Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #23

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i know that these things the would not be made public , but.....

1. was her bed made?
2.which of her shoes are still in the house, its likely a runner would have some specific running shoes? there a sewer system or a septic tank at the house? i know this is weird but if there is a septic tank there could be some sort of evidence in it?
4. does mt have any chronic injuries that could have flared up and caused her to want a ride?
5. how often where the dogs outside of the house?

Really good questions.

Thank you for taking the time with your daughter to film. You did a great job! Your footage is so clear and your narration is great. Very nice of you. I live in Southern CA, I’ve been jogging last 30 years and there is no way I would jog those desolate roads alone and especially at night. No way! Not even if Mollie went missing. Too creepy for me. If I screamed nobody would hear. There are so many places Mollie could be hidden I saw many thick cornstalks, ditches, dense bushes and trees like at those animal parks. There are so many places and I’m sure they weren’t all searched. Now I’m feeling worse because if she was killed her body could be hidden anywhere along that route. Geez what’s the population like 500? Where do people go to buy cars and shop around there? Are there movie theaters? malls? For young folks doesn’t seem like much to do in a small sleepy town like that. It’s like everyone in that town could be a suspect cuz I’m sure everyone knows everyone’s business. Maybe Mollie did want to get out of dodge where there is more action for a gal her age and more opportunity. Im sorry not to hurt anyone’s feelings but I would be bored living there.

They have things to do though. It's not boring for most of them I don't think. Different from what we are used to but they do all sorts of stuff and I think tend to drive farther distances.
Does anyone have a link regarding Mollie being seen at the Funeral Home? I can't seem to find mention of it in MSM reports.

I think you are right. In looking for an MSM link, I find links to earlier WS threads that reference a Facebook post alleging that Mollie ran past the Funeral home at 5:30. I wonder if we should omit that from "what we know".
Regarding the SC, logic says if there was anything unusual about it he would not have just gone to sleep. Therefore, common sense says it was nothing he wouldn’t otherwise expect to say goodnight. Only other possibility in my mind is it was an invitation to chat sent earlier, but he opened it too late in the night to snap back so didn’t take any action. (Which supports another possibility I will post elsewhere.)

Regarding the dogs, all statements and released info point to the fact she was not taken from the house. Again, common sense says if she was there the dogs were out, if she was gone the dogs were in the basement. IMO it is a real stretch to imagine forced dog handling and emergency SC (which was so routine it made DJ fall asleep), all leaving nothing amiss at the house.

Actually not all released info points to the fact she was not taken to the house. DC stated that LE told him that MT had run past his house on her way back to DJ and was doing homework on her computer until late at night. How credible this is we do not know. Someone told him that because he was aware of her computer being on and it set on her online course. Seems pretty credible someone from LE told him that.

Also, you state dogs loose signifies her being home but in the cellar she was gone. NOT if she was just returning home. She's on the property, dogs are in the cellar because she has not released them yet. Was she coming or going we wouldn't know.

As far as what DJ may or may not noticed on SC you are assuming he studied it. I am suggesting he did NOT. Rather that he dismissed it. We do not know if he saw it and went to sleep do we? No, we don't know if he responded because that was never discussed by LE. He may have but it may have been simply him saying goodnight ASSUMING that is what she had SC him.

Do you have kids that are frequently texted or SC. I can tell you from experience that males and females do not always react the same way when they get one from their significant other. Been there and observed first hand my son and both my daughter's getting one. My son is MORE likely to blow off or ignore one from his wife because he assumes it is just her telling him to get home or to do something that he probably doesn't want to do. If it is a FRIEND of his on the other hand he is more likely to pay attention because it is a joke or meme being sent that he finds entertaining. My youngest daughter on the other hand and my oldest to a certain extent is more apt to read into whatever her bf sends her LOL. She is most likely going to analyze it to look at the entire picture to ensure whatever is in the background cooberates where he stated he was going to be and of course to see if anyone is with him. Both daughters text/SC/FT their s/o and friends far more frequently then my son does his wife and friends. I have made the comment to my girls many times do you live on that phone of yours.

I will stick by my belief that it is very possible her bf did not examine the SC and glanced quickly and shut the picture off right away without taking much if any note. NOT because he does not care about MT but because they have been dating for 3 years already, not a new relationship where he would be clinging to her every word or cherishing every communication. I don't know what their normal SC schedule was but I will stick my neck out and say I believe she SC, texted, FT'd him much more each day then he did her. I really believe this because of her personality, bubbly, giggly, silly, she has a lot of energy and very outgoing. Girls share EVERYTHING while males are not that I don't want to say needy... because that is not the right description, but don't feel the need to share everything or have someone share everything with them. They don't have a need to be connected 24/7 even in a loving relationship as much as girls do. Especially at that age.
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Thank you Sharon for the video. The cornfields and countryside made me homesick for Indiana.
Did I see a camera on the stop sign at the very beginning of the video?
If so, are there more cameras like this in the area?
No, not her 1st or 2nd night there. She was living there half-time-ish for the summer. Undoubtedly had done these runs many times. Not even necessarily her first time alone in the house overnight as there could have been other times the housemates were away earlier in the summer.
They may have been referring to first and second day of her being alone in the house. Someone could have been watching for several days.
Probably we all appreciate the efforts of LE, and maybe that post was phrased a bit over the top. Maybe the frustration comes from lack of results for Molly and her family (and the community, should there be an ongoing risk!)

However, I am not ready to accept without question the competency of government employees, especially at the interface of traditional investigation with modern technology and modern social patterns.

I respect their authority and dogged hours of effort.

But I cannot forget things like the failure to investigate the shooter in FL after he posted his intentions in comments to a YouTube video. Well, the FBI did investigate by sending local agents to the home of the video poster (in Mississippi!) who had no idea who this commenter from FL might be. It was as if the FBI does not know how the internet works. Multiple levels of the FBI: tip line, tip investigator, dispatcher, approver, local agents.

(Please no knee-jerk responses because I don’t want this to veer off topic into a flame war about something I didn’t say. My point is I think there are some pretty smart people here and I think it is fair to dig into the investigative process. There are LE with more info than you, but it is not a given they are making the same connections as you.)
(This is off topic but I have been dyyyyying to share this booboo I saw on tv the other’s almost unbelievable lol...there was a kidnapping case and the kidnapper called for a random request. They traced the number and got a warrant to track the phone...turns out the person filling out the warrant request accidentally wrote down one wrong number so they were tracking the wrong phone the whole time. Ouch....

Then there’s the case of Terrilynn Monette where LE said traffic light cam footage revealed she went in one direction, when really it was the opposite way. Tim Miller searched in a different direction, though close to where she was eventually found, but he said “off an inch, you might had well be off a mile...”.

Point is I’ve seen countless flubberies such as this, often in the lab. So LE does and has made mistakes. Hopefully none are being made here, I would be surprised if they were.)
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Do you have a link for this? I've wondered if there was a burglary in progress she stumbled across but all I've found is a vandalism. (broken window)

I'm looking right now for those post.....
Will LE be able to recover the Snap Chat she sent to her boyfriend? Maybe if someone had her at that time she had a chance to send the picture before her phone was taken/went dead/turned off. Just a thought.
They have things to do though. It's not boring for most of them I don't think. Different from what we are used to but they do all sorts of stuff and I think tend to drive farther distances.
The downside I’ve found to this small town lifestyle is finding positive outlets to keep my kids engaged. In choosing which community to move to I needed a public swimming pool, ymca youth sports, traveling sports teams, a movie theater and a dance studio. That might not sound like much, but it’s way out of Brooklyn’s offerings.
Suggestion - could you add a Sources section for links? Otherwise it will be easy for any one fact to be challenged and generate a lot of discussion. In my notes I like to keep a list of sources and number each one then for each bullet point I put the source # at the end like "Mollie is 20. [7]"

I understand what you are saying, and I have the sources for what I've contributed to the list organized in similar fashion. However, at this stage, I still want to see these things challenged, because some of them have changed since the beginning of the case and may change again. One item was removed because of a conflicting report just this morning.
I think you are right. In looking for an MSM link, I find links to earlier WS threads that reference a Facebook post alleging that Mollie ran past the Funeral home at 5:30. I wonder if we should omit that from "what we know".

I feel like I suggested that like six threads ago but man this forum is moving fast

On that note @otto you were mentioned as possibly having been the one who said the cameras at the co-op were non-functioning. Know anything about this or no?
Thank you Sharon for the video. The cornfields and countryside made me homesick for Indiana.
Did I see a camera on the stop sign at the very beginning of the video?
If so, are there more cameras like this in the area?
I believe that’s solar power for the flashers, not a camera. I hope so anyway, I’m not always consistent about completely stopping...
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