Hypnosis transcription

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I haven't found any records of Eliza having a nursing license. She had a real estate license and let it expire.
What time did she go to sleep?
Um, I laid her down at 8:00, that’s her bedtime and it probably took her about 30-45 minutes before she went, you know was sound asleep, um then I, well I got to back up a little bit, I’m sorry, um before she went to bed, right after dinner, I threw her blanket in the dryer, er washer because it smelled like pee and I didn’t want to put her to bed with a blanket on her that smelled like pee and I’m not gonna do that. That’s disgusting, I wouldn’t want a pee blanket on me, so I wouldn’t to it to nobody else. So I washed her blanket. Then she went to sleep with her little sheet on her and I covered her up with her blanket, she was sound . . .

Seems there is a great significance relating to the blanket. I wonder if that is because they covered Haleighs body with it after she passed? I know its a morbid thought:( but if they felt some type of remorse, maybe they thought laying her to rest with a clean blanket was important? Just thinking out loud...

I laid her down....very odd. You lay an infant down not a 5 1/2 yr old child. Misty cannot relay her story if it isn't in order. She goes from rote memory. When the LVA asked her to tell about the evening, she backed up to the morning and had to start from that point. That's how they catch her. If you ask the perp to start from the end and go backwards, they can't do it when they're lyng.
misty is very good at catching herself, isn't she? That blanket story is way over the top. Her voice modulations are interesting also. I have to read it again. I get so much more out of the written word than the spoken...always have
Misty tells her story and says, "That's it", "That's all I know" "And that's all". RC does the same thing. IOW, they want you to stop asking them questions. They told you the story. The end. What did misty do to Haleigh? It appears Haleigh was not ready for bed. Remember how rc told her to handle Haleigh..*shutters*. I am sure she wanted a peaceful night or she wanted to party and to do so, she insists Haleigh sleep.

Sounds like they weren't ever in a routine for bedtime...nah, neither of these two numbskulls would know about the bedtime ritual. I feel so bad for Haleigh. God bless her little heart.
misty is very good at catching herself, isn't she? That blanket story is way over the top. Her voice modulations are interesting also. I have to read it again. I get so much more out of the written word than the spoken...always have
I agree with you on that. I catch myself focusing in on Misty's inflections, (kind of sing songy), & forget to listen to what she has to say. Yeah, she's real good at catching her slips, but not quite good enough to camoflauge them completely. They are a lot easier to detect when written. When I heard her talking about the pee blanket, she kind of pulled me into her world, but reading those same words, gives me a different outlook.
Misty tells her story and says, "That's it", "That's all I know" "And that's all". RC does the same thing. IOW, they want you to stop asking them questions. They told you the story. The end. What did misty do to Haleigh? It appears Haleigh was not ready for bed. Remember how rc told her to handle Haleigh..*shutters*. I am sure she wanted a peaceful night or she wanted to party and to do so, she insists Haleigh sleep.

Sounds like they weren't ever in a routine for bedtime...nah, neither of these two numbskulls would know about the bedtime ritual. I feel so bad for Haleigh. God bless her little heart.
another thing that struck me while reading, is Misty saying the kids ate eggs for breakfast. ummm hmmm, right...Haleigh was habitually late for school, but Ron & Misty had time to cook? whatever. & I say that as a mom who never once cooked breakfast for my oldest. She subsisted on morning granola bars. we saved the cooking for weekends.
IIRC in some of her early interviews she stated Tommy and his children arrived around 5:00pm and stayed for about 30 or 45 minues....JMO
Misty uses the 30-45 minutes a lot, doesn't she? & what kind of blanket takes 60 minutes to dry? that seems a tad long to dry anything except a very large load.
misty changes her voice and behaves differently at different times. In the uc CAR, she was in control and enjoys being a 'gangsta'.

In the LVA, she was sweet and engaging and wanted to make sure they all got the answers they needed. Later, she goes into her victim role telling them about how horrible her parents were...She becomes pitiful...and whimpers she doesn't know many people..OMG! who has she not met and befriended?

Her brother said she was a good sitter and ran the house and was in control and handled everything...he emphasizes that was before rc.

There are many sides to misty.....and all are trouble.
What in the world did she ever do to the AC guy? He talked to ron and then what?
misty changes her voice and behaves differently at different times. In the uc CAR, she was in control and enjoys being a 'gangsta'.

In the LVA, she was sweet and engaging and wanted to make sure they all got the answers they needed. Later, she goes into her victim role telling them about how horrible her parents were...She becomes pitiful...and whimpers she doesn't know many people..OMG! who has she not met and befriended?

Her brother said she was a good sitter and ran the house and was in control and handled everything...he emphasizes that was before rc.

There are many sides to misty.....and all are trouble.
I noticed in a very early clip where she was defending herself & saying that she would never hurt Haleigh, that she she used a ghetto voice. I noticed it again after she got arrested. That attitude seems to be a defense & coping mechanism. When she called 911 during the road rage with Ron, she had an excited little girl voice. That voice bugged the crud out of me. She was having FUN!!! That was the 1st time I wondered how many hoops Ron would jump through for her-because I strongly felt that incident was pulled to impress her.
Thanks, guess I just wish they asked her under hypnosis is all...

She lays her down at 8:00pm (that's her bedtime..lol) and Haleigh is not going to go to sleep. She gives her a movie to watch. She tells she is awake for 30-45 min. WHICH brings us to the time of the phone call and the huge fight with ron. rc tells us it was over babysitting. If she was there, what's the problem? and if she was there and they had their Happy Days Goodbye scene, why did tn need her to go over there and babysit? Even more, why did tn send her mother over, even more, why couldn't tn go over there? Well I know the answer to the last question..it's rhetorical.

Ron is lying about having a huge fight about babysitting, UNLESS misty wasn't at the house and he was trying to round her up. Maybe he locked the kids in the house and went to work and hoped to track a sitter down. He may have called his mom and she was too far away, so she sent over her mother. Ron and his mom swear they believe misty was there the entire night which flies in the face of reason since ron had a monstrous size fight with her and her phone was off. I think TN pays his cell bill, she could look it up on line and see all the calls. Yet they sit there on NG and tell the media they absolutely know she was with the children.
I noticed in a very early clip where she was defending herself & saying that she would never hurt Haleigh, that she she used a ghetto voice. I noticed it again after she got arrested. That attitude seems to be a defense & coping mechanism. When she called 911 during the road rage with Ron, she had an excited little girl voice. That voice bugged the crud out of me. She was having FUN!!! That was the 1st time I wondered how many hoops Ron would jump through for her-because I strongly felt that incident was pulled to impress her.

Dodie, I noticed the same thing of ghetto vs little girl speech. The only genuine voice I'm certain we've heard from Misty was during the 911 call when she got robbed trying to score drugs.
During the hypnosis she was asked how the day started. Misty says it started out really great...huh? Haleigh wouldn't wear what they had and they drove 25 miles extra to get her an outfit? Haleigh must have awakened at 6:00am because misty cooked her some eggs for breakfast....OMG! Here is where I just lose it...sorry but misty is either delusional or she is turning into Sybil.
What kind of day was February 9th?
What kind of day? Well it started out very, very good all up until. . .

I wish the hypnotist had asked her up until what.

Coming down from a binge, after having had a huge fight with bf, staying up half the night and waking up too early because a child needs to get to school and there's nothing she can or will wear... Just your average very, very good day...
Me too...what is their hurry? grrr...just let her finish.
I think something went on very early. Why was tommy there with his kids? They have a great set-up on Tyler, fenced in yard, trampoline. Tommy cooks..Lindsy was gone.
I think something went on very early. Why was tommy there with his kids? They have a great set-up on Tyler, fenced in yard, trampoline. Tommy cooks..Lindsy was gone.

Whisperer, we really don't know IF Tommy was there with the kids.. To my knowledge he has never stated he was there at thetime she claims he was...Also it was just revealed Lindsey claims she was there with the kids and ate dinner there....Since the man who gave her the test claims he was unable to put her under, we don't know what the truth really is...Personally,I would like to see what the LVA revealed concerning that particular story...JMO
Tommy being there with the kids was part of the story early on in very public manner. I think that it probably wouldn't be if Misty wasn't sure that Tommy would confirm it. It would have looked very odd for her to say her brother was there in the afternoon if the brother said, "No, I wasn't."
Trying to unravel all these fractured sentences and statements from Misty... and then we wonder why LE can't figure it all out.
Why would she have to "lay" her down? Kids that age lay themselves down. I could see saying "put them to bed." But "laying" her down sounds like Haleigh was already gone, and she laid her out on the bed. Sorry for being morbid.

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