Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 *Arrest* #34

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CR's girlfriend shared a class with Mollie at school, and were also friends on facebook. Interestingly, the girlfriend was also friends with Mollie's brothers on Facebook too. Not a stretch at all to think they at the very least knew of each other, as acquaintances.

Sure its possible.
They may have passed each other on the street
The girlfriend may know her but that really doesn't mean he did.
He may have known of her, who she was

In the arrest warrant, it states the video footage was collected "shortly after Tibbets was reported missing". But Rivera wasn't questioned until 8/20/18?
Does this mean LE had the video all along, but went back to it later? Or had not viewed the video until recently? I'm confused, has Rahn addressed this in the media?
This brings up something I have been thinking about. I wonder how good his English is. He is from a very small village in Mexico, it makes Brooklyn look like a metropolis (a little more than 400 people). Spanish differs from region to region. Common words can mean two different things depending on where you come from. I would hate for something like that to impact the trial in a negative way. There needs to be swift justice for Mollie and complete closure for her family. JMO
Rahn said that Rivera was cooperating with investigators and speaking with the help of a translator.
Yarrabee Farms: Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts murder was employee in good standing
Here's what I think happened (skip if you do not want to think about it):
CR was prowling around Brooklyn. He saw Mollie, who he had seen jogging before, and drove around the block a couple of times until he got up the nerve to pull up next to her. He rolled down his window and said something crude (blowing kisses, hi hottie, whatever). She either ignored him, said please leave me alone, or started running away. That triggered him and he got angry - he felt disrespected.
I posted about it earlier but many serial killers report feeling an uncontrollable urge to rape, hurt, or kill and it consumes them. I think that's what he really meant by a "blackout."

I think LE will find a history of domestic violence, and likely there are other women who he either tried to assault, or made uncomfortable.
I 100% agree with your theory.

As a young woman in my 20s, I have experienced being “cat-called” by men or a man in their cars and usually, they're in trucks. The feeling isn’t one of flattery but of paralyzing fear. I pretend to be on the phone LOUDLY with “Dad”.

Some women do not react in fear to being "cat-called" but one of anger.
  • A student feminist activist from my college had responded to a “cat call” by raising the middle finger and shouting “*advertiser censored** you!” and then posted about it online and shared the story in a psychology class I took with her.
  • Mollie Tibbetts was also a Psychology major like us, and a proud supporter of #metoo and other injustices on social media. She could have been my best friend.
  • It's evident that Mollie had a deep LOVE for people and hurting people.
  • Admittedly, I underestimated the "random acts of evil" that goes on in the world and have always felt most crimes were not sensationalized media stories of serial killers on the loose.
  • Admittedly, I've over-trusted in the "good" of humanity by being careless in my personal safety as in not always telling people where I'm going, who I'm with, not always giving multiple people the address and contact info of who I'm going out with, not always locking my door. MOM is right, people!
  • I've changed now.
I get angry but follow too much True Crime and am instead overcome with the paralyzing fear and begin to hyperventilate.

I suspect that the POI has antisocial personality disorder, possible Intermittent Explosive Disorder AKA "pathological explosive anger" along with possible a history of impulsive violence that he will claim no personal responsibility over.

A POI with antisocial personality disorder (possibly even narcissistic tendencies), prone to violence, and one that is impulsive, would NOT take rejection well. He came off as trying to justify his twisted stalking of Mollie in an attempt to act like his 'pathological' impulsiveness was blinding him of reality. I'm very interested in the results of his psych eval.

It is sad that as a society, we as women, have to admit that we are at high risk (compared to men) of being abducted by a sociopathic stranger for sexual motives and that these risks have to dictate how we go about our lives (e.g. time of jogging, not walking home alone at night, watching our drink in public on dates or parties, etc).

Recent personal story: I was walking to a train alone around 8:30 PM in a city from a late meeting to get to the train home. As I was speed-walking as FAST as I could, on almost each block there would be men standing around and they would say something to me, try to get me to look them in the eye, hooting & whistling while shouting things like "Hey baby, what are you doing tonight?". I kept my head down and kept walking as fast as I could while on the phone with a family member. I remember wishing I had pepper spray on me. I felt so unsafe that I cried once I got on the train.

Note: It's not about what you look like. I had no make up on and was a sweaty, frazzled, mess that day and had a grimacing face because of how worried I was being alone. I believe it's about dominance and power.

I feel that there are men that take THRILL in making women who are walking/jogging alone feel scared and vulnerable.

As @Tricia mentioned via the podcast yesterday, I hope that research is done to identify more red flags in preventing more cases like Sierah Joughrin's, Chelsea Bruck's, and Mollie Tibbetts' among countless others over the years.

Questions I have for LE, other Sleuthers, and beyond:
  • What are the warning signs of a future "monster"?
  • How can a potential serial raper/murderer be identified before committing a crime?
  • Should the results of MT's case encourage communities to do something different?
  • Should people adjust their safety precautions or create a safety routine? e.g. buy pepper spray, get Fitbit, install GPS on phone, security home cameras, etc?
  • Statistically, what is the best way to act if being attacked by a sex offending murder in order to stay alive? Scream, defend, & fight for your life or go along with it and try to "play dumb" to escape, etc? I'd be interested in more research and public discussions on it.
  • Can MT's case solve other cold cases?
  • How can we, as individuals and a community, change to be safer from predators and future predators that lurk the streets?
  • As a _____ (daughter, mother, sister, wife, widow, friend etc) how exactly can I be safer?
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From what we know thus far, it appears that he overpowered her physically, and not with a gun (as I suggested previously). I think the cause of death is going to be blunt force trauma or strangulation. We’ll see what the autopsy says.

I hear you and this may in fact be the truth, but I don't put too much weight on killers' tales when they confess. Minimize, minimize, minimize, is what they do. I'm surprised he didn't insinuate that "she asked for it!" but I suppose there's always time for his defense attorney to smear her for him.

In any case, the sticking point for me is the purported location that all of this occurred. While I agree that he certainly could've brazenly incapacitated her/overpowered her in any given circumstance, someone in that area would've likely heard or seen such a struggle. Perhaps even road by and/or caught it on camera, because it more than likely wouldn't have been a quick submission. Yes, he was on adrenaline, but someone in imminent fear for their life while under physical attack is on even more adrenaline, and are certainly not going to go easily or silently. However, someone with a gun that says "get in the car or I shoot you right here" is more likely to subdue without major incident.

I have a feeling that we may end up finding out that she was ultimately shot to death but that he "just doesn't remember doing it". Sigh.
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SO RIGHT! Thank you Rebel! I wonder what the ME will find. I also have wondered something -

If he used his car to run her down, that is a different kind of homicide from what he is currently charged isn't it?

Anyone know when he is due in court today? Will it be televised?

In court at 1.00PM Iowa time. 7.00PM UK time.
Two things have bothered me all night long -

CR's girlfriend supposedly attended school with Mollie, right? And the two each ran track right? I would like to know if the route Mollie ran was the same one she ran during school?

If this was the case, I hope the school district there and school districts across our country will take this moment to review if there is surveillance AKA safety cameras in place, especially along roads like the one where Mollie came face to face with EVIL on July 18, 2108.

The other thing that has bothered me is IF Mollie tried to call 911. Did she? Would we know the cell phone reception was bad?

I would think criminals who hunt like CR might just see there is no cell reception.

And that made me think how our Country differs from Europe where there are a number of different countries and they standardized cell communications. We have different carriers who use different platforms... And we have holes.

The ability to carry a phone with us should have made Mollie able to reach out quickly to LE no matter where she was! But for some reason she either didn't bother to call or she couldn't call.

If it is the later we need to FIX IT!

For many of us we paid a special tax for decades which the FEDs were supposed to use to improve landline service to rural areas. What happened to that money? Couldn't be used to ensure no matter where someone is in the USA, no matter what carrier they can each LE quickly?

According to CR's statement, she pulled out her phone and threatened to call but it sounds like she never was able to because that was the moment he panicked...
IMO the big take away for women is this: Don't threaten to call the police.... Just call 911.... A threat only gives the other person warning that he or she can react to.
True, I really wish she had had the chance, too. But the truth is we never know how we are going to react in a situation, and in MOST situations, just threatening to call police and firmly asking to be left alone would be enough. I think Mollie had no reason to fear for her life until she saw the rage and aggression, and at that point it was ( fight or flight) and she ran.
Their statement timing and wording definitely shows they are worried about backlash. National and local.

Of course. But E-Verify does have problems. Here's a recent (June 2018) Congressional Research Service report:

For unauthorized workers, incorrect work authorization findings are due mainly to fraud—both document fraud, in which employees present counterfeit or invalid documents or fraudulently obtained “valid” documents, and identity fraud, in which employees present valid documents issued to other individuals. The 2009 and 2012 Westat reports cited identity fraud as a chief source of inaccurate work authorization findings for unauthorized workers. While E-Verify can detect certain types of document fraud, it has limited ability to detect such fraud when the “counterfeit documents are of reasonable quality and contain information about actual work-authorized persons who resemble the worker providing the documentation.”
In the arrest warrant, it states the video footage was collected "shortly after Tibbets was reported missing". But Rivera wasn't questioned until 8/20/18?
Does this mean LE had the video all along, but went back to it later? Or had not viewed the video until recently? I'm confused, has Rahn addressed this in the media?

Law enforcement said yesterday they had to go through hours and hours of footage to find Mollie and Monster.
...and did he use the car wash?

This little twat doesn’t look like the “Impala” type to me.
Perhaps the farm owns the car and the workers all share it. All of ours are titled under under our business and lots of larger operations also do the same.
I hope this isn’t the case or it will be tough to preserve and sift thru much needed evidence.
Especially so considering he claims to have put her in the trunk of his car. If he chased her for a couple hundred metres there would be ample time for a witness to see her being dragged/carried away to the car. Unless that stretch of road didnt see cars for minutes on end.
The Google car didn’t even map that 1900 block it is so remote. I wish I could see the topography. That area from other views seems to have small hills/dips in the road.
I think most girls would blush, stay silent or tell them to 'go away'. Mollie seemed to be a bit outspoken when it came to feminism (something I noticed after going through her social media), perhaps she made a point on calling him out on his disgusting behaviour and it enraged him.

For me it's the 'police' bit; and his status as an illegal immigrant.
Mollie couldn't call 911 fast enough - she was being chased! One must turn phone on, click or slide, enter pass code, select phone pad and dial - all of which takes precious seconds that allowed him to overcome her.

Is there a way for a person to set up a voice command to call LE from a cell? I know with mine I don't have to go through the passcode. I just swipe the tiny phone in the lower corner and EMERGENCY CALL appears. I have never clicked on it but I assume it will call 911. Anyone know? Used it?

Mollie had an IPHONE right. I don't know how they differ from mine. Anyone?
That's his story. The problem is, it's his story. She could have just said "no" and he got out of the car and attacked her. Or perhaps she wasn't even aware of him.

That story was created to make him look sympathetic.
Exactly. He wasn't thinking about ANY of that, in my opinion, he just felt the rage inside him and acted. Brutally.
Hi! This is my first post but I’ve been reading the threads for weeks. I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether CR could have known Mollie’s boyfriend would be out of town via any social media posts and that this in fact was premeditated days or weeks before she was abducted. It’s my understanding that first degree murder is premeditated. Thank you for any insight you guys can give.
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