lost their homes, their everything. But I can give some money to the Red Cross and pray for them. Also, I have the biggest garbage bag filled to where it's almost ripping full of clothes that I had planned to give to my SIL. They are clothes that I just no longer wanted or that don't fit, no rags. Also, my husband has some clothes that no longer fit and I can give those too. My SIL will understand that there are those that NEED those clothes. Also, I think I will go buy packs of underwear and socks to put in with them.

The problems that will arise from this flooding boggle my mind. The disease, snakes, bugs, etc that someone's like a third world country now. And the looting, don't get me started. New Orleans is one of my favorite long weekend places to visit, and I think tourism is vital, so it will be a long recovery.


You are a sweetie. As much as we want and need the government to step in and solve this, you are showing us that we as individuals can make an impact too. If we each do what we can, we can make this nightmare a little better for the victims of this storm.

My hubby was reading your post, and he said "mosquitoes." The mosquito population is going to boom exponentially with all this flooding, and west nile is already a BIG problem in south Louisiana.

You know, if NO would have taken a direct hit, it wouldn't be here today. If taking on the west and easier side of the storm can do this, it would just be a pile of rubble today from a direct hit.

My "across the street evacuees" live in Metarie. They are all pretty sure they've lost everything.
Buzzm1 said:
One of the stations was reporting that, with the refineries in the immediate area, and the above ground cemeteries, if New Orleans floods completely, it could become permanently uninhabitable, due to all of the contamination. That sounds bleak.

I didn't think about that. That does sound bleak.

I wish there was something I could do for these people. My idea about the clothes sounds stupid now. And maybe I was too harsh about the looters, these people are desperate and are in survival mode. (But IMO it's no excuse to loot, say an electronics store; grocery stores, I can see.) I can't imagine the desperation.
While some of the looters are helping themselves to valuables, like electronics, it's also reported that many of them are taking things like diapers and infant formula. Why aren't the store owner's donating these things?
Mabel said:
While some of the looters are helping themselves to valuables, like electronics, it's also reported that many of them are taking things like diapers and infant formula. Why aren't the store owner's donating these things?
I think because the store owners have already left. I can definitely understand looting a grocery store - it's not like it's open, and people need food.
Mabel said:
While some of the looters are helping themselves to valuables, like electronics, it's also reported that many of them are taking things like diapers and infant formula. Why aren't the store owner's donating these things?

That's a good question. My earlier post was too harsh about the looting. I understand that people are desperate and trying to get what they need anywhere they can get it. The ones that are looting beer, electronics, etc. are the ones making me mad.
The looters are takeing stuff that they can get the most $$$ from..they will sell the diapers and forumula along with the electronics..their might be a few of them who actually need that stuff..but mostly to make a profit.
Mabel said:
While some of the looters are helping themselves to valuables, like electronics, it's also reported that many of them are taking things like diapers and infant formula. Why aren't the store owner's donating these things?

All I can guess is maybe they've evacuated. Seems like the store owners have already taken such a financial hit, it'd be logical to donate what you can.

If the water keeps rising, everything in boxes (I'm thinking pasta, cereal, things of that nature) will become unusable. I wouldn't think the plastic diaper wrapping is waterproof, either.

Literally, use it or lose it.
kgeaux said:
cypros, This is not to say everything possible was done, because obviously everything was not done: but busses were sent into lower income areas to pick up those who would leave. Some chose to stay, some probably could not get to the "designated pickup" areas. I would imagine some people do not even have access to tv/media reports and perhaps did not know where to go to be given a ride out.

Thanks for that information. I am glad to hear that some efforts were made to help those who really couldn't help themselves. Obviously there was a very limited time of warning which severly hampered evacuation efforts.

As for the looting of grocery stores.... I think the stores should allow people to take all they need as long as they do it in a civil manner. The food will be destroyed anyway if it is allowed to sit there. The stores have insurance. The survivors need food, clean (bottled) water, diapers, etc. Let them have it. I'm not condoning the looting, but I really don't understant the store and police efforts to keep desparate people away from basic survival supplies.

Obviously nobody in NO is in need of electonic equipment or designer jeans so that looting is uncalled for. However, I do think police/rescue efforts should be focused on rescuing people and not on saving retail stock.
They're marking homes. A black mark signifies dead people inside. Red means people are injured. They can't help these people right now and will have to come back to them. "Hundreds" of people are now said to be dead in Biloxi.
shopper said:
I didn't think about that. That does sound bleak.

I wish there was something I could do for these people. My idea about the clothes sounds stupid now. And maybe I was too harsh about the looters, these people are desperate and are in survival mode. (But IMO it's no excuse to loot, say an electronics store; grocery stores, I can see.) I can't imagine the desperation.

This is certainly NOT a stupid idea. Hang onto those cloths. These people will need them, but until distribution points are set up, there will be no way to get them there. If you belong to a church or civic organization, you might ask them about starting a collection drive for things that will be needed. Start it now. In a few days, relief efforts will surley be underway.The Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc...can only do so much. It's people like yourself that will make a difference. You have a very kind heart.
Lesleegp said:
Conditions in the Superdome

I can't imagine not having fresh air to breathe. And the poor folks in wheelchairs and people with IV's......stacked up five rows deep. This is unreal.

It sounds like it has the potential to become a very unheathly situation. Raw sewage in the bathrooms, the heat, the poor air quality....I hope they can find solutions soon.
shopper said:
I didn't think about that. That does sound bleak.

I wish there was something I could do for these people. My idea about the clothes sounds stupid now. And maybe I was too harsh about the looters, these people are desperate and are in survival mode. (But IMO it's no excuse to loot, say an electronics store; grocery stores, I can see.) I can't imagine the desperation.
Most looters don't have to be desperate, or in a survival mode, to loot. All they need is some type of chaotic situation, to allow them the opportunity, to turn themselves into animals. The officers, in Biloxi, have been told to deal with them in the harshest manner allowable under the law. This happens everytime anything like this happens. Not only do they loot businesses, but they go into the deserted homes, of the people who evacuated, and steal everything they can.
Buzzm1 said:
Most looters don't have to be desperate, or in a survival mode, to loot. All they need is some type of chaotic situation, to allow them the opportunity, to turn themselves into animals. The officers, in Biloxi, have been told to deal with them in the harshest manner allowable under the law. This happens everytime anything like this happens. Not only do they loot businesses, but they go into the deserted homes, of the people who evacuated, and steal everything they can.

Here is an article about the looting in New Orleans. The mentality of some people is unreal.
Prayers for all of the people affected by this tragedy. Our local red cross headed down there last night and we have several funds for the victims set up at local banks. I hope the waters recede quickly and we can all start to help our nation rebuild the affected areas.
As for the looters- isn't the National Guard patroling the areas?
Anybody hear more about the suicide in the Superdome? I wonder why he did it? Jeanne Meserve just reported on the conditions inside and it certainly didn't sound desparate -- very uncomfortable but far from worthy of suicide.
Sounds like there's some fun - some kids are playing football on the football field in the Superdome. Now that's a story to tell your kids - I once played football there!
heavenlydaze said:
This is certainly NOT a stupid idea. Hang onto those cloths. These people will need them, but until distribution points are set up, there will be no way to get them there. If you belong to a church or civic organization, you might ask them about starting a collection drive for things that will be needed. Start it now. In a few days, relief efforts will surley be underway.The Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc...can only do so much. It's people like yourself that will make a difference. You have a very kind heart.

Thanks, I just thought it may have sounded trivial or naive, in light of the diseases, floating bodies and things I can't wrap my mind around. But all of these people will need anything and everything and things I don't need or want, I can give to them. And a little money. But to just have clean clothes and a change of clothes and some food and water may be all these people can handle right now. I will get busy on that!

I heard on CNN a little while ago that they were in need of doctors and nurses in the hospitals (in Biloxi, I think). I am presently in school to be a surgical tech, I wish I was finished so I could go and help them. Unfortunately, I'm sure one day I can help with another hurricane.

This is just devastating.

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