I am no longer receiving e-mail notifications for my subscriptions - please help!

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Has anyone called AOL? I hate to do that, #1, cause I can't understand them, #2, the last guy I talked to wanted to strike up a personal relationship!! He was a pest for awhile. I guess he thought I was a rich old lady that would pay his way here, lol. I hope someone solves this for me.
Florida said:
Has anyone called AOL? I hate to do that, #1, cause I can't understand them, #2, the last guy I talked to wanted to strike up a personal relationship!! He was a pest for awhile. I guess he thought I was a rich old lady that would pay his way here, lol. I hope someone solves this for me.

LOL Florida
Your AOL Guy story coupled with when I first glanced this thread I thought it read "Im no longer concieving" totally cracked me up. :crazy:
An AOL Tech, VLS, says " AOL may have received large amounts of junk email from someone USING THIS DOMAIN NAME.

Please ask (the discussion board person who sends the emails) to ask their System Administrator or Internet Service Provider to call the AOL Postmaster Hotline, at 1-888-212-5537.

Also, VLS says The Postmaster Team, available 24/7, can work with the ISP to quickly resolve the issue. Additional information is available at the AOL Postmaster Web Site, http://postmaster.info.aol.com/

I see what you mean about maybe not understanding them, will take a look there. This problem was bugging me so I'm doing this at almost 3 am. Maybe I'll get some z's before going to the web site. I told them there were about three of us, all AOL members. What a relief, now I'm getting sleepy.

BTW, if ever your Welcome Screen refuses come on, which had also just started happening to me, go to Keyword and type in Welcome Screen and there you are. She said "temporary system problem".

See you tomorrow.
"AOL Member Missing Mail

AOL Member Tutorial

If you are missing email that is coming from an address outside of AOL the following information will help you to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Check your Spam Folder.

If you are using AOL 6.0 or above, check for the e-mail in your Spam Folder. If you have previously marked the email as spam or if the email contains certain characteristics, the email may be delivered to your Spam Folder instead of your inbox. You can access the Spam Folder in your mailbox with AOL 9.0 and above, using AOL Mail on the Web, or using Keyword: Spam Folder (AOL versions 6.0 and above).

Add the incoming email address to your address book.

If the email is being delivered to your Spam Folder, you can add the incoming email address to your address book. The mail will then be delivered to your inbox.

Still missing mail?

If none of the above steps resolved your problem please have the owner of the sending email contact their system administrator or internet service provider. The system administrator or ISP can Contact America Online."
This is what I have in my address book. Is this correct as it was auto added?

Category: Auto-Added

Tybee, can someone from the forum contact that telephone number in Eagle's post?
Florida said:
A fleeting thought. I am on Microsoft XP with Service Pack 2 and recently downloaded 5 or 6 updates from Microsoft the first day they came out. One was a Security Update. Anyone else?
My computer automatically updated something from Microsoft a couple of days ago but that was after I already stopped receiving the e-mails.

(The word "something" in the previous sentence gives you an idea of how computer-savvy I am. :crazy: )
Florida said:
I went to AOL A-Z and S for Spy Zapper and a box came up and I clicked on settings and checked off do not block any programs, do not check my computer.
I blocked everything after finding spyware on my hard drive but that was on March 25th, and I didn't have any problems at all until the second week of April so I don't think that Spy Zapper is the problem, (at least not in my case).
Florida said:
I went to options and clicked on instant notification for default subscribed threads. When I go to the page where they (subscribed threads) are listed and click on the notification box and then the instant boxes, I get something about choosing a folder. What is that all about. I never did that before, never clicked the boxes, never went to this page. I am so confused at this point.
I had also never seen this page before this past week. Is it something new or did we just not see it?
Eagle1 said:
An AOL Tech, VLS, says " AOL may have received large amounts of junk email from someone USING THIS DOMAIN NAME.

Please ask (the discussion board person who sends the emails) to ask their System Administrator or Internet Service Provider to call the AOL Postmaster Hotline, at 1-888-212-5537.
I bet this is the problem. But you know what? It really p*sses me off that AOL decided to block this for all AOL users. We're all big boys & girls, and I think that we're all perfectly capable of deciding which e-mail we'd like to receive and which we wouldn't. Geez, if this is what happened, it irks me to no end! If they're going to do something like that, they could notify us first! :mad:
I did sign up for notifications at another forum just to see if I would receive them. I am receiving them.
That's hard to believe, isn't it?

Yes, I think that email address for the address book is correct, and it's in mine. I did get the online one to open. There's been so much extreme stress lately, just listened to a tape of Terri Schiavo crying right after the feeding tube was removed, which probably hurt, and this tech problem, I'm chicken to even go to the postmaster link, exhausted and afraid I can't understand it or do anything about it. Should someone send a PM to Admin? I'm going to have to take a break. Only that one notification leaked through. Told you it would probably not be permanent. I'm not getting them any more.
Yes, hard to believe only the three of us. Perhaps all the others on AOL don't subscribe to threads? Admin, how many AOL users are on here.

And, has anyone called AOL from Admin yet?
Tricia's email address, from a thread where the mailbox was full and someone couldn't register, is tgrif@xmission.com and Tybee's email address is Mytybee@earthlink.net

Are you going to be our designated Contactor, Florida? If so, thanks in advance.

Meanwhile, here's a copy/paste from the AOL postmaster link which doesn't say anything new. except the expression "certain characteristics" which isn't explained......................

If you are missing email that is coming from an address outside of AOL the following information will help you to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Check your Spam Folder.

If you are using AOL 6.0 or above, check for the e-mail in your Spam Folder. If you have previously marked the email as spam or if the email contains certain characteristics, the email may be delivered to your Spam Folder instead of your inbox. You can access the Spam Folder in your mailbox with AOL 9.0 and above, using AOL Mail on the Web, or using Keyword: Spam Folder (AOL versions 6.0 and above).

Add the incoming email address to your address book.

If the email is being delivered to your Spam Folder, you can add the incoming email address to your address book. The mail will then be delivered to your inbox.

Still missing mail?

If none of the above steps resolved your problem please have the owner of the sending email contact their system administrator or internet service provider. The system administrator or ISP can Contact America Online.

I'll be still trying to decypher the rest of the link, not promising to understand it at all. I accidentally hit "Delete All" in my online Spam folder before I'd read it all, and there's no Undo, not my Norton one, don't know if that's different, so you see "I need help".
Eagle1 said:
If you have previously marked the email as spam or if the email contains certain characteristics, the email may be delivered to your Spam Folder instead of your inbox.
I'm not sure what those characteristics would be either. But the bottom line is that even with those certain characteristics, the e-mails would still show up in our spam folders, and they aren't. It just has to be an AOL administrative block. One day I got the e-mails, and the next day I didn't. I'm still ticked that AOL would just start blocking e-mails without some sort of investigation first. Last I checked, I was paying for their service. They did it to me before with a company that I interact with online. The company must have an alternative address from which they sent all of their customers e-mail, and it said that AOL said that I no longer wished to receive e-mails from them, and that if I did, I should follow the enclosed instructions. It was a company I had done business with for years, and AOL told them I no longer wanted their e-mails without ever contacting me first!

Thank you so much for helping out! If I thought that I was the only one going through this, I'd lose my mind!!!
JerseyGirl said:
If I thought that I was the only one going through this, I'd lose my mind!!!

Me too, Jersy Girl! I was just checking my online Address Book again and sent the following message in hopes of getting the address moved to the top of the list. It's to the ws@xmission address.

Hi to whoever gets this. JerseyGirl, Florida, and Eagle1 in Michigan aren't getting email notifications of WS posts. We've checked everything, see thread, and AOL said to have an administrator call or link to their postmaster, something about hackers having possibly been blocked, supposed to be easily resolved. The link in question is there on page 3 of the thread. We'll probably also try emailing you individually, not knowing if this came through or who received it. Thanks much. Eagle
I've just e-mailed AOL again. I'll let you know if they have anything different to say than we've already heard.
Eagle1 said:
... please have the owner of the sending email contact their system administrator or internet service provider. The system administrator or ISP can Contact America Online.
This sounds like the administrator here will have to contact their ISP, and that their ISP will have to contact America Online. Since I'm computer illiterate, perhaps I'm misunderstanding.
Maybe you'll understand it better than I did.

For the record, Tricia's email is tgrif@xmission.com , from the thread where someone couldn't register because some mailbox was full, probably the one I just sent.

The ws@xmission.com address is probably the mailbox that is full, that I just sent a message to, I'll probably get back as undeliverable.

We're all three running Windows XP with Service Pack 2, haven't given WS any alternate email addresses even if we have another one we never use, right? Do we all have a modem? Probably doesn't have any effect, I know, and we've disabled any extra blockers, checked our spam list, and a minute ago I thought of something else but will have to edit it in later, forgot it again. Plus I think I'm going to PM a mod that used to have her own forum and would notice things like changing IP numbers, to see if she'd want to get involved here.
Eagle1 said:
An AOL Tech, VLS, says " AOL may have received large amounts of junk email from someone USING THIS DOMAIN NAME.

Please ask (the discussion board person who sends the emails) to ask their System Administrator or Internet Service Provider to call the AOL Postmaster Hotline, at 1-888-212-5537.

Also, VLS says The Postmaster Team, available 24/7, can work with the ISP to quickly resolve the issue. Additional information is available at the AOL Postmaster Web Site, http://postmaster.info.aol.com [/QUOTE].........
... please have the sender (of the missing e-mails) contact the Postmaster of their domain (for example: AOL(R) Members would contact postmaster@aol.com). The Postmaster will check for any e-mail gateway problems between the sender's Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the AOL(R) service.


At this point, Eagle & Florida, there is nothing that we can do. We're not authorized to handle the problem if it is indeed a "gateway problem".

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