I am bothered by this

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Mar 16, 2005
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Let me preface my main point by saying that I feel that Casey is where she needs to be. I would wager that I am in agreement with 99.9% of the posters on this board insofar as her involvement/guilt is concerned.

GP and GM....their involvement is a bit more muddied to me. They have definitely displayed some of the most bizarre behavior under the present circumstances that I have ever seen. I have my personal theories but no facts to back them up...just gut feelings.

All this is to give you an understanding of my POV.

Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

Flog me if you must lol, it just doesn't seem right.
Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

I totally agree. I can't imagine living under that type of microscope 24/7. I've been concerned about the amount of denial George and Cindy are in but I don't believe they did anything to harm Caylee. They should be allowed to have some privacy for goodness sake.
I agree. When Casey was there, it didn't bother me so much, because she was after all on house arrest, and I felt like it was sort of like big brother watching to make sure she stayed where she was supposed to stay. Not that she could really flee with the body guards, bounty hunters and media all outside. But, now that she is back in jail, there is no real reason to keep that house under public surveillance, other than nosiness. I think they should take them down.
Guess they don't have to worry about anyone breaking in though, right? At least not through the front.

Just trying to find a bright side, sorry ;)
I agree. When Casey was there, it didn't bother me so much, because she was after all on house arrest, and I felt like it was sort of like big brother watching to make sure she stayed where she was supposed to stay. Not that she could really flee with the body guards, bounty hunters and media all outside. But, now that she is back in jail, there is no real reason to keep that house under public surveillance, other than nosiness. I think they should take them down.

Exactly. I could justify it in my mind while Casey was there. At this point it seems just so wrong/invasive.

Like I said, who knows how GM & GP will shake out in the end. I have a lot of suspicions about theories about their involvement but they are just that...theories. Casey has proven herself an enemy of the truth at the detriment of her child (to put it nicely).

I just can't wrap my brain around the concept that floodlighting the house so that the world can watch the house 24/7. It's just really bothering me.

God bless miss Caylee, and I pray that God in His wisdom will find that it is time to touch the souls of those involved.
Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

I still don't get why the webcam is still there. G&C are not suspects... Casey is no longer there... so there is no need to watch G&C's every move... there is no need to flood their lawn and house with flood lights. What else is there to see now? nothing.

If people are watching it in hopes of seeing LE drive up to tell G&C that Caylee's body has been found, then I must say: that is something none of us should want to be witness to... the cruelty of the pain that will overwhelm them is NOT for anyones viewing pleasure.
Let me preface my main point by saying that I feel that Casey is where she needs to be. I would wager that I am in agreement with 99.9% of the posters on this board insofar as her involvement/guilt is concerned.

GP and GM....their involvement is a bit more muddied to me. They have definitely displayed some of the most bizarre behavior under the present circumstances that I have ever seen. I have my personal theories but no facts to back them up...just gut feelings.

All this is to give you an understanding of my POV.

Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

Flog me if you must lol, it just doesn't seem right.

I'm in total agreement with your post. While having the webcam served it's purpose for the night Casey got re-arrested; what's the purpose for it now? I see none whatsoever. This imo is an invasion of privacy of the highest degree. If I lived in that house I would try to get an attorney (JB?) to see what he could do to have it removed!

I understand it's the business of the media to report news; but, honestly WHAT news is coming out of that house now? IMO, it's in very bad taste of the news station that's hosting that webcam and seems to me it could (or at least SHOULD) be in violation of a law...what law, I don't know...I'm not a 'legal eagle'....anybody out there in the legal field might know the answer to this?
I'm in total agreement with your post. While having the webcam served it's purpose for the night Casey got re-arrested; what's the purpose for it now? I see none whatsoever. This imo is an invasion of privacy of the highest degree. If I lived in that house I would try to get an attorney (JB?) to see what he could do to have it removed!

I understand it's the business of the media to report news; but, honestly WHAT news is coming out of that house now? IMO, it's in very bad taste of the news station that's hosting that webcam and seems to me it could (or at least SHOULD) be in violation of a law...what law, I don't know...I'm not a 'legal eagle'....anybody out there in the legal field might know the answer to this?

I was on the main index page and noted this
Title of the thread was "I am bothered by this" and the last poster was Cindy :eek::eek: I just had to check it out!

No offense Cindy!

I do agree with you BTW. Having the camera there while Casey was there wasn't bad. But now that she is not there is pretty invasive. And LE hasn't even hinted that they are involved in anything yet.

They may be staying wanting to be there if there is anything found to catch the family reaction. But who knows how long that will be. Or they may just have decided to stay because after the family has become so aggressive and reactive that they think it is payback time. As someone else said, who asked for media to get involved? Wasn't it the GP's?
I am so glad that I'm not alone in my feelings about this.

Heehee @ mysteriew

Cindy's question, is really what I am most interested in. Where does the law come in to play with this?
I don't know, but with all the death threats they are getting it's probably a good idea to keep it lit up and watched like that.
I don't know, but with all the death threats they are getting it's probably a good idea to keep it lit up and watched like that.

Just so that you guys know ... the webcam isn't active ... it's been stuck on the same shot for hours .... so no, the house isn't currently lit up.
I was on the main index page and noted this
Title of the thread was "I am bothered by this" and the last poster was Cindy :eek::eek: I just had to check it out!

No offense Cindy!

I do agree with you BTW. Having the camera there while Casey was there wasn't bad. But now that she is not there is pretty invasive. And LE hasn't even hinted that they are involved in anything yet.

They may be staying wanting to be there if there is anything found to catch the family reaction. But who knows how long that will be. Or they may just have decided to stay because after the family has become so

yeah, in the beginning the A's were all gung-ho in getting the media involved until all of America started to catch on to Casey's web of lies & when the media started to question the A's then the A's started accusing the media of trying to 'lynch' Casey (in so many words) and not really focusing on searching for Caylee. Well, when the mother of the baby is the last person to be known to be with the baby when the baby disappears and the mother's not talking...just what in the world and where in the world are people supposed to be searching? It's not like there's any info or clues coming out of the mother's mouth to indicate where to search, right?

Btw, why would I be offended? Unless, you did a double take, thinking I was Cindy A? If so...no problem..no offense taken....I've been called worse...not really...now that was tacky of me...my bad!:bang:
I agree they need to turn out the lights and move on for God's sake. I read somewhere that Cindy and George were not even staying there tonight because they needed some privacy. Who can blame them? They do look as they are about to loose it.
Sad to be run outta your own home. But I bet the neighbors aren't to happy with all the bright lights either.
Although, after this case is all said and done, I honestly think that they will have to move. Neighbors and too many bad memories. I bet they will move to try to start a new life without everyone looking down on them for what there daughter did. JMO
I don't know, but with all the death threats they are getting it's probably a good idea to keep it lit up and watched like that.

I would think that the local LE could handle the threats without floodlights and the web link. It just itches my privacy scratch. Do YOU (not you StillLurkin) really need to watch the Anthony house 24/7? So much so that their house is lit up like a nuclear plant. Let's not kid ourselves. It's not about protecting them, it's about rubbernecking Internet style. I would imagine those lights are annoying to the the neighbors as well.

It just doesn't sit right with me.
Does anyone know where Lee is? I hadn't heard anything about him lately. Hummm?
I agree they need to turn out the lights and move on for God's sake. I read somewhere that Cindy and George were not even staying there tonight because they needed some privacy. Who can blame them? They do look as they are about to loose it.
Sad to be run outta your own home. But I bet the neighbors aren't to happy with all the bright lights either. Although, after this case is all said and done, I honestly think that they will have to move. Neighbors and too many bad memories. I bet they will move to try to start a new life without everyone looking down on them for what there daughter did. JMO

I've been following the Drew Peterson case and that case had a lot of media- though no one set up a webcam, lol. Anyway some neighbors apparently were upset about the media presence. Complained they couldn't even tale out their trash without someone staring at them. There were traffic problems and the media took up all of the parking and tried to park in the neighbors driveways, they complained about trash being left in the yards. Of course the biggest complaints came from DrewP. The big media trucks have generators on them. And according to DrewP the generators would come on about 4 am. Spotlights came on early and stayed on late.

So yeah, the neighbors are probably having lots of problems with this.
Let me preface my main point by saying that I feel that Casey is where she needs to be. I would wager that I am in agreement with 99.9% of the posters on this board insofar as her involvement/guilt is concerned.

GP and GM....their involvement is a bit more muddied to me. They have definitely displayed some of the most bizarre behavior under the present circumstances that I have ever seen. I have my personal theories but no facts to back them up...just gut feelings.

All this is to give you an understanding of my POV.

Here's my issue. I find it really unnerving that by the click of a link the world can view their home in near real time. For goodness sakes, it is lit up by flood lights for your optimal night time viewing. This just seems so invasive to me.

Flog me if you must lol, it just doesn't seem right.

No offense....but I have to just say that, while you make a valid point....The Anthony's privacy is at the bottom of my concerns. Finding Caylee is #1.

The flood lights are invasive.... I'd be livid if that was my neighborhood!
Do YOU (not you StillLurkin) really need to watch the Anthony house 24/7? So much so that their house is lit up like a nuclear plant. Let's not kid ourselves. It's not about protecting them, it's about rubbernecking Internet style. I would imagine those lights are annoying to the the neighbors as well.

It just doesn't sit right with me.

lol ... oh, you must mean ME in a passive aggressive way ... I have every right to watch the cam as you have NOT to watch the cam ... I don't for one second believe the Anthony's are completely innocent in all this ... IMHO they know more ... as I've written in the cam threads, if the pressure of the media (webcams, whatever) is what it takes to finally get somebody talking, then so be it.

As far as the lights go, there were alot more lights last night and it was nowhere near as bright as it is right now. As well as the screen is stuck on the same image, it gives the appearance that as I type that's how it looks. Drive by there & chances are it's pitch black.

Regarding the neighbors, I'm sure they are no more thrilled with all the caution streamers that GPA has all over the place either ... let's not forget blocking the sidewalk and public domain between the curb & his property.

"oh but it's the media's fault" ... whatever, media's not been on their lawn since the "no trespassing" signs ... it was the rogue protesters that got the streamers up. And if it weren't for the media, Caylee's story wouldn't be getting the attention it has. Last night was the first time in a very long time that I've even seen Caylee's story on the news here in Cali.

If Casey had her way, she would've tried to sweep it under the rug, out of sight out of mind, and the grandparents would've continued coddling her.

If the webcam is one way to keep Caylee's story/search going, then so be it.

We're all guilty of "rubbernecking internet style" every link we click, every myspace page we search out, every photo oggled of Casey, and every webcast on the web.

So, let's just agree to disagree ...

I still don't get why the webcam is still there. G&C are not suspects... Casey is no longer there... so there is no need to watch G&C's every move... there is no need to flood their lawn and house with flood lights. What else is there to see now? nothing.

EGGSZACTLY! Our 24/7 news society is so desperate for programming that they're making news by their own actions. It's much ado about poo! The whole spectacle...so they took her back to jail. 5 min, tops. Big whoop. And yet people are watching that webcam like their lives depend on it (and it makes you wonder why it would be of interest to so many). Heck, watching my grass grow is much more interesting!

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