Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #51

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Well, LDS folks don't drink coffee. So, there is that.

The creep factor...and also living in the house that their mother mysteriously died. No thanks.

As an aside, while it wasn't mysterious, I'm eating a late breakfast 4 feet from where my father in law died. It may depend on how we view death. Jmo
I am adding this because I can't decide which team was doing the writing for the direction or narrative of that phone call.

I believe it's important though because if it was MG and whoever was with her during that call then she had an agenda to protect herself, if it was CD while LV was talking it shows another side of CD and more guilt in my opinion.

Editing to add...Just read a post in regard to differing sounds of writing with certain types of pens...if it were rage type sounds... Then I am leaning towards CD writing the narrative for what LV was saying to MG. Imo
Snipped for focus.

Oh, what a great point! Who was doing the writing?

I'm betting we can figure this out! CD's writing would sound different from MG's, IMO. And if we had a sample of each, we might be able to tell. E.g. CD might make big loops, and MG small loops or vice versa; one might print, the other not; they would sound different.
All writing does not make noise. However, when writing makes noise, it's easy to distinguish whether there are letters being written or letters are being underlined.

If it's possible to hear the sound of writing, as in this case, it likely reflects the psychology of the writer(s) at the time. They could, for instance, be in a rage.

Having a hearing limitation must be very difficult, @CSIDreamer .... FYI for your (and maybe some other folks') general knowledge. different types of pens can make different sounds. When I was a child, I was required to use "dip pens" (like quills with metal nibs); the ink would splatter and the nib made a scratchy sound as the drop of ink finished and the nib went dry. I kinda think a teacher could hear the splatter and not just ink splotches all over the place. :( With a fountain pen (the newer version of a dip pen: it had a reservoir where you could fill it with ink), you might be able to hear a glide or a squeak. You could tell how fast someone was writing and when they placed a full-stop (period).
We weren't allowed to use ball points for school work, and they weren't common in my world. We used them for spirographs (remember those?). The sound depended on how hard you pressed. Ergo, if you can hear LV and CD applying ink to paper, they have a lot of tension in their hands and are applying a lot of energy. Rage, I would guess. Fear? Could be both.
Sharpies have a certain sound, too.
On this topic, a Mac sounds different from a PC. They tried removing the tapping sounds, but that was a catastrophe. People couldn't handle it. So, yes, writing makes a sound.
If LE saw that pad of paper, they'd likely to be able to read it several sheets down.

Thank you for this extremely educating reply. I didn't know any of this.

And for me, no it isn't difficult at all. I have a progressive nerve loss. It's generally been very gradual. I've read lips all my life. I have hearing aids but prefer not to wear them.
I just did with a ball point pen on scratch paper, and it sounds just like what I'm hearing when writing fast (I used the word scribbling incorrectly, I mean fast writing/hard on when one would want to pass a note to the caller = noise ------ vs. slow writing as normally done, no noise).

I'll defer to others to perhaps listen to and see if I'm just imagining things. That's why I wanted the transcript to be able to document when/what I heard.

I've never seen mentioned, perhaps there are termites in my wall scratching lol... so look forward to see if any one else wants to listen to verify before I go down the rabbit hole.

As I said in post, once I learned what to listen for, I heard more of it.


IIRC, MG stated that the way the call was recorded was done with her on speaker phone with DW using his phone to record.

I usually can tell when someone is one speakerphone because it is never as clear as when they are not. They sound like they are at the bottom of a barrel, and you get all kinds of outside interference that you don't get when not on speakerphone.

If that is the sound of a pen scratching paper, it could be DW, sitting close to his device and taking notes. JMO
As an aside, while it wasn't mysterious, I'm eating a late breakfast 4 feet from where my father in law died. It may depend on how we view death. Jmo

Very true. Death is just the beginning of a new life in the "hereafter". And, this family has to be pragmatic, it is not like that house is going to sell right away on the market. May as well live there.

Maybe the home reminds them of their Mother.
I am not familiar with the Mormon faith, and I do not want to sound cavalier about death either but my Christian faith would not be bothered by this being removed because it represents a false idol. Our belief is that once a person dies and their soul leaves the body then that is no longer that person. That the earthly body is just a vessel.

I do not think it should be assumed it was removed to be hurtful, or that Colby would be hurt over it.

ETA: For those that do want and value a memorial, that is their business. I am not condemning that, It is just not my belief or what I would want for a family member of mine.
It’s fine and well that we all believe differently. My faith tells me both children are alive and well and happy in Heaven. But woe unto those monsters who killed them! They had no right to shorten their lives because of their made-up false doctrine!

And a memorial of flowers and pictures from the hearts of neighbors is not a false idol. Those children are NOT being worshipped. They are being remembered.
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All below MOO.

I thought that phone call was extremely interesting from a psychological standpoint. Almost like a professional interviewer would do.

I was cringing when it appeared that Lori knew something was up, (first starting at 6:10..escalates....) and questioned MG as to if she was taping or working with the police later in the call. And am I hearing things as it sounds like someone scribbling in background a few times at 10:15, and hard scribbling at 10:26... and 11:04 and 11:53 and other times, and like a piece of paper being torn at 12:05??? etc @ 14:45, 15:45 up through 18:05... always more scribbling it sounds like 18:40... Was Chad writing for Lori, or DW writing for MG?

There seemed to be a looooooooooong pause and I thought that from then on, Lori would be 100% guarded in her answers.

MG brought up scripture, and all the thoughts of LE went out of Lori's mind and she went to her stress personality, which is her standard Lori "a good defense is a religious offense stance" ... and off the conversation went, and call went for much longer. Us southerners use the term, "she was so upset she couldn't think straight"... and she lost focus of LE etc. She and Chad both.

Well played.

I've listened to that call many times, and may want to listen again as each time I glean something.

There are some better quality recordings and transcripts out there now on the internet, but this is one I know is allowed here as link.

ETA: Can someone bump an approved link for the transcript of the call. So much to listen to for insight, but I want the transcipt to put in what I think I hear as to scribbling on paper (write notes to person on call) vs. transcript. Now that I'm typing this, I'm hearing it in so many more places the scribbling and what sounds like frantic underlining in the background throughout this call.
Not having re-listened to the recording yet since court, I vaguely remember hearing some background noise that could be described as scribbling, which makes sense to me. Melanie told the court she had her phone on speaker so she could record the conversation on DW's phone. On the call Lori said she was putting her phone on speaker so Chad could listen in and talk also. So the background noise could be easily picked up and coming from either party or both.

To me it's clear MG had planned the phone call ahead of time, and part of her preparations may have included having a list of questions written or typed up to ask Chad/Lori about. If so I can also easily see her using a pen/pencil to make notations on the list of questions, or cross them out as she asked them. It would help her keep focused, know which questions had been asked or answered already, and take notes of things that are said or information given.

I've often done the same thing in a phone interview or calling someone for information. Having a list of items to talk about or questions to ask helps keep me focused on the conversation and I can write down further information as needed, make notations, and cross items off as they're asked or answered. So to me it would make sense that MG might do the same.

Since Lori and Chad are answering the phone call and aren't necessarily prepared or expecting to be fielding questions from Melanie then I don't think the writing would be as likely to be coming from them. However, I could potentially see Chad and Lori writing notes back and forth to each other to communicate without Melanie hearing/recording their conversation.
Love has a way of blinding people from seeing the dark side of their family members. I would guess that CD's children have visited him in jail, and if he's told them he's a victim of LV and Alex, they may still believe he's completely innocent.

For all we know, CD might have told his kids that Alex or LV asked if they could bury an expired pet in his pet cemetery and that he agreed--never knowing what Alex was really burying.

Watching CD's preliminary, I got the distinct sense that Prior is going to dump all of this on Alex and LV. ALL of it--even the murder of TD.

JMOO, but I think LV and her attorney decided to waive her prelim after seeing Prior setting her up to take the fall.

What you are saying is all fine. BUT...once they heard CD speaking of their moms death on that phone call and knowing he LIED to them, then they know he is a liar. Period. Did you listen to the call? He said he and Garth were with her when she died. He said his kids arrived within 20 minutes.

But, on a post right after her death, he said he awoke at 6 am Alone and she was already dead. The coroner came and said she had been dead since 2 am. He said on the call Tammy was sick with heart issues. Her children and parents said she was healthy and preparing for a marathon.

Which is it Chad?
All below MOO.

I thought that phone call was extremely interesting from a psychological standpoint. Almost like a professional interviewer would do.

I was cringing when it appeared that Lori knew something was up, (first starting at 6:10..escalates....) and questioned MG as to if she was taping or working with the police later in the call. And am I hearing things as it sounds like someone scribbling in background a few times at 10:15, and hard scribbling at 10:26... and 11:04 and 11:53 and other times, and like a piece of paper being torn at 12:05??? etc @ 14:45, 15:45 up through 18:05... always more scribbling it sounds like 18:40... Was Chad writing for Lori, or DW writing for MG?

There seemed to be a looooooooooong pause and I thought that from then on, Lori would be 100% guarded in her answers.

MG brought up scripture, and all the thoughts of LE went out of Lori's mind and she went to her stress personality, which is her standard Lori "a good defense is a religious offense stance" ... and off the conversation went, and call went for much longer. Us southerners use the term, "she was so upset she couldn't think straight"... and she lost focus of LE etc. She and Chad both.

Well played.

I've listened to that call many times, and may want to listen again as each time I glean something.

There are some better quality recordings and transcripts out there now on the internet, but this is one I know is allowed here as link.

ETA: Can someone bump an approved link for the transcript of the call. So much to listen to for insight, but I want the transcipt to put in what I think I hear as to scribbling on paper (write notes to person on call) vs. transcript. Now that I'm typing this, I'm hearing it in so many more places the scribbling and what sounds like frantic underlining in the background throughout this call.

I personally did not think that this call revealed much of anything, except that Lori admits she lied in telling police that JJ was with MG, and lied to MG about sending JJ to live with Kay.

I have thought to myself that if it were me who made that phone call that I would have been looking for more than just exonerating myself for lying to police. I think I would have offered to go check on JJ for Lori and offered to take him myself for a while. I would be wondering who was closer to Lori than myself.

While I sympathize with MG for being drawn into this by someone who she thought was a friend and who she though "loved" her, my personal opinion is that MG shows very little concern at this time for JJ, and more for herself for being in trouble for lying to police about having sent JJ back home with Lori.

Half the phone call is then filled with quoting Mormon scripture, which is just filler to the actual content.

So Alex was there for hours burying his pet when Chad was burning tree limbs next to him? The second time Alex was there for only 20 minutes, which is not enough to dig a grave. There's not way that Chad's children still believe that their father had nothing to do with burying Tylee and JJ. On the other hand, if murder charges aren't coming his way Chad could be a free man again in less than 10 years.

If he can extricate himself from the murders of CV, TD, and AC. All he knows at present is that his life has "two parts".
But I do think JJ may have been an accident, or at least not totally on purpose. it’s been reported that she drugged him often, I think she had had enough of dealing with him, climbing the cabinets etc, she’s stressed about what she did to Tylee and getting caught, and drugged him up without caring about the dose and He died, Alex then dealt with the aftermath, and they talked chad into burying him to ‘save’ Lori, after all it was an ‘accident’. I think that’s why they asked MG to lie, it was all unplanned and they were panicking. If it was planned they would have had a better story about where JJ was.
BBM. JJ told his neighbor in Rexburg that he was going to visit his grandma soon. Lori informed MG (while JJ was still alive) that she was going to give JJ to Kay or even to JJ's biological father because JJ was in the way of her and Chad's mission (MG's words). That was in addition to Lori calling JJ's behavior zombie-like three days before his death. Lori wasn't answering Kay's emails in which Kay asked for contact with JJ (which MG didn't necessarily know in September). There was no way Lori planned to hand over JJ to Kay or even to visit her. JJ's own words alone indicate premeditation on Lori's part. She created an excuse in advance for JJ's absence.
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Unless Alex packed a gun in his truck.... MOO.
And we know AxC had a gun as he kept it in a drawer in the bedroom when he Murdered CV.
So he may have carried one on himself or in his vehicle.
ALSO, CD may have had one at the house and carried one.
So, if there was a gunshot that day, per CD text to TD, then that is more than likely what happened, they used it on Tylee.
If there was NOT a gunshot that day but just a lie CD told TD to explain the dug up yard, then Tylee probably was NOT shot.
And Tammy's exhumation. Since some of us think that Melanie was coached for the recorded phone call, do we think her involvement with LE had anything to do with the exhumation?

IMO, if she was coached, since she stated that she did this on her own and not at the request of police, she was most likely coached by DW.

Why was she not coached to ask when was the last time Lori spoke with JJ? Or how was Tylee doing at BYU-I?
So they could continue to get death benefits for Tylees fathers death and the same for JJ he was getting money from Charles murder. So with no kids to use the money on she had it all to herself and since she was not employed I'm guessing she had food stamps for both of them also.
Plus she may have been getting SSI for JJ due to his autism, add that to the death benefit from CV and the death benefit from JR=she is getting a lot of federal govt money.
I personally did not think that this call revealed much of anything, except that Lori admits she lied in telling police that JJ was with MG, and lied to MG about sending JJ to live with Kay.
Another important element was Lori's claim that Alex didn't know the children's whereabouts, but Lori did. This could be used when Lori and Chad try to blame the children's deaths on Alex.
I am not familiar with the Mormon faith, and I do not want to sound cavalier about death either but my Christian faith would not be bothered by this being removed because it represents a false idol. Our belief is that once a person dies and their soul leaves the body then that is no longer that person. That the earthly body is just a vessel.

I do not think it should be assumed it was removed to be hurtful, or that Colby would be hurt over it.

ETA: For those that do want and value a memorial, that is their business. I am not condemning that, It is just not my belief or what I would want for a family member of mine.

I basically agree with you. I think most people, myself included, just think "be kind". We've had a couple of instances here where people got all up in arms over roadside memorials being cleaned up by the highway department. Well, I understand someone lost their life there but it was becoming a distraction and a danger. Jmo
All below MOO.

I thought that phone call was extremely interesting from a psychological standpoint. Almost like a professional interviewer would do.

I was cringing when it appeared that Lori knew something was up, (first starting at 6:10..escalates....) and questioned MG as to if she was taping or working with the police later in the call. And am I hearing things as it sounds like someone scribbling in background a few times at 10:15, and hard scribbling at 10:26... and 11:04 and 11:53 and other times, and like a piece of paper being torn at 12:05??? etc @ 14:45, 15:45 up through 18:05... always more scribbling it sounds like 18:40... Was Chad writing for Lori, or DW writing for MG?

There seemed to be a looooooooooong pause and I thought that from then on, Lori would be 100% guarded in her answers.

MG brought up scripture, and all the thoughts of LE went out of Lori's mind and she went to her stress personality, which is her standard Lori "a good defense is a religious offense stance" ... and off the conversation went, and call went for much longer. Us southerners use the term, "she was so upset she couldn't think straight"... and she lost focus of LE etc. She and Chad both.

Well played.

I've listened to that call many times, and may want to listen again as each time I glean something.

There are some better quality recordings and transcripts out there now on the internet, but this is one I know is allowed here as link.

ETA: Can someone bump an approved link for the transcript of the call. So much to listen to for insight, but I want the transcipt to put in what I think I hear as to scribbling on paper (write notes to person on call) vs. transcript. Now that I'm typing this, I'm hearing it in so many more places the scribbling and what sounds like frantic underlining in the background throughout this call.

Good post!

I heard the fast writing on paper in the background too (and now I'm going to go back and listen for the timing of that underlining!). I assume the writer was Chad, who is a little faster on the uptick than Lori is, so with MG's change in approach toward the two of them he more quickly became suspicious that MG might be questioning and/or recording for police.

When Chad subsequently piped in with his story about Tammy's failing health...and about conspiracy theories from his sister-in-law (Tammy's sister?), well he should have just kept his mouth closed because advancing false narratives about the victims of her crimes is the balayage blonde cheerleader's schtick, not his. Hanging back for most of the call and than speaking up to interject that preemptive defense tale just revealed his own consciousness of guilt about his part in Tammy's demise. Had it been heard in a full courtroom, guffaws would have been heard all around. "Hand caught in the cookie jar and mom's not buying you meant to reach into the chore jar."

That call by MG was a stroke of genius. MG took a bat to that "I can do and say anything without consequence and you can't question it because I'm a god" pedestal Chad had hoisted Lori on, it shattered to pieces beneath her, and Lori dumped out words like ballast in her attempt to stay aloft as she tumbled down to earth. Bravo.
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