Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #3

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This is a great interview with the sheriff. It appears to have taken place today.

Sheriff: boyfriend and brothers of Mollie Tibbetts aren't suspects
From above article:
ABC: What about the discussion and the comments and the timeline about where she was and what she was doing that afternoon? Have you been able to construct a timeline of where she was?

Kriegel: Yeah we think we have a reasonable timeline that she was out jogging from 7:30 to quarter to 8.

ABC: What do you know about what she was doing later that evening?

Kriegel: We don’t know anything later than that?

ABC: Do you believe she might have been at home as late as Friday morning?

Kriegel: We honestly don’t know. That was the last time she was sited.

Side note:
I might see if I can work on some kind of timeline given the info from the parents and sheriff today. I'm one of those people that likes to have things in a visual order.
I think it is interesting that the dogs were in the basement as thats where they put them when no one was home. It makes me think she either left the house to try to go to work or on a run and was intercepted in the process. If someone took her from the home or she was coerced outside quickly against her will, the dogs would still likely be up and about. Something is very off about that.
I associate that sort of silence with LE who feel that they know enough that they don't need help from the public. I hope they're right.

Speaking of blurry CCTV frames--did Mollie's standard jogging routes go out into the country, where there wouldn't have been any cameras, or did they go through town? What about the path she'd have taken if she ran over to her mother's? Would that have been a cross-country path, or one that went past businesses that might have had cameras?
Sheriff: boyfriend and brothers of Mollie Tibbetts aren't suspects
From link:
ABC: Surveillance cameras around town or any video that might show her?

Kriegel: We have, we went to all of the businesses that we know have video, we did canvasses of the area where she normally runs and we have asked every resident that we have been able to make contact with if they have video on the front of their houses and there has been a couple of places and wherever, whenever we find out there is video, we’ve gotten copies of that and are looking at it right now
The only part I don't understand is the contacts.
It makes sense that someone saw her jogging at 8:30-9:30 if she were on her way to her mom's for dinner. That explains the dogs in the basement and also how she was going to get her car for the next day for work.

ETA: I thought it was unlikely that anything would happen at 6 am. Unless it was like her to walk to her house to get the car at that time of the morning. And I suppose she could have gone without contacts if she needed a new pair, and had them at her mom's. That seems unlikely to me though.
Welcome to all the new members! Be sure to read the following post:

IA - IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #3

Tweets must come from mainstream media sites or law enforcement. Tweets by the regular public are considered rumor. Rumor is not allowed here. thanks

Clarification please: I’m somewhat local (another nearby small Iowa community) and Brooklyn is close enough for me to just drive over and see for myself what is going on. It is acceptable to post my own firsthand observations, is it not?
I always tell my girlfriend if she is ever in a scenerio where she is going to be abducted to give that person hell. I told her kick, scream yell or use her keys as a weapon. Keys can be deadly in the neck, eyes or face. If it happens in a car, drive into something, take your chances there instead of some secluded place. Anything and everything is a weapon in those circumstances.
I always tell my girlfriend if she is ever in a scenerio where she is going to be abducted to give that person hell. I told her kick, scream yell or use her keys as a weapon. Keys can be deadly in the neck, eyes or face. If it happens in a car, drive into something, take your chances there instead of some secluded place. Anything and everything is a weapon in those circumstances.
I have told my 14 year old daughter the same thing.
Taken from the early announcement from the Poweshiek County Emergency Management Agency. "Last seen on 7/19/18 possibly wearing denim shorts and a red t shirt. Last seen in Brooklyn."

I don't know their source of their information as to what she would have been wearing, but that would suggest they do not believe she was last seen wearing the running clothes. The description was likely based on the clothing they did not find or could not account for, though that is just a supposition.

Everything changed after the report that the FBI obtained and analyzed her Fitbit info. That was reported yesterday. Since then the official report is that she was last known to be jogging between 7:30-7:45 pm. And no confirmation of any communication from her after that.

I think they got almost everything they need from that device.

We also saw a report yesterday that they were searching cornfields. There was a question as to whether that was a re-hash of an old report.

But the latest report published yesterday after LE stated they obtained and analyzed the Fitbit info is that they were using highly trained FBI searchers and re-searching certain areas.

Rumors aside and based solely on that info, it appeared yesterday that they had a definite direction and that Mollie went missing while jogging.

I noticed that as well, the number of FBI agents. IMO, that seems like an awful lot of FBI. Wonder why...

See above. Everything changed after the Fitbit data was obtained.

On another subject on the last thread we were discussing safety while jogging. I think it was Gunslinger Granny who mentioned carrying a gun.

Ive heard there are some who do. That would be hard to do though. Heavy and hard to run with that kind of object.

But more important, from everything I've seen and read about both two legged and four legged predators (except maybe domesticated dogs), they attack from behind or the side.

There is no time to pull, *advertiser censored*, aim and fire a gun. Heck. There's no time to even pull out and aim mace or pepper spray. Or grab a knife from your pocket or bag.

With two-legged predators there can sometimes be warnings but not ones most people would notice.

I think the most dangerous thing while jogging is ear buds.

Or while walking, looking at a cell phone instead of paying attention to the environment.

I've seen video of a girl walking in broad daylight. She's on a cell phone. A man approaches from behind, grabs her in a bear hug and drags her behind a car. She was raped. It was caught on liquor store surveillance. (Not the rape thankfully).

Another great example of how they do it is the monster who killed Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

He attacked a third female (older jogger), in the canyon. He came out of nowhere (bushes/brush) as she jogged past and tackled her to the ground from the side. She fought hard. I think punched him on the nose. She got away.

This is where a weapon like a neck knife could come in handy if you could grab it before you're strangled with it.

I typically think about being grabbed by the head from the side or behind by a mountain lion. I might be able to grab my neck knife and hack at its head if that happens.

But other weapons aren't that helpful unless you have warning.

People sometimes see the warnings but don't realize it.

In the Chelsea/Amber case, the woman who got away saw the predator much earlier, on the side of the trail, with a beer can in his hand and more in a pile round him. Huge red flag. He said hi to her. She jogged past.

On her way back after doing a loop, she was attacked as he hid in the brush.

In a recent case in BC Canada, a jogger saw two lions in the brush ahead of him. They slunk off so he thought they weren't hunting and it was clear. But he was smart enough to grab and have his bear spray ready, in his hand, just in case. (I sometimes do that, with my finger on the trigger, if it's dusk and I have heard or seen coyotes).

As he passed by near where they had been, he saw movement and turned and sprayed in one motion. He saved himself. It was coming at him from the the side and behind as is typical.

A gun would not have helped. Two unwieldy and heavy to hold with your finger on the trigger while jogging.

They make bear spray holders that velocro to your hand so you don't have to hold it and your finger is right by the trigger.

The way humans attack is about the same.
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Clarification please: I’m somewhat local (another nearby small Iowa community) and Brooklyn is close enough for me to just drive over and see for myself what is going on. It is acceptable to post my own firsthand observations, is it not?

Yes to your own personal observations as a local. No to posting any local rumor you may over hear while there. No to posting "My friend told me...." or "I heard at the local grocery store that ..."
On the topic of her not showing for dinner, even as "a creature of habit" she's still 20 years old. If it's worth anything, being 24 and my little sister being 20, we tend to fall asleep at random hours of the day while we're home on our phones, watching Youtube/Netflix, cuddling with one of our cats, etc.
I have a very routine life as well, I go to work and come home at about the same time each night and I don't go partying or meet strangers online or anything like that. I don't live with my parents anymore but I do eat dinner with them frequently and we tend to eat dinner late, around 8:30 or 9 is not out of the norm. I feel like on paper, her mom not going into high alert when she didn't show sounds bad and people can't understand why she wasn't more worried. The texts we know of as I understand them were: (beginning in the afternoon) a list ingredients for baking a dessert sometime in the near future to be taken to work for Mollie's coworker on Friday 7/20, then her mother let her know she got the stuff and asked are you coming for dinner? Mollie texting at 7:30ish asking what was for dinner, her mom replying brats and then Mollie saying "ok" to those supper plans. If I had the same exhange with my mom, and she knew I was an evening jogger and she knew I had dog-sitting duties to take care of, she probably would not expect me to show until 8:30 or even 9:30 and if I did not show at all, she would assume I had fallen asleep (especially with an early morning the next day). She probably would have sent a text or called to see if I was still coming but would not have panicked, blown up my phone, or driven over to my house even though I'm like 10 min away. Normally if that happened I would wake up some time in the night, feel like a jerk and text my mom a "sorry, fell asleep" message and she would see it in the morning. She might also try my bf that night to see what was up since we live together, but as we know Dalton was out of town so she probably wasn't going to call him.
(Obviously I don't know if Mollie or her mom knew of anyone stopping by the house that night that could have changed her plans or if she often went to dinner with friends last minute but my guess is on a weeknight, probably not.)
As she heard nothing more from her that night and the shared car was still at the house the next morning, I could see my mom telling my brother well I haven't heard from her so text her to see if she is up for work and needing the car, and then my mom leaving for work and going about her day. In the moment, she would be more annoyed but I know, if she were in Mollie's mother's position now, without a doubt she would be darn near killing herself over not freaking out sooner.
So if it is worth anything, that's how I get past that piece of this story.

Another intelligent post. Everything you stated is reasonable and I can see t playing out that way with Mollie and her family.

I see nothing wrong with how her mom responded. My own is paranoid about things so she would be blowing up my phone. But many parents are more relaxed. And with good reason. This kind of thing is so rare. Especially in a nice town like she was in.

It's sad to think how many parents in that area will now feel anxious about these things when before, they would've just gone along, relaxed.

Regardless, findings out earlier that she was missing would be unlikely to save her if she's been killed. They just would've started investigating sooner.

It's a horrible case. Her poor family.
Everything changed after the report that the FBI obtained and analyzed her Fitbit info. That was reported yesterday. Since then the official report is that she was last known to be jogging between 7:30-7:45 pm. And no confirmation of any communication from her after that.

I think they got almost everything they need from that device.

We also saw a report yesterday that they were searching cornfields. There was a question as to whether that was a re-hash of an old report.

But the latest report after LE stated they obtained and analyzed the Fitbit info is that they were using highly trained FBI searchers and re-searching certain areas.

Rumors aside and based solely on that info, it appeared yesterday that they had a definite direction and that Mollie went missing while jogging.

See above. Everything changed after the Fitbit data was obtained.

On another subject on the last thread we were discussing safety while jogging. I think it was Gunslinger Granny who mentioned carrying a gun.

Ive heard there are some who do. That would be hard to do though. Heavy and hard to run with that kid of object.

But more important, from everything I've seen and read about both two legged and four legged predators (except maybe domesticated dogs), they attack ron behind or the side.

There is no time to pull, *advertiser censored*, aim as fire a gun. Heck. There's no time to even pull and aim mace or pepper spray. Or grab a knife.

With two-legged predators there can sometimes be warnings but not ones most people would notice.

I think the most dangerous thing while jogging is ear buds.

Or while walking, looking at a cell phone instead of paying attention to the environment.

I've seen video of a girl walking in broad daylight. She's on a cell phone. A man approaches from behind, grabs her in a bear hug and drags her behind a car. She was raped. It was caught on liquor store surveillance. (Not the rape thankfully).

Another great example of how they do it is the monster who killed Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

He attacked a third female (older jogger), in the canyon. He came out f nowhere (bushes/brush) as she jogged past and tackled her to the ground from the side. She fought hard. I think punched him on the nose. She got away.

This is where a weapon like a neck knife could come in handy if you could grab it before you're strangled with it.

I typically think about being grabbed by the head from the side or behind by a mountain lion. I might be able to grab my neck knife and hack at its head if that happens.

But other weapons aren't that helpful unless you have warning.

People sometimes see the warnings but don't realize it.

In the Chelsea/Amber case, the woman who got away saw the predator on the side of the trail, with a beer can in his hand and more in a pile round him. Huge red flag. He said hi to her. She jogged past.

On her way back she was attacked as he hid in the brush.

In a recent case in BC Canada, a jogger saw two lions in the brush ahead of him. They slunk off so he thought they weren't hunting and it was clear. He was smart enough to grab and have his head spray ready, in his hand. (I sometimes do that, with my finger on the trigger, if it's dusk and I have heard or seen coyotes).

As he passed by near where they had been, he saw movement and turned and sprayed in one motion. He saved himself. It was coming at him from the the side and behind as is typical.

A gun would not have helped. Two unwieldy and heavy to hold with your finger on the trigger while jogging.

The way humans attack is about the same.

They actually have really small ones you can wear on a thigh or arm holster.
Everything changed after the report that the FBI obtained and analyzed her Fitbit info. That was reported yesterday. Since then the official report is that she was last known to be jogging between 7:30-7:45 pm. And no confirmation of any communication from her after that.

I think they got almost everything they need from that device.

We also saw a report yesterday that they were searching cornfields. There was a question as to whether that was a re-hash of an old report.

But the latest report after LE stated they obtained and analyzed the Fitbit info is that they were using highly trained FBI searchers and re-searching certain areas.

Rumors aside and based solely on that info, it appeared yesterday that they had a definite direction and that Mollie went missing while jogging.

See above. Everything changed after the Fitbit data was obtained.

On another subject on the last thread we were discussing safety while jogging. I think it was Gunslinger Granny who mentioned carrying a gun.

Ive heard there are some who do. That would be hard to do though. Heavy and hard to run with that kid of object.

But more important, from everything I've seen and read about both two legged and four legged predators (except maybe domesticated dogs), they attack ron behind or the side.

There is no time to pull, *advertiser censored*, aim as fire a gun. Heck. There's no time to even pull and aim mace or pepper spray. Or grab a knife.

With two-legged predators there can sometimes be warnings but not ones most people would notice.

I think the most dangerous thing while jogging is ear buds.

Or while walking, looking at a cell phone instead of paying attention to the environment.

I've seen video of a girl walking in broad daylight. She's on a cell phone. A man approaches from behind, grabs her in a bear hug and drags her behind a car. She was raped. It was caught on liquor store surveillance. (Not the rape thankfully).

Another great example of how they do it is the monster who killed Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

He attacked a third female (older jogger), in the canyon. He came out f nowhere (bushes/brush) as she jogged past and tackled her to the ground from the side. She fought hard. I think punched him on the nose. She got away.

This is where a weapon like a neck knife could come in handy if you could grab it before you're strangled with it.

I typically think about being grabbed by the head from the side or behind by a mountain lion. I might be able to grab my neck knife and hack at its head if that happens.

But other weapons aren't that helpful unless you have warning.

People sometimes see the warnings but don't realize it.

In the Chelsea/Amber case, the woman who got away saw the predator on the side of the trail, with a beer can in his hand and more in a pile round him. Huge red flag. He said hi to her. She jogged past.

On her way back she was attacked as he hid in the brush.

In a recent case in BC Canada, a jogger saw two lions in the brush ahead of him. They slunk off so he thought they weren't hunting and it was clear. He was smart enough to grab and have his head spray ready, in his hand. (I sometimes do that, with my finger on the trigger, if it's dusk and I have heard or seen coyotes).

As he passed by near where they had been, he saw movement and turned and sprayed in one motion. He saved himself. It was coming at him from the the side and behind as is typical.

A gun would not have helped. Two unwieldy and heavy to hold with your finger on the trigger while jogging.

The way humans attack is about the same.
The natural reaction to beING choked is to grab the hands. If your in the woods a stick to the neck would work to get them from choking you
15 minutes seems like a very short run to me, but I haven't been a runner in 20 years. I used to do ~5 miles in 40-45 minutes in my running days (I think that's slow). Family and/or boyfriend should be able to say whether that is a normal run for her. So, if that's normal, she may have made it back to the house, but if that's shorter than her usual run, then she was abducted during the run.
Ive heard there are some who do. That would be hard to do though. Heavy and hard to run with that kid of object

Just saying... and for those interested. There are some pretty small guns and there are some pretty cool companies making active wear for females that will carry a small hand gun during a run. Not all guns are cumbersome and hard to manage for us ladies. Especially if you've had a little training in self defense.
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