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If you click the link to "Something's Wrong W/", subsequent posts go there instead of to this thread, remember.

If you want them here, I guess you gotta go all the way back to your "WS Main" bookmark and Click "I Am No Longer Receiving..."

None of us changed any settings, but I want to see what's checked in "My Computer" or wherever that is where there's a box for "Default Settings". Hope I can find it, just curious. I'm pretty sure I never checked it, and my having received three notifications I guess proves my settings are okay,right?

TIME SYNCHRONIZATION, if you look in My Computer, bottom of the list on the left, while AOL is Minimized, you have to be online, choose Date and Time in Properties, does yours say there was an error and have a box Update Now to check? Does it say next Synchronization is May 1? I clicked Update Now, so we'll see what if anything happens. I didn't find any "Default Settings" to check or uncheck. If anyone knows where that is, tell me, okay? Thanks.

Another thing while we're waiting to hear from Tricia again, have either of you done any scan and found problems in your Startup and Uninstall section or tried to uninstall something you never use , and it said, "Can't open Install.Log? I had a lot of Adware every day until yesterday I finally installed the ____Blaster3.3, and wonder if they disabled my Install.log? In a search using the term "Enable Install.Log" I found that it evidently does have something to do with mail, maybe not this particular mail. The link was to a Japanese site so that was all the info I got from that.
Do we all have Norton Firewall? The only place I remember seeing default settings is under Internet Options. If you click on Settings above, you get an Index, then select Internet Web Options. All sorts of settings in there. .

I am not getting email notices of PM's. Are you both still getting them?
I cleaned out all my subscribed threads and tried to unsubscribe from the Jury Room Forum unsuccessfully. Got a box that says contact Webmaster. That would be an email to xmission which I did not bother to do. Now this is the only thread I am subscribed to. Clicked on and off all my settings in my control panel.

Will just wait for some tech help on this thread now.

Should be cleaning house instead of doing this, lol.
Florida said:
Do we all have Norton Firewall? The only place I remember seeing default settings is under Internet Options. If you click on Settings above, you get an Index, then select Internet Web Options. All sorts of settings in there. .

I am not getting email notices of PM's. Are you both still getting them?
I am not getting e-mail notices of anything from WS. And I use McAfee firewall.
I had Internet Security and another Norton, but hated the firewall and went back to plain old Norton Antivirus, which has a Firewall but I'm sure it's disabled. Do count as firewalls?

There's also an AOL firewall, I think, fairly new. You suppose that's causing us problems? Florida? You were doing well talking to them. I'll see if it can be accessed by typing AOL Firewall into Keyword. Probably not.

I just got rid of some adware, by installing the blocker SpywareBlaster3.3., and bought another registry repair but it won't install, after a trial version, so I have to wait until tomorrow, spent nearly all afternoon on that, if you missed me here. Sorry. I'm sure I've got some uninstall problems, and that trial version just wouldn't completely go to make way for the full version.
From filekicker something.

We're all using AOL 9, and Internet Explorer6? What's that other one for outgoing mail? That's also version 6?

The problem may be as simple as internet clocks and ours not being synchronized, fixed now, at least on my pc, but the damage is done, whatever that may be. Didn't there used to be some chat rooms, from the Welcome Screen, and a couple of tech rooms? I used to always get an answer in a hurry. The guys were proud to show off what they knew.
I haven't received any notices of any AOL updates so if there is a firewall provided by AOL, I don't know that it would be interfering now if it wasn't before. As far as I can tell, I only have McAfee Firewall running. I remember checking for conflicting software in the recent past, and only one firewall was listed ... McAfee, that I paid for and installed myself a long time ago.
I forget where that is, if I ever knew. How do you check that?

No, I'm not getting emails about pm's. With all my tech problems, I don't know when I'll get around to saving some pm's to text files. I think you can do that.

Florida, I wouldn't unsubscribe to anything, might decrease instead of increasing your chances. The notifications I did get were not from forums where I'd been posting. And I never worry about that subscriptions list page with all the boxes, which never did hurt anything that I know of.

I'll bet one of you could think what to do about the clock errors if you put your mind to it. We're all in the Eastern time zone. Did the internet change things that Sunday when our pc's didn't and leave us behind?

We updated our clocks later, too late. Do we all have System Restore? I went all the way back to March 1 after updating my time settings, and as I write that I realize I need to go into Options at least a month back, System Restore to there, make sure Eastern Time Zone is checked, and "Detect Daylight Savings Changes" automatic. You think it's too late for that experiment? My clock might get an hour ahead but I could set it back from Control Panel. Any other thoughts along those lines? I'll recheck the synchronization again too if I don't forget, in case that went back to some default setting.

OH, IT'S A WINDOWS FIREWALL. Control Panel about Date & Time gives a lot of links to related subjects. I can't read it printed out, although I set my printer Preferences at 200%. It reverts back to 100%. Guess I need to go to Accessabilities unless one of you can translate again.

I'm using a magnifying glass with a built-in light to see if I can give you the URL to some of it. No http or www, just
Eagle1 said:
I forget where that is, if I ever knew. How do you check that?

I'll bet one of you could think what to do about the clock errors if you put your mind to it. We're all in the Eastern time zone. Did the internet change things that Sunday when our pc's didn't and leave us behind?

We updated our clocks later, too late. Do we all have System Restore? I went all the way back to March 1 after updating my time settings, and as I write that I realize I need to go into Options at least a month back, make sure Eastern Time Zone is checked, and "Detect Daylight Savings Changes" automatic. Any other thoughts along those lines? I'll recheck the synchronization again too in case that went back to some default setting.
I checked my firewall settings & anti-virus settings through the programs themselves, (which included checking for conflicting software).

I'm not really sure what you mean about the daylight savings time thing. Did your computer clock show that it hadn't been updated? Nothing seems to be amiss in mine.

About the system restore, there is absolutely positively no way that I'm going to do a system restore. I have so many documents & programs & music & photographs, etc., on my computer that the thought of restoring it makes me shiver! :eek: I would hate to take such drastic measures only to find out that it doesn't work anyway.

This is so frustrating, isn't it????
Eagle1 said:
Didn't there used to be some chat rooms, from the Welcome Screen, and a couple of tech rooms? I used to always get an answer in a hurry. The guys were proud to show off what they knew.
In AOL? I'd just go to keyword, and type in technical support or customer service or help, etc.
Eagle1 said:
TIME SYNCHRONIZATION, if you look in My Computer, bottom of the list on the left, while AOL is Minimized, you have to be online, choose Date and Time in Properties, does yours say there was an error and have a box Update Now to check? Does it say next Synchronization is May 1?
Mine says "server: time.windows.com" to the left of the "update now" button under the checked box that tells it to "automatically synchronize with an Internet time server". Mine synchronizes once a week, and was last successfully synchronized on April 20, 2005.

I don't know what any of this means - lol - but no, I have no errors listed there.
I never had any trouble with the clock on my computer, except it loses a few minutes over the course of a few months. It automatically updated to Daylight Savings time. I really don't think it was this forum that was out of sink with the change, it was LTU (Live Trial Updates) I do believe.

The two areas of concern for me are the AOL Spy Zapper and the Microsoft Downloads. I put Zapper back on after we decided that was not the problem. But in going in my Norton Stuff today it appears Norton is the one blocking ads for me. AOL Spy Zapper has never indicated it has found something, or done anything. I think I will get rid of it once again.

Eagle, you seem to have an awful lot of stuff downloaded. I have Norton Anti Virus and Firewall. I do see articles about having too much stuff and confliction. Adaware and Lavasoft show as programs, don't know if they are working or not!! I have heard many say Adaware has caused them problems. My son my not have them running. It is his computer.

So to me, changing to DST is very questionable. AOL Spy Zapper and Microsoft bother me. Those are the new things I did.

As far as having to log in. When I run Norton One Button Checkup and it does a Web Clean up which deletes cookies, I have to log in everywhere again. Thank God for Norton Password Manager that remembers all my passwords, lol.

The fact that we are not receiving PM notices makes me think the problem is at WS, or our security settings for our browser? Are they trying to attach ads when they send these notices, or tracking cookies, or who knows what, lol? And our browsers are rejecting them?
I do not have system restore. When I went to try and download it, there were some complications so I decided to leave it alone. I leave downloads to my son!!

AOL Privacy Wall appears to be something you have to download, which I have not done. I typed in AOL Firewall in Keyword. I rarely download stuff from AOL.

Windows Firewall would be in those downloads we did from Microsoft for Security????? That could be it. Our problem? But I would think many downloaded that. The Windows Firewall would be new if it automatically downloaded.

I am so sick of this whole subject, and am just about at the point I will live with no notifications. I am sure Tricia needs her tech person to solve this, which will take a while.
I do wonder if our posting what our settings are is opening us up to someone gaining access to our computers. Is that my paranoia or a real concern?
Florida said:
I do wonder if our posting what our settings are is opening us up to someone gaining access to our computers. Is that my paranoia or a real concern?
I had wondered this myself! But I am paranoid, too. My computer is set up like Fort Knox so if someone can get in by what I've typed here, I don't know what else I can do about it - lol. Anyone know the facts behind Florida's question? It doesn't seem likely to me.
Florida said:
The two areas of concern for me are the AOL Spy Zapper and the Microsoft Downloads. I put Zapper back on after we decided that was not the problem. But in going in my Norton Stuff today it appears Norton is the one blocking ads for me. AOL Spy Zapper has never indicated it has found something, or done anything. I think I will get rid of it once again.

Eagle, you seem to have an awful lot of stuff downloaded. I have Norton Anti Virus and Firewall. I do see articles about having too much stuff and confliction. Adaware and Lavasoft show as programs, don't know if they are working or not!! I have heard many say Adaware has caused them problems. My son my not have them running. It is his computer.
First, I want to say that I've recently downloaded AdAware, (long after this problem started), and I haven't had any problems with it yet.

Also, I think you might be right about the Microsoft downloads. In fact, I was coming here to post something I found when I saw your message. I'm not sure that this is it because many, many, many of us are using Microsoft so I think this problem would be MUCH more widespread if that's the case. But see what you think of this:

Windows XP Service Pack 2: Use the New Security Improvements in Outlook Express

If you use Outlook Express, the e-mail program that comes with Windows XP, you might notice that some settings have changed after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). The new default settings are designed to help protect your computer against viruses and worms and help reduce the amount of spam e-mail you receive.

The new settings do more to help you avoid viewing offensive content in an e-mail, reduce the amount of junk mail you receive, and lessen the risk of receiving dangerous content through an e-mail.

Microsoft recommends that you maintain the default settings shown below to help protect your computer and personal information. Read on to learn more about these new settings...
Okay, when I checked just now, I am set up with AOL Mail & not Outlook Express. I suppose then that the above doesn't apply to me. I don't know what the heck I'm doing.
I was in chat tonight and picked up a couple of things. Number One is WS is listed as an Adult Site on some of the free scanning programs that are available.

Number Two, there is a poster in chat that is computer savvy. She is going to take a look at our thread and see if she can help.

Number Three, a person not on AOL is having problems (or a change) with subscription emails. Hope she posts on this thread too.

I am presently not on Outlook Express.
I went to check that a little while ago and there was an error message that it didn't successfully synchronize with the internet, but in a minute, 12:36, it said it had just been successful, and next synchronization will be automatic I guess on May 2.

Well, I worried about downloading too much, but SpywareBlaster3.3 seems to have put a stop to my adware problem. It blocks and prevents them setting up shop in your territory, and you still run Spybot scans to find any intruders. That's now always saying something like Congratulations, No Problems.

I guess I wouldn't recommend the RegistryRepairPro 3B Software Co, still haven't got it downloaded and running. The trial version was too similar in name and I guess path, etc., and I think I said before, I seem to have a little uninstall problem. At least they were up-front about the price. Some do a scan before they tell you there's a charge, and then they don't tell you how much.

Now they're saying traffic volume means they may take 3 days to let me re-download since my Compaq Presario XP System Restore, may have finally uninstalled the trial version. Editing to say she either sent me the Trial Version again or it's my equipment not having uninstalled that completely.

System Restore is not something you download. It comes with the computer. I've only downloaded a couple of new things.

Hope our admin aren't laughing at us, don't you? How do you check whether you're sending mail by AOL, as I think I am, or Outlook Express, which I don't recall seeing in years? And how do you check whether Windows firewall is enabled? Lol, I'm getting brain-damaged if I wasn't already, this is so frustrating.
Eagle1 said:
How do you check whether you're sending mail by AOL, as I think I am, or Outlook Express, which I don't recall seeing in years?
Go to "My Computer".
Go to "Control Panel".
Go to "Change a Setting".
Go to "Internet Options".
Click the tab that says "Programs".
The second item in the list says e-mail, with your e-mail program in a box, (with a drop-down menu arrow next to it).

Let me know when you find out. :)
Florida said:
Number Two, there is a poster in chat that is computer savvy. She is going to take a look at our thread and see if she can help.

Number Three, a person not on AOL is having problems (or a change) with subscription emails. Hope she posts on this thread too.
Florida, thank you SO much!!! I hope that someone can figure this out! :)

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