Hypnosis transcription

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Misty was not hypnotized, imo. She was too animated. When people are hypnotized they are relaxed, their words flow more easily, and their arms stay in a relaxed position. The subconscious mind would have answers, such as the times, and the order of events. It's quite obvious Misty was coached. She begins by sounding like she is reciting, not casually talking, like a hypnotized person.

Did the person conducting the interview really think Misty would know who Bela Lugosi was? Really?

About her statement of giving the phone to Ronald to talk to the A/C guy, I think it was an error she didn't correct. She probably meant "gave the phone to the A/C guy to talk to Ronald". An hypnotized probably probably wouldn't have made that error, but since she wasn't hypnotized, the error occurred.

I do agree bad things were happening early in the evening. I'd say from the time Haleigh was picked up at the bus stop until 8 PM. She's rather scattered on all the details between those hours. Ronald had to rush off to work (to make sure he arrived 45 minutes early?), she began cooking dinner at 6 PM and the children were eating dinner on the porch (in the dark and the cold) when GGS (and the nurse) arrived after 7 PM. It took that look to get a can of Spaghetti-os ready? I can't see Misty cooking anything for over an hour in her exhausted state from the weekend.

Where is that basketball thing she was supposedly trying to assemble? Did anyone find it assembled or partially assembled?

So the kiddies were eating after 7 PM, they went bed at 8 PM (because that's her bedtime), she watched a movie until she fell asleep (she left out the part where Rjr watched a movie in the living room). Lots of hinky stuff about this bedtime business. Haleigh doesn't like to wear clothes, only likes to sleep in her underwear (911 call - she was in her pajamas). :waitasec: Misty put Haleigh in the bed, it took 30-45 minutes before she "went".

Okay, we could have some colloquialism going on here. My sister-in-law used to say "she went down" when referring to her daughter going to sleep. Maybe Misty was going to say that? But that part about Misty having to put Haleigh into bed (or on the mattress on the floor) sounds incredibly awkward also. I can see how everyone's hinky meter is screaming on these two points. Then we hear elsewhere Misty turned off her cellphone at 8:30.

(There was also talk of a co-worker overhearing Ron's telephone call with Misty around that time, Ron saying, "spank her" because Haleigh was supposedly misbehaving. Then Misty's phone is shut off. Can we say "cover-up"?) The part in parentheses was said to have taken place another night. I don't want to confuse anyone.

If I were LE, I'd go over that time period with a fine-toothed comb (after school until 8:30 PM). Something was amiss. Where's that A/C guy? What does he have to say they were doing while he was around? Did he see Haleigh? Did she look okay?

Like everything else Misty has said, her hypnotic trance begs for more questions, more investigation. She's definitely hiding something, as are many others.

Lots of good stuff in here aksleuth!

Just on the phrasing in the hypnosis video where Misty says It took 30 to 45 mins before she went (paraphrasing here). As much as I didn't like the way she phrased this sentence, if I hadn't been looking for something suspicious, I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary with it.

I took it to mean that although she put Haleigh to bed at 8:00pm it was 45mins before she went to sleep. It's something that a babysitter might clarify for a parent. Eg:

Parent: What time did you put the kids to bed?
Babysitter: 8:00pm
Parent: And what time did they go to sleep?
Babysitter: They went to sleep at 9:00pm

(In Ireland we habitually use the verb, to go to sleep, to express this action. Is it not so common in the States?)

There can be a big difference here with kids. As adults, we go to bed when we're tired and ready to fall asleep. I think Misty was clarifying just that. Not just in bed or put down for the night or put to sleep, but actually sound asleep, as we'd say. Just don't know how much truth there is in what she's saying.

The phone conversation between Ron and Misty, where Ron advises spanking, didn't take place on this particular evening, AFAIK. Could someone confirm if this is the case or not?

Regarding the trip to GGMS to get clothes for Haleigh on the morning of the 9th, I'm willing to believe either scenario: Haleigh hadn't a stitch of clean clothes to wear or they would pander to her in this manner because of lax parenting. This is not your average household where clean clothes would be laid out on the bed for school next day, lovingly washed and ironed by either Misty or Ron. I'm going to speculate that parenting went to either extreme as well, be it overdisciplining (lack of patience) or overindulging (guilt).


I went off on a bit of a tangent regarding the went to sleep part of the post. What I really meant to say was I think Misty was just using the language she normally uses. Maybe it just happens to coincide with her subconscious mind.
HaLeigh was doing great!

When I noticed HaLeigh was gone, I started freaking out looking UNDER beds...

Not one bed in that MH laid on a frame, they were all mattressess on the floor..how did she look under beds???
The phone conversation between Ron and Misty, where Ron advises spanking, didn't take place on this particular evening, AFAIK. Could someone confirm if this is the case or not?

Aoibhinn: As far as we (I) know, the conversation with Ron telling Misty to discipline HaLeigh DID NOT happen that particular night.
HaLeigh was doing great!

When I noticed HaLeigh was gone, I started freaking out looking UNDER beds...

Not one bed in that MH laid on a frame, they were all mattressess on the floor..how did she look under beds???
maybe before the 'clean up' for the media, there were some actual beds with frames. the little mattress on the floor seemed like it was put there to support a later story-because I remember an earlier story saying that Haleigh was in bed with Misty, & a report stating that Haleigh was taken from her father's bed. just some of the never ending inconsistancies. .
If the reason for the Welaka trip was something else altogether I just wonder why they made up the had-to-get-Haleigh-something-to-wear story because it doesn't present them in good light, IMO. Either they're indifferent caretakers who have no idea of how to say no and set limits with their children, figuring it's just easier to give in when the kids have tantrums, or they're indifferent caretakers who let their children run out of clean clothing and don't even notice it in time to get some laundry done.
I think they thought that that story would make Ronald look like a loving, doting dad-kind of like the Haleigh riding & driving in his lap story. I don't believe that one either.

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