Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #24

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I am personally blind as a bat without my glasses so I certainly get the relevancy that you're relating it to. IMO she probably had contacts in when she disappeared if we're going on the theory of she left with or was picked up by someone she knew. If she couldn't see that well, then I would assume she wore contact when she was jogging, so she could see. I know her aunt posted about not having her glasses and her contacts were still there. There's no telling how many pairs of contacts she had, it's something we just don't know. If I had to guess she had more than one pair of contacts which is very common. Reading the little details of this case I think are simple. But we have been given nothing so we have to try and try to make it more than what it really is. For example, IMO wallet left at house = no need for a wallet. But could we all be wrong about everything? Yep!

Very true. This might explain my thoughts and questions on this: I have a drawer full of contacts. Those are in boxes because I buy a year's supply at at time, but I only open one pair at a time. Those are either in my eyes or in my case with solution. Once a month or so I throw those away and open a new pair. It just caught my eye (no pun intended, for real) that the aunt made the point about her glasses and contacts being there. I honestly feel like it wouldn't have been brought up if it wasn't a detail that was important. We are pulling the threads that jump out at us because we all want her found. I hope we see that happen.
From too many let-downs over the prepared for an update on the reward, a call for new tips, a recap of the number of LE working the case, etc...and little else.

I saw in another case today (sad ending) where L.e had called a “news conference” and indeed the news was she had been found dead, made me think of the term “news” vs “press” conference...although it may just have been reported that way in this other case. Still...”press conference” can mean nothing or everything. But even before the conference in that case, word was getiing out.
OT. Spend time working in NYC and traveling the subways and trains...and you learn never to even make eye contact. If someone comes at you or you see someone in your periphery or hear a voice that may be speaking to you. Keep marching on. Do not look. Do not speak. I live in a different area now but men will walk up to me when pumping my gas and ask if they can do it for me for a buck at wawa. Creepy. Ignore. Ignore.

Truth! No eye contact with strangers. Earbuds in but music off. Nobody has to know I'm not listening to anything, and it makes me look unapproachable.

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From too many let-downs over the prepared for an update on the reward, a call for new tips, a recap of the number of LE working the case, etc...and little else.

I saw in another case today (sad ending) where L.e had called a “news conference” and indeed the news was she had been found dead, made me think of the term “news” vs “press” conference...although it may just have been reported that way in this other case. Still...”press conference” can mean nothing or everything. But even before the conference in that case, word was getiing out.
“News conference” and “press conference” are used interchangeably.
I meant interviews of neighbors and friends and anyone who will talk.

My guess— the small town mentality is at play here. Nobody really knows anything, and out of respect for the family, they don’t want to be “in the spotlight” blabbing to the whole world about such horrible circumstances. Not to mention, reporters can be really obnoxious to deal with. They will wait around outside peoples houses, try to interview people who don’t want their face on tv, and just act really pushy in general. I know they are necessary and do great things to help in situations like this, but when you are in the midst of a tragedy, it’s beyond annoying to have some reporter shoving a camera in your face because they want a “good story.” I mean no disrespect, but it’s a rough spot to land in.
Nancy Grace podcast (today) - I've listened to 27:31 of 49:11 minutes, so we'll call this part 1, however, I can't promise that I'll be able to listen to the 2nd half today. Here is where you can listen: Missing Mollie Tibbetts: Speculation Grows About Iowa College Student's Fate - Crime Stories With Nancy Grace (podcast)

Note: If it's not in quotes, I have paraphrased.

Guests Leigh Egan, Joe Scott Morgan, Vincent Hill, Caryn Stark

Audio of Mollie's father is played: "Totally speculation, I think someone went to the house that Mollie knew or trusted and she left with them willingly and now they're in over their head, and they don't know what to do."

Nancy says that Mollie's dad is sharing this theory for a reason. He is not just grasping this out of thin air.

Caller#1 asks if they have taken cadaver dogs down to the pig farm. Thinks they need to be looking into JT a little further.

NG: Scent dogs were taken to the pig farm according to our sources, but don't know if they were cadaver dogs. Dogs were spotted near the farm. JSM says he thinks they've probably taken cadaver dogs there, but that would be something they don't want to release. They would want this to look like an active investigation where they are looking for someone who is still alive. NG and Vincent Hill discuss tracker dogs vs. cadaver dogs.

NG: Tells caller #1 not to feel bad about asking about the brother - everybody and nobody is a suspect.

NG: Asks Joe Scott Morgan what evidence at the scene would indicate to Mollie's father that someone she knew came in and she went willingly with them. JSM: She left everything behind, there's nothing there to indicate forced entry or a struggle.

Audio of DJ is played: (Nothing we have not heard before.)
Audio of Mollie's Mother is played (Nothing we haven't already heard.)

NG now talking about the pig farmer who took a polygraph and first stated that he didn't need to take one. CS thinks he's basking in the attention.

Caller #2 is baffled by the small town culture of people leaving their doors unlocked and wonders what they're trying to prove. "The fortitude and magnificent ability of the father to state unequivocally his feeling that she's alive and the way he is able to talk with very little information, I think his ability is as good as anyone I have ever heard who has a lost one, a loved one, in trouble."

NG: Agrees about Mollie's father and says she doesn't like his first comment; almost feels like victim blaming, gives examples, blah, blah.

Caller #2 says he's not victim blaming, that he believes it is something that could be at the root of why she disappeared. He believes that she returned to their "apartment" and she was abducted from there.

NG says there is evidence that his theory is correct - the dogs locked up in the basement, no signs of a struggle. LE: The only time the dogs were in the basement is if Mollie wasn't there. If she was there, the dogs were out. If she was sleeping, the dogs were with her. Her boyfriend said the dogs pretty much did what they wanted throughout the house unless somebody left.

NG: Back to the pig farmer and the polygraph. He says he does not know the results. First he refused the test, he was questioned 3 times, and fell under scrutiny after a red shirt similar to one of Mollie's was found near his home. LE says she had 3 shirts, 2 have been accounted for and one shirt was never found. NG talks about field trip.

Audio of Mollie's father re: the prior Sunday's phone call - wedding, going back to school, books she's reading - "the usual stuff." He talks about the FitBit - they're not sharing that information. Dogs are in perfect condition. Authorities aren't sharing information and he understands why. None of the timeline has been confirmed by authorities - at least not to their (family's) knowledge.

JSM: 3 weeks downrange now, so as time goes by "we're losing evidence, memories are fading, and also, whoever is responsible, if there is a specific person responsible for this, they're getting more and more distance away from the police and that's a scary proposition, Nancy."

Caller #3 has heard some conflicting reports as to whether there were actually pigs on the pig farm that they've gone back and forth to. Biggest fear is that her remains were fed to the pigs.

NG: Has heard of many cases where victims were fed to pigs, but have nothing to suggest that happened here. LE: According to the community, no pigs on the farm, but authorities have not confirmed or denied that. People there are saying that there haven't been pigs on that farm for "awhile."

Caller #3 says it just seems so strange that they've been over there to talk to him so many times. Authorities wouldn't waste so much time going over there if there wasn't a reason.

NG agrees, could be something simple like he's holding something back and they know he's holding something back, so they keep circling back. They may need more questions answered that he's refusing to answer, they may come up with other questions, it could be anything but it's not a good sign when the feds circle back and back to you. NG and CS discuss hunches, things you notice subconsciously, acute senstivity. CS says the fact that they keep going back to this guy, she thinks he's enjoying the media attention, but above and beyond that, they are picking up something from him or they would not waste their time.

I know the dogs have been discussed endlessly but: every dog I have owned loves to bark at the least excuse. (my current dog barks at TV commercials especially Wayfair). So:

1. Even in a basement a dog would raise a bark if anything happens. Any stranger especially would be intruding on their turf
2. Although houses here are much further apart I can hear when a dog is disturbed. In a city a barking dog or two should be remembered.

Those are not completely rigid points, but should be considered.
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